Last Slave Standing (19 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Last Slave Standing
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“It’s a bit dry…..ah! Now she’s lubricating, she’s juicing up a treat. You try her.”

Carlo did and found a comfortably capacious vagina which promised good elasticity but closed back on his fingers well when he contracted them. So why would anyone want to sell her? There could be any number of reasons. Carlo sighed as he stood back, she had to be worth the gamble but it would be an expensive one this time.

“That,” he said, marking his card and jabbing the pen towards the impassive slave, “will not come cheap.”

“That’s the thrill of it,” John said happily and they went back to the house for a drink before the auction proper got underway.

Finally it came down to three. The French girl, the African one – ‘Bambi’ as John had christened her already because of her big eyes and the big Polynesian girl – ‘Fiji’ as John had scribbled on his programme next to Lot no. 97.

Chapter 18


It was the time of day Patti liked best. Outside her open office door she could hear the stable going through the evening feed routine. The ever-efficient Raika was shouting instructions to Eve, Helga and Anne Marie while she attended to Blondie’s feed personally. All the day’s paperwork was done, the reports on how training had gone were filled in, the slaves’ weights had been recorded, temperatures had been taken rectally, pulses checked and Doctor Sands was well pleased.

Blondie was out of sorts with Carlo absent and had been put down for punishment once he returned – the next load of tourists were in for a treat, she thought, they’d get to see Carlo whipping Blondie at the post – at present it was Jet who was tied to the T shaped post and through the open front door of the stable block, on the warm evening air she could hear Brian schooling Tony in the skills of using the long four-in-hand driving whip. As she listened she heard the familiar whistle and then thump of a good strike. Jet grunted in acknowledgement of the impact and Patti felt a shiver run through her. It was a long time since she’d been put to that particular whip. Too long in her humble opinion.

“That’s better, Tony!” Brian called. “You’ve got to get a sweep and then a flick at the end to make the tip bite in. Otherwise all you get is a sweep that might leave a pretty mark but it won’t make a chariot go any faster! Now let’s try again…..”

Tony had proved to be surprisingly naïve in his whipcraft, although his mastery of bondage was fast becoming a legend in The Lodge itself and hardly a night went by without one or two of the Housegirls finding themselves agonisingly, hung, bent, splayed out or contorted and on display in the corridors of the big house.

Patti smiled in recollection of some of the incredible contortions he achieved but then she jumped as her phone rang.

“Patti?” The voice was clipped and self-assured as ever. Patti felt her stomach, melt, tingle and lurch all at the same time. Chrissie Sands was the most seductive woman she had ever met and the night after their fight in the arena remained in her mind as one of the best she had ever spent. But her next words poured cold water over the rising tides of lust.

“If that lovely little thing Raika has finished for the night, send her up to Dungeon Three will you? I’ll return her later on.” The phone was put down before Patti had had a chance to reply. But there was no need for the woman to wait; she knew Patti would obey any order she gave her.

Disconsolately she walked out into the stable block and called for Raika.

The pretty Indian girl’s head flew up from inside Blondie’s stall, her eyes wide with what Patti could only assume was surprise.

“Get your lovely little arse up to Dungeon Three, Doctor Sands wants you, you lucky girl!”

Raika bit her lip nervously but emerged and made her usual little curtsy, however she fidgeted from foot to foot until Patti took pity on her. Of course she was aware that the doc had had Raika while they were all away and she was also aware that Raika knew all about Patti and the doc.

“Go on,” she told her deputy. “It’s alright, she’s a mistress and she can have who she likes. But look in on me when you get back. Understand?” Patti smiled fondly at the girl and patted her cheek, then watched as the pert bottom scampered out of the door. She would have a few choice welts to explore later on, Patti thought.


Raika opened the heavy oak door and tiptoed in. Dungeon Three was one of the largest at The Lodge. Huge, round pillars, dating from long before the rest of the house, supported the low, vaulted ceiling. The stone flagged floor, worn uneven by use over the centuries made the cavernous interior, lit by dimmed lights fashioned to imitate antique sconces, echo as she entered.

Over to her left one of the Housegirls, stripped to just her stockings and high-heeled shoes was providing the entertainment for the doctor and one of the members. The girl’s feet were shackled to ancient iron rings in the floor and her arms were raised and spread, and shackled to a spreader bar. Her body was bowed into curve by the rings at her labia having been attached to chains and wrenched forwards as the chains were wrapped tightly around a pillar before having been tied off to a hook. Doctor Sands was belabouring the sweating girl’s heaving breasts as Raika entered. The crop slapped home on the shuddering mounds, making the ringed nipples wobble and shake, the metal of the rings piercing them glinting and winking as they did so.

“Four, five, six!” Doctor Sands finished the flogging and immediately buried her hand between the stretched lips and the thighs which were trembling under the stress of the girl’s restraint. “Aah, yes!” she cried gleefully. “I’ll have this one once we’ve finished with Raika. She’s good for more punishment yet and still flooding with juice! She’ll enjoy being made to wait. Come over here Raika.”

Raika followed the doctor, resplendent in her black basque, hold ups and high heels, her bottom quivering exquisitely with each step and keeping Raika’s gaze riveted on it, only the skimpiest V of satin hiding part of the buttocks.

The two dominants had been playing a game as old as cruelty itself; the Dice Game. Each player rolled the dice twice, the first total decided what implement would be employed, the second how many blows would be delivered.

The man was naked and sitting in a wooden armchair. One leg was thrown over a chair arm and his hand was lazily stroking his erect cock which strained up vertically between his hairy, muscular thighs.

“Good,” he drawled. “The other whore was becoming boring.” He lifted dark eyes to Raika and she felt herself being weighed like meat on a butcher’s counter.

“Raika,” the doctor said. “I want you to suck this gentleman’s cock. Can you do that, do you think?”

Raika surveyed the thick length of veined cock.

“Oh yes, Mistress,” she whispered.

“I’m not so sure that you’d do it justice straight away. I think a little encouragement might be necessary to ensure my friend here is pleasured sufficiently.”

Her belly afire with the sight of the doctor’s barely covered body and the man’s rigid erection, Raika stripped, bent forwards with her back hollowed and held onto the arms of the chair. She parted her legs obediently and looked around to check that the doctor was happy with the view of her plump little cunt nestling between and just beneath her well rounded buttocks. Then she returned her gaze to where it was required to be; the hard cock still being gently stroked by the master.


Raika jerked at the blaze of pain the crop inflicted and then felt the shaft laid against her skin again. The heat of the pain spread slowly into her depths and she felt herself begin to moisten. She gently swayed her hips against the shaft of braided leather, keeping her eyes fixed on the cock in front of her. Behind her the doctor gave a throaty little laugh.

“Didn’t I tell you? She is a little gem!”


Raika closed her eyes for a second to savour the initial blaze and then the sting that grew inside her until it peaked and left her belly flooding with arousal and pride.



Suddenly the doctor seemed to want to stop playing and to settle down to serious beating instead. Raika didn’t care. The doctor could do no wrong. She had never had such a dominant woman before and her presence lent a whole new level of eroticism to her sexual use. She could hardly wait to savour the taste and texture of the cock before her. She would welcome its eruption into her small mouth.


“Now suck, my little whore!” the doctor commanded and Raika bent her arms, lowering her face towards the cock. The master shifted himself forward somewhat and with her head tilted to one side she was able to take the helm into her mouth cleanly and as she nodded up and down, the crop resumed its work on her backside while the master held his cock for her with the finger and thumb of one hand. His other hand reached under her and squeezed and mauled her breasts, roving from one to the other. She sighed with strained pleasure and pain around the thick shaft in her mouth and heard the answering sigh of delight as her breath caressed him. The mistreatment intensified and Raika reacted as she felt the master’s pleasure increase. He stopped hurting her breast and instead put his hand on the back of her head. She knew what that presaged and ducked her head down as far as she could and held it there, sucking as hard as she could and encouraging him to spend by rasping his helm with her tongue. His climax was as long and thick as his cock and somehow she managed to drink it all down and elicited a good fingering from the doctor while she licked the man clean.

Then all three went to work on the Housegirl. Raika knelt in front of her and delved with her tongue between the distended labia and found a sweetly hot and flooding tunnel, inviting any abuse anyone wished to heap on it. The two dominants stood behind the girl and whipped her back and buttocks simultaneously until she came, spurting fragrant juices over Raika’s face. Then she knelt on all fours and was penetrated at her arse by the doctor using a painfully big strap-on while again she sucked the master.

It was a long evening’s work and all the time Raika concentrated on being obedient to the doctor and eventually she was rewarded by being allowed to lick and suck at the elegant little nub of her clitoris and lap at the pungent juices that seeped from her as they both listened to the Housegirl being fucked by the master.

She wandered back to the stables in a euphoric, post-orgasmic daze and tiptoed across in front of the stalls and up the stairs. A light shone under Patti’s door and Raika crept in. Patti was sitting up in bed, naked. As Raika began to undress again she dimmed the lights and swept the quilt aside. Her legs were spread wide apart and Raika stared at her cunt and upper thighs. The pale skin had been flogged hard enough to produce a lattice work of pink stripes that stretched right up the thighs and across the vulva itself.

“A girl’s got to do something to pass the time,” she said, grinning at Raika lasciviously. “And besides you know how much the new guy needs the practice.” She glanced down at her crotch as Raika crept towards the bed.

“There’s still some of him up there if you want it,” she said as Raika slipped into bed and pulled the quilt back over them.

Chapter 19


The French girl made such a fuss in the parade ring that she had to be yoked and dragged round by two attendants, as a result she was practically given away. ‘Bambi’ on the other hand was bid for by three buyers and Carlo dropped out when the price looked as though it might affect their ability to buy the Polynesian girl. ‘Fiji’ was fought over fiercely but John gave Carlo his full backing and at a price that made her the most expensive slave CSL had ever invested in at auction, she was theirs.

Two weeks later both had been branded and tongue ringed. Fiji had proved to be compliant and obedient in the stables and all three of the men found her a responsive and eager fuck. She appeared to be well capable of repaying the investment they had made in her as well. She was a natural performer with the whip and once the samples of the new shields for studded whip duelling arrived, Carlo needed one morning’s workout to label her as outstanding potential. She was hardy and impassive under the lash when she had to take it but fast and agile on the attack. With Ox and Trouble – as John had foreseen – she formed a powerful core for any stable to build a melee squad around. As with any new slave, she had been flogged by all the men for their pleasure after the day’s training was complete and here too she was gifted. Her skin marked only gradually, even under the most severe lash and none of them had yet found her limits. She was still capable of orgasming smoothly and with impassioned groans when the men gave in to their desires and moved in to sample the well-trained sheath of her vagina which always seemed to be hot, wet and accommodating. She seemed to be very sensitive around the breasts and her cries, together with their size and her ability to orgasm repeatedly meant she was earning her keep in the dungeons within a few days of having been branded.

The French girl had been christened simply as ‘The Beast’ she had arrived spitting and snarling and had been put immediately into solitary confinement.

Carlo had been anxious to get the stable as a whole back into its routine so had delegated to Brian the task of breaking her in. Tony had been left to help Carlo and to continue to practise his whipcraft on whichever of the slaves came to hand.

Every day Brian harnessed up Purdy and drove her into the woods where the solitary confinement pits had been dug. Once there he had removed the grille that covered Beast’s pit and had hauled her out, fed her, cleaned her up and then taken her for a beating.

Carlo’s course of treatment was simple. Keep the bitch flogged until even she couldn’t ask for more. Brian had fed her leash from her tethered hands behind her, between her legs and then had kept it up over his shoulder as he drove Purdy. With the leather pressing up at her crotch the French girl was forced into a reluctant trot behind the trap. Until she quietened down, Carlo didn’t want her disrupting the other slaves and so Brian took her out into the grounds for her beatings. As the prescription was for full body whipping, a tree branch was as good a place as any and she could twist and yell and swear to her heart’s content at the end of a rope.

For a whole wearisome day Brian flogged her until the girl was more welt than skin but still she snarled and swore and kicked if he tried to get his hand between her legs. She spun and writhed under the whip but refused to give in. It was just as well for Brian that Purdy found the sight and sound of such continual and severe whipping so much to her taste and so provided much needed relaxation for him. Every so often he would throw down whichever whip he was using and stride across to where Purdy was hobbled. On her knees and with her ringed tongue teasing and adoring her trainer’s cock, she provided the perfect antidote to Beast’s refusal to submit.

On the second day it rained and Brian always maintained that it was partly due to that that he was finally able to tame the beast. He huddled under his cap and pulled his waxed jacket tightly around him as Purdy, her skin gleaming in the rain and her thick hair plastering to her head and occasionally tangling in the whip cord as he encouraged her to keep her trotting speed up, pulled the soaking Beast after them. He had put a tarpaulin over her pit the previous night but even so she must have been cold and vulnerable that morning. Nevertheless she kept up her usual invective as Brian worked over her body, carefully re-igniting the fires in old welts and in the wet weather working especially hard on her breasts and nipples with a heavy flogger. The rain flew off her in sprays as the leathers smacked down and after half an hour or so Brian at last saw a change. She began to lessen her contortions and await the next lash with more composure. For the first time Brian began to take some pleasure in his work as he was able to pick his targets and best of all she eventually parted her legs. Slowly he approached her and getting a handful of hair he pulled her head back to look into her face. Her eyes were heavy lidded and calm, the pupils dilated and her mouth with its almost over-full lips hung open and relaxed. He stepped back and plied the flogger in a series of upper cuts between the thighs. Her head went back and she moaned but she made no attempt to close her legs and eventually she gave a convulsive shudder and slumped until her arms took her full weight. Brian took a short break and availed himself of Purdy again before he carried out Carlo’s final instruction. He waited until Beast was alert again and then carried on flogging her. This time he flicked in lashes with a braided lash and carried on until he drew blood.

That night she was stabled in the horsebox and as soon as she had healed, he did it again. Carlo maintained that she needed to know that the severe floggings she thrived on could be inflicted as often as even she could wish – and it seemed to work. After the second thrashing she became biddable and took her branding and ringing with perfect behaviour. Unsurprisingly there was a waiting list for her services in the dungeons up at the big house.

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