Leader of the Pack (71 page)

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Authors: Leighann Phoenix

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #horror, #sexuality, #fantasy, #paranormal, #sex, #sexy, #werewolf, #werewolves, #hot, #sexual, #romantica, #erotic romance, #excessica, #leighann phoenix, #werewolf pack

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The guests were all smiling and joking about what they would do if there was another fight. They didn’t realize that their hosts considered it a possibility since Jenna was not recovered. Tairneach manor was in the process of being thoroughly ransacked, by order of the Pack Council. In addition, the entire Tairneach pack was rounded up to be questioned about the missing information, but it wasn’t looking promising at this point.

Even with those considerations, the night went off without a hitch. They waited until sunset, and the druids performed the blessing again. This time Nora led the song. Even the lycans who had seen it last time were amazed at the sight again. Then it was time.

Aislinn found herself in Cullen’s arms, his eyes intent only on her, as he kissed her. His tongue ran over her lips, and she opened her mouth to let him taste her. Hands danced over her skin, undressing. Aislinn pulled at the buttons on his shirt then pushed the shirt and jacket off his shoulders. Aislinn ran her hands across his chest, scraping her fingernails across his nipples. Cullen growled and watched as she knelt in front of him, dragging her nails along his skin as she went.

Cullen watched her, as she opened her mouth and her tongue slipped out to taste the pre-cum on the tip of his cock. He drew in a sharp breath, staring into her swirling amber eyes while she drew his cock into her warm wet mouth. Aislinn sucked gently on the spongy head, drawing him deeper into her mouth. There was growling and howling all around them, as the lycans watched her. Cullen wove his fingers in her hair, encouraging her to go faster. She readily took his direction and began sucking ravenously. Cullen groaned as her tongue circled his cock deftly. As she stared into his eyes, obviously pleased and enjoying putting on the show, he was getting dangerously close to overload.

Cullen pushed her away gently and walked around behind her. Aislinn watched him, her hand trailing along his thigh as he stepped around her. As he knelt behind her, Aislinn felt his cock stroke down her back. He caressed her shoulder with a gentle touch, pushing her hair away from her neck, exposing the scarred bite mark that was already there. He smiled, leaned down and kissed the scar, then began trailing kisses along her neck and up to her ear as he pulled her more tightly against his chest, reaching around in front of her and caressing her breasts.

Aislinn moaned sweetly for him and began purring. He was being too gentle, not that she wasn’t enjoying it, but the audience was getting antsy. They were supposed to follow the alpha pair’s lead, and Cullen was taking longer than they would have liked to get to the good stuff. One of Cullen’s hands ran down her ribcage to pause at her stomach on its way to his ultimate destination. Aislinn laid her back on his shoulder, as he kissed and nibbled her neck. She could feel his erection against her lower back, and his fingers tripped over the diamond chain around her waist when his hand rested shortly on her stomach.

“Tá grá agam duit, Aislinn,” he whispered into her ear. “I don’t know what I was or how I lived before you.”

The intense sound of his voice, coupled with the love she felt pouring into her from him brought a tear to her eye. She turned her face to him and looked into his eyes for a moment. She couldn’t say anything. For the first time in her life, Aislinn felt like the world really was perfect. There wasn’t anything else she wanted.
People have it wrong
, she realized.
Jobs, degrees, hobbies, vacations, marriages, family, money. None of it is what people think it is. This
is what everyone is looking for.

The sound of desperate lust coming from the surrounding lycans broke the moment between them. Aislinn sighed, blinked the tear out of her eye, and nuzzled against his neck. She put her hand on the back of his where it was stroking her bellybutton with knowledge of the children he had placed there. She pressed gently against his hand, encouraging him to continue its descent.

Cullen looked up at the anxious crowd. The younger unmated lycans were the ones making most of the noise. Cullen’s eyes fell on Cadifor. He smiled a sad knowing smile. He had lost a mate a long time ago. He understood exactly what was taking Cullen so long. Makeda stood at his side waiting just as patiently and watching the two with a smile and tears on her face, a little envy in her eyes.

Cadifor glared at the surrounding crowd, eliciting a respectful lull to the cacophony. He stepped up just enough to get some attention and bowed his head toward the alpha pair. Makeda did the same and the rest of the crowd silenced a little, echoing the acknowledgement.

Excited howling rang out from the clearing to the cabin. The gathered druids watched in awe. It was a strangely beautiful ceremony, even if they believed there should be more dignified reverence and less rutting. The moon came out from behind a cloud and lit the clearing brightly as if on cue, and Cullen decided to finish it. They could be sweet and embrace each other later in their room.

Cullen briefly dipped his fingers into her dripping slit. The moment he touched her, she let loose a needy moan that had him incapable of making her wait any longer. Her pussy was on fire and dripping, the lips swollen, ready and hungry for his cock. He pulled his fingers from her and pressed them into his mouth. The taste of her brought his wolf surging to the surface. Cullen growled as his body shifted into his hybrid form. Aislinn felt fur against her back, and the arm around her chest grew in width and strength, as claws on his fingers bit into her breast. She drew in a sharp breath as her cat responded to the change in tempo. Aislinn growled excitedly and pushed his arm away from her chest, as her body shifted.

The crowd roared with approval as Aislinn leaned forward so she was on her hands and knees in front of Cullen. He looked down at her stripes.
By the Gods, you’re beautiful
. The diamonds tangled in her fur as it grew along her body. Cullen grabbed her hips roughly and pulled her back to him, growling as he thrust deep into her.

Aislinn growled as he began fucking her relentlessly. His knot worked deep into her and swelled inside her.
That feels incredible,
she said to him.

His claws drew blood at his finger tips, as he forced himself into her over and over. She moaned through the pleasurable pain, wanting more. Aislinn’s breasts shook beneath her as he drove himself into her. The sounds of rutting wolves rose into the night sky around the clearing and woods surrounding the cabin. Aislinn was surprised at how turned on she was by the idea of being watched like this. Cullen completely lost the ability to think beyond the next touch, thrust or moan.

Aislinn felt her body begin to tense under the assault. She lost track of everything else, as the pleasure began to surge through her. Cullen was grateful that she had finally started to come. He didn’t think he could last much longer. Leaning over her, he bit down on her shoulder. Aislinn cried out as she felt his teeth cut into her. He released into her as she began to purr breathlessly with the last of her spasms. His body jerked hard and he thrust involuntarily as his cock emptied into her. Cullen released her hips from his grip and wrapped his arms around her chest, pulling Aislinn into his lap as he sat back on his heels. Her body heaved with her breathing as she tried to catch her breath.

It took a few moments for them both to recover from the intensity of the orgasm they shared. Blood dripped from Aislinn’s scarred shoulder and the corner of Cullen’s mouth. He stroked the fur on her back, tracing the stripes to where they faded into spots down her side. Aislinn giggled a bit when his gentle caress touched the right spot along the side of her ribcage. It was a strange sound coming from a cat. Cullen smiled as much as he could with a muzzle.

The crowd was already milling about. There were quite a few alpha visitors who had met Aislinn, caught her scent, and were dying to find out what she tasted like. Cullen readjusted their position so that he was sitting on his knees and Aislinn’s legs fell to either side of his.
Spread your legs for them
he told her, wrapped his arms around her again and began licking and nibbling her neck and ear.

Aislinn blushed beneath her fur and was grateful she had it for the first time. Her stomach fluttered a bit and Cullen hugged her reassuringly. Aislinn closed her eyes and leaned back against him as she parted her knees and spread her legs wide. Everyone could see Cullen lodged firmly inside her. One of Cullen’s arms was around her waist, and his fingers twined into the chain of diamonds. The other hand was groping her breast and pinching at a nipple. Aislinn kept her eyes closed, but Cullen watched possessively as the wolves circled them.

Cadifor was the first to approach. The snow white wolf trotted up to the alpha couple, followed by a beautiful black Egyptian looking wolf. Cadifor lowered his nose to their joined sexes and took in their scent. His tongue snaked out and lapped at the inside of Aislinn’s thigh first. It was covered with her own juices from their energetic play, and it tasted more of her than Cullen. Cadifor was well aware of the purpose of this part of the ceremony, but he was far more interested in Aislinn’s taste than Cullen’s.

Aislinn shivered and stifled a moan as Cadifor’s tongue slid along her thigh, into the dip along her outer lips, and then along her lips to brush her clit. His tongue was deftly precise as he avoided Cullen’s cock. Cullen’s gaze bored down into the top of Cadifor’s head. He knew what his friend was doing. Cullen wasn’t exactly enthused about having the other man’s tongue on his cock, but that wasn’t the point. Aislinn couldn’t help the orgasm that was building already. She whimpered and wiggled in Cullen’s arms. His fingers on her nipple twisted, and he held her tighter. The more times she came it was considered good luck. He figured he would talk to Cadifor later about his obvious attention to Aislinn.

Aislinn trembled, her eyes shot open, she looked down at Cadifor, and the moan she’d been holding back finally escaped. The circling wolves howled. Cadifor dragged his tongue purposefully over the base of Cullen’s cock and gave one last swipe to Aislinn’s clit before lifting his head and licking his muzzle, quite pleased with himself. Makeda nosed him in the rump to get him to move out of the way so she could take her turn. Makeda wasn’t as discriminatory as Cadifor had been, but ended up with a similar result.

Aislinn relaxed back into Cullen’s arms and surrendered to the sexual onslaught that continued throughout the night. Even when Cullen managed to calm enough, long enough that he could pull away from her and the two of them could move and mingle with the guests again, wolves would approach her, or people would kneel in front of her and lick at her pussy.

By the time they were allowed to retreat to their room alone, Aislinn was exhausted in ways she never thought possible. They showered before getting into bed. Cullen didn’t like all the mingled scents that were on her body from the evening. They cuddled together in their bed with the blanket pulled up tightly around them.

“Do I get to tell everyone you’re pregnant tomorrow,” he asked softly, as his hand drifted to touch her stomach again.

“If you want,” she smiled in the darkness.

Cullen hugged her. He could feel that most of her anxiety had passed. They were official now. Jenna and the rest of the mess was Cadifor’s problem. From what he could tell, life as he had known it could go back to normal, or as normal as having a litter could be. She smiled and closed his eyes as sunlight began to filter around the curtains on their window. He didn’t intend to get out of bed for some time today. He had never been this content in his life. Aislinn began purring, and the two of them fell asleep.

* * * *

When Cullen and Aislinn finally woke up, they cuddled some more before dressing to go downstairs and say good-bye to their guests. There were a few things they needed to do, and then Cullen was taking Aislinn up to a little cabin high in the mountains. It had belonged to his grandfather and wasn’t nearly as big, nice, or convenient as the pack cabin. His grandparents hid from the human population and raised his father, aunts, and uncles there. Cullen never took anyone up there before. Even Keith and Sarah didn’t know where exactly it was, but that was part of the point. He smirked.
They can’t interrupt if they don’t know where I am.
He was excited to show Aislinn his secret place. He hadn’t told her where they were going yet.

Cullen and Aislinn came down the stairs hand in hand. When they got to the great room, they were inundated with congratulations, hand shaking and smiling. Part of the generally happy and excited atmosphere had to do with the fact that the night had gone so well. Cadifor was already gone. He used the sat-phone earlier that day, and was notified that Jenna had been spotted. As much as Cadifor wanted to stick around and find out what Cullen intended to do to him for playing with Aislinn the way he had the night before, Cadifor had a lost prisoner to recover and was taking the loss more than a little personally.

Aislinn watched Celia and Mack cuddle on the couch. Celia was only a couple weeks ahead of her and was obviously pregnant. She wasn’t huge by any means, but her stomach showed a small bulge that couldn’t be mistaken for fat. Celia got up and came walking over to them. She smiled warmly at Aislinn. It was such a strange look coming from the woman. When Celia actually leaned in and hugged Aislinn, everyone stared and waited for the punch line.

“Congratulations,” Celia said. Then she stepped back from the hug and looked at Aislinn happily. “I was just wondering when you and Lord Arnauk would be back?”

Aislinn shrugged and looked over at Cullen. “I’m kinda just along for the ride. He hasn’t even told me where we’re going.”

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