Lady and the Champ (54 page)

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Authors: Katherine Lace

BOOK: Lady and the Champ
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I come to sit down across from her at the table.

“Cain,” she says, her voice quiet, as if she’s afraid someone will hear her. “Why are you here?”

“Let’s do it.” No point delaying the inevitable.

“Do…” Then it hits her what I mean. I reach over and take the hand that was holding the e-reader and fold my fingers around it. It’s warm and small, with fine bones. If I squeeze too hard, I could break it. “You mean…”

I nod. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m dead if I keep doing what I’m doing. And the thought of you with that asshole Romano…” I shake my head. I can’t even find the right words to describe how I feel about Carmine Romano. “So…let’s do it.”

Somewhat to my surprise, she doesn’t look happy. I figured she’d be ecstatic that I’m ready to go through with her plan. But she looks more worried than anything else. Her other hand comes across the table and closes over mine. “Are you sure?”

I nod. “Yeah. I thought about it. It makes sense. I mean…we have to at least try, right? Otherwise we’re both…” I stop, not sure what the right words are. “We’re both fucked,” I finally finish. Inelegant, but accurate.

She smiles. “Yeah. Pretty much.” One of her eyes glistens and I realize there’s a tear hanging there in the corner of it. It doesn’t fall.

“We do it my way, though,” I go on. “You do what I tell you to, and it’ll work out. You decide to change the plan, and we’ll have a problem.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just trust me.” I don’t want her fucking up my plans for the next fight. I don’t want to tell her about it either. She’s just going to have to follow my lead, and I’m going to have to hope she doesn’t fuck anything up. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t approve if I told her what I was planning.

She seems to roll that around in her head for a while before she finally nods. “Okay.” Her voice is a little shaky, although I can tell she’s trying to keep it under control. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

* * *

f she was
after a romantic wedding with roses and bridesmaids and a pretty cake with a dove on top, she’s going to be sorely disappointed. But she doesn’t say a thing as we head to the county clerk’s office and ask for a marriage license. We go through the formalities as the clerk checks our IDs, fills out the forms, shows us both where to sign.

She signs “Jessica” then pauses. I know she’s just realized she needs to decide whether to write “Spada” or “McAllister.” I can’t help grinning a little when she finally drags the pen up to make the first line of an “M.” Jessica McAllister. I like the sound of that. I hope she does, too.

I have to write them a check for the license, then another one to pay for a civil ceremony. I feel a little guilty about it—maybe I’ll just spring for a nicer ceremony later. She’d probably appreciate that.

Why do you care? This is an arrangement, not a love match.
But I do care, for whatever reason. For the moment, though, I push the feeling back.

We don’t have rings. It doesn’t really matter for the ceremony, but the clerk who runs us through the vows seems a little taken aback. Whatever. It’s none of his fucking business. And when it’s done, I grab Jess and kiss her like I’ve never kissed her before, claiming her mouth, stroking her tongue with mine until the clerk clears her throat and says, “I’m sorry, but I have some other business. I’ll leave you here to…”

When I pull back from Jess, the clerk is making a vague gesture, and I almost laugh. I feel strangely light, like I’ve just won the fucking lottery or something. Do I really believe this is going to keep Spada off my ass? Do I really believe he’s not going to straight-up murder me when he finds out?

I’m not sure. At the moment, I don’t care. Because it’s just hit me.

She’s mine. All of her.
. No matter what her father thinks, there’s not a goddamn thing he can do about it, because my name is next to hers on a piece of paper at the county clerk’s office.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so horny in my life as I am at that moment. My dick feels like it might explode if I don’t get it inside her right this second.

I grab her by the arm and pull her toward the door. “Let’s go, honey. Don’t want to offend the public servant, here.”

Jess seems unimpressed by my attempt at humor. “Where are we going?”

“Anywhere,” I answer in a low voice, almost growling. “Anywhere but here.”

She stops for a split second and then does a double step to catch up. “Cain? What are you doing?”

I swing her out through the door and scope out the doors that open onto the hallway. “Getting you somewhere I can fuck the shit out of you.”

She tugs at my hand, a look of mild alarm taking over her face. “Cain, seriously? Here?”

I pull her close, pressing my mouth against her ear. “I can’t wait another second, Jess. You’re my wife now. I want to make you my wife for real.”

“That’s what signing the marriage license was for.”

“I want to fuck you right here, right now, until you scream so loud somebody calls 9-1-1.”

“That seems like a really bad idea.” But she’s not pulling at my hand quite so hard anymore, and I can tell by the way her cheeks are pinking up that she’s totally on board with this plan.

In the meantime I’m not sure how I manage to use any of my brain cells long enough to formulate the plan, since all my blood has rushed to my dick. But I check the doors in the hallway until I find one that’s unlocked. I push the door open. Behind it is an empty office. I lead Jess in then close the door and lock it behind us.

“You’re nuts,” Jess says, but the corners of her lips are curling up.

I pick her up and sit her down on the desk, pressing my mouth against her ear again. “Going to fuck you so hard. You’ll never forget you’re mine, ’cause you’ll never get that taste out of the back of your throat.”

She shivers, her arms draping over my shoulders. “I don’t think we should do this. What if somebody hears us? Could we get arrested?”

I laugh, mostly because her body language is so much the opposite of what’s coming out of her mouth. She’s wrapping her legs around me, and I can feel her hot cunt right through her clothes. “Don’t know, don’t care,” I tell her, and kiss her hard before she can ask any more questions.

With her on the desk and me between her thighs, I can pretty much do what I want to her. So I flip her skirt up and, surprise surprise, she’s not wearing any underwear.

“Naughty girl.”

Pulling in a growl, I shove my hand into all that heat, knuckles sliding just inside her. She’s so wet I could probably fist her if I wanted to.

I don’t want to. Not this time. I shove three fingers inside her, wondering exactly how long I can hold out before I come in my pants. That wouldn’t be ideal, although I’m sure I wouldn’t be the first guy to suffer from premature ejaculation on his wedding night. Afternoon. Whatever.

“You know…” Jess is trying to talk to me, but her voice is shivery and muffled while I play with her pussy. “…We don’t have to do this now. We’ve got plenty of time—”

I break her off with another hard kiss. “I want you
. We need to seal the deal so there’s no chance of an annulment.” I pause and grin at her. “But mostly I just want to fuck you.”

That seems to placate her. Not that she needs much placating. She’s never said no to me—I doubt she ever will. She’s a hot little minx who obviously loves my cock. And that’s more than okay with me.

My fingers curl inside her and she makes a sharp, helpless sound and grasps at my shoulders. God, I want in there so bad. But instead I go to my knees between her legs, because right now tasting her seems to be about as good an idea as fucking her. Maybe better.

I push my tongue inside her, taking in all that sour-bitter-salty wetness, licking it over the glass-smooth flesh of her inner lips. Some dumb book I read one time said women taste like honey, but they don’t. They taste like sex and woman, and that’s better than honey any day, in my book.

She’s squirming before I’ve hardly gotten started, and she pulls my hair as if she wants me out from between her thighs. Which is, of course, a silly idea. “Cain…”

“Yes, hon?” I say archly, pulling back just a little. I rub at her with my nose, and I think I manage to hit her clit.

“I want you inside me.”

“Yeah, I want inside you, too.”

“Then why aren’t you inside me?”

I swipe my tongue across the full length of her pussy, ending with a swirl around her clit. “Because I want to torture you first.”

“God, Cain. Why the fuck did I marry you, you sadist?” There’s laughter in her voice, but her fingers tighten in my hair and I think she pulls some of it out. Good thing I’m not balding, or that could be tragic.

“Fuck if I know,” I answer her, and start to nibble on her clit.

Her breath is coming fast and hard and a little bit squeaky. I hope she doesn’t scream; I’d really prefer we not have the cops beating down the door. They might come beat down the door anyway.

Regardless, there’s no way I’m going to stop what I’m doing. Part of me even wants her to scream, so someone
come by to see what’s going on, and find out I’m fucking Phil Spada’s daughter to within an inch of her life.

I roll that little nub under my tongue and watch her writhe and squirm. I know guys who refuse to do this to their women—says it makes a man weak. They’re idiots. There’s nothing like the power trip I get watching Jess completely lose her shit while I eat her out.

She’s coming then, her juices covering my tongue. Her breath comes in short, sharp gasps, and I feel the contractions of her body under my mouth. While she’s still shaking, I slip a couple of fingers inside, just so I can feel her muscles contracting on me. She makes a strange, helpless noise, and I thrust in and out of her just to see if she’ll do it again. She does.

Looking at my fingers going deep inside her body, I realize if I don’t get inside her in the next five seconds, I’m going to cream my pants. Not an acceptable thing for a grown man. On the other hand, maybe she’d get off on knowing she makes me so goddamn horny I can’t even keep my dick from exploding.

I lean forward while she’s still shaking under me and mutter right into her ear, “I’m coming inside now. You ready?”

“God, yes.”

I let my dick out of my pants and let it tap against the inside of her thigh. The very wet inside of her thigh. She’s creamed all over herself, my hand, her sex, and her thighs. I stroke her with my cock, rubbing the head of it through the wetness. She’s so hot. It’s like there’s a fire burning inside her that’s melting her into this slick, soft cream.

And then I know I have to do it. Have to claim her in the most primal way I can. I bite her earlobe and say, “Bareback.”

Her eyes pop open and she stares at me. “Maybe that’s not such a good idea?” But she sounds doubtful. Like it won’t take much to change her mind.

“Don’t know, don’t give one single flying fuck,” I tell her, and shove inside.

She doesn’t stop me. She just clenches tight around me and holds my gaze with her own. I mouth her ear again, licking the curve of it, tongue catching on her earrings. “I want my come inside you. I want to taste it on you.”

Jess shivers. Swallows. And after a moment, she nods. It’s a little too late for her to grant approval, but not that much. After all, I haven’t come yet.

The nod gives me all the permission I need. I fuck her hard—harder, I think, than I ever have—and it’s all I can do to hold her steady on the top of the desk. She loops both arms around my neck and arches her body against me, all hot, hot need and gasping desire.

I can feel my dick banging into her, and I picture my seed shooting inside, marking her permanently as mine. More so if that seed takes root…

I break that thought off. It’s not one I want to have. I’m not ready for that, and neither is she. I might never be ready for that.

Then you should have put on the fucking condom.
That’s my sensible voice. But I’m so far past listening to it that I can barely even hear it.

I’m far past any hope of stopping either. I keep thrusting into her, again and again, deeper and harder with each powerful shove. She cries out again, muffling it with her arm, and I feel everything inside her clench down on me as she shakes through yet another orgasm.

It’s all I need. I can’t hold back anymore, and I climax deep inside her, no barriers between her body and mine. I’ve never done this before, not with any woman ever. I press my face into her shoulder, into the fall of her hair, and ride the wave until it finally drops me back onto dry land. I’m dizzy, and I can barely breathe.

She’s breathing hard, her forehead against mine, her eyes closed. Her hands open and close randomly around my shoulders, as if she’s lost motor control. She opens her mouth to speak, but all she says is, “Cain. Holy fucking God, Cain.”

I hold her for a few minutes, stroking her back, my dick slowly shrinking inside her clasping heat. Finally I draw back and kiss her gently on the mouth. I feel…strange. Smug, but there’s more to it than that. I’m kind of quiet inside, and I don’t know what to make of it. It’s nothing like anything I’ve ever felt before.

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