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Authors: Kate Allure

Lawyer Up (15 page)

BOOK: Lawyer Up
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Hawk kissed me passionately, and his arms wrapped around me to slide me off the desk until I was standing and pressed firmly to his body. His tongue pounding into my mouth told me without words what he was going to do with his hard dick, and I moaned and rubbed against him in my extreme need. Hawk pulled back so that his hands could whip me around to face the desk. Then he pushed me slowly down until my sweating stomach and nipples felt the cool wood of the desk. My hands stretched out to grip the edge as I lay there panting and needy, his hand firmly holding me down.

I was at his mercy, and Hawk was both rough and gentle at the same time—maneuvering my legs farther apart, yanking my bottom up toward him, positioning himself behind me until, finally, I felt his shaft at my entrance. Hawk paused, waiting just there. I moaned and pushed backward toward the head of his dick, but he wouldn't allow it, holding me down and in place until…

With one swift, forceful thrust, Hawk plunged his shaft deep into me, a groan of relief escaping both our lips. It felt tight, his large size claiming me so completely that I was fully joined to him. Still holding me down—one hand on my back and the other tightly gripping my hip—Hawk began to move, pulling back out and plunging in again. It felt wonderful! I became nothing in that moment—just as he had promised—existing only as wanting, aching nerves, moaning and mindless.

A part of me could have stayed like that forever—floating on a delicious sea of tantalizing need—but Hawk would not allow that. He fucked me hard, pounding me over and over, grunting with the effort. Almost against my will, the pleasure began to build and spiral upward toward that dazzling point Hawk had kept just out of reach. So close now!

“Yes!” I cried, writhing wildly, hovering near the blinding light.

Then Hawk grasped my hips tightly with both hands and bucked into me forcefully—once, twice, again!—and I exploded in a blazing aurora of brilliant flashes as ecstasy flooded my entire being. The extreme intensity made me keen loudly. Feeling and hearing me climax, Hawk cried out and jerked strongly into me one last time as he came, groaning in delight.

I floated in a dreamlike corona of melting sensation, my pussy clenching repeatedly to drag out every last delicious moment. Slowly our breathing returned to normal, and I relaxed on the desk. Still buried to his balls, Hawk carefully laid his body down upon mine, resting with me as I luxuriated in the feel of his warm strength.

the best fucking sex of my life!

Scene 6


“Would you like more wine?” Hawk asked.

“Sure,” I responded, holding my glass up for more of the lush, woodsy burgundy.

We were snuggled together on the old couch, its smooth, worn leather now covered by a sheet Hawk kept for the nights he slept over. The bottle was almost finished, and I felt a pleasant buzz as I nestled closer into the curve of Hawk's strong arm.

“Stay the night with me? I know it's a tight fit on this sofa, but I want you to stay,” he urged. “Anyway, it's too late now. It wouldn't be safe to drive forty miles alone.”

“Sure,” I murmured again. I was so sated and relaxed that it seemed to be the only word I was capable of saying.

That had been the most amazing sex in my life by a wide margin, but reality was beginning to intrude into my comfortable bubble.
I wondered. I didn't feel slutty—felt great really. I pulled a little away from him, sitting straighter.

“Hawk, I need to tell you that I've never done anything like this in my life. I mean, sleep with a virtual stranger…have a one-night stand.” I looked away, embarrassed, wondering if he believed me.

Giving me a tender squeeze, Hawk gently pulled me back into the crook of his arm. “I believe you,” he responded with quiet sincerity. “And I was telling you the truth earlier too. I have never done this before myself, or brought a woman here. Trust me,” he continued. “I'll never see this office the same way again, especially not that desk over there, which now holds a very special memory for me. And that chair and this couch…and you.”

I snuggled closer to him, feeling warm and happy inside. In truth, I barely knew this man, but it didn't feel that way. I couldn't put it into words exactly, and certainly not out loud to him—no quicker way to send a man running for the hills—but it felt like we were friends, close ones. Maybe it was our shared history in this old town or simply a form of love at first sight. Whatever it was, I sensed it was a mutual feeling—the way Hawk kept looking at me with that gentle smile and the way his hand softly caressed my shoulder gave his feelings away. We might only be sharing our lives for one night, but Hawk obviously liked and respected me as a person, and I liked him.

He was watching me closely, but now was not the time for deep revelations. So instead, I just quipped, “Special memories, yes…scorching, red-hot ones.”

Laughing, he squeezed my shoulders lightly. “It may be harder to close this old place next year than I had thought.”

He kissed me lightly on the nose before taking my empty glass and putting it on the side table. Lying down, he pulled me next to him and we dozed wrapped in each other's arms for a few hours until the first rays of morning sunshine filtered in through the blinds.

I woke to the feel of Hawk's mouth on my breast, suckling it while his hand played with the other nipple. Seeing my eyes on him, he gave me a hesitant grin as his hand strayed down my body.

“May I?” Hawk asked at the same time he slipped a finger inside my still-wet pussy. My sleepy nod was all the encouragement he needed, and he tugged the sheet from my body. He resumed suckling on my breast as I arched upward into his wet mouth. After last night's astounding sex, I would have thought myself fully sated, but it took only moments to feel arousal stirring me. I stretched languidly like a cat.

“Mmmm. I like waking up this way,” I purred.

“Good,” he murmured around teeth latched on to my nipple. He bit ever so slightly, and I moaned.

Then Hawk crawled over me and settled between my legs. Tenderly, he kissed my mouth, his lips gently caressing mine, before placing sweet little pecks around my face and on my neck. My arms snaked up to pull him back to my mouth, and he agreeably returned, deepening the kiss. My hands explored Hawk's powerful shoulders and strong arms, memorizing every chiseled muscle, while one of his hands reached down to again fondle my pussy.

“Last night was amazing,” he whispered. “You were amazing.”

“Mmmm.” I was quickly moving beyond the ability to converse. “Just kiss me, please,” I urged.

“Glad to oblige, sweet Liza.” Hawk lowered his mouth to mine, and my eyes drifted shut, enjoying the feel of his hand playing with my clit. I moaned and moved underneath him, needing more contact, swirling my pussy into his hand. I could feel he was ready, and I pressed my hand between us to feel his shaft. It was steel, rock hard, and jerking in my palm.

“A moment,” Hawk groaned out.

Pure feminine pride surged within me at the hoarse, strained quality of his voice. I liked having such a strong effect on him.

Hawk raised off me just long enough to sheath himself in a condom before returning to lay his weight upon me. Staring me in the eye, he placed his shaft at my hole, and holding himself up on his arms, he entered me slowly, inch by inch. This was sultry morning sex, and Hawk was taking his time. Finally he was completely, deeply seated inside me, my pelvis touching his.

“Mmmm,” I purred again, feeling his large size stretching me to delectable fullness. “Wonderful.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth,” he whispered, grinning.

Then he began to move within me, slowly at first, but gaining speed when I began to rise up to meet his gentle thrusts. I grinned back as I dragged my fingernails down his chest. His groan and juddering dick encouraging me to continue, to grow bolder. Once again the quiet law office was filled with the sounds of sex—moans and grunts and the wetter notes of two bodies meeting in pleasure.

Hawk smiled down at me. “You're beautiful, Liza, especially in the morning.”

“And so are you, but…I need…
. Please, Hawk!”

A look of pure lust washed over his face at my begging appeal. He began to move faster and faster. The friction was perfect and I met each thrust with abandon, becoming quickly lost in the erotic sensations washing over me and building inexorably to a tantalizing peak that I suddenly needed more than anything, more than air.

“More,” I urged him.

Hawk obliged, increasing the pace until the aching friction became delightful tingles racing outward from my core. Then my breath stopped as my body tightened, my pelvis rising and locking in trembling climax. “Yes!”

Eyes tightly shut, I felt, rather than saw, Hawk climax along with me. We pressed into each other for one long, radiant moment, and I thrilled to the sound of his answering grunt of pleasure.

After settling from my orgasmic high, I slowly opened my eyes to see Hawk beaming down at me. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey, yourself.” I returned his smile with a cat-in-the-cream grin. “That was yummy. Best wake-up ever.”

“I concur.” He gave me a quick peck before pulling out.

Afterward we dressed, but thankfully it was comfortable and relaxed, without any morning-after awkwardness. In fact, it didn't even feel like a one-night stand—more like we had known each other for more than mere hours, although my wrinkled clothes told their own tale. Hawk invited me to join him for breakfast at the grill, but glancing at the clock, I realized I needed to hurry to catch my plane, especially since I had to stop at the hotel first to get my stuff.

As I drove out of Willow Pond and away from Hawk, I memorized the last image of him in my rearview mirror, waving good-bye from the street. He had kissed me one final time, and then we had hugged good-bye. I had clung tightly to him for the briefest moment before stepping back with a carefully casual, relaxed smile on my face.

Of course, Hawk and I exchanged the usual platitudes about keeping in touch, but we lived busy lives separated by half a continent. It seemed mutually understood that this was a singular experience. I didn't expect to ever hear from him—well, except for any remaining legal matters. I guessed that Hawk would be equally surprised if I contacted him. It had been an extraordinary night, something to remember the rest of my life, and now it was over. For the first time in months, I felt energized—that, and thoroughly, deliciously well fucked. I was definitely of sound mind and body now!

But as I drove toward Hastings, the distance between us—both literal and figurative—was accumulating with each mile I traveled. I tried not to feel the loss of what might have been if we didn't live so far apart. While it was certainly a relief that my pervasive ennui was finally gone, I knew that I would miss Hawk—regardless of my outward show of bravado. I didn't want to feel sad about it, but the memories held a melancholy note, not unlike the cawing of the dark birds that still circled overhead.

Tightening my grip on the steering wheel, I forced myself to focus on the long trip home. Once I was back in the big city, memories of this place and the man would be relegated to the category of sweet souvenirs, and I would go forward with my life, embracing my refueled vitality.

Scene 7


Walking through Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport during my layover, I was lugging too much stuff as usual. I was returning from the sale of my inherited plot of land in Nebraska, and now my connecting flight was horribly delayed.

That wasn't the only reason I was feeling ho-hum as I dragged my heavy carry-on through the large airport. I had harbored a secret hope that Lucky Hawk would be waiting for me in Willow Pond, but instead he'd sent a junior associate to assist with closing the sale. I was deeply disappointed that he hadn't bothered to come himself to see me. It hadn't seemed that far-fetched an idea, because we'd been in contact regularly by email and occasionally on the phone.

Mostly this was about selling my property, but the correspondence almost always included some personal discourse. Once we even chatted for an hour, and it had felt like Hawk was right there with me again. But we still lived over a thousand miles apart, so there'd never been any talk of getting together. While I had hoped Hawk might also wish to repeat our extraordinary encounter, I'd never worked up the nerve to actually invite him for another night of wild sex in the law office.

In the end, not only was Hawk a no-show, but that big, old desk that carried so many memories was gone too. Only a lonely, empty space remained where it had stood for so many decades. I guessed Hawk was already in the process of closing the office and selling off the contents. Clearly, the experience we had shared meant more to me than him, I realized, unable to get him out of my mind.

Sighing, I continued making my way to my next flight, even though it was delayed three hours. Maybe I'd grab a bite to eat. Walking briskly, I eyed the busy concourse for options, and then…looking down the long hallway, I could hardly believe my eyes.

There he was! There was Lucky Hawk walking toward me. I stared, breath catching—was it really him?

Then he spotted me and smiled broadly in a surprised welcome.

There were people everywhere—hurrying to and fro, intent on reaching their gates, gathering their things to board, and grabbing food—but they faded to nothing as I moved toward Hawk and he toward me, drawn together as if an invisible thread pulled us. Suddenly there was no one else there but him and me.

Frantically I tried to think of something smart or humorous to say, something memorable that would leave an impression and make him regret not coming to me in Willow Pond. This was silly, I knew. He was probably dating someone by now, our night together long forgotten. There would be no lasting connection. There could be none because we lived so far apart. Even though we both felt the attraction, knew we both felt it—the sexual electricity that flowed energetically between us—that extraordinary encounter had been a one-time fling.

As I drew closer, that urge to impress grew stronger. It was silly to feel hurt that he hadn't come back to handle the final arrangements, that he sent an underling, but there it was. I deeply wanted him to regret that. As my breathing quickened, I realized my brain was empty, no pithy opening there, nothing, so I plastered a casual smile on my face and met his stare directly as we stopped in front of each other.

“Hi, Liza,” he said in his deeply masculine voice. He was still so gorgeous standing there, tall and proud in his well-cut suit, beautiful dark head tilted as he eyed me up and down. I startled under the exquisite sensation of being hunted…again. Breathlessly, I wondered if he always embodied his totem or if it was just with me.

He waited.

“Hi,” I finally breathed back.

Stuttering on, I managed, “This is a surprise! You're about the last person on earth I ever expected to run into here in ATL. What are you doing here?”

“Actually, I am on my way back from a London business trip. I had hoped to make it back in time to assist you with the final paperwork, but I got held up.”

“Oh,” I murmured, immensely pleased.

Hawk leaned in and gave me a quick, spontaneous kiss on the lips, taking hold of one of my hands in the process. Even though it was the quickest of buzzes, the electric shock of contact enflamed me, the nerves in my body suddenly remembering the feel of his mouth. I stared dumbstruck while Hawk began to gently graze the sensitive skin on the back of my hand with the pad of his thumb. Then my body remembered the feel of his hands on my naked skin
. Waves of desire started to pulse through me, flowing down to my clenching pussy, causing me to tremble. I had never become so aroused so quickly—the shock of it was overwhelming.

“Liza, your hand is shaking,” he said with concern.

“I know,” I whispered, staring transfixed into the black depths of his sexy eyes. Hawk wanted more from me, but I just stared at him silently, wrapped in the thrall of this unexpected need.

“Why?” he finally asked.

Inhaling shakily, I breathed out one word. Left it hanging there.


Hawk sucked in a harsh breath. The hand still caressing mine clenched into a tight hold. It felt possessive, as if he might never let me go.

“I am trembling all over with desire,” I clarified needlessly in a whisper.

Without a word, Hawk abruptly pulled me closer, his hand now an iron grip as his other slid behind my back to draw me to him. His mouth slammed down on mine in a demanding kiss, a connection long desired and finally made. Our mouths locked and we melded into one. His tongue sought mine, while his hand caressed my back in gentle, swirling circles that made me want to crawl inside him.

I grabbed on to him, one hand fisting in his thick, black hair, holding his head tightly to me. Hawk thrust his tongue repeatedly into my open mouth and a moan erupted from the back of my throat, urging him deeper. The rest of the world ceased to exist—the busy airport gone. It was just Hawk and me, joined together as if our minds and bodies had never been apart.

Time seemed to stop. I was lost to everything but Hawk and the feel of him once again pressed against my body where he belonged. Breathless and panting, we pulled apart before we started ripping each other's clothes off right there in Concourse B.

“How long do you have?” he demanded hoarsely.


“How long is your layover?”

I couldn't comprehend why Hawk was asking about my itinerary now, of all times—it wasn't enough time to leave the airport and go to a hotel—but I told him that I had another three hours.

“Me too,” he returned.

I could sense where this was going, could see the bulge in his pants before he slung his suit jacket in front of him like a shield—a buffer from other knowing eyes—but I had no interest in bathroom sex and even less interest in getting arrested for public indecency.

“Come with me.” He turned and started walking, his hand still gripping mine.

“Wait! Where are we going?”

Hawk paused, but only long enough to take my heavy bag and throw it over his shoulder. “Just wait and see. Then you can decide.”

We walked briskly down the terminal until he turned abruptly toward a small lobby.

“For the record, I've never done this before, but…” he said with a shrug and a questioning look.

Not waiting for an answer from me, he walked us up to the reception desk and asked for one of their tiny suites. Glancing around, I was surprised to realize this was a hotel, right in the middle of the airport. I guessed it was one of those pod-like places I had read about where businessmen could catch a few hours of rest during long layovers. Hawk gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I kept my mouth shut.

The female clerk looked from one to the other of us but also kept any questions to herself. Within minutes, Hawk had a keycard. We were escorted down the hall and into a tiny hotel room, more like something one would find on a train. A quick glance around as the door was shut behind us revealed a daybed, desk, TV, and not much else.

Not much else was needed.

“Well?” he asked in one stark, harshly expelled word.

We stared at each other for a moment, both breathing heavily—and not from the brisk walk through the terminal. He had already dropped his jacket onto the desk and stood there barely controlled, looking like he was fighting the urge to rush me, the huge bulge in his pants displaying an arousal that matched my dizzying lust. He was once again
Lucky Hawk. I could sense something in him surging to claim me, to physically bind me to him in the throes of passion. It was an ancient, natural process.

I gave him one curt nod of acquiescence.

Hawk took a quick stride closer and pulled me to him, slamming his lips down on mine so hard that I would have fallen backward if his other hand hadn't grabbed the back of my head, holding me prisoner for his devouring kiss. I grabbed on to him too, holding him tightly to me while his tongue plunged repeatedly into my open mouth. I reveled in the taste of him—whiskey perhaps—as his tongue danced with mine, the lapping motions making me weak as I remembered again his tongue on my clitoris. He remembered too—his hand slid down to caress me there through my clothes, swirling his fingers to the rhythm of his hungry tongue.

Hawk turned wild, roughly pushing me away from his seeking mouth. His hands came up to rip my blouse from my body, the buttons pinging as they hit the floor. He yanked my bra down to expose my breasts and made a low sound as he settled a mouth onto one areola. I screeched at the feel of him sharply nipping my tight bud, even as I pushed more of my breast into his mouth.

He bit the other nipple and my knees gave out, but the strength of his arms kept me upright. His hands seemed to be everywhere, and we wildly pulled and tugged and ripped at each other until we were both naked, our clothes and shoes strewn carelessly around the room. There was no time to open the daybed, no time for tender foreplay—just frantic, mindless, animalistic mating as Hawk rubbed his body against mine, his hard erection sliding between my damp thighs, and his hands roughly squeezing my breasts and buttocks while his tongue resumed the attack on my mouth.

I answered his assault with fierce, wild abandon, my dizziness replaced by a hunger to feel all of him at the same time. It was as if no time had passed since we had last seen each other. We knew unerringly what to do, what each other needed to soar.

Hawk once again forced me away and then maneuvered me into the corner, pressed against the desk as if he was afraid his prey might escape. He frantically rummaged through his carry-on, yanking out a plastic bag that contained a new box of condoms. Ripping into it, he had one out and in his hand in seconds. As he turned back toward where I leaned, panting, against the desk, Hawk slid the condom onto himself in one rapid motion.

He looked magnificent! Our two months apart had slightly dimmed my memory of his incredible Omaha Indian beauty. His jet-black hair contrasted with his dark skin, a fine sheen of sweat making his powerful muscles glisten. Dropping my gaze, I gasped. I had forgotten how enormous he was, his thick shaft jutting toward me. His black eyes locked on mine, holding me prisoner in their inky depths. I was so startled by the raging hunger there that I might have backed away if I wasn't already cornered by my Hawk.

“I need you now!” he growled.

I nodded, unable to speak, caught as I was in his hypnotic gaze. Hawk grasped me roughly by the arms and pulled me urgently to standing. He whipped me around to face the desk and forced me forward. My hands came out to catch myself as his hand snaked between my thighs, urging them apart, fervidly sliding his fingers inside me and spreading my silky wetness around. With an answering moan, I quickly moved my feet apart and arched my back, raising my ass and offering my pussy to him. I ached to feel him inside me again as his hand on my clit practically took me over the edge.

Then Hawk took his rock-hard dick and slammed it into my pussy, bucking me ferociously—practically lifting me into the air. Once, twice, three times, and I went over the top, moaning loudly as I exploded into a sharp, fast climax.

As I floated in ecstasy, Hawk continued to pump me, holding my hips and grunting like the wild beast that I wanted—needed—him to be.

“It's not enough,” he groaned, pulling out. He dragged me the two steps to the daybed. “I need to see you, feel you, taste you!”

As he sat down, Hawk pulled me along to straddle his thighs. His hands feverishly prowled my body while he ravenously suckled a breast. I ever so slowly eased down onto his thick shaft. He looked up to watch me as his hands came up to grab on to my breasts, his fingers flicking and twisting the tight nipples as I moaned encouragement. Then he started bucking his hips to ram into me from underneath as his glazed eyes roamed my body.

“No you don't.” I giggled naughtily as I quickly rose all the way up onto my knees and almost all the way off his shaft even as he strained upward, trying to stay inside me. I placed my hands on his chest and forcefully pushed him down. “I'm in charge now,” I declared.

Hawk groaned loudly but nodded. I could see the strain it took to cede dominance to me. With his breathing coming in harsh gusts, it was clear he could barely restrain his body's savage need.

In that moment, I suddenly discovered that I adored feeling in control of Hawk, having mastery of this beautiful, masculine creature. A previously unknown interest in domination emerged that simultaneously emboldened me and reignited my arousal.

Smiling a little wickedly, I ever so slowly lowered myself back onto him until I was fully seated, his pole all the way inside me, my inner thighs caressing his hips. His eyes were wild—I wasn't sure how long he would be able to stand it. Throwing my head back, eyes shut, I took a deep breath and swirled my hips, luxuriating in the feel of him inside me, increasing the pressure of his pelvis on my clitoris.

Placing my hands on his shoulders for support, I gradually pulled up to kneeling, only the very tip of his juddering dick touching my pussy. I lowered down and began to pulse on him, allowing Hawk only the barest hint of my wet warmth before pulling up again. Over and over, I pulsated, never dropping all the way down as I watched the delicious strain play across his features.

BOOK: Lawyer Up
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