Lace & Lassos (18 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Lace & Lassos
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The touch of his lips sent tingles throughout her. She looked at their joined hands then met his eyes.

They moved toward each other at the same time and she didn’t want to turn back.

The touch of Mike’s mouth on hers was enough to melt her, to make her feel as if they had joined in some primal way.

He nipped her lower lip then their mouths and tongues joined as their kiss deepened. He cupped the back of her head and drew her tighter to him. A soft moan rose up within her and she slid her fingers into his hair.

It had been so long since she had been with a man. Now she was here with Mike and she wanted everything he could give her and more.

They moved closer and closer yet and she heard the glasses clink and spill between them then smelled whisky as she felt liquid seep into the leg of her jeans.

He shifted and caught her under her arms and drew her onto his lap so that she was straddling him. His cock was hard between her thighs, pressing through her jeans and she ground herself down on him as they kissed.

She loved his taste, his scent, the feel of his hands as he gripped her hips. She knew she was tipsy but also knew that she wasn’t too far gone to make a coherent decision.

And that decision was that she wanted him. Had wanted him all along.

Wanted him more than anything.

He moved his hands, sliding them under her sweater until he cupped her breasts. He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples, through her bra and she squirmed with need. The intensity of his kiss grew in strength and she sensed his raw power and knew that he was holding himself back.

She started to move up and down as if she was riding him with nothing between them rather than tough denim.

He pulled away from her, moving her back as he did so. His eyes were dark, hooded, and the desire there was enough to send her overboard.

“We need to stop.” His jaw was tight as he said the words. Nothing about what she saw in him told her that he really wanted to stop. “You’ve had a lot to drink. I won’t take advantage of you.”

“I’m fine.” She cupped his face in her hands, felt his stubble against her palms. “I haven’t reached my limit yet. Another two glasses and then I’d be too far gone.”

He stroked hair from her face. “I don’t want you regretting anything in the morning.”

“I’ve wanted you all night long.” She stroked her fingers along his jaw. “Regretting is the last thing that I’m going to do.”

Excerpt… Dark Seduction

Cheyenne McCray

Available Now!



What a fabulous weekend. Logan had spent all day Sunday with her and they’d had sex more times than she could count. She felt pleasantly sore and well used.

She found herself humming as she headed to the agency she often freelanced for, to check out a possible assignment. The agency had sent her a text this morning to come in ASAP, so she’d left home not long after she received the message.

If it was possible to fall in love over a weekend, then she had. Love at first sight was one of those inexplicable things that had always happened to other people. Hey, at least she had more going on here than just love at first sight.

And if she hadn’t been mistaken, he’d been feeling it, too.

The only thing that gave her pause was the memory of how his entire body had seemed to flicker when he’d taken her hard and fast up against the wall. Crazy. She’d just been so hot and horny that of course she’d imagined it. Probably too much caffeine in her coffee that night. She shivered with desire just thinking about him taking her.

Tori sighed as she walked into the lower level of Psion’s headquarters. The HQ was a four-story building with the business and research levels on the upper three floors. The main floor served as a reception area in front and human resources and accounting in the back. Psion had nothing to do with the organization that she worked for. The company served as a cover for what went on down below.

She waited for an empty elevator then inserted her key card the moment the doors closed behind her.

Rather than going up, the keycard instructed the car to go in the opposite direction. It traveled down, down, down to a lower level that no one knew about. No one but those who worked for the Paranormal Intelligence Agency. The PIA, not to be confused with the CIA, was a secretive government agency that few were aware existed.

The PIA was responsible for paranormal undercover ops and in some cases black ops on both national and international levels. They worked covertly for the U.S. government and did what other agencies weren’t willing to or couldn’t do—and that covered a whole hell of a lot.

Although most of the operations were legal, if there was a need to break a few rules that the CIA could not—say, take out a rogue leader, or a need to break into a high security area to obtain important information—the PIA was that group. The operatives on the ground could only speculate who gave the orders and who knew about the details of such operations.

Few were even aware that a paranormal world existed at all, much less an agency that dealt with it in some fashion. Even though the agency worked with those aspects, not everyone in the agency had paranormal talents.

Tori frowned. Lately the assignments had gone beyond her comfort zone. But everything the PIA did was for the safety of the people of the United States… So she did what she had to do.

She used the key card again and the eye recognition device when she reached the bottom level and the elevator doors swished open. She walked into a stark security corridor with a door on the far end that would remain closed until the computers verified that it was her. A moment later, after she was examined by the computers, the door at the end of the corridor opened and she walked through the yawning opening.

A wall of monitors and a host of agents working in a dimly lit room greeted her along with a cacophony of sounds. People talking, electronics chirping.

“Tori.” Ellis Martin strode in her direction then caught her by the elbow and started leading her to one of the glass doors in the back of what they referred to as the War Room. “Janice needs to talk with you.”

“What’s going on?” She looked up at him.

“Janice will explain.” Ellis was intimidating in stature but she wasn’t easily intimidated. He was about as tall as a front line player on the LA Lakers, and as big as an NFL linebacker. His pale bald head gleamed as they passed under dim lights, his ice-blue eyes fixed ahead, his hulking form clad in jeans and a pale blue polo shirt. He was as cool a customer as any undercover agent she knew.

When they reached the glass door to the large office, she saw her sometimes boss, Janice Harper, a slim and beautiful woman with the personality of a Bengal tiger. Janice sat behind her desk and across from her in the roomy area were a man and a woman Tori didn’t recognize. Her partner when she took on a PIA assignment, Brian Eckhart, was standing behind the seated man and woman.

Her stomach flipped as Ellis pushed the door open, released her arm when she was inside, then he stood beside Brian.

Tori remained near the door, an icy hand crawling up her back to her nape as the gazes of all five people in Janice’s office rested on her. For a moment no one said a word.

Not wanting to show any emotion, any sign that she was concerned, Tori turned her gaze on Janice but didn’t say anything. The woman’s shining black hair was pulled back into a knot as usual, her dark piercing eyes fixed on Tori as if she could see through her every emotion, every thought.

“You spent this weekend with a man named Logan Savage,” Janice stated, her expression flat. “Is that correct?”

Surprise then a flash of anger flared within Tori. The agency was keeping tabs on her activities?

“Yes, that is correct.” She kept her emotions hidden. “May I ask what my personal life has to do with this agency?”

“It’s no longer simply your personal life,” Janice stood and braced her hands on her desk as she stared down Tori.

What the hell? Tori didn’t flinch and managed to keep from clenching her hands into fists.

“Meet Agents Reynolds and Carter.” Janice gestured to the woman and to the man. Both agents remained expressionless. “They’ve had Logan Savage under surveillance for some time.”

More surprise flooded over Tori. She glanced at the two agents then returned her gaze to Janice. “What for?” Tori asked, keeping her voice even.

“You are going deep undercover to monitor Savage’s activities that fall in line with a special project,” Janice said.

Tori inhaled and slowly let out her breath. “I barely know the man. He’s in some form of high tech development.” This was not the time to hedge around the truth. “He knows I’m law enforcement, although he has no idea what branch or what kind. That’s reason enough for me to not be the right agent for the job.”

“We’re aware of what you have and have not told him.” Carter spoke up and Tori cut her gaze to the man. “We monitored your activities the moment you began associating with Savage.”

Tori could barely contain her surprise as she looked at the agent.

“Agent Adams,” Reynolds said, “Savage is one of the bad guys.”

She felt like she’d been stabbed in the gut. She’d fallen for an enemy of the United States, because that’s what he was if her agency was involved. The enemy. But what had he done? Or what was it that he was doing now to place him in that category?

Janice raised her hands and blue light flared between her palms.

Great. Demonstration time.

The ball expanded, turning into a big clear bubble that had an iridescent glimmer to it. The bubble floated in the air between Janice and those gathered in the office.

Logan’s image appeared in the bubble. “Logan Savage,” Janice said, repeating Tori’s thought, “is a threat to the United States.”

Tori’s jaw tightened as she looked at the image of the man with whom she had spent the entire weekend with. The same man she’d fallen hard for in just a matter of a few days. It felt like the knife in her gut was being twisted.

Why did she have to go and fall for him?

No, she told herself. It was nothing more than lust.

A foot-tall image of a woman appeared in the center of the bubble.

“You will take the place of this woman, Carla Winston.” Janice’s attention was fully on the image, as if to hold it there.

Whoever Carla Winston was, she was certainly a gorgeous woman. It was a full-length image and Tori sized up the woman. Tori’s own talent allowed her to analyze images of people and know what their perfect proportions were.

The blonde, statuesque woman that they wanted her to replace was a good six inches taller than Tori, making her about five-eight. Opposed to Tori’s short dark curls, the woman had long, straight golden blonde hair. Tori mentally shook her head. Taking the place of this woman would require some effort on her part.

“Who is this Carla person?” Tori looked away from the image.

“Savage’s former girlfriend, who also works for his company.” This came from Reynolds. “He owns Savage Industries.”

She had heard of Savage Industries. Even read a feature article on them. So Logan owned one of the most respected private tech firms around? Tori shifted her stance. Her morning had gone from great to crap in a matter of moments.

“Carla Winston knows things that you need to know.” Reynolds said, “We want you to seduce him as that woman.”

Confusion still muddled Tori’s mind. She still had no idea why he was one of the “bad guys” and why they wanted her to go undercover in his company. “What details do you have regarding the assignment?”

“You will keep eyes and ears open about a special project called ‘Cerebral Voices’, or CVP as it’s known within the company,” Janice said. “We know the device reads minds, but there is much we don’t know about it. You will learn everything you can about the project and become as familiar as you can with both the hardware and the software. And then we will go from there.”

Janice’s attention focused on the bubble and the image inside of it changed. Now the image was of an electronic device that looked like some kind of silver camera, the length and height of a playing card and about an inch wide, floating in the air between them.

“Savage is reportedly planning to sell the technology to another country.” Carter’s tone was grave. “If he’s successful, it would go to the bad guys. There are trade restrictions on what countries he can sell it to, but the fact is, there are middlemen who broker these deals for Iran or rogue factions in the Middle East. We cannot have his technology fall into the wrong hands, including the Chinese.”

Shit. Tori’s words were tight as she spoke. “What about the real Carla?”

“She’s in a coma.” Reynolds’s tone was flat and for some reason it made Tori wonder exactly how the woman had ended up in the coma.

“How will this work, since they are no longer dating?” Tori frowned. “Are they on speaking terms?”

“There is a good relationship between them,” Reynolds said. “He trusts her without question. She broke up with him, rather than the other way around, so we believe the seduction will not be difficult.”

Tori had done this for her job before and she’d never had a problem doing what she needed to in order to complete missions. Having been with Logan as Tori made this a little different. She was a pro though, and she would do what she needed to do.

“No one has noticed her disappearance as of yet,” Carter added. “Shortly you will go to the agency’s infirmary to obtain from the subject’s mind what you will need to perform your job.”

The image in the center of the bubble changed back to Carla’s.

Most of the information that Tori could gather was intuitive. If the woman was in a coma, there was only so much that Tori could get.

But what she could gain was more than she let on to her employers. That was something she kept to herself. She had her reasons.

More than likely she would have access to the woman’s most recent memories and feelings, any abilities she had developed and that she used on a daily basis, but that was it.

As a Changeling, a rare ability, Tori could shift into almost any human form, but if she didn’t touch that person, she had no knowledge of them beyond what they looked like. She had to touch him or her in order to take what she needed or as much as she could.

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