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Authors: Chris Northern

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The thoughtful frown came naturally enough to my face as I avoided thinking about any of this. War and politics don't interest me, yet they were the only career open to me. It was a problem I had wrestled with through my teens and into my twenties.

You can't avoid responsibility forever.”

Is that what I was doing? And if so, why not? I could speak and read seven languages, do numbers in my head, knew the whole history of our people (especially our family) and much of that of other peoples (some in their own words, which was a bit different than our version, I can tell you!) Also, I had some understanding of magic, though as such teachings have to be earned by status achieved or paid for in hard cash I had less learning in this area than I'd like. Actually, just a few cantrips; probably less than any noble in the city - apart from Kerral, of course, and he had only just this moment joined our ranks. And, of course, I was limited by the size of the one stone I owned. The Colleges, and some patrons, owned stones that you could barely hold in one hand.

You have to do something!”

And I would, I would. I have skills, and could doubtless earn a living doing something. Not in the city of course, I was far to well known for that. I couldn't be seen too be doing something, like some commoner. But in the provinces I might be able to set myself up in some style, provide a few small magics for some nobleman or some client king, in secret, anonymously, always at risk of being kidnapped or killed for the stone itself... hmmm, maybe not. Still, I didn't have to wear the stone openly, or bruit it about that I was of the city, or who exactly I was.

Do you have any idea how angry father is with you? How close he is to carrying out his threat to disown you? Without your name to protect you, how would you survive? The only reason your creditors don't take you to court is because father made it quietly clear that anyone who did so would suffer unpleasant consequences for the damage done to his reputation, the reputation of the family name, of course, not for any consequences to you.”

Of course, she was right. If no one knew who I was, I wouldn't receive guest rights anywhere, so perhaps I should travel openly from court to court around the Client Kingdoms. That might actually be fun. Of course, I would need funds to travel with. But then travel was such an uncomfortable business even at the best of times...

Sumto, are you listening to me?”

I picked amongst the sweetmeats that had arrived at my side. “Of course. I'm thinking about it.” I turned my thoughtful face to her so that she could see that I was indeed thinking about it.

What's to think about? Go with the army, do a year, with our ancestry there is no need to do more. Use your share of the spoils to start a career. It's simple. All you have to do is do it!”

Like Kerial did?”

It was a low blow. Our older brother had gone to war and not survived. They hadn't even found a body to send home. As I should have expected, tears welled up at once and, quite honestly, I almost let my own emotions get a hold of me. I had been thirteen at the time, and Rhia eleven. It had been hero worship, pure and simple, and I recognized that now. Dashing and seemingly immortal older brother, everything I aspired to be, courageous, honorable, and suddenly quite dead.


She waved my apology away and made an effort to get a hold of herself. “That was unfair.”

I know.” It was.

I don't want you to come to any harm. It's not that at all. It's just... what else are you going to do?”

It was a problem. I could marry, of course. But it would be to someone of a station considerably lower than ours, a social climber wanting an association with our family and using his daughter to get it; and she would have control of the money. Not a solution, really. Besides, I doubt father would allow it to happen. He wouldn't want some new noble family feeding off our illustrious ancestors, or the embarrassment of a relationship by marriage to such a low bloodline.

We were interrupted by the uppity slave who'd answered the door to me. “Yuril Kelenthis Terian is here, mistress.”

Oh!” She fluttered, looking around. “I can't see him, Mother isn't here, or father. He must know that! Sumto, you must receive him and extend my apologies.”

I was glad enough of the distraction. Rhia wasn't going to be the answer to my problem and, as she had just reminded me, Mother wasn't here. I crammed the last sweetmeat into my mouth and dusted off my hands as I rose to my feet. “I'll come back later.”

Mother won't help, you know.”

It was a parting shot I chose to ignore. At the door I changed my mind. “Why?”

Father has been working on her. They do live together, you know.”

Damn. “When's the wedding?”

You are not invited, Sumto. I'm sorry. But the heads of our respective households insist.” She did look genuinely sorry, and to be fair I knew she couldn't do anything about it.

Did you throw a tantrum?”

She smiled and dropped her head, looking up at me. “I did,” she admitted with mock shyness. “It didn't do any good.”

I smiled in return. “I shall be sad to miss it,” I said, and left.

Yuril Kelenthis Terian was a tall, broad man who looked effortlessly powerful. At forty he was in his prime, a martial man of our class and just the sort of chap father would approve of. His family was as illustrious as ours, and I had lied to my sister; I knew of him, and we had even met on a couple of occasions. He was well advanced on the course of honors, having been a Ludile in charge of public works at the proper age. I had no idea what public works he had been involved in and didn't care. Still, I could not help but be aware of who held what titles, it was something almost everyone I knew talked about. So I knew he held no title now but, being forty, would be aiming to be elected as a Judge as soon as he could muster enough votes. After that a seat in the patron's assembly, and so on and so on, ending in King or Censor, titles of much prestige but little power. The numerous nobility of the city devised ways of sharing power in order to avoid constant internal warfare, which disrupted trade, weakened the city, and was generally thought to be a pain.

My sister can't receive you, Terian. No other family members are at home, and I am leaving.”

His smile reminded me of a shark. “Perfect. It was you I wanted to talk to.”

Oh good.

Well, let's walk out together, shall we?”

We turned right, our slaves following. In this area there were few people abroad; all the buildings on the Yurintal hill were large and prosperous so there was little traffic and no street markets, just a few private citizens and slaves about the business of their masters, and us.

Terian didn't waste much time. “I knew you would turn up here some time in order to sponge off your family, so I had the place watched. Things have to change. I can't have my family name tarnished by association with a no-account layabout. I'm putting this bluntly as there seems no other way to do it. Leave the city and don't come back. Or go with the army and do your duty.”


There is no or. If you have to be removed from the city I certainly have a large enough clientèle to get the deed done. If you come back I'll have you killed. If I have to remove you I may have you killed anyway. Am I making myself sufficiently plain? I am not related to you and I will not be. Go or go or go. Those are your options. Choose one. Goodbye.” With that he turned and made off in the other direction.

I didn't think he was kidding.

Neither did Meran. “When are we going?”

Today seems like a good time.”


I like writing letters. I have a good hand and like to show it off. First, to my father. Loving son, doing duty, realized error of ways, hope armor and weapons dispatched to army for my use, etc. Simple. Second to Kelenthis Terian. Greetings, I will not forget your advice. Farewell. Let him be in no doubt that I owed him one. Third to my sister. I accept your offer to clear my debts and am joining the expeditionary force forthwith. Fifth through twenty-seventh. I hereby inform you that the sum of (varies) will be paid on presentation of this letter to Rhia Illana Solientina Cerulian on any day after her wedding to Yuril Kelenthis Terian. Done.

Meran had packed and arranged for my horses to be brought to the house by the time I was finished. I arranged that my other slaves move next door for the neighbors to look after and use as they saw fit while I was away, in return that they look after my home.

Standing in the doorway of my bed chamber, eying my bed with great regret and generally looking about the place I noticed that there were far too many books unpacked.

Meran!” He appeared at my side. “There are too many books unpacked.”

We can't take them all, master.”

Why not?”

Two horses. Two people.”

I frowned. Of course he was coming with me. “We need another horse.”

I already borrowed a donkey for the baggage train. Clothes. Tent.”


He looked embarrassed.

As it came clear to me in a sudden insight, I hastily dropped the matter. He had bought a donkey, with his own money. And a tent. No wonder he was embarrassed. So was I. “I need to take my books, Meran. It's important. Some are rare and valuable.”

I don't think I can undertake to protect them all from the weather.”

Bugger. “How about a dozen?”

Six. I can vouchsafe six.”

Right. Six.” Picking the six books I could take with me took longer than writing thirty letters but eventually I was done and they were packed and there was nothing more to stay for.


A bedroll and a tent are no substitute for a bed and a roof.

Sheo and Kerral were delighted of course. Tulian, who was now my commanding officer, had not been quite so happy to see me when I had presented myself to him as custom demanded.

What the hell are you doing here?”

Military service,” I effected to sound surprised.

He sat behind a table covered in papers I can only assume were necessary for the organization of an army. He looked over them and stared at me. “Why?”

It's my duty, Tul. Why else?”

Sod off.”

No. You know the law. You can't refuse me. What duties am I assigned?”

He was defeated and knew it. “Stay out of the bloody way, Sum. Just stay out of the bloody way.”

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