Laurie's Wolves (8 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Laurie's Wolves
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“Who cares?” Zach asked. Of course that was an easy question coming from a man who had his pants on.

As did Corbin. It wasn’t as if the two of them wanted to spend the evening in the buff next to each other on the couch while they watched their mate snooze.

“Hardy har har. You both have pants on.”

“We aren’t as sexy as you.” Corbin leaned over her and kissed her forehead. Her long strawberry curls were a mess. And he thought she looked like an angel.

She cupped his crotch and flattened her palm against his hard length, shocking him. “I beg to differ. Be fair.”

Zach chuckled as he popped her dinner out of the microwave and set it in front of her. “Fair… Huh. Interesting concept from a woman who’s half my size and doesn’t stand a chance against two men who outweigh her by about three hundred pounds altogether.”

She rolled her eyes and reached for one of the forks in the center of the table. “Whatever. Don’t get used to it. I’m not an exhibitionist.”

Corbin crossed to the microwave and popped another random dinner inside. “I seriously doubt you have to worry about any voyeurs peeping in our window tonight.”

She giggled, digging her fork into the steaming lasagna.

Corbin leaned against the counter and stared at her, thanking his lucky stars for aligning the way they had today.

He would have a few messes to clean up when they got back to civilization tomorrow—starting with Veronica and ending with telling his parents—but he found he didn’t put much stock in any problem on his plate. What mattered most was right in front of him.

He shuddered at the idea of telling his parents. Maybe that could wait a few days.

Laurie was his life now. And Zach too, in an unconventional way he was growing to understand. The three of them would stick together through anything.

It was fated.


“Why is this so much more difficult than yesterday?” Laurie asked as Zach helped her pop her skis on.

He hated how many clothes now covered her delectable body. But it couldn’t be helped. The three of them needed to get down this mountain and back to his place where they could shower and fuck again before his cock grew so stiff it fell off.

Judging from the look on Corbin’s face, he wasn’t faring any better. He pursed his lips as he gathered their belongings and heaved his backpack onto his shoulders. His brow was furrowed. Zach hoped it was because his cock was also as hard as a rock and not something else that concerned him.

He couldn’t bring himself to ask.

Zach tugged the pink hat over his mate’s head and handed her the goggles she’d worn yesterday. “Your legs are tired from the exertion on the slopes yesterday—and in bed.” He grinned. “But seriously, you used muscles you’ve never used before. You’re depleted. And it’s going to be harder to ski in this thick layer of powder too.”

It was early. They had wanted to get moving as soon as the sun came up before the slopes were groomed and opened.

Zach knew the slopes would open a little late today, but he also knew his parents would have arranged extra hands to be ready to groom the slopes as early as possible.

The fewer people they had to encounter at the base before escaping, the better. He was far more interested in sequestering himself with his mates than chitchatting with anyone—even his parents.

“Zach said you picked up skiing like a pro.” Corbin bent to snap the buckles shut on his boots and then handed her a set of poles.

“He might have exaggerated,” she muttered. “I’d hardly call careening into the trees, crashing, and losing my skis the actions of a pro.”

Zach snapped his boots into his skis and turned toward them. “Ready?”

He let Laurie go first, watching as she gingerly made her way through the powder. After her first few turns, she picked up speed—as well as confidence. He could tell by her stance. She straightened her back and grew less wobbly by the minute.

He nodded at Corbin to start, and then he took the rear. It was slow moving down the mountain, but they made it back to the lower lodge eventually. Laurie looked relieved to unload the skis and boots. “Give me a few days before we try this sport again.”

He wrapped a hand around the back of her head as they walked through the nearly vacant lodge and pulled her face closer for a kiss. “Whenever you’re ready.”

“Hey, Mr. Masters,” a young kid called from the rental area as Zach leaned Laurie’s rentals against the return wall. “Heard you got stuck on the mountain. Bummer.” The kid glanced at Laurie and then grinned wider. “Or not…”

Corbin came up on Laurie’s other side and grabbed her hand. He leaned into her space and claimed a kiss next.

Zach couldn’t blame him. He would have done the same thing. All three of them were consumed with the mating process. The only thing on their minds was getting the fuck someplace where they could fuck again. Their woman was sandwiched between them with no space to move.

Nevertheless, Zach winced as he watched the teenager’s face go flat. The boy had noticed both men touching and kissing Laurie. He glanced from Zach to Corbin and back. “Deputy Archers,” he mumbled. “Good morning, sir.” He turned and fled the room.

Zach would have laughed, but he also realized the rumors would be flying by lunch. “Shit.” He imagined what a teenage boy would tell his friends the moment they showed up for work—or hell, even sooner probably.

“Fuck.” Corbin released Laurie’s hand. “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking with the big head.”

“It’s okay,” she muttered. “It’s bound to happen. We’re going to have to face it at some point.”

“There will be some who frown upon our arrangement. Let’s go back to my place. It’s closest. We’ll figure something out and make a plan.”

Corbin leaned in and kissed Laurie’s neck. “After we consummate this thing again, please,” he whispered.


Laurie shook hands with Logan, Zach’s youngest brother, and watched as the man rolled his eyes and moaned. “I swear, we brothers switch houses more often than anyone I’ve ever met. I’ve only been here six months.”

Zach chuckled. “It’s only temporary. I owe you. I mean you could stay, but…”

Logan held up his hands in defeat. “Hell, no. God.” He backed up several paces. “I’d rather have my nails ripped from their beds than endure the three of you mating in the room next to me.”

Zach caught Laurie chewing on her lower lip while she watched Logan rant. He already knew her well enough to realize she was fighting against laughter.

“We won’t stay in the condo forever. Just give us some time to sort out where to move
and then it’s all yours.”

“Until Sharon decides to move in.”

“Well, there’s that.”

“Sharon is the youngest, right?” Laurie asked.

Zach squeezed her hand. “Yep. And the only girl.”

“And lucky for her, she’s destined to lead a normal life with only one mate,” Logan added.

“How do you know that?” Corbin dropped his backpack on the floor next to the front door.

They hadn’t made it past the threshold before confronting Logan with the fact that he needed to move back in with their parents for a while.

Zach headed toward the kitchen area. “This threesome thing apparently only extends to the males in our family. We have cousins in Oregon who are slightly older. They are also four boys and a girl, although their sister, Tessa, is the oldest. She mated only one man. The boys all mated in threes with another man.”

“Seriously?” Laurie followed Zach and took a water bottle from his hand as soon as he grabbed it from the fridge.

“Yep.” Logan turned and left the room, shaking his head. “I’ll get my stuff.”

Twenty minutes later, the three of them were alone once more. Finally.

Zach’s hands shook with the need to claim his mate again. He felt like he was fifteen. He led the other two to his bedroom and pointed to the attached bath. “Shower’s in there. Another one’s in the hall.”

“Who needs two?” Corbin smirked. He stripped out of his thermals and dropped them in a pile in the corner.

Zach followed suit.

Laurie brought up the rear.

Corbin was already in the bathroom with his hand under the spray of water, testing it for warmth, when Zach stepped in behind him, dragging Laurie with a grip on her hand.

“Perfectly large,” Corbin commented. “After the two-foot square we endured last night, this seems like a luxury.” He stepped inside and nodded for the others to follow.

Zach couldn’t take his gaze off Laurie. She was an incredible sight with water sluicing down her chest and across her belly. As she closed her eyes and tipped her head under the waterfall, he nearly swallowed his tongue. Her gorgeous white skin was so smooth and sexy, and her nipples puckered under the spray.

He couldn’t move and didn’t take his gaze off her until Corbin chuckled and handed him a bottle of shampoo. “Maybe you could wash her hair while you stand there.”

Zach clenched the bottle and then poured shampoo into his hand with barely a glance. Nothing interested him as much as his stunning mate, wet and smoking hot.

She lifted onto her toes and kissed his nose. “I can wash my own hair.” She reached for the shampoo, but Zach yanked it out of her reach.

“Not a chance. Turn around.”

Eyes rolling, she turned her back to him and tipped her head his direction.

Lathering her hair was amazing. It felt like silk running between his fingers. He could do it all day, especially if she kept making that purring sound as if he were the best massage therapist she’d ever encountered.

Corbin met Zach’s gaze for a moment and then poured body wash in his hand, worked up a lather, and then planted both palms on Laurie’s chest.

She stepped her feet apart, wobbling slightly and reaching out to grab Corbin’s forearms to steady herself. “I’m perfectly capable of bathing myself,” she muttered.

Zach continued to spread bubbles down her long locks. “I’m sure you are.”

“But it wouldn’t be half as fun as letting us do it.” Corbin proceeded to wash her, smoothing his soapy hands all over her upper body and then kneeling in front of her to wash her legs and feet.

The spray pelted her chest, and she flinched.

With her eyes closed against the soap suds from the shampoo, she was at a disadvantage.

Zach watched as Corbin reached between her legs and then stroked his fingers up and down, finally thrusting one hand up between her thighs. The man was a proven master of the shock factor. Zach had watched him do the same thing last night.

And it was effective.

Laurie lifted onto her toes, a sharp yelp escaping her lips.

Zach wrapped an arm around her middle under her breasts before she lost her balance.

She grabbed his arm with both hands and squeezed.

Corbin lifted one of her feet and draped her leg over his shoulder. “So sexy…” He gripped her other thigh with one hand and thrust into her with his free hand.

Zach watched the show from over her shoulder, holding her carefully upright. His cock threatened to explode, and he nestled it against her back.

“Oh God,” she screamed. “Holy mother…”

Corbin’s hand moved faster. “Adding a finger, babe.”

She went up on her toes on the one foot on the ground as Corbin thrust again.

“That’s it, Laurie. Jesus, you’re sexy. Come for me.”

Her body stiffened, her fingers gripped his forearm tighter, and two seconds later she shuddered violently. Her body would have collapsed to the floor if Zach hadn’t held her.

“Amazing. I’ll never tire of seeing that.” Corbin stood. He took her chin in one hand and kissed her lips sweetly. “Now that’s a shower.” As if he were doing nothing more important than discussing the weather, he grabbed the shower gel and proceeded to wash himself. He even hummed.

The only way Zach knew the man was full of shit was the bulging erection turning a shade too dark between his legs. It matched the hard-on Zach sported. “Baby, can you stand?”

She nodded.

He angled her head under the spray to rinse the last of the shampoo off. He added conditioner next and then watched her stand beneath the fall of water again. She was glorious. When she was rinsed, she leaned out of the flow of water and opened her eyes. “Step out, baby. Grab a towel. Wait for us on the rug.” He needed her to exit the space so he could finish. He’d never get himself washed with her naked, wet, sexy body against him. Touching him seemingly everywhere.

As soon as Corbin finished rinsing, he stepped out also, leaving Zach for last.

In record time, Zach managed to finish and follow his mates to the bedroom.

“Thank God you have a king-size bed.” Corbin turned around and sat on the edge, motioning for Laurie to step between his legs. “Don’t get me wrong. I loved having you sandwiched between us all night, but it was difficult to breathe. I don’t think we want to do that every night.”

Laurie wove her fingers into Corbin’s hair and lowered her face for a kiss.

Zach stepped up behind her, straddled her legs, and pressed his cock against her back again. He was almost in pain now. “Baby, I need you.”

Corbin broke the kiss and scooted farther back on the mattress.
“Take her from behind. I’ll occupy her mouth,”
Corbin communicated with Zach, blocking their sweet mate.

Zach lifted Laurie by the waist, set her on her knees on the edge of the bed, and pressed her upper back. “Lean forward, baby. All fours.”

She moaned as she angled her face toward Corbin’s cock without hesitation. Either they were very much in sync with each other, or Corbin hadn’t managed to block her as well as he thought. The former was more likely.

Corbin groaned as his cock disappeared into Laurie’s mouth.

Zach gritted his teeth, grabbed her hips, lowered her ass to his level with her knees bent more, and lined his cock up with her pussy. He nudged her legs wider and dragged her wetness across her clit several times.

Laurie rocked back and forth with each suck on Corbin’s cock. She moaned around the shaft, making Zach long to feel her lips around his own cock with that vibration humming along the shaft.

He closed his eyes instead and thrust into her, dragging her ass closer to the edge of the bed so he could thrust in to the hilt.

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