Lady Beware (29 page)

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Authors: Jo Beverley

BOOK: Lady Beware
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Had he almost said “by love”?

He was tugging her out of the room, but she held back. “Wait. I must tell you something. Darien, Maddy threatened me.”

“Threatened you? With what?”

“With exposure. She implied that she knew. About what we did.” She dug the letter out of her reticule. “Here, read it.”

He scanned it quickly, lips tightening. “It could be cunning guesswork.”

“But what if it's
? Mama told me Foxstall's been…That Lady Harroving has been his mistress, even while he's been wooing Maddy. Another reason Maddy mustn't marry him, but that must be how he knows about the feathers. But how could he tell Maddy without revealing…?”

He took her into his arms. “Calm down. If there were feathers there, the story hasn't spread. Lady Harroving might not have made the connection, but if she has she would hesitate to offend your family. In any case there are probably many similar incidents at her masquerades. If they became the tattle of the Town, she'd soon have no guests.”

Thea rested against him, where she'd so longed to be, but she felt like weeping. “I hate her knowing. Despite everything….”

“You wish you hadn't done it. I know.”

She looked up at him. “I don't regret you. I will never regret you.”

He kissed her gently. “I hope that's true. But come, we should ride to the rescue.”

They parted reluctantly and walked to the door.

“If we find them, leave him to me,” Darien said. “He's not a good enemy.”

“He'd be less likely to strike back at me than you,” she said.

“I place no reliance on that. He's capable of anything he thinks he can get away with.”

Thea shuddered. “We have to free Maddy from him.” She walked out into the hall. “Harriet, Lord Darien's taking me to retrieve Maddy. You'd best stay here.”

Harriet bounced to her feet. “You're not leaving me in this house, milady!”

“I'm taking the monster with me,” Thea snapped, then wished to heaven she'd not. She looked at him in horror, but he seemed to be fighting laughter. She smiled back—and wished Maddy to the devil. But without Maddy's mischief she wouldn't be here.

What should she do now? She didn't want to take Harriet because they might find Maddy alone with Foxstall, which would be a scandal if known. But if she sent the maid back to Yeovil House, there'd be questions.

“Is there anywhere you'd like to spend an hour, Harriet?”

“And leave you alone with
, milady?”

“I am perfectly safe with Lord Darien,” Thea said icily. “Where would you like to wait for me?”

“In Westminster Abbey, milady,” Harriet said, with a silent,
Where I can pray for you to come to your senses.

“Very well. I think.” Thea looked at Darien. “How do we get there from here?”

“A hackney,” he said, smiling, but she knew he was noting her ignorance of all the practicalities of life.

Chapter 34

hey left Cave House and walked out of the square. Again, Thea thought of how many people were watching and wondering. She didn't mind now, however. His feelings hadn't changed, so she wanted to be seen with him, to be connected to him in the mind of her world.

It wasn't very far to the nearest hackney stand. She'd seen the lines of battered carriages in certain places and understood that they were for hire, but she'd never thought about exactly how. Darien stopped by the first in line and handed Harriet into it, then spoke to the driver and gave him money. Harriet was carried away, but not without a strong look at Thea saying,
Be careful!

Darien assisted Thea into the next one, which was a much sorrier affair. The seat sagged so badly Thea worried she'd fall through, and the straw on the floor was dirty.

“I'm sorry,” Darien said, taking the opposite seat as it lurched off, “but if one doesn't take the next in line, there'll be a riot.”

“It's all right,” she said. “And if it's not, this is my problem, not yours.”

“Any problem of yours is mine,” he said simply.

Their situation was uncertain and Maddy was being a pest, but here in this unpleasant vehicle Thea felt in a perfect moment, simply because she was alone with Darien. Of course being alone with him was a scandal on its own, though she'd never understood why closed carriages were supposed to be such dens of wickedness. It would take acrobatics to even kiss in this one, especially with it rattling her bones over cobbles and swaying madly when going around corners.

She suddenly giggled.

“What's amusing?” he asked, clutching a leather strap, but his eyes gleamed with humor.

“Oh, everything. Why the gilding?” There were traces of gold paint on the inside panels.

“Most hacks are retired gentlemen's carriages. This one must have been grand once—a very long time ago.”

“I wonder what stories it could tell.”

They fell silent, but it was a good silence. The coach lurched to a halt, springs groaning, and Darien handed Thea out in front of a timbered inn. The sign above the door read
and held a picture of a magpie with a crown in its beak. A thieving bird, but it seemed a solid, respectable hostelry.

Thea had never entered a London inn before, but when she did so, it seemed little different to the ones she'd stayed at on a journey. A frock-coated man came forward to welcome them.

“Captain Foxstall,” Darien said. “Which room?”

The stocky, red-faced man pursed his lips. “Perhaps I may have your card sent up, sir?”

“No.” A guinea changed hands.

“Number six, sir. Upstairs and to the right.”

They went up, but at the top of the stairs Darien touched Thea's arm. “Are you sure you want to be there? If your cousin's with Foxstall, she might not welcome interference.”

“She probably won't, but I have to be there. In case…”

“If he's harmed her I'll kill him for you.”

She gripped his arm. “No. No violence.”

“There are times for violence.”

It was still an issue between them, but this wasn't the time or place to attempt to deal with it. “Then with the minimum of violence. Please.”

“It will always be as you command.”

He turned and approached the door painted with a six and she hurried after. She didn't hear any voices beyond it. Surely the innkeeper had implied Foxstall was in. If Maddy wasn't here with him, where was she?

Darien raised his hand to knock, but then instead he turned the handle and walked in.

Thea swallowed a protest, but in any case they entered a comfortable but empty private parlor. Thea heard voices now, from beyond an adjoining door. This was hers to do, so she walked forward and opened it—to freeze, gaping.

In a big, rumpled bed, Maddy and Foxstall were lounging and laughing. As best Thea could see, both were naked. Laughter froze as she had frozen, and Maddy pulled the sheet up over her breasts, red-faced. Then her brows rose, and she smirked.

Darien grasped Thea's arm and pulled her back, but she twisted free and surged forward. “Maddy! Are you

Her cousin's laugh peeled out. “Puns, Thea? At a time like this? Oh, wipe that sanctimonious horror off your face. If you'd done as I asked, you'd not be here to be upset.”

Thea swayed. An arm came around her, a strong body supported her. She couldn't stop staring at Maddy, and at Foxstall's knobby, muscled shoulders and chest heavy with hair. He grinned, looking demonic with that twisted jaw. Which wasn't a noble war wound….

“You needn't look so very shocked, coz,” Maddy said, turning slightly to snuggle against Foxstall's bare shoulder. “You must have guessed or why rush over here?”

“I thought you might be eloping…Maddy, I won't let you do this to yourself.”

“It's already done.”

Thea feared she might be sick. “I mean marry him,” she said.

“And how are you going to stop me? Tell the world?”

“Tell your father and mine.”

“Who'll insist we marry, if not immediately, as soon as I get with child. That's what I want. What a fool you are, Thea.”

She was. She'd never imagined that Maddy would cold-bloodedly plan something like this, but it was disastrous. She was sure of it. The man himself proved it. There was no tenderness in his expression, only sneering triumph. He showed not a trace of protective concern for the young woman he'd just despoiled.

“I won't let you do this,” Thea cried, to him as much as to Maddy. “If you wed, I'll make sure Uncle Arthur ties up your dowry with strings so tight that Foxstall never has free use of it. Never.”

“Bitch,” Foxstall spat.

Darien stiffened, but he said, “Come away, Thea. There's nothing to be done here.”

But Thea couldn't. “Look at him, Maddy. Look at him. He doesn't want you on those terms.”

Maddy turned, but Thea rushed on.

“He'll be a horrible husband. He's all lies and cheats. Even his noble war wound's a lie, and he's been sleeping with dozens of other women in London while pretending to woo you. He won't change. He's rotten, and will always be so.”

“Fox?” Maddy said, her voice small.

Foxstall, however, was looking at Thea with flat malice in his eyes.

“Fox, don't worry. I don't believe her.”

He looked down and then pushed Maddy away. “The game's up, Maddy, so on your way. With your cousin stirring up your family, we'll never have a feather to fly with.”

“That's not true! My portion's large—”

“Not large enough for me.”

“Once we're married, my parents will come around. Don't listen to her!”

“Are you going to be boring?” he asked. “She's right about the other women, the sanctimonious prig. I'm not a man to be satisfied by a virgin's teasing for weeks.”

Maddy gasped and then scrambled off the bed, clutching the counterpane around her. “You cur, you lout!”

She grabbed and hurled a water glass, a bowl, and then the candlestick. The latter hit him, but her throw was weak and he blocked it with his arm, laughing.

“You'll suffer for this, Foxstall,” Maddy hissed. “I'll crush you, I'll ruin you….”

But then she turned and hurled herself against Darien's chest. He had no choice but to let go of Thea and catch her. He drew her away, into the other room, saying to Thea, “Come.”

But Maddy's clothing was scattered around the room, so Thea scurried around gathering it. She wished she didn't have to look at Foxstall, but she did, sensing he was like a feral animal, keen to kill. She stumbled over his scabbarded saber and was tempted to seize it, draw it, for protection.

When she was sure she'd collected everything, she backed out, clutching the clothes in front of her.

“You'll pay for this,” he said, lips twisted as always, but perhaps truly smiling in a horrid, malicious way. “Silver feathers. How much are they worth in London these days?”

Acid rose in Thea's throat, but she met his eyes. “Not one penny,” she mouthed. Darien mustn't hear or murder would be done. “I'd rather walk the streets in penitential sackcloth and ashes.”

Then she shut the door between them. It took a moment to gather herself and turn to where Maddy was still in Darien's arms, clinging, weeping, and wailing about wickedness and betrayal.

“Oh, stop it,” Thea said, dragging her cousin away. “You may have been betrayed about some things, but you came here of your own free will with this wickedness in mind.”

Maddy turned on her, clutching the counterpane. “What do you know of
, you cold fish?”

“Silver feathers?” Thea replied tartly.

“I don't believe that. I never believed that. You've always been jealous of me. Always!”

Darien put his hand over her mouth. “You said she'd make a scene.”

Maddy was goggle-eyed, but she couldn't get free without dropping the counterpane, and even she balked at that.

“I'd go into the hall while she dressed,” Darien said, “but I don't trust Foxstall. So I'll station myself watching that door.” He let Maddy go and did so, watching the door to the silent bedroom most conscientiously.

Maddy, for the moment, seemed speechless, and Thea wondered if this terrible event had finally shocked some sense into her.

But then she recovered and dropped her cover, brashly revealing bountiful hips and breasts, and a remarkably slender waist. Her deep pink nipples jutted. “Ripe” was the word that came to mind, in look and odor. Perfume, sweat, and that something else rose off her. Thea almost gagged.

“Yes, look,” Maddy mouthed. “You'll never know.”

“Silver feathers,” Thea mouthed back, handing over Maddy's shift.

This was petty, but she was so furious she couldn't stop herself. But, oh God, what would Foxstall do, and what should she do to prevent it?

As she played maid her mind spun around it, always lurching back to Darien. Darien would silence Foxstall. Darien would kill him if she asked. A duel. But that would ruin his hard-won reclamation. If he killed Foxstall, he might have to flee the country.

And what if Foxstall killed Darien? He had to be a formidable fighter.

When Maddy was wrapped in the propriety of expensive fashionable clothing she looked her usual self. No tears, no shame. If she was brokenhearted, she was hiding it well. Was she at all concerned about the risk of a child? Thea didn't know this Maddy at all, but her heart ached. What would become of her now?

Maddy paused, looking at the door Darien guarded, and something rippled over her face. Only for a moment, however. “I'm dressed,” she said, “so we can be off.”

Darien went to open the door to the corridor. Thea and Maddy went through and down the stairs, Maddy flicking down some veiling from her elaborate hat and thus covering her face. Thea had done nothing wrong, but she blushed as they left the inn, feeling every eye upon her. A hackney happened to be nearby, and Darien summoned it.

Once in the coach, Maddy said, “Well, what's the sentence? Do I hang?”

“If you've given up Foxstall, I see no need to tell anyone,” Thea said.

“But what if I'm with child?” It was tossed as a challenge. “What do I do if I can't marry the father?”

“You should have thought of that.”

!” Maddy snapped. “That was the idea, and now you've ruined everything. I wish I'd never involved you.”

“So do I.”

“Where shall we go?” Darien asked calmly enough, but Thea could feel his tension. She knew he burned to go back to the inn and fight Foxstall, but she'd made him promise to avoid violence. Should she release him?
Let loose the dogs of war,
she remembered.

“Back to the bookstore, I suppose,” she said, “where my carriage should return soon.”

They traveled in silence and found the Yeovil carriage waiting. They changed into it and rode the short distance to Maddy's house.

Aunt Margaret appeared anxiously at the door. “Oh, you're back safely! But no books, dearest?”

“They had nothing suitable,” Maddy said, completely in her normal manner. “But we acquired Lord Darien as escort. Isn't that delightful?”

“Of course,” Aunt Margaret said, but doubtfully. Clearly she was one of the unconvinced. “Do come in. Tea, perhaps….”

“No, I really must get home,” Thea said. “Good day, Aunt, Maddy.” Thea sent her cousin a smiling wave. Behind her mother's back, Maddy pulled a face.

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