Landon (In Safe Hands Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Landon (In Safe Hands Book 1)
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guest rooms could use some help. They’ve been closed off since I moved in. I’ll
be in my office if you need anything.”

be fine.”

fridge is stocked with a pan of lasagna and some sub sandwiches when I finally
leave for the weekend.

texted me earlier to say he’s spending the night at Zach’s, so my apartment is
silent when I let myself in. At least we have hot water again. I briefly
consider calling Frannie to see if she wants to go out, but curling up on my
couch with a book and a package of cookies sounds much more tempting. I’m over
the hill at twenty-three. Oh well, I do have a date tomorrow night.

I climb into bed a couple of hours later, I think about my upcoming date. Jason
is cute, and he seems really sweet, so why does Landon’s face keep seeping into
my daydream? The man is infuriating.

my intention to sleep in, I’m wide awake early the next morning. I take the
opportunity while the house is quiet to get some studying done and finish writing
my paper for Anatomy class. A really detailed account of the digestive system
and how it functions. Ugh.

shows up just before lunchtime and we head to the mall. “I have a few hundred
saved, Zo. I can get my own stuff,” he says as we make our way through the
Saturday crowd of teenagers.

I’ll get you a few things you need and you can buy some of those horrible
Japanese cartoon t-shirts.”

Anime.” I smile at the offense in his tone.

get some lunch first. I’m starving.” He agrees, and we grab a burger and fries
from the food court.

in the middle of a conversation about what he’d do in a zombie apocalypse when
a hesitant voice says, “Ethan?”

tall red headed boy stands beside our table, a shy smile on his face. Ethan
looks up at him and smiles. “Hey, Colin.”

just stare at one another until I break the awkward silence. “I’m Zoe, Ethan’s
sister. Join us if you want.” I gesture to the chair beside Ethan.

Colin replies, taking a seat. It doesn’t take them long to fall into a
conversation about some video game, and I can see the hesitation in Ethan’s
expression when I bus our trash and start back toward them. He likes this boy
and doesn’t want to leave. It looks like the feeling is mutual.

dig some money out of my pocket and hand it to Ethan. “Why don’t you give me
your school supply list and I’ll get them while you shop for clothes? We can
meet back up in a couple of hours.” Ethan smiles from ear to ear and hands me
his list before practically darting away with his friend. He’d hate me for
thinking it, but it’s too damn adorable.

now I have two hours to kill in a place too expensive to shop in. I make sure
Ethan has new, name brand stuff because I know he gets enough shit in school
without being the kid with discount clothes. There’s a thrift store across the
street from the mall, so I decide to walk over and see what they have. You can
find some good stuff sometimes.

luck into a few pairs of jeans that look brand new. One pair fits perfectly and
makes my ass look great, if I do say so myself. They’ll work for my date
tonight. He may as well know right away I’m not the dress and makeup type. A
clingy red top and a pair of red ballerina flats round out my new outfit. I
stop in the beauty shop next door and emerge minus a couple of inches of hair
with a smile on my face. I didn’t intend on spending money on myself today, but
trimmed hair and thrift store clothing isn’t too much of a splurge.

been almost two hours, so I head back to the mall and quickly gather the school
supplies from Ethan’s list. My arms are loaded down as I take a seat and text

done? I’m by the fountain.-

shows up carrying a few bags with Colin in tow. A sheepish smile sweeps across
his face. “Would you mind if I stay? The Deadpool movie is playing in a few
minutes. Colin can bring me home.”

to hide my grin, I look at Colin. “Do you have your driver’s license?”

ma’am. Had it for almost a year,” Colin replies.

you need someone eighteen or older to get into that movie?”

That was going to be my next question,” Ethan admits.

I shake my head. “Let’s get all this stuff to the car and I’ll get you in the

you!” They beam at each other.


* * * *


have plenty of time to launder my new clothes and grab a shower before my date
with Jason, the cute mechanic. After drying and straightening my hair, I pace
the house. It’s been a while since I went on a date, and I know nothing about
this guy. Dating is a bitch. You never know if you’re going to get the guy
whose idea of romance is flowers and hand holding, or an instant dick pic to
your phone—usually a tiny one they’re way too proud of. That seems like
something Landon would do. And why the hell am I thinking about him now? I need
to get a grip.

picks me up at exactly eight o’clock. He’s punctual. Always a good thing. He
also doesn’t seem bothered by the neighborhood I live in. Bright blue eyes meet
mine as his lips turn up in a soft smile. “Zoe, you look beautiful,” he says,
walking me to his car with his hand on the small of my back.


you like Mexican food?”

love it.”

I know a little place that has the best chicken quesadillas.”

engage in small talk during the drive to the restaurant. Jason seems laid back
and I find him easy to talk to. He opens the door for me, pulls out my chair,
and picks up the check with no hesitation. We walk down the street to an ice
cream shop and indulge in root beer floats. When he pulls up at my apartment to
drop me off, he again opens my car door and walks me to my door.

had a great time with you tonight,” he says, grinning at me.

did I.” I lay a hand on my belly. “The food was delicious. I’m stuffed as a

he catches my hand while we stand outside my door. “I’d love to take you out

like that.”

smile blooms on his face and he presses a soft kiss on my lips. It’s sweet and
brief, but I still feel a flutter in my stomach. “Goodnight, Zoe.”


hear his car pull away just as I get my door unlocked. When I look behind me to
wave to him, he’s gone, but I notice Landon’s car parked a few spots away. Was
he here when we pulled in and I didn’t notice? What the hell is he doing here?
It’s Saturday night.

wrong?” I ask as he stalks up the walkway.

forgot to give you my credit card so you can get the stuff for the guest rooms
before you come in on Monday.” His posture is stiff as he thrusts a credit card
into my hand. “Sorry if I interrupted your evening.” He turns and marches back
to his car without another word and drives away.

the hell? Hasn’t he ever heard of a phone? He has my cell number. And what was
with the attitude? He can be seriously weird sometimes.

is lying on the couch, watching T.V. when I come in. “What did you do today?” I

out with Colin. He’s transferring to my school.”

You happy about that?”

smile lifts his lips. “Should be fun.”

I know not to keep questioning. I’m not his mom, but there’s only so much a boy
will tell his sister. “All right then, I’m going to shower and go to bed.”



spend Sunday studying and catching up on housework. For once, I go to bed
early, but still sleep until after nine. I have a class from one to three, so I
plan to go to the mall to shop for Landon’s stuff right after school.

is asleep on the couch when I leave. He may as well enjoy it while he can since
he goes back to school next week.

only request was that the bedding not look like it belongs in an old folk’s
home. When I pull into the mall parking lot, I’m a little excited to go
shopping with a no limit credit card, even if the stuff isn’t for me. All four
guest rooms really are in serious need of a makeover. I decide to do two in
soft, neutral colors, and two in a darker, more masculine hue.

cart is piled high with bedding, curtains, and a few items he still needs for
the kitchen. I can barely fit it all in my trunk. Sweat rolls down my temple as
I climb into my car. It must be over ninety degrees and the sun feels like it’s
close enough to singe the hair from my skin. My only thought is the iced tea I
plan to grab on the way to Landon’s when I turn the key in the ignition.

Instead of the engine turning over, all I hear is a click. Oh no. Not again. I
can’t afford another repair bill. My palm smoothes across the dash as I mumble,
“C’mon now. Start.”

Click. Click.

hate my life. No matter what I do, I can’t get ahead. I must’ve pissed off some
unseen force since it just keeps pushing my head underwater. My forehead drops to
the steering wheel while I try to decide what to do.

really can’t afford to tow the car back to the shop. Maybe I just need a jump?
A peek at the time shows me I can’t call Frannie. She’s at work. Shit. Landon
it is, then. I was going after his stuff anyway. I’m sure he won’t mind coming
to jump my car. I’m only a few miles from his house.

answers on the first ring, catching me off guard. Am I ever going to be on
equal footing with this man? “Landon, I’m really sorry to ask you, but I’m
stranded at the mall. My stupid car won’t start. I have all your bedding and
items in the trunk, so I really don’t want to leave the car here. Can you come
and try to give it a jump?”

silent pause unwinds until I think he may have hung up. “Are you there?”

releases a long suffering sigh, making me regret that I even called him. “What
lot are you in?”

C, row 3.”

take care of it,” he says. “Let me call you right back.”

okay. Does that mean he’s coming or what? The phone goes dead in my ear before
I can ask. Five minutes later, he calls back.

is on his way to check out your car. He’s about forty-five minutes away.”

His friend that kept flirting with me? Why send him? “Are you not at home?”

busy,” he snaps.

heats my cheeks. “Forget it. I can take a cab to your house, then figure out
what to do when I get home. You don’t have to bother your friend. I shouldn’t
have called you.” I’m not sure why I did. I know better than to count on anyone

will get your car going or bring you here. So don’t be stubborn.”

be an asshole.”

deep chuckle rumbles in my ear. “It’s hot out. Go wait inside. I gave Dare your
cell number. He’ll text you when he’s there.”

I grumble. “Thanks.”

I interrupted him with his flavor of the week and that’s why he’s so testy. Or
maybe he’s sick of having an employee that can’t keep a car running. That
really isn’t fair, though. I was getting to work on time and I’ve never asked
him for anything before today. I’m sitting on a bench in the shade, sipping an
iced tea when I get a text from Dare that he’s in the parking lot.

huge black SUV is pulled nose to nose with my little car, the hood already up.
A smile breaks across Dare’s handsome face as he approaches me. “There’s the
damsel in distress.”

my eyes, I fight back a grin. “Thanks for coming. I’m sorry Landon called you.
I only called him because he lives so close. I guess he was busy.”

expression darkens for a moment before he shakes it off and smiles. “I don’t
mind. Pop your hood.”

hooks up the jumper cables—I really should get a set—then nods at me. Give it a
try. Relief pours through me when my engine roars to life. Just a dead battery.
Thank fuck. “Thank you so much,” I exclaim.

follow you to Landon’s,” he offers.

don’t have to do that.”

I’m going to.” He hops into his vehicle and stares at me expectantly.

then. The car runs fine. After I’m parked in Landon’s driveway, I kill the
engine and promptly restart it, relieved when it fires right up. The last thing
I need is to be stranded here. Dare takes a load of purchases from my arms
before I can protest, and helps me get all Landon’s new stuff in the house. A
glance at my watch shows I’m nearly an hour late, but I was shopping for his
shit, so that should count as work.

to?” Dare asks, his arms full of bedding.

toss it on the couch so I can sort through it.”

saunters into the room wearing only a pair of sweatpants. I try to point my
eyes away from his bare sculpted chest, but they seem to have a mind of their
own, sneaking glances that aren’t even close to furtive.

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