Kyle's Return (31 page)

Read Kyle's Return Online

Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #love, #coming of age, #series, #second chances, #mixed martial arts, #sports romance, #sagas, #new adult

BOOK: Kyle's Return
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KYLE’S ARMS DRAPED protectively around my body,
and I felt safe. However, the look in his eyes frightened me. “Get
out of here and run to your house,
. I’m going to handle
this,” he growled low, keeping a murderous glare on Alex.

“I’m not leaving you.”

” he shouted, making me jump. “The police
are on their way.”

I rushed out the door and he slammed it behind me.
There was no way in hell I was leaving him to kill my demons.
Rushing around to the backyard, I searched around Greg’s yard for
anything I could use as a weapon. He had a separate garage that was
unlocked and once inside, the blue car that was used to run me and
Kyle over was there. We had the answer to that mystery, even though
I pretty much already knew.

Snatching up a baseball bat, I rushed to the back
door and slipped inside. Both guys were battling it out, crashing
things over left and right. Kyle’s head was bloody and I assumed it
was from getting hit with the lamp broken on the floor. As soon as
I had an opening, I was going in. Alex charged toward Kyle and when
they collided, they both fell back on the glass coffee table,
shattering it into a million pieces.

Kyle had his hands wrapped around Alex’s throat with
deadly force. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop Alex from taking a
shard of glass and slicing it across Kyle’s arms and body, over and
over. Clenching his teeth, Kyle kept his grip tight, but I couldn’t
take it any longer. Everything moved in slow motion. Alex’s hand
lifted with the bloody piece of glass and seeing Kyle’s blood on it
infuriated me even more. He had drawn too much blood from myself
and from the people I loved.

With the bat held high, I raced to them and swung it
as hard as I could at Alex’s head. He fell over, but I didn’t stop
there. I hit him again and again, hearing his bones crack with each
hit. Blood poured out of his ears and nose and I prayed to God that
he was dead. I wanted him gone and out of my life forever. Even if
I had to go to jail, I wanted to know that he couldn’t come after
me ever again.

After the final blow, I dropped the bat and Kyle was
right there to lift me in his arms and carry me outside. “You’re
safe now,” he murmured, taking me down the stairs. Sirens blared
and when I looked up, their flashing lights came into view. “Are
you okay? Did he . . .”

“No,” I said quickly. “I stopped him before it got
too far.”

Setting me down, he lifted his bloody shirt over his
head and started to put it on me, but not before seeing the bloody
bite mark on my chest. His jaw clenched, but I grabbed his face,
wincing when I got a good look at his wounds.

“I’m okay, I promise. I’ve had plenty of black eyes
and bruises from that bastard. These will be the last ones I’ll
ever get from him.”

“You have no idea how bad I wanted to fucking kill
him for you.”

“Yes, I do, but it was my fight. I had to end it

He shook his head. “I know. That’s why I didn’t stop

Pulling me into his arms, he held me tight as the
police charged out of their vehicles. Ryan Griffin was the one who
approached us first, his gaze weary when he looked at my bruised
face. Before closing the distance, he called for an ambulance while
his officers rushed into the house. “Are you two okay?” he

I looked up at Kyle and nodded. “I think so, for the
most part. He probably needs stitches,” I said, pointing to

“Yeah, I see that,” he agreed. “We’ve already spoken
to Miss Bender about what happened.”

“Is she okay?”

He nodded. “She’s on the way to the hospital. She
took a nasty hit to the head. I take it Alex is still inside?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Is he dead?”

“I don’t know, but I think so. I hit him in the head
with a bat.” Kyle tightened his arms around me as I began to

“Detective,” one of the officers called, rushing out
of the house.

Ryan acknowledged him with a nod. “What’s the

“Two dead. We found a body in the basement. His
throat was slit. I believe it’s Greg Mullen.”

I nodded. “Alex told me he killed him because he’d
threatened to go to the police.”

Ryan sighed. “I see. We were wondering where he had
gotten to. No one had seen him for a while. I guess now we know.”
The ambulance pulled up and the medics got out, heading straight
for us. “All right, kids, let’s get you to the hospital. I’ll be by
later to ask more questions once we get this all wrapped up.”

Kyle nudged me toward the ambulance but I stopped and
grabbed Ryan’s arm. “Will I go to jail?”

Ryan squeezed my hand. “It doesn’t appear so. It was
clearly self-defense. After what he did to you, that fucker
deserves what he got. Now go to the hospital. You needn’t worry
about this anymore.”

“Thanks, Detective Griffin. I’m just glad it’s

“I know.” He disappeared inside and Kyle walked with
me to the ambulance.

“You’re free now,” Kyle murmured in my ear.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face him. “I am,
and it’s all because of you. I can finally start living for the
first time in my life.”

He kissed me and rubbed his thumb gently over my
bruised cheek. “I know how you feel.”



One Week Later


THERE WAS NO better way to celebrate my freedom
than with a party. Tyler had given Kyle and me the week off and
even though he was told not to pick up heavy things because of his
stitches, he did it anyway. I had never seen him so stubborn, but
he was determined to get my things moved into his house. We also
helped Nic move into her new apartment which she loved.

Now, we were at the K & B Bistro with all of our
friends, celebrating our victories and life changing experiences. I
had my freedom, Zane had his undefeated record, and Gabby and Pax
were celebrating their last couple of weeks of singlehood.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy.”

Glancing over my shoulder, Kyle stood there smiling
with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. “Get used to it, this
smile isn’t going anywhere.”

He opened the bottle of champagne and poured some
into our glasses. “That’s good to hear,” he said, handing me a

“What are we toasting to?” I asked.

Chuckling, he stood in front of me with his glass
raised. “Lots of things, my love. Your newfound freedom, my ability
to train an amazing fighter, our family and friends . . .”

“And to parenthood,” Kacey interrupted.

We both turned to see her and Tyler walking out onto
the patio. “You must be talking about yourself because I know I’m
not pregnant,” I chuckled.

Kacey placed a hand over her stomach and grinned.
“You’re right, I am. Tyler and I wanted to come out and tell you
guys first.”

“Holy shit, sis. Congratulations,” Kyle exclaimed. He
hugged Kacey while I hugged Tyler.

“This is awesome news. How far along are you?” I

Kacey cleared her throat and smirked up at Tyler.
“Thirteen weeks.”

“Thirteen weeks? That means you were pregnant when
you got married.”

She giggled. “Yep, it seems like these fighter boys
are starting a trend on knocking us up before getting hitched. I
think Gabby and Pax are the only ones doing things right. Well, as
far as we know . . .”

“Thank you for telling us first. It means a lot,” I
gushed. Kacey and Tyler looked at each other again. Something was
going on. “What’s up? You’re acting funny.”

“What are you not telling us?” Kyle cut in.

Kacey bit her lip and smiled. “Well, it’s not exactly
something we’re not telling you, but more like something we want to
ask you.” She took a deep breath and reached for both of our hands.
“Tyler and I would like for you to be our child’s godparents.”

Eyes wide, I stood there speechless. Kyle was the
exact same way.

“It looks like we shocked them to silence, Tyler. I
wonder if that’s a good thing or not?”

I snorted and shook my head. “I’m just shocked you’d
entrust us with this.”

“Or better yet, she probably meant to say she’s
shocked you would trust
with your child,” Kyle mentioned,
nudging me with his elbow. He said it playfully, but I could see
that he was just as honored as I was.

Kacey squeezed our hands. “Tyler and I have given
this a lot of thought. I love you both and I know you would be
there for our son or daughter if something were to happen to

A tear fell down my cheek. “I can’t begin to tell you
how honored I am. But what happens if . . .” I looked up at Kyle
and then back to her, biting my lip.

“If you two break up?” she finished. I nodded,
feeling stupid for even asking, but one could never tell what their
future held. I didn’t want to imagine a life without Kyle, but
things weren’t always perfect. “I don’t think I have anything to
worry about,” she said, winking at Kyle. “So, do you accept?”

Lifting my brows, I glanced up at Kyle. “What do you

Releasing a sigh, he turned to Tyler and held out his
hand. “I’d be happy to be your child’s godparent. Just make sure
it’s out of diapers before letting something happen to you.”

“Kyle,” I shrieked, slapping his arm.

He chuckled. “I’m kidding. How hard can it be to put
on a damn diaper?”

Kacey snorted and hugged me again. “He has no

“No, he doesn’t, but I’d be happy to accept as well.
I love kids.”

Stepping back, she smiled, glancing back and forth at
us both. “Thank you. I guess we can tell everyone else now.” She
and Tyler retreated back into the restaurant and it wasn’t long
before we heard whistles and shouts of joy.

Lifting my glass, I laughed and said, “To
parenthood.” Kyle tapped his glass to mine and we sealed the



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