Kitchen Promises (Riverside Trilogy, #3) (The Riverside Trilogy) (5 page)

BOOK: Kitchen Promises (Riverside Trilogy, #3) (The Riverside Trilogy)
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“Drake, what’s up man?”

I found it funny that Stanley, a man in his 50’s, spoke like a teenage boy.

“Hey, want to grab lunch today? Bring your new partner so I can meet him.”

“Sure. Blanche’s on 56
and East.”

“Okay, meet me at two.”

He agreed and hung up. If I weren’t getting much information from Stanley, I’d have to sink my teeth into his partner for info.

“Stagliano, for three,” I told the hostess. I had my assistant make reservations so we didn’t have to wait around.

“Yes, sir. Right this way.”

Stanley was already there waiting for me. “Drake, this is Dan Gillian, my new partner.”

We exchanged hellos and sat down to look over the menu. We chatted, drank a little, and laughed about our work. It was nice getting together with a couple guys that understood the busy work schedule. I had friends in college and colleagues, but none that I really connected with outside of work. Dan was nice, and easy to get along with.

Stanley and I had a different kind of bond—the kind that you have respect for each other, secretly knowing what Molly is hiding from him, making me want to thank the man over and over. Even though Molly’s parents could’ve picked a different donor, he’s what made Molly—

I knew she would never tell him, and I completely supported that, but sometimes it killed me inside keeping it a secret when he was around.

“So, it sounds like everything is coming along?” Stanley said, finishing the last of his meal.

“Yes, I’d say so. I have my best planner on it, making sure it’s all ready to go.”

“Excellent.” He smiled. “Will Molly be coming with?” Dan wore a confused look. “Molly is Drake’s fiancé,” he answered his silent question.

“Oh, right,” he said, clearing his throat. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

“I’m not sure she’ll be able to attend. She’s been put on bed rest, and until she’s cleared, she can’t really do much. I’m probably being over-protective, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

“Oh, we understand. I hope everything turns out okay,” Stanley replied.

“Thanks, and yeah I think she’s doing well. I’m actually going to surprise her before Christmas with an engagement party. You are both invited to come. You can meet Molly then.” I smiled at Dan. He nodded in agreement.

We finished the meeting shortly after, needing to get back to my office before I went home for the evening to my amazing family.





Having to be waited on hand and foot was not how I imagined spending the holidays this year. The doctor was strict in making sure I spent the last couple of weeks in bed until my next check up. I knew it would all be worth it, knowing the babies would be born healthy, but I felt as if I were
going crazy.

The dreams of Travis still lingered in my sleep. They weren’t as bad or as often, but they still woke me up on occasion. I knew I should probably speak to a therapist about it, but I wasn’t sure I would be able to get the words out.

For the first time in years, I dreamt about Liam, my late fiancé. I used to have major panic attacks after he passed away, but since Drake entered my life, they’ve decreased substantially.

“Baby, are you okay?” Drake asked as he woke up. I had been staring at the ceiling for the past hour as Drake slept.

“Yeah, just thinking.”

He rolled over and clicked the lamp on. “Wanna talk about it? Have more nightmares?”

“No, the opposite, actually.” I smiled.

“What about?”

“I dreamt about Stella’s dad and her. He wasn’t dead though. Stella was a toddler in my dream.”

“Well, tell me,” he coaxed, sounding sympathetic.

“He was singing to her. He was playing his guitar and singing her to sleep. I watched as I rubbed her head. His eyes didn’t leave hers until she eventually fell asleep on my lap. And he just continued singing, but eventually looking up in my eyes.”

“Sounds beautiful.”

“It was.” I swallowed. “But it was the words that were strange, the lyrics in the song.”

“What were they?” He leaned up on his elbow and brushed the hair off my face.

“They were…it was like a message…like a hidden message…” I paused. “He sang about unconditional love and about him being happy for me.” I continued staring at the ceiling, desperately trying to remember the exact words.”

“Wow. Did he seem happy? Or was he mad?”

“He was happy,” I responded blankly. “But his eyes were sad. As if he knew.”

“Knew what?”

“Knew that I had moved on and started a new family.”

“He would’ve wanted you and Stella to be happy, sweetheart. You know that, right?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty at times.”

“What is it you feel guilty for?” he asked.

“I feel guilty that Stella will never remember him. That she’ll never know her real dad. And then I feel guilty for even feeling guilty because you’re in her life now, and you’re just so wonderful, and I couldn’t ask for a better man in her life. But then I feel guilty knowing that if Liam never passed away, I never would’ve met you. Then, of course, that makes me feel sad, making me feel guilty that Liam had to die in order for me to have you in our lives.”

Holy shit! I am way overthinking this.

“I know that sounds crazy, but it’s like this huge web of guilt,” I confessed.

“Listen to me.” I turned and faced him. “You have every right to feel the way you do. Loss is something that cannot be understood until you’ve experienced it, so I won’t pretend to know what you’re feeling, but I will say that it’s okay to feel sad for Stella’s sake. However, it’s not okay to feel guilty for something you had no control over. Never feel guilty for being happy and moving on.”

As Drake spoke, a tear escaped my eye, trailing down my cheek. He wiped it with his thumb and kissed it.

“Liam was extremely lucky to have you both in his life. And I feel incredibly blessed to have you both in mine. But that’s the way fate worked out. I will forever be in Liam’s debt, knowing what he gave up for me to have you in my life. Even though it wasn’t up to him, he gave me you and Stella. Hell, you waited four years. I’m sure he would’ve wanted you to move on.”

“I know he would have. And I am truly happy I have. I just can’t kick this feeling of guilt for being happy, for starting a new family, for meeting you—knowing it never would’ve happened had he not been in that car that night.”

“Some things in life are just mere coincidences. Fate takes over, and there’s nothing we can do about it.”

If only it were that easy…

“Thank you,” I said. “Thank you for always knowing what to say. And for putting up with my emotional ass.”

“I vow to put up with that ass for as long as I live.” He smirked.

“Even if I gain 100 pounds and have
a lot
of ass?”

“Ooh, I love it when you talk dirty. I love me some ass.” He laughed.

“You are so dirty!” I playfully smacked him. He grabbed me and pressed me close to his chest. I looked up at him in awe, thinking how did I ever get so lucky to meet Drake.

Drake and I lay in bed for another hour before he had to get ready for work. He was meeting me at two for our ultrasound appointment, so he was going into the office early.

“I’ll see you at two, baby. Make sure Michael gets a wheelchair. I don’t want you walking up and down all those stairs at the hospital.”

“Yes, sir.” I saluted and puckered my lips at him.

“You’re such a smart ass,” he quipped.

“Well, I know how much you love ass.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

He reached down and squeezed my ass before placing a genuine kiss on my mouth. “I love you. See you soon,” he said, laying one more kiss on my lips before leaving.

*   *   *

“Do you want to know the sex of the babies?” the ultrasound tech asked.

We really hadn’t discussed if we did or not. We’ve been so worried about their health that it didn’t really matter to us if they were boys or girls.

“I do!” Stella chimed in. Michael and I surprised her at school, picking her up early so she could come with us.

I laughed. I waited for Drake to respond.

“Well, honey, do you?” I asked since he didn’t say anything.

“I—I do if you want to,” he stammered.

“Are you okay?” I quietly asked.

“Yeah, I’m just—I can’t believe how big they are already. They’ve grown so much since your last one.”

The doctor ordered ultrasounds once a month from now on so she could keep a close eye on their progress.

“Mom, look! There’s fishies in your belly!” Stella squealed, pointing at the screen.

I laughed. “No, honey, those are the babies.”

“They look like fish.”

Can’t argue with a five-year-old.

“Well, that’s because they aren’t fully developed yet. Don’t worry, they’ll look like babies once they come out,” the ultrasound tech answered.

“I kind of want to be surprised,” I said to Drake. “What do you think?”

“I want whatever you want, baby. I can wait if you want to.” I smiled back at him.

“Yes, let’s be surprised.”

“And how am I suppose to decorate a nursery without knowing the sex?” Michael interrupted, pouting.

“They have neutral colors, you know?” I fired back.

“Girl, you expect me to decorate the nursery in
colors? That’s like room décor suicide.” His tone was filled with disgust, making me laugh at how serious he took the whole decorating thing.

“You’re a pro. You’ll think of something.” I winked at him.

“Fine,” he pouted. “You’re lucky I love you.”

“Alright, well since you don’t want to know, I’m going to turn the screen away and take some measurements for the
doctor.” The ultrasound tech did all her measurements and printed out the ultrasound pictures for us.

They were the most beautiful pictures ever. Perhaps I was overly emotional over the whole thing, but it was proof that this whole thing was real. It was happening. We were having twins.

They were labeled “Baby A” and “Baby B.” Every time the doctor felt around my stomach, she always referred to them that way, letting us know which one was laying where.

“I’ll get the report to your doctor soon, and she’ll contact you with the results.”

We both thanked her and got ready to head back out.

“Mommy?” Stella’s small voice grabbed my attention.

“Yes, honey?”

“How will the babies come out? If there’s water in there, won’t they drown? And if it’s dark, how do they see?” Stella began flooding me with questions, and I could tell it was time—time to have
talk with her.

Drake and I shared a glance. “Let’s talk when we get home, okay?”

“Okay.” She smiled back.

*   *   *

Violet dropped Liam over at our place after the appointment. I was now faced with two very curious children.

I made Stella and Liam their favorites—hot cocoa with mini marshmallows. I popped a candy cane in and stirred it until it was perfectly mixed.

“Alright, kids. It’s ready for you,” I called. I was trying to mentally prepare myself for this talk. They were far too young to have the advanced talk, so I was going to downgrade it the best I could.

“Yay! Thanks, mama.” She sat down at the breakfast bar across from me. She blew on it before taking a sip. I couldn’t even believe I needed to have this conversation with her already, but Stella was smart. She caught on quick.

I decided to dive in slowly before getting to the hard stuff.

“So kids, what do you think we should name the babies?” I asked,
sitting down in between them.

“Bert and Ernie!” Stella squealed.

“Fred and Wilma!” Liam interrupted.

“No, Cinderella and the Prince!” Stella said again gleefully.

“Woody and Buzz!” Liam smiled.

Okay…wrong people to ask.

I couldn’t help but laugh at their cuteness.

“What about…Barbie and Ken
?” Stella suggested, smiling.

“Okay, while those are some
suggestions, I think Mommy and Daddy might choose something else.” I smiled.

“I don’t know…I might be a fan of Woody,” Drake chimed in, coming up behind me, rubbing his hands over my

“You would be.” I laughed. I leaned my neck to the side, allowing his
lips to graze my skin.

“How is it possible for me to desire you even more?”
he whispered into my ear so only I could hear him.

“Must be my animal-like pheromones.” I giggled.

“Whatever it is—I sure do like,” he growled, making the vibrations surface right to my core.

Drake nibbled on my ear, making me squirm and forgetting that we had an audience.
Suddenly, Liam and Stella both fake-coughed, turning Drake’s and mine attention away.

“Yes?” Drake asked.

“Is that how the babies were made?” Stella asked in a serious voice. My eyes bulged out of my head as I sat there speechless. “Mackenzie told me that mommies and daddies kiss a lot when they want to make babies.”

“Well—” Drake started, but couldn’t seem to get the words out.

“Mackenzie also said that when her mommy pushed her brother out, that he was born with blood and all kinds of icky stuff on his face.”

“Ewww,” Liam added, laughing and cringing.

“Will the babies be born like that?” Stella asked, tilting her head to the side.

“Looks like
it’s time for that talk,” Drake whispered, barely able to contain his amusement.

, fine, but when they start dating, you’re up!” I laughed as his smile turned to a panicked frown.

Drake walked out, leaving us to it. “So, what is it you guys want to know about babies?” I swallowed hard, preparing myself for the worst.

“How will they get out of your tummy?” She tipped her head up and looked at me curiously. The mug slipped from my fingers at the realization of what she just asked. I caught it right before it fell to the table in a million tiny pieces.

Great…starting out with a hard one.
This was going to be harder than I thought.

I stared at her, admiring her innocence. She was only five. Of course, I didn’t want to lie to her, but I wasn’t ready to tell her the truth. So instead…I made something else up.

When it is time for the baby to come, the doctor uses a special key and puts it in mommy's belly button and a magical door opens.”
She looked at me thoughtfully, letting the information sink into her head. I gave her a reassuring smile.
If only my own words could reassure me.

“Mommy?” Her eyes went wide.

“Yes, sweetie?”

“How did the babies get in there?” She asked innocently.

“Did you really eat Watermelon seeds?” Liam chimed in and asked.

And there it is.
Talk about overwhelming. I’m going to kill Drake for leaving me to fend for myself.

Sugarcoat it the best I can…

Nope…lie. Lie my ass off.

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