Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3) (57 page)

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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     Gripping her hips in desperation, and love, so much
fucking love, I thanked God that this was real. Distantly I took note that it
was dawn, but only because the morning light highlighted her caramel skin
making it glow like gold. She was so damn beautiful, and sexy as hell.

     She rose up and her full, firm breasts swayed, her taut
stomach contracted, and then she sank down taking me deep. My grip tightened in
pleasure. “Son of a bitch…Maya, you are a fucking dream come true.”

     Hard breaths huffed from her plump lips as she rocked
urgently. “I can’t seem to get enough of you. I woke this morning with an ache
inside me only you could assuage. You don’t mind me using you, do you?”

     Happiness shone alongside the desire in her gaze and it
had my chest warming in satisfaction. I’d put that there. I’d put both of those
emotions there. She was mine, had always been mine, and would always be mine.

     “You can use me anytime you want.” I arched my hips up
as she slid down and both of us gasped at the deep penetration. Shit, that felt
good! From the blissful look on her face she thought the same thing. 

     I can’t believe she wasn’t sore from yesterday, and
last night. This was our sixth time having sex in the last eighteen hours;
twice in the afternoon, twice last night before falling asleep, once in the
middle of the night when Maya’s backside had wiggled into my inexorable
erection, and now.

     I know my dick was feeling the usage. It wasn’t
complaining because Maya’s pussy was candy to my cock’s sweet tooth, but I’d
never had this much sex in such a short time frame ever in my life. Both of us
were insatiable for each other.  

     Maya’s hands came down on my chest, her nails dug into
my pecs, and she rocked into my upward thrusts with eyes narrowed in pleasure.
“Oh, god, Landon…yes…that feels so good.”

     Her breasts and dark chocolate nipples quivered for my
hungry mouth. Seizing one I raised my head and sucked on it hard, rolling the
distended nub ruthlessly on my tongue. She tasted so damn delicious.

     Inner muscles clamped down and pulsed around me. She
was close, but then so was I. Morning wood was hell on a guy, and since morning
sex wasn’t something I was accustomed to this was a highly simulating
experience. Being with Maya made it even more so. She was hot silk and I could
feel every minuscule ripple her walls made along my bare cock. Nothing had ever
felt this unbelievably incredible.

     “Son of a…” Bending my knees I powered upwards into
heavenly heat and tightness. “So damn good, darlin’.” Laying back down I
brought her breast with me continuing to lave and bite at it; it was too
luscious to let go. “Love you, Maya. Love you so damn much.” Slapping hands on
her ass I squeezed her soft globes as I drove upward in hard jackhammer strokes.

     “I…love…you…too…Ahhhh…” She stared down at me, eyes
bright with passion and love, and cried out after each thrust. Second’s later waves
of contractions rolled up and down my burning shaft telling me she was falling into

     Her explosion set off my own and with three final
plunges I spewed my semen inside of her, filling her up, marking her as mine
once again. Unable to speak all I could do was expel one long groan of elation.
It was all too fucking awesome. Her…the sex…our connection.

     She milked everything from me and I don’t think I’d
ever come so powerfully in my life. Probably because I had barely anything left
to give her so what I did give her was drawn from some hidden reservoir deep within
me. Even after she slumped on me in depletion her inner flutters caused small
twitches of discharge and pleasure. Breathing heavily, my hips fell back to the
bed and I cuddled her to me, kissing the side of her neck.

      When I could speak I huffed out a tired laugh. “You’re
killing me woman. I’m going to have to drink two gallons of water to replenish
myself after yesterday and last night.”

     Her chest heaved on mine. “You can’t die yet. I still
have way more making up to do. Four years, Landon…I have four years of built up
sexual cravings.” She sniggered faintly like she was joking, but I could hear
some truth to her words.

     I could totally believe her declaration. Fours years
a long time to go without. I couldn’t image not having had sex that long, but
hell, the sex I had been having these last four years was crumbs compared to
the buffet Maya offered me.

     “I’ve never had morning sex before,” I discounted that
one time because I hadn’t even wanted it. “And now that you’ve spoiled me with
it I might want it all the time.” I grunted in contentment.

     Face flushed, she glanced up at me grinning. I knew her
smile was because she liked hearing about any firsts she could give me. Without
conscious thought I’d saved many of my first for Maya.

     Both of us heard the doorknob turning. Alarm widened
Maya’s eyes and she scrambled off me and under the blankets with lightening
speed. I too made certain my unmentionables were covered. The next instant Nola
ambled inside.

     “Mommy, I’m hungry.” She stopped in surprise at seeing
me. “Daddy, what you doing in mommy’s bed?” Not put out at seeing me, only
curious it would appear, she ran and jumped on the bed excitement all over her

     Making sure the blankets stayed in place I caught her in
a hug. It was awesome waking up and being able to see her first thing in the
morning. Her dark blonde hair was fluffed around her head and she was rumpled
from just waking up. Although, from what Maya told me Nola started her mornings
in her room playing with her toys before going in search of Maya.   

     “Hey, baby girl. I thought I’d have a sleep over so I
could see you really early this morning.” I said explaining my presence.  

     She bounced. “Yayyy. And you’re going to church wif us,

     “You bet.” I’d gone last Sunday and she’d been
extremely excited about introducing me to everyone.

     She bounced again and I grinned at her joy while
arranging her so she wasn’t hitting anything important.

     “Mommy, can you make scrammel eggs and sausage?” Nola
turned her attention to a red faced Maya who was clinging to the blanket in
obvious dread of flashing our daughter. 

     This was the best fucking morning.  

     “How about if I make breakfast this morning?” I

     Nola frowned. “You know how to make scrammel eggs and

     From her tone it sounded like she wasn’t too certain of
my abilities. “Of course I know how to make scrambled eggs and sausage. That’s
one of my favorite breakfasts’.”

     “Me too. I love sausage…and bacon. I like bacon lots
too.” Nola exclaimed with fervor.

     Who didn’t?

     Turning on my side I set Nola on the floor. “Baby girl,
can you go play in your bedroom for just a little bit longer so that Mommy and
me can get dressed and talk for a second?”

     “Okay.” She replied and turned to run out the
door…leaving it open in the process.

     Maya slumped back on the bed. “Geesh, talk about a close

     Looming over her I grinned. “Could have been closer. If
it had been I would be crying right now in frustration instead of smiling in
absolute satisfaction.”

     Face red she grinned back. “God, that would have been
awful; for that reason and trying to her explain what we were doing.”

     There was my bashful girl. Six rounds of sex and still
blushing. Hard to believe that she’d been sexually aggressive waking me up to
ride me this morning. That she had taken the initiative told me she must have
woken up really horny.

     “We could have told her we were hiding the pickle, or
that I was giving you a sausage of my own, playing twister, breaking in the bed
springs, or my favorite, playing poker…get it
‘poke her’

     I was having a hard time holding back laughter as Maya
tried to look appalled, but her pursed lips and bright eyes gave away the mirth
she was trying to contain. She smacked me in the arm which seemed to be the
trigger for both of us because we burst out laughing in concert.  

     “You are terrible.” She exclaimed with an enormous

     “Hey, they weren’t all bad. The twister one was

     “She would have wanted to join us.” Maya raised an
eyebrow that said ‘and what would you have done then’.

     I grimaced past my humor. “Yeah, not so great then.
I’ll leave the explanations in your court from now on.”

     Her lip twisted and her hand came up to brush back my
hair. I nearly closed my eyes in contentment at her gentle touch. “If you’re
going to church with us you won’t have time to cook breakfast. You need to run
home and get some clean clothes, unless you’re going to wear yesterday’s?”

     Bending, I brushed my lips over her collarbone. “Baby,
I’ve got a suitcase in my trunk that I’ve been dying to make use of.”

     She inhaled at the touch of my lips and shifted against
the leg I had between hers. “Seriously?”

     “Oh yeah.” I might have been taking it slow this last
week, courting her all over again, but I couldn’t stop myself from hoping she’d
ask me to spend the night. She might not know it yet, but I was here to stay.

     She sighed. “We need to get up.” Instead of pushing me
away though her hands stroked over my shoulders.

     I exhaled over her chest as I continued my foray of
kisses south. With a ‘see you later’ kiss to each of her nipples I flipped back
the blankets and jumped from the bed. Maya gasped and covered her breasts in
reaction to all out exposure.

     “Landon!” She exclaimed going crimson.

     Grinning unabashedly I hauled her up with me. She
stumbled but I held on to her till she was steady.

     She gave me a push. “Go close the door before we give
Nola more education than she needs for a three year old.”

     I went to do as she asked because Nola catching me
hanging and swinging free was not on my bucket list.

     “Holy crap.”

     Maya’s exclamation had me glancing back at her in
curiosity. She was pulling on a robe and wincing slightly as she walked to the
bathroom. The way she was walking clued me into why she was wincing.

     “We over did it, didn’t we?” Striding back over to her
I scooped her up and walked her over into the bathroom.

     “Hey…I’m fine.” She protested slapping at me again.

     Ignoring her butterfly gestures I kept going and set
her down on the toilet. Turning I started the water for a bath. “No you’re not.
We had a sexual marathon and your previous dormant vagina is now complaining.”

     She coughed out a laugh. “Dormant?”

     “Inactive? Latent? Hibernating?” I teased. 

     “My vagina has seen
action I’ll have you
know.” She huffed.

     I turned toward her exceedingly interested at that
remark. “Really?” If she wasn’t having sex then that meant only one other
thing. Toys! “Do tell?”

     Face red she shook her head. “That’s my business and
mine alone.”

     “Oh, believe me, anything that has to do with your
vagina is my business.” I straightened and gave her a stern glare through my

     “Does that mean you want to know every little detail of
my period too?” She smirked.

     I grimaced. She had me there the sneaky witch.
“La-la-la,” I sang turning for the door.

     She was laughing as I shut the door giving her some

     Beyond curious now I pulled on my boxer briefs and went
over to her night stand to explore. Inside the drawer, way in the back, behind
her bible, I found a small silver bullet.

That’s it?
This is what she’d been using. The
thing was as big as my finger. No wonder she was as tight as a drum, and no
wonder she’d gone hog wild on my dick. This might be the most woeful toy I’d
ever seen but the sight of it, and knowing what she’d been doing with it, had
my groin tightening in response.  

     Shit! How my dick could still show interest after
everything amazed me.

     I was just about to close the drawer when some papers
under her bible caught my eye. Since I’d already went snooping for her sex toys
I decided a little more wouldn’t hurt. Slipping the papers out from under the
book I was intrigued to find they were thicker than normal paper. More like my
sketch tablet paper. There were two sheets and they were folded up together,
and as I unfolded them I saw that one had been crumpled up at one point but was
now smoothed out as best as it could be.

     Opening them I froze at what I saw.

     It was the two drawings I’d done for Maya four years

     Why did she still have these? How had she not destroyed
them after what I’d done? One of the pictures hadn’t gone unscathed telling me
she had started to get rid of them? Why had she stopped?

     I really wanted to go in that bathroom and ask her why
she still had these, but for whatever reason she was holding back from telling
me, and because of that I had to let her tell me in her own time…or until I
became too impatient to wait.

     Placing them back in the drawer I closed it and with
one last contemplative glance at the bathroom door I went to go get Nola and
make breakfast.


∞                    ∞


     “God, I feel like I’m going to be sick.” Maya moaned.

     Setting down the salad bowl on the counter I stepped up
behind Maya and wrapped my arms around her. I was pleased to feel her lean back
against me as though she were seeking my warmth and comfort.  

     “Everything is going to be fine.” I assured her with a
kiss to the top if her head. “My parent’s agreed to leave all issues at the
door. They just want to meet their granddaughter.”

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