Lady of Heaven (10 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Le Veque

BOOK: Lady of Heaven
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“Uh,” he cleared his throat,
tearing his eyes away from her supple breasts and focusing on the menu. “Steak,
chicken, whatever you want. What are you hungry for?”

The bath was running full-bore and
the bubbles were up to the rim.  Morgan pulled off her bikini underwear and
plunged into the water. Fox nearly passed out; he’d stopped breathing, not
realizing it until she hit the water and her very luscious, very shapely body
disappeared from view.  When he finally resumed breathing, he sounded like he
was gasping for air.  Morgan, above the rush of the water, heard him. She
looked up from the bath gel in her hand.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

Fox stared at her with the open
room service menu in his hand. “Nothing.”

He had a very good poker face but
Morgan’s brow furrowed. “You sounded like you were choking. What’s the matter?”

He slapped the room service menu
shut. “Bloody hell, Morgan,” he put his hands on his hips. “I’m only human. You
can’t do… do that bloody stuff in front of me and not expect me to react.”

Her brow furrowed further. “What
are you talking about?”

“That,” he pointed to the bra and
panties on the ground, the jeans in a pile. “Do you realize you just stripped
off your clothing right in front of me?”

She had no idea what he meant,
looking over at her clothes on the floor. “I had to take them off to get in the

He pursed his lips, frustrated. “I
realize that,” he said pointedly. “But you and I haven’t even… and that’s
another thing; you only reserved one room with a king sized bed. Were you
expecting us to share the bed?”

She was baffled. “Yes,” she said
hesitantly. “I… what’s wrong?”

He cocked his head and looked at
her; he could see she genuinely had no idea.  So he tossed the menu to the
ground and began pulling off his clothes in a huff.

“Nothing’s bloody wrong,” he said
as his shoes hit the ground. “Absolutely nothing. I haven’t seen you for
seventeen days and I’ve never missed anyone so much in my entire life.  So
nothing is wrong. I just want to see my girlfriend.”

She watched him as he pulled his
shirt off; she’d never seen him with his clothes off, either, and it began to
occur to her what he had meant. She was so comfortable with the man and so glad
to see him that the fact that they had never been intimate hadn’t crossed her
mind.  She’d only reserved one hotel room because she didn’t want him staying
in another room. She wanted him with her.  She was coming to see why he was so
frustrated; he thought she was teasing him.

“Am I your girlfriend?” she asked

“Yes,” he snapped, unbuttoning his
pants. “You are. And you’re going to be more than that someday, just so we’re

A faint smile crossed her lips as
her hungry gaze drifted over his sculpted physique, the bulging muscles and
broad, defined chest.  His skin was smooth and tan, and he had a big tattoo on
his left shoulder that wrapped around his upper arm; when he turned, she could
see that it was a beautifully sketched ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life. It
was obvious that the man spent a good deal of time in a gym because he was
absolutely enormous and absolutely magnificent.  Her body began to tingle with

“Hurry up and get in the tub,” she
sat back, making room for him. “Don’t make me wait.”

He froze as he prepared to slide
the pants off his big frame. “W-What?”

Her smile broadened. “You heard me.
Get your ass in here.”

He didn’t move. “But you told me…
back in England, when we would get close, you told me that you weren’t ready
for intimacy.”

She played with the bubbles, a
seductive smile on her face. “I wasn’t ready then because I just wasn’t sure
about you and I was afraid to take such a big step,” she said. “I was afraid of
getting hurt. But I’m not afraid anymore. I’m ready to let my guard down
completely if you are.”

He didn’t say another word. He
pulled off his jeans, his boxer briefs, giving Morgan an unobstructed view of
his naked body. She was gazing at him, acquainting herself with his spectacular
nude form, when he suddenly got into the tub and the water sloshed over the
side.  His big hands cupped her face, holding her fast as his mouth slanted
hungrily over hers.

“I’ve loved you from nearly the first
moment I met you,” he murmured against her lips.“I’m willing to do whatever it
takes to make you happy and comfortable.  I don’t want you to feel like I’m
rushing you into something you’re not ready for.”

She met his feverish kisses.
“You’re not rushing me,” she breathed as she suckled his lower lip. “I love
you, Fox.”

He kissed her so hard that he drove
her teeth into her soft lip, drawing blood. He could taste it when he kissed
her. In little time, he had her out of the tub and wrapped in a big fluffy
towel.  Carrying her into the bedroom, he laid her on the bed and shoved his
suitcase aside, dumping the contents onto the floor. But he couldn’t have cared

She was warm and damp and supple in
his arms, a little firebrand of a woman who met him kiss for kiss.  She was
such a petite woman that he didn’t want to hurt her, but she turned the tables
on him and became the aggressor. 

Morgan somehow managed to roll him
onto his back, her soft body across his thighs as her mouth began to work his
enormous erection. Fox groaned as she stroked him with her tongue, suckling the
head before plunging her entire mouth down on him. It was heavenly and naughty,
and his hands wound into her damp hair, holding tighter and tighter the more
she worked him.  Far too quickly, he could feel himself building to a release
so he gripped her head, effectively stopping her.  When she looked up to see
what the problem was, he sat up and flipped her onto her back.

Now it was his turn to dominate and
he took great pleasure in it. His mouth was on her neck, his big hand moving to
her silky, slightly damp breasts.  She gasped softly when a big, warm palm
closed over a nipple, squirming with delight as he alternately massaged her
breast and played with the nipple.  When his heated mouth finally closed over
the hard little pellet and suckled hard, Morgan moaned her pleasure. Fox
managed to wedge himself in between her legs, both hands on her breasts as he
nursed from one to the other.

Morgan made it very clear that she
wanted to feel him inside of her and although he was trying to draw out the
foreplay, he wanted to feel himself inside of her as well.  Still, he hadn’t
gorged himself enough on her flesh and as he suckled her breasts, she tried to
sit up and grasp his erection.  He was too tall, however, and she couldn’t get
a hold of him, so as he nursed hungrily on her nipples, she her fingers moved
to her vagina and she began to pleasure herself as he suckled.

It was nearly too much for the man
to take.  He groaned when he saw what she was doing and one of his hands moved
to help her.  Morgan squirmed beneath him, taking his hand and using it to
manipulate her clitoris. As he was gladly doing that, she plunged her fingers
into her body, mimicking intercourse, and Fox couldn’t take anymore. He removed
her fingers from her body, licking them, tasting her on an intimate level, as
he lifted himself up and mounted her.

Fox’s thick and powerful manhood
slid easily into her wet body.  Morgan groaned as he pushed into her, wrapping
her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips as he began to move,
thrusting deep again and again, building that delicious friction they had both
been waiting for.  

Morgan was assertive and
responsive, her hips moving with his, creating wild sensations that had  her
climaxing within the first few minutes. Fox felt her tremors, struggling not to
join her as he ground his pelvis against hers, feeling her body milk at him. 
Then he shifted slightly, putting a hand between them, playing with her and
feeling her body respond to him with another climax a few moments later. 

The more he played with her, the
more she climaxed until, eventually, he could no longer hold back and he
withdrew from her swiftly, wrapping her hands around his erection so she could
stroke him to his orgasm. But Morgan didn’t want any part of it; instead of
stroking him, she directed him into her again and she took the aggressor role
once more, thrusting her pelvis against him until he was quickly overwhelmed by
her body and he thrust into her several times, hard, finally releasing himself
deep inside her as she wept with pleasure. But even after he spent himself, he
continued to move inside of her, feeling the hot slickness of what he had put
into her and loving it. It was the most erotic and satisfying thing he’d ever
experienced. Once he caught his breath, he did the whole thing all over again
and it was even better the second time.

It was everything he had hoped for,
the power of attraction and emotion overwhelming him like nothing he had ever
known.  When Morgan finally fell asleep somewhere around midnight, Fox lay
awake with her wrapped in his arms, staring into the darkness of the room and
knowing his life was changed forever.  Morgan had succeeded in branding him in
ways she could never comprehend, but in ways he wasn’t sorry for in the least.
He adored her.

Morning came before he realized it.





November 24,

we took camels across the sands to a local casbah.  Riding atop a camel is much
like sailing the open sea.  It was rough seas! Dear Louis was positively
green.  It is fortunate he did not see me laughing!

            ~ FS







Morgan awoke the
next morning to the smell of coffee.  She stirred, rolling over in the big bed
and noticing she that was quite alone. The door to the bedroom was cracked open
and she could hear noises out in the living room. 

Running her hand
over the bed beside her, she remembered the night before with a smile, feeling
warm and giddy when she thought of Fox and his powerful body.  It was enough to
send her heart fluttering.  If she thought herself only merely in love with the
man before, she knew now that she was madly in love with him.  Last night had
sealed it.

Rising from bed,
she realized quickly that she was still stark-naked.  Scooting into the
bathroom, she collected the silky white robe she had left there the night
before. Wrapping it around her body, she ran a brush through her hair a couple
of times before making her way out into the living room.

Fox was setting
out coffee cups when she walked in.  He was showered and shaved, his black hair
combed and still damp. He heard the door squeak and turned, his gaze falling on
Morgan. It was all he could do not to turn into a silly, giddy fool.  He smiled
warmly at her.

“Good morning,
sunshine,” he said.

“Good morning,”
she returned his smile. “Have you been up long?”

“A little
while,” he replied. “I’m used to waking up early so I went down to the gym so I
wouldn’t wake you up. How did you sleep?”

Morgan moved
over to him and kissing him sweetly. “Like a rock,” she murmured, kissing him
again. “I don’t think I’ve ever slept so well.”

He wrapped his
arms around her, hugging her tightly, feeling her supple body beneath the silky
robe. It was enough to set his heart racing again and his physical reaction to
her was almost instantaneous.  He could have very easily have taken her back
into the bedroom but he didn’t want to make it seem like sex he was all he was
interested in, so he struggled to focus on something else.

“I ordered
breakfast,” he said. “I hope you’re hungry.”

Morgan looked at
the spread he had on the dining table. “Starving,” she said, gently pulling
away from him and going for a chair. “We didn’t get to eat dinner last night.”


She looked up at
him; the question had a double meaning and she shook her head. “Of course not,”
she insisted softly. “I don’t even have the words to describe how amazing it
was for me. And you?”

His smile
returned. “It was the best night of my life,” he pulled out the chair for her
and helped her sit. Then he began removing the dish covers. “I wasn’t sure what
you would like so I just ordered a bunch of stuff.”

omelets, pancakes and the like were revealed. Morgan wriggled her eyebrows. 
“Wow,” she exclaimed softly. “Did you leave anything in the kitchens for anyone

He snorted as he
sat down beside her, waiting until she had her pick of the dishes presented
before moving in for her leavings. While Morgan ate oatmeal and fruit, Fox
devoured the pancakes and eggs.   The sliding door was open and a balmy breeze
blew in, the blue ribbon of the Nile filling their view. 

“This is so
beautiful,” Morgan sighed.  Then she looked at Fox. “I’m so glad you came. I
can’t imagine sharing this with anyone but you. Thank God I went to the Bolton
Museum on that day; I don’t think I would have ever met you otherwise.”

He took her free
hand and kissed it. “You would have had to meet me, eventually,” he told her.
“With Heaven’s Gate so close to Bolton, we would have eventually met up when
you made the decision to liquidate Louis and Fanny’s collection.”

“Maybe,” she
shrugged, sitting back with her coffee.  She watched Fox as he finished off his
toast. “So what’s on tap for today?”

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