Kiss This (19 page)

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Authors: Hadley Quinn

Tags: #General Fiction, #relationships, #sweet sexy, #humorous erotic romance, #famous family, #erotic, #dancer, #adrenaline junkies

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“Just stating the obvious. So tell me why.
What makes him worthy?”

“I don’t know if he is.”

“Pssh, come on, Cam. You let him
you. I know your ‘rule.’ You’ve known guys a lot longer and never
let that happen. Not even Brandon. And yes, I know you and Brandon
have a special agreement but… What’s different about Teague?”

“I don’t know,” Camryn shrugged honestly.
“He’s just… We just… Fit.”

Melanie placed her chin in her hand and
watched Camryn slice vegetables for a minute. “So what was it like
to kiss him?”

Camryn smiled and her heart thumped
automatically. “Amazing.”

Melanie grinned big and Camryn knew she was
sincerely happy for her. “Well I like him,” Melanie decided. “He
seems very…real. Kind of a smartass, but he seems to respect you.
And good lord if he spoils you with beautiful stuff like that,” she
gestured to the flowers, “keep him around no matter what.”

Camryn chuckled at her sister’s tease, but
she agreed with the part about Teague being respectful—especially
after last night and his decision to not go for the score. After
how easily they clicked, Camryn was surprised. She hadn’t slept
with anyone since Zach, and even though she felt she was finally
ready and wanted it to be with Teague, it still scared the hell out
of her.

“So what does Brandon think?” Melanie

Camryn somewhat snorted. “I don’t know. He’s
probably relieved. Finally got some sucker to take me off his

“Ha, I doubt it. Brandon loves you a lot and
he wants to make sure you’re looked after.”

“I don’t need looked after.”

“Everyone needs to be looked after. But
because of what Zach told him, he feels obligated as the big
brother. But even though the two of you aren’t compatible in the
way you and Zach were, you and Brandon were still good for each

“I know.” Camryn thought of Brandon’s text
last night, making sure she was okay and wondering where she

Then she started to think about Teague
again. She’d had his number for the last two weeks and hadn’t used
it once. She grabbed her cell phone and headed for her room to find
her “Christmas gift.” It was kind of a significant moment, pulling
it out of her nightstand drawer and inserting
and his number into her phone. She marked it as a
“favorite” and decided it eventually needed his picture to go with
it. He was too beautiful to not have his face on her phone.

She simply texted
I miss you too
, in
reference to the note that was with the flowers, and sat on her bed
to wait for a reply. It came a minute later.

Is this Tiffany? Megan? Ashley? Holly?
Jennifer? Samantha? Lindsey? LaToya??????

Camryn laughed out loud. What a

She replied:
I’m the one you sent the
most gorgeous arrangement of flowers to a couple hours ago.

Hmm, still doesn’t narrow it

Camryn shook her head, thoroughly amused:
Oops, sorry. I guess those were from Antonio. My bad.

Hey now!!

She smiled just as another text came

Just a sec, got something to send

She waited, and when another text came with
a picture attached, she sighed pathetically as she stared at it. It
was the picture that Teague took at the beach—their names in the
sand with a heart around it.

She was about to text a response when her
phone rang with a call from him instead.

“Ha, I called you first,” he joked.

Just hearing his voice again made her smile.
It was so appealing it even made her pulse race. “Hey, I messaged
you first,” she replied lamely.

“Pssh, a text?”

“I didn’t want to bother you if you were

“Hey, I’d answer your call no matter

In her head she heard herself go “awwww.”
Outwardly she said nothing.

“So what’re you up to?” he asked.

“Um, was just making something for dinner.
You want to eat with me or are you still busy with stuff?”

“I’d love to eat with you. I’m still a
couple hours out, though.”

“You mean until you can be available, or
you’re actually a couple hours

“I’m on my way north to see you. Right now
I’m about ninety minutes away.”

“Where’ve you been? Is that where your
cousin lives? Teague, you know you could have just stayed

“I know, but there were things I had to do
down here. I’ll explain when I get there and we can talk about

She wasn’t sure what to reply but just
agreed. They talked for a few more minutes until Camryn insisted he
should put his phone away while he drove. They hung up, and that’s
when Melanie came flying into her room with an old tabloid magazine
and slapped it on the bed in front of her.

“I knew he looked familiar!” she screeched,
bouncing up and down.

Camryn jumped back, startled by her sister’s
boisterous entry. But then she leaned forward to get a closer look
at the photo and she raised her eyebrows.

There in front of her eyes wasn’t a photo of
Teague Chandler, but of Teague

“Oh my,” Camryn barely said.

“He’s a
?!” Melanie squealed.
“Oh my God oh my God oh my God…!”

Chapter Eighteen



Teague finished off his cigarette as he
neared Camryn’s street. He rolled all the windows down to air out
the truck, pissed with himself for smoking in it. He didn’t
particularly care for his meeting with Glen and he had let him know
it. He needed to find someone else to work with; someone not
affiliated with his dad.

He pulled in front of Camryn’s house and
killed the engine. Grabbing a small bottle of mouthwash and a pack
of gum reminded him of what a dumbass he was. He didn’t need to
smoke like that when he knew he was going to see his girl. If his
brain had been working instead of his habitual motions, he could
have held off.

“Hey, is this your fucking dog?” some guy
yelled from two houses down.

Teague eyed the brown mutt and shook his
head as he spit mouthwash onto the ground. “Nope, sorry.”

The guy looked disgusted, like Teague should
have claimed him anyways. To make matters worse, the dog saw him
and came trotting across two yards to get to him, sniffing his leg
and wagging his tail.

Teague held out his fist for him and then
pet his head. “Hey buddy. You lost?”

“Not your dog, huh?” the neighbor

“Oh my God, there you are!” Camryn’s voice
exclaimed, and she came out the front door just as quickly. She
went straight to the dog and clipped a leash to his collar.

“Well I’m excited to see you too,” Teague

She gave him an awkward smile. “Sorry, he
just disappeared—”

“Hey!” the neighbor snapped as he came down
the sidewalk. “Your damn dog shit on my lawn. Come clean it

Camryn didn’t even hesitate to meet him
halfway. “Don’t act like a fuckwad and maybe I will,” she told

The guy narrowed his eyes as Teague came up
beside her. The neighbor looked between the two of them, debating
who to make a retort to. He chose Teague when he grunted and said,
“Maybe you should put a collar on
,” and stalked off.

The guy was a coward, so Teague wasn’t going
to respond. But he did turn to Camryn and placed his hand softly
against her neck, giving it a good look. “Hmm, about what size
collar are you?”

She smacked his hand away and laughed, but
then she allowed him to wrap her up in his arms. He squeezed her
tight and then pulled her mouth to his for a kiss. The feel of her
lips were like coming home, but he pulled away before the eager
accomplice in his pants got too riled up.

“I’ve missed you,” he said. “Did you have a
good day?”

Leaning back slightly, she studied him for a
moment. “It’s been decent. I’m glad you’re here, though.”

“Shit, where was he?” Melanie exclaimed,
hurrying from the backyard.

“At Don’s,” Camryn replied. “He crapped in
his yard, too.”

Melanie made a face and groaned. “Do I have
to clean it up? He’s just gonna stare at my ass when I bend

“Then fling it at his window.”

Both Teague and Melanie laughed. “Can I?”
Melanie asked.

“Just use the big shovel,” Camryn told her.
“I’ll put this furry guy inside and figure out a way to make the
gate stay shut.”

“You girls get a new roommate?” Teague asked
as they entered the house.

Camryn rolled her eyes. “She’s dogsitting.
For some guy she doesn’t even know just because she thinks he’s

“Hmm. So you’ve got Fucktard and now…?”

“Oh, um, Tucker. Yeah. Except you know about
where I’m headed with

“Yeah,” he laughed. “I can figure it out. He
a Saint Bernard mix?”

“Yep, Saint Bernard/Golden Retriever.”

Teague watched her fill up a food and water
bowl for the dog and set it by his bed. She never seemed to touch
the dog unless she had to, and he thought that to be

He glanced at the huge bouquet of flowers by
the couch and smiled to himself. When he’d told the lady on the
phone to make it special, he had no idea what it would look like.
He just told her what kind of flowers, and when she gave him the
total, he didn’t even care.

He strolled over to Camryn and said, “Hey,
can we talk for a little bit?”

Her eyebrows shot up with surprise. Teague
supposed those words weren’t exactly the most popular to use in a
relationship, but it was too late now.

“Um, sure, of course,” she answered.

“It’s nothing drastic,” he added, holding up
his hands. “I just want to clear the air about something.”

“Okay. Maybe we both should.”

He tilted his head, wondering if she was
finally going to tell him about Zach on her own. If that was the
case, the conversation might not be so awkward. “All right,” he

Just then Melanie stormed through the front
door, grumbling with expletives and hand gestures about their
asshole neighbor and the things his dirty mouth said to her. She
was disgusted and embarrassed, and swore she was never going
outside again if that pervert was around.

Camryn flung the door open to have it out
with the guy but Teague grabbed her arm. “Whoa, hey, hey, Camryn.
Hang on, hon.”

“I’ve had it with that piece of shit! He’s a
disgusting pig and he needs me to kick his face in!”

“I get that, but I don’t want you going over
there like this. You’re too upset and that guy is garbage,

“Well I’m not going to put up with this

“I realize that, but you’re not going over
there, got it?” he said sternly.

She was obviously surprised, and even
Melanie’s jaw dropped a little. He figured not many people told
Camryn what to do.

But Teague didn’t say another word as he
left, shutting the door behind him. He took a deep breath as he
headed down the sidewalk, shaking his head to himself. He hoped the
guy was smart enough to take a verbal warning. Teague didn’t do
well with disrespectful dickheads.

Don was in his garage with the door up, bent
over the hood of his rusty Pontiac with his ass crack hanging out.
Teague rolled his eyes, trying to resist a joke that would come
easy if Jay were with him.

“Hey,” he called as he walked up the

Don turned around, recognition slowly
registering. “What the fuck do you want?”

“I want you to show some respect to your
neighbors by keeping your eyes to yourself and your damn mouth

Don’s laugh was disgusting cackle. “Are you
a fucking joke?” he asked, dropping a wrench onto the garage floor.
“You come here to
house to threaten

“I’m not threatening you. I’m telling you to
stop saying shit to the ladies down the street.”

“Listen, dipshit. I know you’re playing hero
to the blonde sister sluts. And God, I’m sure they’re worth the
fuck, especially that older one. What a hot set of–”

Teague hauled back and clocked the fucker
right in the face, dropping him instantly. For the few seconds he
was out cold, Teague leaned over and patted the other side of the
guy’s face until he slowly came to and his eyes fluttered open.

“Big mistake,” Don mumbled, shaking his head
clear. He grunted to a sitting position, scooting out of Teague’s
reach. “The cops will have fun with you,” he growled.

“Awesome. Send them my way. I’d love to chat
with them about the little late night activities you have going on
over here.”

Don grabbed for the car that was next to him
to help him stand as he glared at Teague. “I don’t know what you’re
talking about.”

“Yeah, you’re not fooling anyone, fucker.
You mind your business and I’ll mind mine, but if you or any of
that shit affects those two girls in the slightest way, I’ll be
back. I promise.”

Teague turned to leave, only to find Camryn
and Melanie watching from the sidewalk. Melanie’s jaw was open and
Camryn was stone-faced as they watched Teague approach.

“You girls should’ve stayed inside,” he said
softly. He put a hand on Camryn’s lower back to lead her away but
she didn’t speak.

Melanie’s shock had worn off and she put her
hand over her mouth as they walked up their own driveway. “Oh my
God, I wish I could see that again,” she exhaled, starting to

“What time is Lynn coming by?” Camryn asked,
obviously to divert the conversation.

“Oh, shit! Any minute now.”

Melanie hurried into the house and
disappeared to her room, and as soon as she did, Camryn glared at
Teague. “I realize that you’re just looking out for us, but that
guy is a major asshole, and I’m sure he’s calling the cops right

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