Leah's Seduction: 8 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 8 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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A Rinaldi Romance



Emily Jane Trent


Chapter 1

Gianni’s deep kiss reassured Leah. She was lost in the feel of him, and the joy of reuniting after the devastating experience of being apart. He swept her to the bedroom for long, tender lovemaking. The perfect way to make up. He made her feel so beautiful and cared for. Leah understood in a new way that she was important to him.

That meant a lot. They lingered, naked together, on the satin sheets. Leah snuggled next to Gianni. That was where she belonged, and her love for him was strong. He had professed being attracted to her from that very first moment. It had nothing to do with journals or confessions.

The magnetism between them was real. And it wasn’t going away. Hope surged that the relationship would last. Leah considered what they had already survived, and faced the future with optimism. She knew Gianni cared about her, and that changed everything for the better.

It was a bright May afternoon, so they went out for a walk. Madison Square Park’s grassy section was secluded away from the busy midtown area. Artwork peppered the park’s grounds, a blend of temporary exhibits by new artists and classics.

After strolling along the path for a while, Gianni found an empty bench, and they sat to enjoy the tranquility. Although relieved, Leah knew they were both feeling their way in reestablishing trust. More than once Gianni had explained that a relationship such as theirs led to heightened feelings of intimacy. It was expected for emotions and deep vulnerabilities to come to the surface.

Gianni held her hand, and Leah looked up at him. He kissed her cheek, and then her lips. The touch made her tingle. He lifted her hand and pressed it against his jaw. “Can we talk?”

Leah nodded.

Gianni’s eyes filled with emotion. “I want you to know that I value your trust as much as I value your submission. Both are gifts to be earned.”

She squeezed his hand. “If we don’t hide anything from each other, it will be okay.”

“Yes, open communication is best,” Gianni said. “It’s good that you finally know everything.” He looked into her eyes. “How do you feel about me reading your private thoughts?”

She had already considered that. “It’s not so much that you read them. It’s that you did it without my permission. But I understand why you did it. You were right. I would have been upset.”

“I should have taken the risk.”

She saw the sincerity in his expression. “But there is something else I’m wondering.”

Gianni raised his brows. “What would you like to know?”

“When you first read my journal, you hadn’t met me.” Leah took a breath, mustering her courage. “I’d really like to know what you thought about what you read. What you thought of me.”

His eyes warmed. “What I felt, and still feel, was admiration.”

Leah hadn’t expected that.

“I was deeply moved by your sensuality. By the awareness you had of your own longings, and the craving you had for what you wanted. Instead of fitting into a relationship that would not have made you happy, you sought what would truly satisfy you.”

Her cheeks warmed at the intimate discussion. But she had asked, so Leah did not interrupt him.

“Holding the journal, I felt close to the woman who wrote it. Close to you, baby. Even before I knew you.” Gianni gazed at her. “The writing touched me. I felt the emotion that radiated from the pages, and wanted to share the passion you held inside.”

A tear rolled down Leah’s cheek.

“I am honored to have read your private thoughts, baby. I cherish all that you wrote.” Gianni lifted her hand and grazed his lips over her knuckles. “Sometimes fate works in our favor. And it was fortuitous that I was the one who found your journal. It brought us together.”

Leah smiled. “I wouldn’t change that. And I like being able to share with you. Of course, it was a shock to see the journal on your table. But now I’m glad you know the emotions and desires that consumed me. You’ve asked me to confide more about how I feel.”

“Yes, I do want that.”

“For some reason, writing is the easiest way.”

“I understand, baby.” Gianni placed his palms on her cheeks and kissed her. His lips lingered, stirring deep need, and she melted into him.

Leah sat for a while with Gianni’s arm around her. Eventually, they walked through the park and looked for a place to eat, settling on milkshakes and hamburgers. It had been a while since Leah had eaten much, and it tasted great. Seeing Gianni devour his made her smile. They were okay again. It had been good to talk. Life was as it should be.


After the weekend together, Gianni and Leah returned to GR, much to the relief of their coworkers. Business was thriving despite their absence. Aida was as energetic as ever, and had kept the marketing strategies rolling forward, as Leah had directed.

Feeling renewed since making up with Gianni, it was natural for Leah to let her guard down. Any issues clouding her life seemed remote, as long as the man she loved was near. That was until another email arrived from Ava. The message was short:
He won’t stay with you

It rattled Leah, although she tried to brush it aside. It didn’t seem right to whine to Gianni every time Ava posed one of her threats. He had enough going on with his company, and with the lawsuit. And there wasn’t much he could do about the emails anyway.

Leah went to her assistant’s office. Aida was intent on something she was typing. The geometric designs on her blouse and her bright makeup were striking. She looked up.

“Can you get away? I’d like to go grab a sandwich, and Gianni has a lunch meeting.”

“Sure, I’m starved.” Aida grabbed her purse, and stood to follow Leah out.

They headed toward a local shop, with Roston walking a few steps behind. Leah didn’t complain about her bodyguard’s presence. He’d stuck closer to her since Gianni had told him about Ava. And though Leah didn’t think Ava was actually dangerous, it was better to be cautious.

“I’ll wait out here, ladies,” Roston said, opening the restaurant door for them.

“Can we get you anything?” Aida hung back, waiting for his reply.

Out of the corner of her eye, Leah saw Roston smile. “No thank you. I’ll eat later.”

The place had been established in the 1920s, and the décor hadn’t changed much. It was a combo of kosher deli and diner. Old-style stools with red vinyl seats lined the long counter. The walls were covered with framed photographs of the owners and patrons. The place was normally packed, but they were early and managed to find a table.

“Want to split a Reuben?” Aida said.

“Sure, that’s what I wanted to order too, but they are too big for one person.”

They ordered cream sodas and fries to go with the sandwich. Over lunch, Leah confided in Aida. She told her about getting back together with Gianni, skipping over anything too personal. Her assistant took it all in without comment, but Leah could tell she was pleased with the outcome.

“You were both freaking me out, staying away from the office like that. And I know how you feel about Gianni.” Aida put her hand at the open neck of her blouse. “My heart was breaking for you.”

“I am so glad we are past that.”

“So am I.” Aida smiled. “Don’t do anything like that again.”

Leah laughed. “I’m not planning on it.” She paused. “But there is something else that worries me.”

Aida sipped her cream soda. “What is that?”

“It’s Ava. She won’t quit.”

“That email she sent you?”

Leah knew Aida was discreet, so filled her in. “I have received several emails now. Each one has a similar message. She accused me of gold digging. And said I am not Gianni’s type. That he won’t stay with me. That I won’t get away with it.”

Aida shook her head. “That woman has issues.”

“I know that. And her messages make me uncomfortable.” Leah added mustard to her sandwich. “I’m just not sure what she is capable of. I’m treating her emails as idle threats. She is only trying to scare me.”

“Is she succeeding?”

Leah shrugged. “Not really. I don’t think she would attack me. But she could send someone else to do her dirty work.”

Aida finished her bite, and dabbed her napkin at her mouth. “I have seen how close Roston sticks to you. He must think that is a possibility.”

“Gianni assigned him to my security a while ago. And he keeps him up to date on everything going on. I’m sure he doesn’t want to take any chances, even if he doesn’t really expect trouble.”

Leaning back, Aida narrowed her eyes. “You don’t know, though. The woman is unstable. It’s hard to tell what she will do.”

“I’ve thought of that,” Leah said.

“I really think you should tell Gianni about the emails. Don’t you think he would want you to?”

Leah nodded. “Yes, I guess so. It seems a bit petty, but I suppose he would want to know. You’re right.”

“And I assume you are saving them for evidence.”

“Of course.” Leah took a sip of her soda. “It’s good that you know what is going on, since we are in the office together. I appreciate the support. You are one of the few people I can talk to.”

Aida picked up her thick sandwich in both hands. “I’m not sure what I can do. It’s kind of a sticky situation. But you can talk with me anytime. I will keep it between us.”

Leah felt better after confiding in Aida. She decided to show Gianni all the emails when she had the opportunity. The afternoon flew by, and Leah barely got out in time to meet Kyra at Pilates. The workout would be good. It would help clear her mind.

At the end of the session, they went for a drink. Gianni had to work late, so Leah didn’t know if she would see him that night. Over martinis, Kyra pried out all the details about getting back with Gianni. Being her best friend, she had the privilege of knowing all.

Well, almost all. There were some things that even best friends couldn’t hear. But Leah relayed most of the story. Kyra was glad she had been right. “I told you he cared.”

Leah giggled. It felt so good to be able to look back on the breakup. “Guess I’ll have to listen to you more often.”

Kyra rolled her eyes. “And Gianni is so romantic.”

Leah smiled. “Because he understands female emotions?”

“Well, that’s one reason. There are lots of reasons. He’s just romantic, that’s all.”

“I think so too.” Leah felt warm thinking about Gianni.

Kyra waved her hand. “You are so lucky, you know that?”

“I feel lucky. I really do.”

Her friend furrowed her brow. “Anything else from Ava since she stalked you that day?”

“Well, I wouldn’t call it stalking.”

you call it?”

, I suppose,” Leah said. “She has been watching me.”


“I don’t know for sure.” Leah told her friend about the threats. She was curious what else Ava might be doing. “That’s what worries me. I have a hunch that she is planning something. And that’s disturbing. Because I don’t know what.”

“I’m glad you have that hunk of a bodyguard,” Kyra said. “At least you aren’t alone. That makes me feel better.”

“Yes, it’s good to have Roston nearby.” Leah couldn’t relax about Ava. She hadn’t dealt with a jealous woman before. Until Gianni, another woman being jealous of her hadn’t been within the realm of possibility. Having no experience with such situations, Leah was out of her depth. And she had no idea what to expect.


Chapter 2

When Leah told Gianni about the continuing emails, he took the situation seriously. He made a call to his attorney, and learned that making another person feel unsafe or threatened by communicating after being asked to stop was considered stalking.

“I did reply to the email, and told her not to send them anymore,” Leah said.

Gianni frowned. “Yet she is ignoring your request.”

“I doubt she will cease just because I tell her to.”

“She is pushing it,” Gianni said. “Especially since she watched you at that event not long ago. Stalking is described as intent to harass, annoy, or alarm. And if you reasonably fear serious physical injury it could be cause for a court order to keep her away.”

Leah widened her eyes. “The court would care about that?”

“Yes, and according to my attorney, stalking consists of willfully and repeatedly following someone from place to place.”

“Let’s hope that doesn’t happen,” Leah said.

“It is hard to tell with Ava.”

“And I don’t think I have reason to fear injury, do you? Is she capable of that?” Although she tried to sound calm, Leah felt a tinge of anxiety.

“I wouldn’t think so,” Gianni said. “But then, I didn’t think she would sue for emotional distress either. There was a time when I knew her, or thought I did. No longer. We just have to be alert, and take whatever action we need to in order to keep you safe.”

Leah was a bit shaken by the discussion. Gianni’s ex-submissive was just a jealous woman. There was no reason to be afraid. After all, what could she do? Her goal was to get Gianni back. Even Ava wasn’t crazy enough to think he would have anything to do with her if she harmed Leah.

She needed some fresh air and time to think. It was early for lunch, but coffee sounded good. Leah let the secretary know she would be back soon, and stepped out to the sidewalk. It was easy to spot Roston in the limo across the street. She waved, and made a drinking motion to let him know her intent.

He started up the engine and pulled over to give her a ride. “I’d like to walk,” she said. “It’s not far to Pete’s Café. You can follow me there.”

Roston frowned. “You’re sure? Does Gianni know?”

“I told the secretary. He is going over some stuff with Joshua. It’s just coffee.” She smiled, but the bodyguard didn’t relax. “You can walk behind me. Would that be better?”

He nodded, and she waited while he re-parked the car. Leah adjusted her purse over her shoulder and started down the sidewalk. She wanted to forget about being stalked. Since when did women stalk other women? Ava was envious, that’s all.

Enjoying the pleasant weather, Leah looked up at the tall midtown buildings. The city was impressive, and despite having lived there for a while, it still excited her. The sidewalks were crowded with pedestrians, bustling to their destination. She strode quickly, swerving when needed.

Roston wouldn’t be far behind. He would keep her in sight. When Leah reached the shop, she yanked the door wide and stepped inside. Spotting a table in the corner, she headed straight for it. Yet when she sat down, it wasn’t a waiter who appeared.

Just as she turned to take the seat facing the window, Leah was startled. Standing at the other side of the table was Ava. She wore a designer dress that looked stunning on her slender figure, and dangling gold earrings. Her dark hair was twisted up, adding elegance to her appearance.

Leah froze.

“Don’t make a scene,” Ava said, and sat in the chair across from her.

“What are you doing here?”

Her expression turned dark. “Please sit.”

Leah slid into her chair and stared. Close up, Ava was even more beautiful than she had been from a distance. She was in full makeup, and her heavy perfume wafted across the table. “Were you following me?”

Ava’s eyes narrowed. “I just wanted to see you up close.”

Leah hardly knew what to feel. She caught sight of Roston walking through the café. He stopped by the table and glowered at Ava. “I don’t think you were invited for coffee.” His manner was stiff, and his presence ominous.

“Leah?” she said, raising a brow.

“It’s okay, Roston. She won’t be long.” Curiosity won out. Leah wanted to see what she was about.

The bodyguard frowned, but left the shop. Leah could see him standing by the window. Clearly he didn’t trust Ava. Not that he should. “So you’ve seen me. Now what?”

The waiter came by, and Ava said, “We will order in a minute.” She didn’t take her eyes off Leah, which was unnerving. “I don’t know what Gianni sees in you.”

“It is not any of your business. He left you. I want you to stop bothering us.”

Ava’s laugh was caustic. “Not likely. I care about Gianni, you know. And you aren’t right for him.”

“And you are?” Leah’s irritation was turning to anger.

“Yes, if you must know. We were together for years. I know him. I understand what he likes…what he enjoys. You couldn’t possibly. Nor could you give it to him.”

“You assume a lot,” Leah snapped. “You know nothing about me.”

Her look was cold. “I’m learning.”

A shiver ran up Leah’s spine. “What is that supposed to mean?” It was enough. “You don’t have the right to do this, Ava. You need to stop.”

Ava laughed, a bit too long. And it struck Leah that the woman really was unstable. “You will see. Gianni will come back to me. He misses what I can give him. Ask him. He will tell you.”

Her words hurt, but Leah didn’t want her to see. She didn’t want to give Ava the idea that her devious ways were working. “It’s too late for you, Ava. You just don’t see it. I don’t have to ask Gianni anything. I already know there is nothing you have that he wants.”

Adrenaline pumped through Leah’s veins, and her legs were wobbly when she stood. She lifted her chin, putting on an air of confidence. “I’m leaving,” she said, and began to walk. Everything happened fast. Ava stood and blocked her path.

As Leah attempted to go around her, Ava grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked. When Leah gasped, the woman pulled harder. The look in her eyes was a bit vacant, but still deadly. “Don’t like a little pain?” she said. “No wonder you won’t last with Gianni.”

Before she could respond, Roston’s muscular arms wrapped around Ava’s waist and held her securely. “Let go, Ava.” She released Leah, but had a satisfied look. “It’s time for you to leave,” the bodyguard said.

Leah glared at her.

The waiter came over and stopped a distance from the table. “We can’t have trouble in this establishment. Do I need to call the police?”

Roston just looked at him.

“I’m finished here,” Ava said, then paused. “If you will let me go, Roston, I have more important business to attend to.”

He released her, and glanced at Leah to see if she was okay. As Ava smoothed her dress, she ignored them. “That is the one and only time you speak to Leah,” the bodyguard said. “You are not wanted here. So don’t let me catch you following her.”

“Or what?” Ava said. “You’ll report me?” With that, she walked gracefully out of the restaurant.

Leah tried to catch her breath.

“Relax for a moment,” Roston said, and motioned for her to sit across from him.

Leah combed a hand through her hair. “I thought it would be all right. I didn’t think she would freak out on me.”

Roston leaned forward with his elbows on the table. “That woman is nuts. She was always a bit weird.”

“You think so?”

“Just my opinion.”

“She better quit annoying me, because I’ll take action against her if I have to.”

“Gianni might anyway,” Roston said. “He is not a patient man when it comes to anyone harassing or harming you. He won’t be pleased that Ava chose to get physical.”

“No, he won’t.”

Roston’s demeanor was reassuring. It was good to have him around.

“Now, what did you want to order?”

“An iced coffee, but I don’t feel like staying now. I’m a little shaken. Ava appearing so unexpectedly threw me off.”

“Of course.” Roston flagged the waiter. “An iced coffee to go for the lady.”

While waiting for the coffee, Leah tried to chill. She wasn’t injured, but she was insulted. Ava had a lot of nerve insinuating things about her relationship with Gianni. It made Leah wonder if there was something she didn’t know.

But then, that was Ava’s intent. She wanted to drive a wedge between them. Leah couldn’t fall prey to her tactics. She studied Roston. “So you knew Ava when she was with Gianni?”

He nodded, but his expression gave nothing away.

“What made you say she was always a bit weird?”

Roston furrowed his brow. “Just an impression. Ava seemed overly emotional to me, but then I didn’t know her that well.” He paused. “Gianni is much better off with you.”

“You have to say that, since we are together.”

“No, that’s not why I’m saying it. You are a nice person. You’re good for him.”

“And Ava wasn’t?”

Roston just shrugged.

The coffee arrived promptly. Leah suspected the waiter was relieved to see them go. They took their time walking back to GR Showroom, and Leah sipped her coffee. As predicted, Gianni was enraged by Ava’s appearance at the coffee shop. “And I wish you wouldn’t have talked to her. It can do no good.”

“I didn’t know that,” Leah said. “It is the first time I have spoken to her. I wanted to see what she was like. And I even thought maybe she would be sensible.”

Gianni shook his head. “She will do all she can to get at you. It’s best to keep away from her.”

“She is the one following

“I know, baby.” Gianni put his arms around her. “And it’s distasteful that you have to put up with it. I hope you didn’t take to heart anything she said. You know she is desperate. She will do anything she can to come between us.”

“I know that.” Leah put her head against Gianni’s chest. “This whole thing is upsetting. I wish it was all over, and Ava would just go away.”

“She will.” Gianni lifted her chin and kissed her. “Ava has no choice. She will run out of options, you’ll see.”

“The lawsuit hasn’t even begun yet. What then? She seems willing to do about anything to get you back.”

“She is going about it the wrong way. Ava cannot force me to go back with her,” Gianni said. “And I’m still hoping she will back off before the legal side of this blows up.”

Leah wished the same. Yet they both knew that the legal issues were not in Ava’s favor. So she had to resort to other strategies to get to Gianni. It was aggravating to wait, just wondering what was next with her.

“I think it would be good for us to take a long weekend,” Gianni said.

Leah looked into his sparkling blue eyes. “Where do you want to go?”

He smiled. “I would like to visit your parents.”

“You want to go to Portland?”

“Yes, I would like that,” Gianni said. “Why don’t you call and see if this weekend will be okay with them? I should have made the effort sooner. And I’d like for your parents to meet me before the press attacks my character. I don’t want their first impression slanted by the media.”

Leah grinned. “They will be delighted to see you. I’m sure this weekend will be fine.” It made her feel better that Gianni cared what her parents thought. The trauma with Ava faded into the background. She was going to introduce the man she loved to her parents. Leah couldn’t wait.

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