Read Lady Alexandra's Lover Online

Authors: Helen Hardt

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

Lady Alexandra's Lover (14 page)

BOOK: Lady Alexandra's Lover
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Mr. Landon, though related to the Duke of Lybrook on his mother’s side, was indeed a commoner—a commoner with immense wealth, and Ally meant to have it all.

A knock on the door startled Ally. She rose to answer it. Mary stood before her.

“I have a message for you, my lady.” Mary held out the parchment.

Ally swiftly took the paper. “Thank you, Mary. Please return in ten minutes’ time to help me prepare for the ball.”

Mary curtsied politely and left.

Ally opened the parchment and widened her eyes.

No, it couldn’t be.

Confessions of Lady Prudence
by Madame O

ars’s cheeks
reddened and a spray of light freckles became apparent across his nose, making him look younger than his years. Oh, Amelia, such timidity! It aroused me all the more. I had to have his tongue upon me, and soon.

“Yes, please, Lars,” I said. “Do lick me, I beg of you.”

Lars stood, seemingly paralyzed, yet his erection was still apparent beneath his britches. It took all my strength not to push down his trousers and stroke him to climax.

“Lady Prudence has asked a favor of you,” Christophe said slyly. “It would be bad form not to comply. After all, her aunt is responsible for your employment.”

“Do you not find me attractive, Lars?” I asked.

“I… I…find you beautiful, my lady. What man wouldn’t find you to his liking? You are indeed lovely.”

“I assure you I am loveliest in the secret place between my legs.” I winked seductively. “Please, Lars, I have already begged you. Must I get down on my knees?”

Lars’s lips trembled as he again reddened even further. “Yes… If you would get on your knees, it would please me.”

“But then how would you—”

Christophe placed his hand over my mouth. “He wants you to submit, my lady. Some men find that arousing.”

And suddenly I wanted nothing more than to please this newcomer. I fell to my knees. I had no idea what he had in mind, but my curiosity was piqued and my body ablaze.

“Does this please you?” I asked.

Lars smiled, the red on his cheeks now as fiery as the pulses between my legs.

“You do look lovely on your knees, my lady.”

“What is it that you wish of me?”

“Turn around,” he said. “Unbuckle Monsieur Bertrand’s trousers and suck his cock while I watch. I will lick you from behind.”

I complied, and Christophe stood in front of me, smiling wickedly. I unbuckled him. When his cock sprang free, I licked its tip and nearly bit down when I felt the soft slide of a tongue in the crease of my arse. Within seconds, Lars had positioned himself between my thighs as I knelt, and he began to work on my quivering quim.

I ground into Lars’s face as I worked Christophe’s member with my mouth.

“Yes, yes,” Christophe said, his breathing rapid. “Does that feel good when he licks your little pussy? Do you like my hard cock in your mouth?”

I grunted and groaned, wanting to shout, “Yes, yes!” But of course my mouth was full. I continued to writhe on top of Lars’s face, my orgasm imminent. And when I burst, Christophe spurted into my mouth, his fluid coating my throat.

Amelia, I cannot tell you how aroused I was at that very moment! And I had yet to have a cock inside my pussy. But these two men were not going to leave before that happened.

Chapter 14

lly quickly folded the parchment
, slid it between the pages of a book on the shelf, and vowed not to think about its contents. Nothing could be done now anyway. She had to prepare for the ball.

How she wished she had a gown that would turn all eyes toward her, like her cousin Lily’s red velvet gown the night of her betrothal announcement. Because she’d left the estate so quickly, she hadn’t had time to summon the modiste. Alas, she would have to make do with her lavender silk, which her new stepfather had gifted her with after his engagement to her mother. He had given Sophie a ball gown as well, in colors accenting her own.

Mary arrived shortly and laced and tightened Ally’s corset.

“Mary, tighten it more around my bosom. I want to push it up so my cleavage is more apparent.”

Mary shook her head. “I do not advise that, my lady.”

“I understand. My sister would not advise it either. However, I have an agenda this evening, and showing a little more bosom than usual will help it along. So please do as I ask.”

“Of course, my lady.”

Mary tightened the corset until Ally had achieved her desired effect. Together they got Ally into the ball gown, and then Mary arranged her hair in a lovely upswept style with a few curly ringlets hanging about her neck.

“Oh, my lady.” Mary breathed in. “I can’t say I agree with showing so much bosom, but my goodness, you do look breathtaking.”

“Thank you very much for your assistance.” Ally smiled. “I am very pleased with the result.”

Mary curtsied and left, and Ally sat down on a settee, wringing her white gloves between her fingers. Had she made a mistake this evening with Viscount Brooks? He was pleasing to the eye, polite and intelligent, and heir to a title. Probably not as wealthy as Mr. Landon, but by virtue of the London townhome, the St. Clair estate appeared to be in good condition. Any other time, Ally would have been thrilled by the attentions of such a worthy suitor.

But she hadn’t been able to shake the thought that Evan had put Brooks up to the courtship. Of course, it wasn’t a courtship. It was simply a walk on the terrace. Would he have tried to take a liberty? The question was moot now, because Ally had ended the encounter before she could find out.

How could Evan throw her into the arms of another man? Did he have no feelings for her at all? Had he forgotten their lovemaking so quickly?

She frowned. Why should he care at all? She had behaved horribly by threatening to accuse him of rape. Her heart thundered as she recalled the dark anger on his features after she had said the words. They hadn’t spoken of it, but how could he ever forgive her? She wasn’t sure she could forgive herself.

Nothing to be done about it now. The ball was imminent, and Mr. Landon would be there. Ally would find a way to lure him into a dark spot and make sure that someone of prominence caught them in the act.

The grandfather clock chimed, and Ally rose to descend to the entryway. Her breath caught as Evan appeared in his dark burgundy evening attire. Another man so splendid could not possibly exist in the universe. If Sophie were there, she would have complimented their stepbrother on how fine he looked. However, Ally stood speechless, her tongue immobile.

“I see you are ready to go.” Evan held out his hand to her. “The coach is ready.”

Nothing about how she looked? He hadn’t given her ample bosom a glance. Perhaps he truly meant to be rid of her.

The ride was short and not exactly unpleasant, though she hardly spoke. He escorted her into the manor where the ball was being held, and a servant announced them. Evan found a place for them at a table with his brother and Lady Marvella. Ally tried not to look too bored. She glanced around pointedly. Viscount Brooks was there, along with Sophie’s former suitor, Marshall Van Arden. On his arm was his new betrothed, who couldn’t hold a candle to Sophie. His loss.

Yes, there he was, speaking to two young ladies who giggled flirtatiously. Mr. Landon clearly enjoyed the attention. Ally had never been in his presence at a seasonal ball. He’d attended a few balls at the Lybrook estate in Wiltshire, but this was a London ball. All of England’s most eligible debutantes were in attendance, many of whom would be vying for favors from one as wealthy as Mr. Landon.

An odd sensation crept up Ally’s spine. She’d never had to compete for his attention before. The two ladies speaking to him were both lovely. How would she make herself more irresistible than they were? A quick glance around—she wasn’t the only woman here who thought to show off her charms. Though a fair amount of women wore more conservative attire, there was no shortage of cleavage in the ballroom.

Should she approach Mr. Landon, or wait for him to come to her? What was the proper etiquette?

She was lost in this conundrum of thoughts when warmth touched her forearm.

“Lady Alexandra?”

She looked up into the blue eyes of a handsome man she’d never met. “Yes?”

“I am Lord Michael Owen. Lord Evan suggested I come over and make your acquaintance.”

“Oh he did, did he?” Ally wrung her hands, sweltering in the gloves. But then she smiled. Two could play this game. “I’m ever so pleased to meet you,” she said.

“I’m afraid Xavier did not tell me how beautiful you were.”

“Goodness, my lord, you flatter me.” If only she had a fan to flutter over her face, the image would be complete.

“Would you care to share a dance, my lady?”

Ally smiled, coquettishly she hoped. “I would be absolutely delighted.”

Lord Michael was a good dancer. Ally hadn’t danced a lot, but he led her expertly, and she did not miss a step. Her heart fluttered when Mr. Landon approached Lord Michael from behind and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Mind if I cut in, my lord?”

Lord Michael cleared his throat. “Not at all, Landon.”

From Lord Michael’s expression, Ally was certain he did mind, but what could he do? It would be bad form not to allow it. And although she had enjoyed dancing with Lord Michael, Mr. Landon was her ultimate quarry this evening.

Mr. Landon took her in his arms, squeezing her a bit tightly. “My lady, you look absolutely stunning.”

“I thank you, kind sir.”

“I can’t recall ever seeing you look lovelier.” He winked. “With your charms so elegantly on display, I’m surprised that every eligible man here hasn’t danced with you yet.”

Ally’s cheeks warmed, but she was determined to play her part. “I haven’t been here long, Mr. Landon. There is all the time in the world for me to dance with many men.”

“I hope you will save several dances for me, my lady.” He led her in a complex twirl, but she followed along with no problem.

She let boldness overtake her. “It would be my pleasure to dance every dance with you, sir.”

“In that case, perhaps you would consider accompanying me to the terrace later? This is a beautiful manor, and it would be my pleasure to show you all it has to offer.” His eyes gleamed with mischief.

Ally’s nerves skittered. Her breathing became rapid, but she willed herself to calm. This was perfect, exactly what she’d wanted. Her nerves would not stop her. “Indeed, I would be delighted. Shall I meet you there later?”

“Yes, that would be more discreet, wouldn’t it?” Mr. Landon smiled down at her. “Five minutes before the clock strikes twelve, slip out the back doors to the terrace, I will meet you there. And”—he lowered his voice—“I mean to have a taste of those beautiful breasts tonight.”

Ally trembled. Yes, she would go through with this. After all, had this not been her plan all along? So why was she having second thoughts? All was working perfectly. She had an hour to find someone who could catch her in the act. But whom could she ask? She knew no one here, only Evan and her new acquaintance, Viscount Brooks. Surely he wouldn’t agree to catch her. But what if she asked him to meet her five minutes later on the terrace? She would be with Mr. Landon, being compromised, and Brooks would find them.

Yes, that would work. She mentally applauded her genius.

The dance ended, and Mr. Landon brushed his lips lightly over her gloved hand. “Until later, my beautiful lady.” He smiled.

Ally swallowed. She hoped she hadn’t bitten off more than she could chew. She looked around for Viscount Brooks, but before she could find him, another young gentleman asked for a dance, and then another. Goodness, had Evan instructed every man here to dance with her? This was becoming ridiculous. Where was Evan, anyway? She had barely seen him all evening. After he’d led her to a table, Lord Michael had swiftly escorted her away.

Did Evan have his eye on someone? After all, he had been ready to marry her cousin Rose only months ago, despite not being in love with her. And he had insisted that she, Ally, marry him after their escapades while they were stranded.

Perhaps he was ready to get married, and he didn’t really care who he married. The thought struck Ally hard. Kind of like a punch in her gut. Though she was absolutely sure she would marry Mr. Landon, she didn’t want Evan marrying anyone.

Be rational, Ally. You’re not being fair.

Her loving stepbrother hadn’t even asked her for a dance. It wasn’t polite to ignore one’s own family members at a ball. Lily and Rose’s brother, Thomas, always danced with each of them whenever the three were out and about.

She glanced at the large grandfather clock across the room. A half hour remained before her date to meet Mr. Landon. She had to find Viscount Brooks and arrange to meet him slightly thereafter. But first, she would find out why Evan was being so impolite.

She scanned the room. Yes, there he was, standing by the refreshment table, speaking to two other gentlemen. She hesitated to approach him. He’d most likely force the two other men to dance with her. But this had gone far enough. She marched swiftly toward the group.

She infiltrated the group quickly and without pretense. “Excuse me, my lord.” She tugged on Evan’s sleeve. “Might I have a word with you?”

“I’m in the middle of something,” Evan said tersely.

“Xavier,” one of the men said, “is this the lovely Alexandra you’ve been telling us about?”

Evan cleared his throat. “Yes, this is my stepsister, Lady Alexandra MacIntyre. Alexandra, Mr. Jonathan Talkington and Viscount Clinton Canterwood.”

The gentlemen were tall and nice-looking, but Ally had no interest in meeting either of them. To be polite, she held out her hand. “Charmed.”

Before either man could say another word, she tugged on Evan’s sleeve again. “I’m sorry, Evan, but it is a matter of some importance.”

Evan looked at her sternly. He wasn’t happy with her, but she couldn’t care less. She would find out what was going on in that head of his.

“I beg pardon. If you could excuse me, gentlemen.”

Ally led him to an unoccupied corner of the ballroom. “What is going on with you?” she demanded.

“I’m sure I don’t have the slightest idea what you could be talking about.”

“Oh, don’t give me that. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You haven’t paid me a speck of attention all evening, despite the fact that you escorted me here and we are now family. It is bad form for you not to dance with me at least once. Instead, you’ve sent every drooling bachelor my way.”

“Alexandra, I told you I was going to find you a husband, and I intend to do so.”

She balled her hands into fists. “I told you that I have no intention of being forced to wed anyone. I shall choose whom I marry, and when I’m ready, I shall do just that. In the meantime, I will invite you and everyone else to stay out of the matter. Now”—she smiled sweetly—“I should like to dance with you, brother.”

The word brother felt all wrong on her tongue. Despite the marriage of their parents, Ally would never think of Evan as a brother, hardly even a stepbrother. They had known each other for only months, and the attraction between them could never be denied.

Evan let out a sigh. “Very well, then.” He took Alexandra’s hand and led her to the dance floor.

He held her a polite distance away. No time like the present to make her feelings known.

“Evan, I’ve told you before I will not be forced into marriage. I’ve seen arranged marriage at its worst. I will not go through what my mother went through.”

Evan looked down at her, his expression grave. “How could you think that of me? I would never arrange a marriage for you with a tyrant like your father. But of course, why would you believe me?”

“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”

“Just yesterday you accused me of rape, my lady.” Evan pursed his lips into a tense line.

Ally’s stomach fell. How could she apologize for her hasty words? She would never have gone through with it, but how could she get him to believe that? “Evan, I—”

“You’ve made it quite clear what you think of me, Alexandra. Well, here’s what I think of you. You are impulsive and self-centered, and I won’t have you being a hardship on me or on my father.”

“I would never be a hardship on anyone. Trust me, I have plans in motion that—”

“I am not interested in your plans. We have seen how your plans work out. You do not know what is good for yourself, so I will have to take care of you. Believe me, once I explain the circumstances, my father will be very happy that I took care of things in his absence.”

“And what of my mother? Do you really think she will be happy that you married off her daughter?”

“Your mother is a sensible woman. If I find a match for you, a good match, where you are treated well, why would she have any issues with that?”

“Because she has finally found love, Evan. I should think she would want that for me as well.” Alexandra choked out the words. The truth of them stung her. Here she was, ready to marry Mr. Landon solely for his money, when what her mother wished for her was a love match.

Well, she’d say it again—love was overrated. And she certainly wasn’t going to wait until she was fifty-two years old, like her mother, to find love. She was going to think of now, and she was going to make sure that she, Sophie, and their mother were taken care of. Once the earl died, her mother would be the dowager countess, and her financial stability would be in Evan’s brother’s hands. Ally couldn’t take the chance that they would be left destitute again.

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