Lean on Me (The Mackay Sisters) (22 page)

BOOK: Lean on Me (The Mackay Sisters)
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She grinned.  “No.  For now.”

The heat in his eyes shimmered. 
“In that case, I’m your man.”

“Glad you know it.”  The words
were out before she even thought about them, and she quickly looked up at him
with a mixture of horror and defiance.  But damned if she was going to take the
words back, not now.

“My my.”  He laughed low and
husky.  “Becoming quite bold there, Miss Mackay.”

Emboldened by his obvious pleasure
at her words, Lori slid her hands further up beneath his t-shirt.  “I think I’m
about to become bolder, Mr Winters.”

“Please do.”  If a man could purr
seductively, then Matt was doing it.

Delighting in the feel of his
smooth, warm skin beneath her hands, Lori took the hem of his t-shirt and lifted
it up, Matt obligingly taking it from her to draw it up and over his head
before flinging it aside.

Smoothing her hands over his
chest, she explored the muscle of his pecs and shoulders, running her hands
slowly down his arms, moulding her fingers around his muscular biceps.  His
stomach was flat, ribbed with muscle, a decent six pack that begged to be

Loving the feel, the sensation,
she lightly raked her nails across the ridges, satisfaction burgeoning inside
her when he sucked in his breath.

Looking up at him, she crooked a
finger.  When he bent down, she placed her lips to his ear and breathed, “Take
your clothes off, Matt.”

Without hesitation he did as
bidden, not once taking his hot gaze from her as he unsnapped the jeans and
pushed them down his strong thighs along with his jocks, kicking them aside
along with his sneakers and socks.

Straightening, he stood proudly
before her, all male heat, smooth skin and muscle.  It made her mouth dry and
she licked her lips.

That drew a muffled groan from

“Shhh.”  She laid her hands on his
hips, pressing her thumbs lightly into his flesh.  “Let me look.”

“If I can last much longer,” he

She grinned up at him.  “Really?”

“You have no idea.”  Not only was
his gaze hot, it was decidedly carnal.

Keeping his gaze locked with hers,
Lori traced her thumbs in the creases of his groin, seeing the way his eyes
darkened, the way a faint heat swept his cheeks.  But he didn’t move.

“A little shy?” she whispered.

He gave a bark of laughter.  “No. 
A hell of a lot turned on.”

Sliding her palms around to his
belly, she felt the head of his shaft nudge her hands.  “Ah, I see.”

“Bet your sweet arse.”

“Mmmm.”  Biting her bottom lip,
she noticed his gaze drop to her mouth and deliberately, provocatively, she
licked her lower lip.

“Come here.”  Aroused, Matt
reached for her.  “I’ll teach you about teasing-”

Catching his hands before he could
grab her, Lori surprised him by dropping to her knees.  While he looked down at
her, she released his hands to run her palms along his buttocks, weighing them,
tracing the muscles that flexed beneath her touch.

“Lori,” he began hoarsely.

“Wait.”  She dropped her gaze to
where his shaft stood up against his stomach.  “I want to try something.”

Leaning forward, she licked the entire
length of the thick shaft, her tongue laving along the vein that stood out
against the underside.  The muscles in his buttocks clenched under her hands
and she gripped the firm swells tightly, holding him still as she reached the
top of his shaft and licked right along the slit in the top.

His breath sucked in and when she
glanced up, she saw his face, handsomely tight, the desire in his now
glittering eyes letting her know that she’d aroused him, done something he
found enjoyable, and empowerment swept through her, confidence, and she placed
one hand on his stomach, digging her short nails in just a little, flexing her
fingers, hearing his breath suck in once more.

Giving up all doubts, all self-consciousness,
Lori followed her instincts, exulting in every breath that Matt sucked in,
every flex of his muscles, the tightness of his body as she explored him.

When she slid one hand between his
muscular thighs, he shifted his weight, widening his stance so that she could
slowly trail her fingers along the perineum of his body, the tight curls and
warm skin.  Further and she brushed the soft sac, and cupping it gently in her
hand, she weighed it, rolling the contents carefully along her palm.

“Oh Christ, Lori.  You’re killing
me.”  Matt’s voice was hard, almost gating, but a swift glance upwards showed
his eyes shut, his jaw tight as he clenched his teeth, but the torturous
pleasure was evident on his face.

Satisfied that she wasn’t hurting
him, was giving him intense pleasure instead, Lori kept up the light massage of
his sac while shifting her other hand down from his stomach to touch the tip of
his shaft.

The end was already leaking.

“I can’t last much longer,” Matt
grated.  “The condoms-”

“Not going to need them.” Her voice
was low and seductive even to her own ears.

Shocked, Matt opened his eyes. 
“Lori-”  Then he could only hiss out a breath as she slid her fingers around
his shaft and pulled it down and away from his body enough so that she could
lick the tip.

Salty, uniquely male.  She liked
the taste.  “So good, Matt.  You taste so good.”

For the corners of her eyes she
could see his hands fisted, the tendons standing out as he maintained rigid

Let’s see how long that lasts
 As she thought, she acted, sliding her mouth over the tip of his shaft, the
thickness of it filling her mouth as she slid lower.

His breath shuddered out of him
and he almost bucked, but she quickly whipped one hand behind him to dig her
nails into his buttock, a silent warning to hold still.

One of his hands tangled in her
hair but he just held on, not forcing her.

Remembering everything she’d read
about the sexual act, Lori wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft so she
could keep control of the depth, and then she slowly moved her mouth up and
down the remainder of the thick length.

His hand clenched tight in her
hair and she felt him arch back slightly.  At his hiss of satisfaction, she
moved faster, alternating between licking and sucking, sliding her mouth over
and over him, pulling away to simply lick and once even nibble.

“Christ, Christ!”  Matt’s hips
bucked.  “Lori, I can’t hold on!”

Refusing to rise, to stop, Lori
continued.  The pleasure he got from it, the passion building in him, knowing
she was giving it to him, giving him sole pleasure, in turn gave her immense
satisfaction.  Right at that moment she was the seductive partner, pushing her
lover up the slope, sucking him, encouraging the orgasm she could feel
tightening in him.

The leakage from his shaft became
more constant and she licked it away before sucking at the little slit at the

The hand in her hair fisted and
she felt her head drawn back, Matt’s voice urgent, grating with carnal desire. 


Reluctantly releasing his shaft,
she looked up at him.

Had his eyes ever been so hot, his
cheeks flushed with ardour?  Probably, she’d just been in the throes of passion
herself and had never noticed, not like this.  This time she was in control and
Matt, well, Matt was riding the edge.  His shaft was thicker, harder, straining
upward under her hold, the tip swollen, angry, while the moisture leaked out to
run down the shaft and onto her hand.

“Lori.”  His breathe was ragged. 
“I can’t hold on.  You need to stop, get me a condom, I-” He broke off when she
smiled, slow and wicked.

Keeping her eyes on him, their
gazes enmeshed, she flicked the tip of his shaft with her tongue, loving the
way his eyes darkened, glittered, the heat that filled his cheeks as surely as
the heat that slid down her tongue.

His hand in her hair shook.

“Hold on, lover,” she murmured.

His eyes widened then closed, his
back arching as his threw his head back, her name a growl in the air.  A
helpless growl, one that swam with desire, hot and sweet and dangerous.

Several strong sucks, her hand
moving in time with her head, her other hand coming between his thighs to cup
his sac, pulling it carefully but firmly downward before pressing it up against
his perineum.

He shuddered, hips bucking, hand
in her hair tight as he thrust helplessly.

It didn’t take long, one hard
suck, another, a third and he stiffened, shuddering, his seed shooting forth.

She sucked him dry with ruthless efficiency
until there was nothing left.

No sooner had she released his now
limp shaft than he sagged at the knees and dropped to the floor before her,
reaching out to grab her and drag her the rest of the way with him.

Holding her tight, his face buried
in her hair, his gasping a hot testament to his blissful, drained state.

She kissed the side of his face,
laughing softly when he groaned, “Oh God, Lori.”

Enormously pleased, she ran her
nails along his spine.  “Was it that good?”

“You have no idea.”  Lifting his
head, he looked her in the eyes.  “Are you - are you all right?”  He still looked
a little dazed.

“Poor baby.”  Grinning, she hugged
him.  “I’m fine.  I’ll even forgive you tugging on my hair.”

“You’re lucky that’s all I did.” 
Falling back onto the floor, he pulled her over with him so that she toppled
onto his chest.  Laying one hand on the back of her head, he ordered weakly, “Stay
right there.”

“Or what?”  Licking one fingertip,
she teased a male nipple.

He grabbed her hand.  “Oh girl,
you are asking for it.”

His heart was still thudding
heavily under her ear.  “Think you’re up to a wrestle, do you?  You sound a bit

“Your fault.”  He sucked in a deep
breath.  “I had no idea you were such a wicked, naughty girl.”

Lifting her head, she winked.  “I
don’t know what’s happened to me, Sir.  I was good and sweet until you came

“Oh yeah.”  Eyes still closed, he
grinned.  “Oh thank God.”

Laughing, she settled onto his

“Just give me a few minutes to get
my strength back and we’ll see who is wicked,” Matt said.

“Promises, promises.”

His hand whacked lightly on her bottom. 
“You bet your sweet arse.”


“This is a dumb idea,” Lori
grouched, zipping up the front of the dress.

“You look great.”  Ali elbowed her
out of the way so she could peer into the mirror.


“You’re zipping up your dress, you
don’t need to see it to do it.”

“I could get my nipple caught.”

“You’re wearing a bra.”

“I’m just saying.”

Ali rolled her eyes and applied
more mascara.

By the time the doorbell rang,
Lori was zipped, primped and polished, as Ali put it.  Lori retorted with the
fact that Ali was plain tarted up.

Ali still had her middle finger
extended to Lori as she opened the door.

“Charming,” Ghost said.  “A little
unexpected, but I’ve learned to take what I can get.”

“My, don’t you scrub up nice.” 
Ali eyed his jeans and shirt, the only concession a jacket.

“You want me to wear a tie?”

“Oh, that’s right.  It’s funeral
garb only.  How remiss of me to forget.”

“Come on, children, let the adults
through.”  Matt elbowed Ghost out of the way, crossing to where Lori waited, bending
down to brush a kiss across her lips.  “You look gorgeous, love.”

“I don’t feel like it.”  Lori
fiddled with the bodice.  “I feel like a stuffed chook.”

“Need a hand to readjust those?”
He reached for one breast.

She smacked his hand away.  “No.”

“Sure?”  He looked disappointed. 
“I’m really handy.”

“I know.  You were really handy at
the movies last night.”

Leering, he held up his palms.  “I
haven’t washed these hands since.” 

She eyed him warily.  “You better

“Okay, I did.  But I couldn’t help
but massage my palms a little while doing it.”

Lori’s mouth fell open.  “You mastur-”

“What?”  Matt’s eyes widened. 
“No!”  Giving a burst of laughter, he swept her in a hug.  “I meant with my

“Sounds worse,” Ghost remarked
from behind him.

“I meant I massaged my palms with
my thumbs in memory of those gorgeous pink-” Matt swung around with a scowl. 
“I’m not telling you this.”

“Good.  Because I think my eyes
are hurting.”

“You never saw it.”

“My brain is blistering with the
images and burning my eyeballs.”

Ali shook her head.  “Forget it,
Matt.  Once Ghost starts this crap, he can go on forever.”

“You like my crap.”  Ghost’s hand
slid behind Ali.

She jumped and shrieked while he
grinned wolfishly.

Sliding an arm around Lori, Matt
steered her towards the door.  “Come on, love.  My car awaits.”

“All polished and everything.” Ghost
ushered Ali along with a sneaky pinch.


“Move it, wench.”

“Look, keep this up-”

“It’s going to be by the end of
the evening, take my word for it.”

Ali giggled.

Smiling, Lori went down the steps
beside Matt.

“Unfortunately, we have to share
the car with him,” Matt informed her.  “Idiot had his car serviced but
apparently it wasn’t ready in time.”

“Hey, hey.” Ghost held the back
door of the car open for Ali.  “That
is a classic.  Speak of it with

The rest of the trip to the pub
was done with a lot of laughter. 

Outside the pub, Matt slung one
arm around Lori, tucking her into his side as they walked.  Angling his head
down, he took a deep breath.  “Mmm, you smell yummy.”

“Thank you.”  She too a sniff of
his chin.  “So do you.”

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