Landon (In Safe Hands Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Landon (In Safe Hands Book 1)
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I also saw them laughing and playing like typical children.”

who likely won’t make it to adulthood before dying of cancer!”

she orders, grabbing my arm and pulling me onto the couch with her. “Landon, if
you want a vasectomy, I have no problem with that. They’re reversible anyway,
if you ever change your mind, and as I said before, adoption is always a
possibility, but I don’t think that’s what you’re really freaking out over.”

hands are soft as they cup my face. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

could be me, probably will be me someday. You don’t realize what you’re getting

you’re an idiot.”

must’ve heard her wrong. “What?”

You’re an idiot if you think I don’t know what could happen. Anything could
happen. To you or to me. A boulder could fall on me and paralyze me for life,
or I could lose both of my arms in a car accident and you’d have to spoon feed
me every day. Anything can happen, but we can’t live in fear of horrible
outcomes we can’t predict. Neither of us knows the future or how long we have,
so I choose to embrace the incredible possibilities of what our lives together
could be like.”

right. I am an idiot. Without a word, I slide a hand behind her neck and take
her soft lips with mine. She lets out a little moan, and I take the opportunity
to slide my tongue into her mouth, licking and tasting with a slow steady
rhythm that drives her crazy. When we finally break apart, I rest my forehead
on hers. “I love you so fucking much, Zo. I’ve never felt like this before.
You’re perfect.”

not perfect. I’m messy. I leave my clothes on the floor. I use your toothbrush
without asking when I forget mine. And I’m sure you’ll find a hundred other
things I do that you’ll hate.”

her into my lap, I hug her hard, burying my face in her neck. “You’re perfect
for me.”

you’re everything I never knew I needed. The only person to ever love me
without judgment or conditions, so stop worrying. I’ll love you no matter what
battles you have to fight with this disease or how it affects this gorgeous

a sigh, she settles against my chest like she usually does, in the place that
feels like it was made for her to rest. My hands thread through her hair. “You
use my toothbrush? That’s kind of gross, sweetheart.”

put your tongue in my mouth and my pussy,” she giggles.

when did we start living in the Wile E Coyote universe where a boulder can fall
on you?”

could happen. Haven’t you ever driven down one of those roads with the Falling
Rocks signs? I mean, really, what am I supposed to do with that information?”

woman never fails to make me laugh or drag me out of a dark mood. My stomach
growls and I realize we never had dinner. “Are you hungry?”

room service?”

about we go to the restaurant downstairs, then to the casino?”

on her feet in half a second, an excited grin on her face. “I want to play the

me a minute to put some sunscreen on,” I tell her, grabbing it out of my

We aren’t going out.”

is the city of lights, sweetheart. And some of those lights are fluorescent
which also emit UV rays. It’s not as dangerous as the sun, and with a little
sunblock, I won’t have to worry about it.”

takes the container from my hand as I rub the fragrant lotion into my face.
Soft hands run over the back of my neck, rubbing in the lotion. My jeans and
long sleeved shirt will protect the rest of me.

this smells good. I like it,” Zo says, running her nose across my cheek.

she doesn’t stop, we’ll never make it downstairs. “Let’s go, baby. I’m starving.”

restaurant is nice and not too crowded, so we get seated right away. After a
delicious dinner of steak and baked potatoes, we make our way to the casino.
Zoe is definitely out of her comfort zone around the blackjack tables, so we
agree to split up, and she heads off to play the slots.

I catch up to her an hour later, she’s waving like a madman. “I won!”

cute she’s so excited. I mean, how much could she have won on the slots? A
hundred or so? “That’s great! How much did you win?”


jaw drops. “On a slot machine?”

I hit the jackpot! How did you do?”

even,” I mumble, but I can’t keep the smile from my face.

Her eyebrow raises.

throw my arm around her, leading her to the front doors. “No, I lost a grand,
you lucky brat.”

she asks, “Where are we going?”

dark. I thought you’d like to take a walk, see the strip.”

love to!” I love to see her this way, excited and happy. And she’s going to
marry me. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch that ever lived.

and I spend most of the night exploring Vegas. We watch the fountain at the
Bellagio, and ride the coasters and rides at the Adventure Dome. Zoe is fun and
not afraid to try anything. We get back to our hotel a few minutes before dawn
and fall into bed. Exhausted or not, I still have to have her, and she sure
doesn’t complain.

breakfast—at 5pm—Zoe gives me a wary look.

it out sweetheart. I see that brain working on something.”

we go to the pool party tonight? I know you didn’t enjoy the buffet, but the
people were really nice, and I think you’d like them if you give them a chance.
We can just swim for a bit and see how it goes.”

stubborn girl. There’s no way I can say no to that pleading look on her face.
“I suppose. But you aren’t wearing that tiny bikini are you? I don’t want to
have to beat some old man’s ass for ogling you,” I tease.

bikini,” she replies, kissing me.

wears a two piece with a halter top and boyshort bottoms, but the sight of her
flat little stomach still makes me want to drag her back to bed. She’s
determined to make it to this pool party, so like it or not, I end up escorting
her to the huge pool after dark.

pool area is illuminated with criss crossing strands of tiny white lights,
punctuated by an occasional tiki torch. In the center of the pool is a swim up
bar, complete with a brawny bartender who looks like he’d rather be anywhere
else. Kids laugh and play, splashing each other and doing cannonballs.

spot our group on one end where a bunch of lounge chairs have been pulled close
together. “Oh no you don’t,” Zoe scolds, grabbing my arm when Charles waves
from the other end of the pool. “Stay away from Mr. Sunshine. We came to have
fun, not bemoan things we can’t change.”

choose two chairs and spread out our towels. “Hi, Zoe, right?” One of the women
approaches us with a little boy in tow.

Zoe grins back at her. “This is my fiancée, Landon.”

the lady says, “we didn’t get a chance to talk last night. It’s nice to meet

too. And who is this handsome young man?” Zoe asks, grinning down at the boy.
His lips tilt up in a grin, making a tiny growth on his cheek move.

he replies. He turns to me. “I can’t do a cannonball and mom won’t show me.
Will you teach me?” Obviously, the boy isn’t shy.

You shouldn’t bother people you’ve just met.”

boy’s face falls until I kneel down and ask, “Can you swim?”

a fish! That’s what my swim coach says. I’m a pirhana!” He bares his teeth at
me, then giggles.

come on then, pirhana. Let’s go do a cannonball.”





Landon’s last experience with the XP group, I’m surprised he agreed to return,
but I’m so happy he did. Tonight has been wonderful. I’ve met some great people
and have gained a better understanding of what it’s like to love someone with
Landon’s condition. Even better, Landon has spent the evening playing in the
pool with the kids that freaked him out yesterday, and hanging out with some of
the guys.

him with the kids, I know he’ll be a great father when and if we decide to
adopt children. He’s a natural. He shocked me a little with the vasectomy talk,
but I honestly don’t have a problem with it. There are plenty of children that
need a home.

to go, sweetheart?” he asks, slipping an arm around me from behind. His palm is
hot against my bare stomach.

I can respond, Jean asks, “You two are coming to the old west show tomorrow
night, aren’t you?”

grins from ear to ear. “If I have to lasso her and bring her there on a horse.
She’s marrying me whether she likes it or not.”

You’re getting married tomorrow! That’s fantastic!” Jean hugs me. “And I’m sure
you won’t have to hogtie her.” She turns to Zoe. “Might want to brand him
though. Don’t let him get away.”

we excuse ourselves. “Hmm, branding huh? It’s not a bad idea. Maybe a property
of Zoe brand on your ass. It’d only hurt for a week or so.”

funny. I’m going to mark your ass with my handprint when I get you back to the

body is close to his and I can feel the heat from his skin as we walk. “Save
something for the honeymoon.”

have dinner brought to our room, and share a shower which of course leads to
sex. Like hours of sex. Like my vagina is never going to be the same, sex. Once
we’re cuddled in bed, my head resting on his hard chest, I ask him what he
thinks of the XP group now.

kids are amazing. They don’t let the hospital visits, surgeries or restrictions
slow them down. Tommy is eight and the fastest swimmer on his team. They
actually meet in the evenings at an indoor pool, just so he can participate.”

not so doom and gloom?”

sucks that they have to struggle, but they’re worse off than me, and if they
can keep a positive attitude, so can I.” His fingers run through my hair. “I’m
glad I came. Thanks for bullying me into it.”

didn’t bully you!” He jerks as I pinch his nipple.


pushing it, buddy.”

a chuckle, he rolls over, clutching me to his warm body. “I can’t wait to make
you my wife tomorrow.”

me too.” His breathing evens out, and my eyes slam shut.

the moment I wake the next day, I’m a ball of nerves, but I try not to show it.
I don’t want Landon to think I have cold feet or any doubt this is what I want.

Frontier Place is everything I expected and more. They’ve recreated an old
western town complete with saloon, general store, hotel, and stable. Employees
walk around in period dress, their clothes slightly dusty from the dirt road. Horses
are tethered to a hitching rail near a long trough of water, and a few
stagecoaches are parked in front of the hotel.

only thing that throws off the ambiance a bit is the sodium lights illuminating
everything, but there’s no help for that. The desert is seriously dark, even
with the moonlight raining down on us.

shiver runs through me, despite my warm jacket. So much for my thought that the
desert is always hot. Apparently, in December, not so much. A man dressed as a
cowboy, including boots, spurs, and a wide brimmed hat approaches us. “Welcome
to Frontier Place. I’m Buckshot Bill. Are you the lucky couple here for the

fake accent makes me smile. Landon’s arm wraps around my shoulders and he gazes
down at me as he replies with pride on his voice. “Yes, Sir. This is Zoe, I
need her hitched to me quick, before she changes her mind.”

and ain’t she a purty one.” Bill whistles through his teeth. A few members of
the XP group arrive, including Charles and Karen, the organizers of the group,
Jean, and her little boy. The kids circle around Landon, hoping for the same
attention he showed them yesterday.

all set up for ya over in the saloon,” Buckshot Bill tells us and leads the
group to a large building with batwing doors. The place smells of the sawdust
that coats the floor and oil from the lamps that throw a soft light over the
room. Scrubbed wooden tables are arranged haphazardly around a small stage
while the back half of the room is clear, I assume for dancing.

tiny woman with hair so gray it’s almost white greets me with a smile. “Welcome
and congratulations. I’m Tippy Hardwell. Come with me, Miss. I’ve got some
lovely dresses for you to choose from.” She motions to another guy dressed in
trousers and a tartan long sleeved shirt, and he approaches Landon.

get yer man here outfitted and back to you in two shakes,” he says, making me
laugh. This place is awesome. I had no idea we’d be dressing for the wedding,
much less in western clothes.

you arrange this?” I ask Landon, and he grins.

thought it’d be a good wedding photo. And I have to see you in one those

lead away from one another into separate restrooms in the back of the saloon.
Though the décor follows suit, the amenities are modern. No outhouses. An array
of dresses hang on a rack in the corner. They’re all beautiful, but I choose a
simple yellow prairie dress with full sleeves, a cinched waist, and a skirt
that flares out to touch the floor. Since my feet aren’t visible, I pass on the
leather slippers that look a bit too large. I don’t want to trip and make a
fool of myself in front of everyone.

taking a moment to put my hair up in a quick twist, I step back and look in the
mirror. My face is flushed with excitement, and with the vintage clothing, I
look innocent. Landon is going to eat this up. Tippy pronounces me,
“beautiful,” and leads me back out to the saloon, which has quickly filled with

see quite a few I recognize from the XP group, but a lot that I don’t. We obviously
aren’t the only group they’re hosting tonight. My hands start to sweat and I
surreptitiously wipe them on my skirt. This isn’t what I expected. I thought it
would just be Landon and me, maybe a couple of witnesses, but this place is

nerves settle and a giggle erupts when Landon approaches me. He looks so
goddamn handsome in a pair of high waisted trousers and an asymmetrical
Flintridge shirt with pewter buttons down the right side. His shirt is tucked
in, showing off how lean and muscular he is. I so want to take this outfit home
and make him wear it in the bedroom.

look gorgeous,” he breathes, his gaze traveling up and down my body.

you are too handsome in that. I wonder if these clothes are for sale?”

eyes light up with the possibilities. “You want to keep the dress?”

as much as I want to see you wear that at home.”

he shakes his head. “I didn’t know you had a cowboy fetish.”

have a you fetish. Cowboy, astronaut, fire fighter, whatever.”

now.” Buckshot Bill interrupts us. “If you’re ready to get hitched, just follow
me on up yonder.” Of course Buckshot Bill is going to be the officiant. I can’t
wait to see how this goes.

in hand, Landon and I mount the stage and stand in front of Buckshot Bill, who
addresses the audience. “Howdy, folks. We got two young whipper snappers here
who want to tie the knot. Since the constable is too all-fired lazy to conduct
the proceedins, I’m honored to do the job.”

audience claps, then instantly quiets when Buckshot turns to Landon. “Do you
promise to keep this beauty safe, love and respect her until you take the long
dirt nap?” Soft laughter fills the room from the audience, and I try to stifle
a giggle.

amazing ocean colored eyes delve into mine. “I do.”

if she nags you and hides your whiskey?” Buckshot asks, drawing more laughter
from the crowd.

do,” Landon repeats, a wide smile on his face.

put a ring on her, then, fore she changes her mind.”

turns to me. “Do you swear to love, honor, and respect him until he’s pushing
up daisies?”

eyes land on mine again, and the past months run through my mind at breakneck
speed. Meeting him at the bar and thinking he was the most arrogant asshole
ever, cleaning his house while trying not to fall for him, getting trapped by a
tornado and sealing our fate. It was then I knew I didn’t want to be without
him. And when I almost lost him because of one psycho woman, I knew I’d never
be the same without him by my side.

do,” I reply, placing a ring on Landon’s finger.

if he gets all ornery and leaves his muddy boots on your clean floor?”

do,” I repeat with a giggle.

right then, if I can’t talk neither of ya out of it, I now pronounce you man
and wife.” He turns to Landon. “Well, what are you waitin fer? Are you
addle-headed? Kiss her.”

brings his lips to mine and everything melts away. He’s mine, and I’m his.

from the crowd eventually break us apart and Buckshot gives us a wild grin.
“There’s refreshments on the table in the back. Now let’s bend an elbow to
congratulate the happy couple and have a hog killin time!”

have no idea what he just said,” I whisper to Landon, and he laughs.

cut the cake.” His hand wraps around mine, leading me from the stage to the
back of the room.

a cake? When did you arrange all of this?”

amazing what can be done online now,” he laughs.

grab his face and kiss him long and hard. “Thank you. This was amazing.”

stuck with me now,” he murmurs, pressing his forehead to mine.

I reply.

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