Read Knots Online

Authors: Chanse Lowell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

Knots (26 page)

BOOK: Knots
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“Kiss my feet, then I’ll let you take on the rest of your punishment.” He let go of her jaw and pointed at his toes.

She dropped down to kowtow naturally, all on her own and kissed his feet.

“Just like that, yes, and then you clean another part of my body with your own cleansing—the part you’ve soiled with your wicked, stray thoughts. Learn how to be a humble, sweet submissive girl.”

She kissed his feet with enthusiasm, and his heart was hammering so hard his chest was about to burst.

“Up. Mouth open, and take this as the cleansing of your soul. Wipe your mind clean,” he said, jutting his hips forward.

She went up to kneeling again, opened her mouth and scooted forward.

He shoved his cock into her waiting lips and pushed really deep. His fingers massaged her jaw. “Relax and breathe deep through your nose. You have to enjoy this, or the gods won’t accept this purification process, and neither will I.”

She smiled at him through her mouth full of him.

He pulled out when she tried to swallow and gagged a little.

“Color, Priestess?”

“Green, Sir. I’m happy to receive the scouring of bliss.”

“I think you are, even though those words are filled with innuendo, but I understand you’re still in training.” He gripped the sides of her head and shoved his cock back inside. “But this will be a harsh rod you will feel. I don’t like spoiled little girls. I want you to be reprimanded so fully you won’t take lightly to sinning against me again.” He thrust and held her head steady. A tight, gut hardening, “Good girl—oh, you suck it so well,” drifted out of the back of his throat without him even realizing it.

He was losing himself to the sensations and to her. The way she gave in and went along was nothing short of a miracle since she was usually so wrapped up in her thoughts and guilt like it was her blanket for survival.

“So good . . . Those dirty thoughts, fantasies . . . they taught you how to do this?” His fingers caressed around her ears.

She tried to nod her head, but it made her choke a little, so he backed off some on his intense pumping—but not much.

“Open wider. Think about how turned on you get when I teach you of the constellations, of a bright future, and then consider why you feel that way—so turned on you’re dripping down your thighs when you wander through the temple halls,” he said, his tip taking its time to slide across the grooves on the roof of her mouth.

Holy shit, that felt too good.

“Such a good girl with a tight, sweet pussy, and a lovely mouth, too. You’re good at receiving my discipline,” he said, a hum caught in his chest, reverberating low and heating the top of his belly.

She nodded a little and braced her hands on his thighs to keep herself steady.

“You’re touching me. Do you think that’s a safe thing to do for you? Won’t it make you more aggressive? You want to touch my balls, don’t you? Wanna cup them and think about wrapping your mouth around them and sucking so deep, I can barely keep from turning into a whore for you.”

She choked on a deep, guttural moan.

“Touch them then. Push your control and see where it gets you. You allow yourself too much latitude. It’s no wonder you’re unruly and unprincipled.” He smiled at her with a wicked, very unholy look, daring her to do it.

Her hands shook as they slid up his thighs and then with both hands, she was exploring.

“Touch my taint, slutty priestess. Feel how my balls tighten for you?”

“Mmhmm,” she said, mouth still buried with him inside.

“If you think this is too much, you wait until I turn you back over and fuck your ass. I’ll teach you about what happens when you want things you shouldn’t.”

She grinned and then sighed through her nose, making him chuckle.

His hands went from gripping to caressing around her lips, taking him in.

He went from harsh, to tender and worshiping. There was no way to stop it. He loved role playing like this with her, but God, he needed to tell her how wonderful she was.

“Those lips could force all the gods to curse, sweet thing. Do you know how angelic you are when you’re swallowing me down and taking on my commands?” His voice lowered and softened. “Do you know how it kills me to have you this way? The best little girl in the world—on her knees before me, worshiping my cock. I’m the luckiest bastard in the world. You’re so beautiful—so sweet. Fuck, too perfect.”

Her eyes softened as well with devotion and admiration.

She tugged on his balls and rolled them around in her hands.

“You realize that even though you’re the one physically on your knees, I’m the one begging for you? Because the truth is, I’ve wanted you since the moment I met you. I’ve jerked off so many times with your name on my lips, your scent embedded in my brain, and your voice in my head, I’ve lost count. I’ve worn my prayer stool down. And it is nothing right now—compared to you. You. Are. Everything. You are my goddess. You are the one I worship.”

She let out a soft, pleading moan.

His large hands wrapped around the back of her head, and he pushed deeper.

Somehow, she avoided gagging. Her throat was open and inviting in this moment.

“I adore you, Jeanie. Everything about you calls to me—your softness, your rebelliousness, your desire to serve me and make me proud. And you
make me proud—daily. I can’t stop thinking about you and how I’m a better man simply by being near you. Sweet girl, I have to keep you. Stay here in California with me permanently. Be mine.”

Just when he said those words, her jaw dropped open even more and her suction increased, coaxing his come out of him in hot shooting spurts.

“Ohhhhhh fuck! That’s it . . . Make me come, sweet little thing. No one’s ever been able to do that to me before when I didn’t want them to,” he rasped, loading himself into her mouth seconds later with breathless curses of pleasure.

She failed to swallow.

When he stopped rocking inside her and his orgasm faded, he said, “Let it coat your mouth, open so I can see it all over your tongue, and then you swallow it all down.” He pulled out.

She did exactly as he said, but swallowed it with a flourish, smiling like it was giving her a buzz. There was even a soft, contented sigh afterward.

,” he groaned at the sight. “
. Are a perfect little girl.”

She smiled.

“C’mere right now, before I die of shock and a pounding heart.” He reached out for her, and she scrambled into his arms.

He sat down, his back against the bed and put her between his legs, her back to his chest. “Do you know how insanely sexy you are? That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen . . . The way you enjoyed it so much. It tells me what I always knew about you—natural born submissive. So eager to please.” His fingers drifted up her shoulders.

She sighed and went limp as he massaged the sides of her neck and jaw. “I take all my cues from you, Sir.”

He chuckled. “Looks like my religious brainwashing worked. We might have to do that again, and maybe while at church. Especially if you’re going to keep disobeying me and touching yourself. I warn you—I can be very creative with punishments.”

She smacked his thigh in a playful way. “Not happening. I want your mother to like me, not burn me at the stake. Now, if you find some Greek temple on a hill . . .”

“Nope, my church. My way.”

“What on earth . . .” She gave him an incredulous look, then chuckled. “So wicked. Seriously . . . I don’t want your mom to come after me.”

“She’d have to get past me, and if you get me as turned on at church as you did here tonight, she wouldn’t be getting anywhere near either of us until I’ve had my fill.”

She made this shocked, gasping sound.

“You leave her to me. My mom loves me and believes everything I say. Normally I don’t lie to her unless it’s in regard to my lifestyle, since she wants to be in denial about it, but other than that, I find creative ways to work around her.”

“Oh God, I’m so fucked. You’ll find a way to get us both off at church, won’t you?”

“Bet on it, sweet thing. It’s a fact—it’ll happen. You just won’t know when or where. It’s your reward for being so damn good to me.”

“Keeping me on my toes with a reward?”

“Yes, exactly. You’ll be spread out, toes pointed in those black, fuck-hot heels you’ll be wearing, and I’ll be so balls deep, you won’t even be able to hear the voice of God. All you’ll hear is me, coming inside you.”

Her hands slid up his thighs, then squeezed at the top. “I may just burn the moment I enter that church.”

“I’m counting on it, sweetheart. You’re with me—a dirty pagan.” He kissed the top of her head, and the discussion was over.

Chapter 12


Mark was going to run errands without her after work today, which was really unusual. The last few days when he’d gotten home from work, he’d wanted to see her right away.

Was he sick of her already? It was so silly, but she was growing more attached to him daily.

Although, she still hadn’t decided for certain if she was going to move to California permanently or not.

For now, she was trying to simply enjoy the time she had with him.

She had three more weeks.

Working from his home, sitting on his couch and using her laptop, rather than stuck behind a desk, was frighteningly easy to get used to.

She lounged in her pajamas most of the morning, and that was after he fed her breakfast, fucked her in the shower, then bathed her.

Her entire body seemed lighter somehow.

Nothing was the same.

Everything was calmer inside her.

Should she be so serene when her husband had been dead less than two weeks? She wasn’t sure, but according to Mark, this was all fine. And she trusted him implicitly. He was sweet, caring and wouldn’t do anything to make her life more difficult.

Bzzz . . . Bzzz . . .

She picked up her phone on the couch next to her. Another love note from Mark.

This was the sixth one he’d sent her through text.

This one was a link to something on YouTube.

She smiled, and her stomach did a giddy dance as she hit the link.

Would it be something pornographic, or something sweet?

His love notes had alternated between loving and dirty.

Miss you like crazy, and this reminded me of you, my sweet little thing . . .

The link he shared was the song “Because of You” by Ne-Yo.

It was one of the songs they’d danced to the last time they’d gone dancing, and he’d been grinding up against her, making her a panting, sweating mess of gyrating hormones.

She smiled even bigger, and like a dork, put a hand over her fluttering heart as she listened to the entirety of the song.

So sweet, and kind of hot.

She still wasn’t sure what to say back, so she gave the usual lame response of “Thanks, that was wonderful,” and left it at that.

Jeanie listened to the song once more as she finished a contract she was working on typing up. That had become her role now with the company. Not really a secretary anymore, but a type of glorified data processor. Her eyes were tired of staring at a screen, so she got up, cleaned the kitchen from breakfast, wiped down the breakfast bar and got so carried away she wound up scrubbing out his microwave, not that it was really all that dirty. It seemed like she was the only one that used the dang thing.

He ate a lot of fresh produce and health-conscious stuff like protein bars and shakes.

She was struggling with the food more than anything.

She sighed as she looked around the kitchen. Hours to go until he was home again.

Next thing she knew, she was mopping, dreaming about peanut butter Captain Crunch. That was always her favorite cereal, but Mark didn’t even buy milk. It was a staple she always had in her fridge, along with several oversized cereal bowls. Pono ate cereal all the time, but he liked the really sugary stuff like Honey Smacks.

She stretched her neck, scrubbing really hard near the oven.

The slate blue tiles were buffed to perfection in no time. Really, it had already looked clean before she started, but she wanted to earn her keep.

Plus, she was a little restless, wondering what errands he was going to run without her.

She vacuumed, washed the bathroom linens and considered cleaning the windows, but they were already so clear, birds were constantly smacking into them.

Why did he need her in his life at all?

He was a tidy person, and he was doing the cooking along with paying for all the groceries.

She hated feeling like a sponge, but right now, that’s all she was.

Jeanie roamed back into the sparkling kitchen and figured she should do something nice for him.

There weren’t a lot of recipes she’d memorized over the years, but this one she knew.

She made it all the time for Pono, and it was one of the few healthy things he’d eat.

BOOK: Knots
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