Kraken (20 page)

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Authors: M. Caspian

Tags: #gothic horror, #tentacles dubcon, #tentacles erotica, #gay erotica, #gothic, #abusive relationships

BOOK: Kraken
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“Whiskey,” he said. ”Drink it.”


Will drained the glass in one gulp, the sweet burn coursing through him, then left the empty glass on the bench. Cy held his hand out, big and square and competent. Will placed his fingers against Cy’s, and was pulled to his feet.


Cy guided him down the end of the wharf. “You’ll like what I’ve got. Look.” Berthed to one side was a sleek fiberglass cuddy runabout, the small cabin low and streamlined, stylized leaping waves painted over the prow.


“She’s not yours, is she?”


“Nah, just borrowing her. We have something to do tomorrow, and the dinghy’s too small. At, least, too small if you’re going to make a fuss and freak out. Can’t take the risk. So I thought you’d be happier in this.”


Will stared at him, aghast. “I can’t do anything tomorrow! The police will be here. I’ll have to go back to the mainland. See lawyers. Cy, I know
nothing about them
! They must have had bank accounts. There must be property records. Why don’t I know anything? I have to– Fuck!”


Cy rubbed his shoulder. “Let’s not talk about it now. Come on. We’ll go home. You need some food, then sleep, yeah? Prepare for tomorrow?”


Will felt like a puppet as Cyrus guided him down the wharf steps, helping him jump the narrow gap onto the runabout. There was so much to say, and he didn’t know how to start with any of it. Maybe dinner was a good idea. He hadn’t eaten properly all day. He was sore and exhausted. Food, then he’d tell Cyrus there wasn’t going to be anything more between them. And he’d send Cyrus a generous check for putting him up, once he got back home.


Cy started the engine. The roar was loud but the vibration strangely soothing. Will found his eyes drifting shut against his will by the time they drifted in to the beach. Cy cut the revs but didn’t turn it off. “You jump out here, my love. I’ll anchor her further out and swim in. We’ll want to get going early in the morning and the tide’ll still be coming in.”


Cy helped Will jump down the five feet or so to the shingle, and Will stood waiting for Cy’s return with the duffel, hugging his arms to his chest.


At the top of the path Will remembered about the doors.


“Did you lock me in this morning?”


“I locked everyone else out. I thought you were going to sleep. Didn’t want some nosy neighbor waking you.”


Was that thoughtful, or creepy? Will no longer knew, and was too tired to make a fuss. “Don’t do it again.”


“Of course not, lovely.”


“I’m serious.”


“Of course you are. I promise I will never again leave you at home alone and lock the doors.”


When they climbed to the porch Cy produced a key from his pocket, and unlocked the sliding door next to the kitchen. He immediately looked across the living room, where the other door was propped askew.


“Ah,” he said. “The resourceful Aiden, no doubt.”


“I’m sorry about your door— “


Cy waved his apology away. “It’s okay. It won’t happen again. How about we get you into a hot shower, then fill your belly, yeah?”


Will groaned. That sounded so good. He could still feel plaster dust clinging to his skin, and the thought turned his stomach. Cy led him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Will lifted one foot after another, holding his weight on Cy’s shoulder. Cy peeled off Will’s trousers, then his t-shirt. “And we have clean clothes for the morning, my love.”


The water was steaming by now, and Cy pushed Will under. “Can you wash yourself while I cook something for you?”


Will nodded. It was so good to be alone. He felt like he hadn’t had a moment to just be with himself since he’d arrived at Cy’s. Except for being locked up this morning. That wasn’t exactly the relaxing experience he was thinking of. The water was bliss, and Will wished he could fall into bed alone and wake up back in the city. He had to get back. Tomorrow. For sure. He was so tired, he might just skip dinner.


Will heard the bathroom door open, and Cy pushed aside the shower curtain. He was naked, and Will recoiled. “Hey, wait, no— “


“It’s okay, lovely. I’ve seen it all before.” He slid in beside Will, cornering him against the far wall of the shower. “Dinner’s all ready for you. Shall we rinse you off?”


He brought his hands up, catching the back of Will’s head, holding him in place, and running the fingers of his other hand along Will’s lower lip.


“You’re so beautiful. Open.”


Will opened his mouth to protest, and Cy pushed two fingers inside, past Will’s teeth. Will felt a wet squirming movement against his tongue and suddenly there was a suckered arm in his throat, and a cascade of sweet fluid in his gullet. He coughed and struggled against Cyrus’s grasp taken unawares. Cy drew quickly out, changing again, and stroking with wet human fingers at Will’s throat. Will began to retch, choking.


“Uh uh uh. Swallow.”


One hand was on his throat, stroking and caressing, as Cy supported him with the other. Will gulped, and Cy kissed his lips, licking his tongue repeatedly against Will’s mouth. Will shivered, and then the tentacle was back.


“Suck me.”


Will closed his lips against the base of Cy’s long, squirming limb, adding suction and moisture, as he pushed in further. The warm spray of the shower caressed his back as Cy encompassed him. He moaned with the loss when Cy drew out.


“Such a good boy. Let’s get you dried off.”


When Cy had finished with the towel he pulled a t-shirt over Will’s head. Will hummed in appreciation.


“Just to keep you warm. The place hasn’t had long to heat up.”


When he opened the bedroom door the smell of broiled steak sent saliva spurting out of Will’s open mouth in a gleek. He smiled, wrapping his hands around Cy’s waist.


“Oh my god, that smells so good! What did you make?”


“Come and see.”


Cy had a burger waiting for him. Steak, bun, tomato, fresh lettuce, cheese, with mayo and ketchup dripping over the side of the bun. Will laughed at Cy’s plate.


“Just the steak, huh?”


Cy stroked his cheek, and grinned. “Steak’s good. We just don’t get too many steers on the island.”


“Where did you get this from?”


“I asked Ella to put together something you’d find irresistible.”


Will sat on the floor between Cy’s legs, his plate popped on his bent knee. He’d never felt so relaxed in his life. The steak was amazing. Amazing! Everything tasted so good. He hadn’t realized how much he’d been craving fluffy white bread. He was so lucky to have such a thoughtful lover.


When they were done Cy put the plates to one side. He ran his fingers lightly over Will’s neck, stroking and caressing. Will tipped his head forward and moaned.


“We’ll worry about the dishes tomorrow, yeah? You’re tired. Come to bed. I have something special planned.”


Will grinned at him, and let Cy scoop him up from the floor, flopping bonelessly. Cy carried him into the bedroom, laying feather-light kisses on his face and the neck, then tugging his t-shirt up above his head, pinning his arms in the sleeves. Cy let tiny arms grow out of his torso, running their suckers lightly over Will’s chest and nipples, gently extending the hooks and letting them catch tantalizingly in Will’s skin. Will writhed and moaned in the back of his throat.


Cy laid Will tenderly down on the bed. “Stay tomorrow, Will. You don’t need to go back to the mainland. The police will look into it. It’s a cold case, though. You have to face that they probably won’t be able to find out who did it.”


Will strained up, trying to kiss Cy’s face. “Let my hands go? I want to touch you. I want to stroke you and make you squirm.”


“Oh, I have something better than that planned. You’ll make me squirm, all right.” Cy smiled, and licked a line up the side of Will’s face, making Will chuckle. “So stay here, okay?”


“No, I have to go. But I’ll come back. I’ll just stay a few days, make sure they’re taking it seriously. And, you know, I can tie up a few loose ends in the city.”


Cy was extruding more arms now, and his two long tentacles, with the broad paddle-shaped pods towards the tips. One stroked Will’s face and he turned his head to nuzzle it with his cheek, then ran his tongue across it, tonguing the suckers. He felt warm and content, with everything just as it should be.


“You can’t go, Will. I can’t leave here, and I can’t be without you. You’re not quite ready, nothing’s quite ready, but it can’t wait. Roll over now, love.” Cy pressed kisses onto Will’s neck, urging him over.


Will shifted his body, lifting his hips up, and shuffled around until he was lying face down on the bed. Cy used two arms to hold Will's hands above his head, still wrapped in fabric, and another two stroked his flanks, the gentle touch bringing Will to stillness. Will heard a wet noise, and felt the heavy weight of Cy’s mantle lying on top of his back and legs, holding him down.  His chest pressed into the bed, and his breath was forced out of him. A tendril came down to stroke his face softly. Will felt his face held down into the pillows, and he laughed uneasily as he turned his face to the side. 


"Cy, you have to let me up. You're too heavy. And I can't breathe." A needle of worry was piercing his calm sense of peace.


He could tell Cy hadn't changed all the way yet, because he could answer him, although his speech was guttural and harsh. "No, sorry Will. I need to do this, for your own good. You're going to leave, and I can't let that happen. And there’ll be no more thinking of Aiden."


Cy’s mention of Aiden seemed to waken something inside him. Will’s skin turned cold. He wriggled to get loose from beneath Cyrus. "What did you say?"


“I’m going to fill you now. All the way. I'm going to pod you, Will, and place my seed in you. It will bond us together. The seed and my scent. Once you have it, you're going to crave it - to need it. Need me. Inside you. Constantly. There won't be any leaving."


Will writhed underneath Cy's weight, as one of Cy's tentacles came into view in front of his eyes. The heavy pod was swollen and dripping. White goo was starting to ooze from each pore, and a thinner clear gel already dripped from it in long streamers. “I'll try not to make it hurt, Will, but I'm afraid it's going to anyway. Quite a bit, in fact. But once my pod's inside you we'll be one, and then you'll feel better."


Will worked his arms to free them, but felt the hooks of Cy's suckers dig into his skin. At first they only prickled the surface like sandpaper, but when he flailed harder they became knives in his flesh. He paused and lay still, and the hooks retracted. As soon as he tried to move again, the pain resumed. 


Then he felt the touch at his arse, only light, but feeling cold and wet. Cy groaned moistly, and the tip of the tentacle in front of Will pulsed slightly. The nudge came more insistently now, wriggling and working its way into Will's entrance. Some of Cy's weight moved off his back, and Will shifted to the side, trying to squirm free. Cy wriggled one arm beneath him, wrapping it around his waist, and lifting him slightly off the bed. Will tried to get purchase on the bed with his knees, but Cy held him just a fraction too high, so that not enough of his body weight was resting on his limbs. He hung there helplessly as Cy pushed with more force now, the thick bulb of the tentacle reaching Will's anus, while the questing tip searched around inside Will's body, as if looking for its own purchase with which to pull the vast bulk of the pod inside him.


"Cy, no, stop. Don't do this." Will worked his hands frantically, but the hooked suckers held him fast, and inexorably he felt the tentacle dive deeper inside him.


The pod he could see was weeping freely now, and in a blur Cy wrapped the long length around Will's neck, holding him closely against the mass of his warm, soft body, until only the pod and tip were free, the pod undulating in front of his eyes, sticky slime oozing down onto the bed. Will could feel Cy was changing completely, no longer able to form human words, and with the limb around his throat Cy pulled Will back, forcing him onto the pod in his arse. Arms came up to sidle in around the tentacle, pulling his entrance open – peeling Will back like a plump fruit. The pressure on his anus became pain, and he gasped, the influx of air restricting the tentacle around his neck further, the grip tighter.


Will tried to cough but not enough oxygen could get in, and he was left breathless. The pain in his hole was overwhelming now, until with an agonizing sensation of tearing and a wet rush the pod was inserted deep inside him, as the force of Cy's body manipulating him pushed the bulbous shape up Will's passage. The intrusion felt vast, and Will cried out, struggling to free himself, but held fast at opposite ends, and the agony roiled in his bowels.

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