Lady and the Champ (19 page)

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Authors: Katherine Lace

BOOK: Lady and the Champ
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I feel daring, a little jazzed as I adjust the picture, lightening it so Austin will be able to see my face better. Then I text the photo to him, smiling to myself.

Just thinking about him makes me feel better. I pull a paper towel out of one of the dispensers and start to wipe the eyeblack off, then change my mind and just put my bra and shirt back on. My skin’s tingling with the excitement of what I just did—I can almost feel the big black numbers burning into my skin. It’s like I’m high on thoughts of Austin. As long as he’s around, nothing can touch me.

My phone buzzes just as I’m buttoning the last button on my shirt. I grab it quickly, certain it’s Austin.

Nice tits, lady.

I giggle at the comment, absurdly pleased that he likes what I’ve done.

All natural
, I text back.

I know.
There’s a pause of several seconds, then,
All mine

You know it.

Those are the best tits
, he shoots back after a few more seconds. I picture him looking at the picture again, taking it in, trying to catch all the details he might have missed the first time.

Wish you were touching them.

That can be arranged.

Another long pause. What’s he doing now? Maybe he’s touching himself, hand between his legs, pressing on the hardness of his cock, trying to keep from coming in his pants.

Where are you?

At the stadium.

Of course. The party.

He knows about the party? Is that strange? Maybe not. It’s the team medical personnel, after all. My head’s swimming enough I can’t put all the pieces together, so I just answer,

Are you having fun?

. My answer is immediate. I don’t even have to think about it.

Baby, you should be having fun. You stay put. I’ll be there in like fifteen minutes.

Another pause.

I’m going to fuck your brains out, honey.

I smile and stroke my thumb along the edge of the phone. This party might not be a complete disaster after all.


practically floor
it on the way to the stadium; I can’t get there fast enough. All I can think about is Chloe. The picture she sent me, her full, round breasts, the eyeblack smeared across them. It’s like she’s put my mark on her—claimed herself for me. It makes me want to claim her in other ways, with my teeth, my hands, my cock. Makes me want to bathe her with my scent, inside and out.

It’s a good thing my car pretty much knows its own way to the stadium, because I sure as hell can’t focus. I don’t clearly remember pulling into the parking lot, but suddenly there I am, car nosed into my reserved space, and I’m flinging myself out the driver’s side door because I don’t have the proper technology to just teleport myself directly to Chloe. Or inside her, which would be ideal.

The party is on the club level, and I can hear it before I can see it. Those physical therapist and doctor types can get pretty rowdy if you get enough booze into them.

I head into the thick of things, past an unmanned refreshment stand and into a group of people chatting, laughing far too loudly, and tossing back wine and champagne. No sign of Chloe. She’s the only one I’m looking for. I have no desire to see anyone else.

I scan the crowd—I’m tall enough to see over the majority of the other people in the room—but still see no sign of her.

“Dammit,” I mutter, and switch course, but a hand grabs my arm.

“Austin Sherwood!” The voice is high-pitched and loud, the kind of voice that definitely belongs to a woman who’s been drinking too much. I look down at her and smile, trying to be gracious.

“Hi.” I have no idea who she is.

“Oh my God!” she screeches. “Look who I found! It’s Austin Sherwood!”

Most of the guests in the immediate vicinity are now staring at us. One of them, an older gentleman in an immaculate suit who seems markedly less drunk than the others, comes up and extends a hand. He looks vaguely familiar.

“Peter Richards,” he introduces himself. “I’m your PT’s boss.”

“Good to meet you, Dr. Richards.” I take his hand in a firm shake and meet his eyes squarely.
I’m totally not fucking your PT.
“I have to say, Chloe’s the best physical therapist it’s ever been my pleasure to work with.”

“That’s great to hear.”

“In fact…” I glance around again, but my hope that Chloe will just pop up out of the crowd is dashed immediately. “In fact, I’m looking for her right now.”

“Really?” Dr. Richards seems a little suspicious. “Why now?”

I lay a hand on the small of my back. “Just having some issues. I was hoping she could squeeze in a quick session.”

“I see. Well, I’m not sure where she is…”

His voice fades into the background as I finally catch sight of Chloe. I release his hand and move toward her, all the other voices and sounds fading to nothing as everything in my body tunes in to her and her alone.

She’s standing a few yards away. Her hair is vaguely mussed like it was in the selfie she sent me, but of course she’s got her shirt back on, neatly buttoned. Even across the room, her eyes bore into mine, drawing me to her like a tractor beam. I move as quickly as I can without plowing over everyone in front of me. On the way, I grab a couple of champagne flutes from a passing waiter, just for the hell of it.

It’s only a few steps before we’re standing face to face. I hand her a glass of champagne. She looks up at me and says nothing. I stand for a moment just staring down into her eyes, remembering the last thing I texted to her before I headed over here.

I’m going to fuck your brains out, honey.

She tips her chin up, looking at me a bit more squarely. “People are watching,” she says almost without moving her lips.

“I don’t care,” I answer.

“I could get into a lot of trouble if you do anything inappropriate right now, in front of everybody.”

“Then we should go somewhere else.”

“What will everybody think?”

It seems this question actually concerns her. I personally couldn’t give a flying fuck.

“I told your boss I needed you to work on my back, so they’ll probably think you’re working on my back.”

Her eyes widen. “You talked to my boss?”

“Couldn’t help it.” I lay a hand on her arm then suddenly grab her, pushing her against the wall behind us, and kiss her so hard I can taste the bruises. Her fingers dig into my arms, nails biting with sharp tingles of pain.

I draw back and bite her lip. God, I don’t think I can wait another second.

But this isn’t the place. “Let’s go,” I tell her. “I’ve got a special spot in mind.”

* * *

he club level
might be nice, but the VIP section is even better. I’m not supposed to be able to get into it, but I have a key.

“Where did you get that?” Chloe asks.

“Security guard.” I slide the key into the lock. Good. They haven’t changed them since the last time I was here. “I got him some fifty-yard-line tickets and he gave me this key.”


“Very nice.”

And indeed it is. This is where local celebrities sit when they come to watch the games—actors, rock stars, politicians—I think the president even sat here once when he dropped in to relax with a little football. There’s usually food, booze—all the amenities, but tonight it’s dark and empty.

I set the champagne glasses down on one of the tables and move toward Chloe. There’s not a lot of light, but it’s enough to see the gleam in her eyes. I reach out to her and she takes my hand so I can pull her closer.

“Show me,” I tell her.

My dick’s on high alert, throbbing painfully behind my zipper. I want inside her so badly I’m afraid my head might explode if I don’t manage that in about the next five minutes.

“Show you what?”

She seems genuinely puzzled, so I reach for her blouse and unbutton a couple of buttons, not being gentle about it.

The eyeblack is smeared a little, but it’s still there, boldly outlining my jersey number across the pale skin of her breasts.

“God,” I tell her. “That is hot as fuck. Like you’re mine.”

I bend to kiss the tops of her breasts, then bite them, nibbling on her collarbones. She squirms, grabbing at my head, but she doesn’t push me away. I pull her shirt the rest of the way off, then her bra, leaving her bare from the waist up in front of me.

“I want you,” I tell her. “I want you now.”

She nods, her pupils already blown with desire. I kiss her hard, then pick her up and carry her to the other side of the room, where a wide window overlooks the football field. There are a few people down there who’ve probably wandered out from the party, and the lights are up.

“You think they can see us from down there?” I ask her.

“I don’t know. Maybe?” She turns around and presses her mouth to mine, her tongue exploring. When she draws back, she adds, “Do I give a fuck?”

I laugh. “I hope not.” I turn her around again. “Look at them. What would they think if they looked up here and saw you standing here half naked with my mark on you?”

“I don’t know. Don’t care.” Her voice is low and weighty. I can tell she’s every bit as horny as I am. I move up behind her, tucking my crotch against the curve of her ass, reaching around to cup her breasts. I squeeze her nipples, and she gasps.

“Good.” I crowd up behind her until she’s right up against the glass, then pull my hands back so her tits spread out over the surface. I can imagine what it must look like from the other side—her tits, full and round, flattened against the window, her nipples hard, pressing into the softer flesh of her breasts. And above it all, my number written out in bold black.

At this point, my fucking dick is about to explode. I jerk at my belt, the button, and zipper on my pants. Shoving pants and underwear down on my hips, I cup my swelling cock. It’s hot and wet, sticky, eager. It wants Chloe to surround it, to draw it in.

Hang on. We’ll get to that

Yes, I’m having an internal conversation with my own dick. That’s how messed up I am over this woman.

She’s wearing a skirt, at least, which makes things a little easier. I flip it up over her back and am greeted by the sight of a bright red thong. “Whoa, Doc. Did you buy this for me?”

A smirk spreads across her face. “Maybe.”

“You’re killing me here.”

I draw the back of the thong aside, trying to decide if I want to bother pulling it down or if I just want to fuck her around it. As I’m moving it, my thumb traces over her asshole, and she shivers. I grin. I’ve got her just where I want her.

Instead of taking the thong off, I keep playing with her ass with one hand, sliding a finger of the other hand farther down the thong until I find the wet heat of her pussy. She moans, the sound like music.

With my thumb tapping her ass and two fingers shoved deep inside her, she writhes in front of me, the sounds coming from her making me want to fuck her hard and deep and fast. I hold off, though—in some ways it’s more fun to see how high I can take her before I give in.

She’s so hot, so wet, so ready. I lean forward to bite the back of her shoulder and she keens. The movement pushes me farther into her, deeper. I add another finger and thrust into her with all three while she tips her hips back, bringing me deeper and deeper.

“God, Austin.” I’m so glad we’re somewhere we don’t have to worry about being quiet. Fucking her on the balcony was great, but I missed her sounds, the way she moans and shudders and screams. Here, she doesn’t have to hold anything back.

Neither do I. “I’m going to fuck you, Chloe,” I tell her. “I’m going to fuck you in your ass. You okay with that?”

“I don’t know… Austin… Wait…”

Ha. She’s never done that before. I’m almost triumphant at the thought I can take her somewhere nobody else ever has. I let my hand slide out of her pussy, dripping with her arousal. My fingers are slick, and I shift so that hand is toying with her ass now, wetting her, getting her ready. One finger slides in easily, helped along by the lubrication. I try another—she needs to be stretched a little more before she can take my dick.

I take things slowly, and she doesn’t ask me to wait again. Instead she spreads her legs, bracing herself against the window and tipping her hips back so I have easier access. If I had any doubt she wanted this, it’s gone now.

Her tits are shoved so hard against the glass I wonder if the eyeblack will come off, leaving my number etched on the window. Is anybody looking up? If they did look up, could they see anything? The thought of it makes my dick twitch, pulsing so hard I can barely stand it.

Suddenly the tightness in her ass eases, and she just…opens around my fingers. There’s no more resistance. It’s time.

Sliding my fingers out, I bump her with my cock, then slide the tip inside, just a little bit. She moans, and in her reflection in the glass, I can see her biting down on her lower lip. Her eyes are closed, but then she opens them again.


“It’s okay. I’ll go slow. I won’t hurt you.”

She nods and lowers her head again, as if focusing solely on the sensation. Good. She’s committed now. And I can be absolutely certain she’ll enjoy every second of this.

My cock slides in a little at a time, hard enough that there’s little to no resistance. She lets out small sounds that seem like they could mean I’m hurting her, but when I stroke the back of her neck, she nods, encouraging me to continue.

“I’m all right. God. This is…” She trails off and bumps back toward me, bringing me deeper into her.

“Easy,” I tell her. “It’ll be better if you give it some time.”

She doesn’t seem too inclined to draw the experience out, though. I move slowly in and out of her, not thrusting as deeply as I could, just letting her get used to the new sensations. Every time I thrust in, she tilts back a little so I come in farther than I intend to. Every time, she lets out a throaty little breath.

“I want to fuck you into that window,” I mutter. My hands are tight on her ass cheeks, fingers digging in so that the flesh turns white around the pressure points.

Chloe lets out a breathy laugh. “Just don’t fuck me through the window. That’d be a little hard to explain.”

I take it as permission and shove into her, hard. She lets out a little scream followed quickly by, “No, don’t stop, my God, don’t stop, I’m okay.”

I take her at her word and keep fucking her. Her ass is so hot, so tight, the slick addition of her juices letting my cock slide in and out of her fast and easy. It feels amazing. Her muscles clench on me, and I’m certain she’s moving closer to the peak with every thrust.

Finally I reach around and touch her clit. She yelps, then moans out a breath. Perfect. She’s wet and slick, and my finger slides around the firm nub in a dragging circle.

Everything lets loose at once. She screams, her body convulsing around me. I move my fingers from her clit into her pussy, pushing deep inside so I can feel the muscles contracting. The pulse around my dick is hard, tight, almost painful. I’m in to the root by now, and as she pulses around me, I let go, too, spitting hot cum deep into her ass.

She’s saying something, I think, but the words are so ragged and broken I can’t make them out. It’s just a torrent of random curses, maybe my name here and there, and I’m not sure what else. Her hands are clawing the window, her face against it, eyes closed, mouth wide open.

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