Kiss of Steel (26 page)

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Authors: Bec McMaster

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction, #Steampunk

BOOK: Kiss of Steel
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Honoria turned her face away, struggling to gather her thoughts. Blade kissed her cheek, her brow bone, his tongue sliding to the delicate shell of her ear. Honoria clung to him, her heart and mind racing. What did she want of this? A moment of tumbled passion, a few nights of escape from the dreariness of her life? Or more?

Someone to love her. Someone to hold her in his arms, to tell her that she was the center of his world. That he would look after her. Someone to trust. Someone to love back.

Tears burned in her eyes. Foolishness. How could she even think of this with a blue blood, of all creatures?

“Stop thinkin’ so much,” he softly growled in her ear. “Just feel. You think too damn much, woman.”

Yes. So easy to lose herself in this. To just feel and close off the part of her that was gingerly reaching out, longing for something more. Honoria shook her head and pushed at him. “I’ve given you your kiss. Let me go.”

Blade raked a hand through her hair, gathering a knot of it in his fist. She couldn’t move. The tender roughness froze her.

“A kiss? Is that what you call it?” His voice was dangerous.

“A kiss. For the diaries. You promised and I delivered.”

“Ah, but there were two of ’em, weren’t there? I promised
diary for a kiss.” He was enjoying this too damned much. “And you know naught ’bout kissin’ a man, luv.”

Honoria’s gaze shot to his, her eyes narrowing.
didn’t seem to mind
. “It seems fairly simple. I press my mouth to yours and you maul me.”

His fist clenched in her hair then released. A hint of something dangerous flashed through his eyes. “Is that what you think, luv? You don’t think I could seduce you? You think I’m just a bit o’ flash who pumps a dove like a dog in ’eat?” He loomed over her, his hand sliding over her hair and down her throat. “Let me tell you somethin’. I’m more ’n ’alf a century old. That’s a lot o’ time to practice, Honor.” A slow smile spread over his face. “Now you’re in trouble.”

Honoria gasped as he raked a hand through her hair, clutching a fist of it and tilting her head back. Her back hit the wall, his body pressed against her, each inch burning itself into her skin.

“I’ve been kind. And patient,” Blade explained, his breath brushing against her heated cheek. “No more.”

He took her mouth, his hips thrusting against her. It was a complete domination, a claiming that should have frightened her more but didn’t. She felt energized instead, her heart punching hard behind her ribs. Honoria clung to his shoulders to steady herself, but she might not have bothered. His hard body trapped her against the wall. There was no escape. Nothing but surrender.


She growled and pushed at him, but Blade was merciless. She caught just a glimpse of his burning green eyes, then he bit her lip, sucking it into his mouth. The sharp pain ricocheted through her, like a spark of lightning, soothed by the warm suckle of his mouth. His hand clenched harder in her hair, just a hint of pain, dragging her head back so that she couldn’t fight him any longer.

“Submit,” he told her.

“N-no.” Her voice, broken and weak, more of a gasp, really.

Blade changed tactics. His mouth traced the slight edge of her ear, his teeth biting down on her lobe just firmly enough to make her draw breath. A shaft of heat speared through her stomach, lower, to the junction of her thighs. She shifted uncomfortably, very aware of the sudden slickness between them.

“Touch me,” he ordered. He pressed her hands against his chest, forcing her palms flat against his skin. He stole traces of her warmth everywhere they touched, and suddenly she wondered what it would feel like to have the cool steel of his cock embedded between her thighs.


A whimper sounded, deep in her throat. She was uncertain now. The avalanche of feeling was starting to roll over her, threatening to steal her feet. “Let me go,” she said. But she didn’t mean it. And that was what scared her the most.

Blade stole a kiss. Another. Nipping at her mouth, pressing at her to open. She was helpless not to respond. He dragged her hands down, over the ripple of muscle at his abdomen. Through the tangle of hair that arrowed down, the sensation acutely new to her.

The taste of him. Oh, lord, the taste. His tongue met hers in a heated tangle, hot and hungry. His lips were cool, tracing hers, tempting her to kiss him back. And she did.

It started innocently. A curiosity, really. Just a little taste…But she grew hungry for more. Her blood was thick and warm, like molten honey pounding through her veins. She didn’t know what was happening. His hands dragged hers lower, over the edge of his leather breeches, over the sudden, raging strength of his cock-stand.

Honoria’s eyes went wide.

“This is what you do to me,” he whispered. “Every god-damned time I see you.” Heat flared in his eyes.

She tore her hands free, but he caught them, pressed them against the familiar, less-unsettling feel of his chest. A pulse pounded between her thighs, a tribal drumbeat of need. She found her hands sliding over his chest, learning the feel of him. And this time when their mouths met, she was the aggressor.

Blade shuddered, then flinched. Honoria followed his mouth, taking a step forward. He drew back, avoiding her. “Easy now, luv.” He frowned. A tiny smear of blood marred his pale skin.

For a moment she didn’t understand. Did he not want her? Then she saw his eyes blink, as though to shake off something. He staggered. Honoria caught him under the shoulders, his weight almost driving her back into the wall.

“What’d you do to me?” he slurred.

Oh no. The ring. She glanced at the tiny needle. Somehow she’d scratched him with it.

He was too heavy for her. Honoria staggered toward the bed, hoping to get him on it. “One more step!”

They both went down. Honoria landed atop him, breathing hard, her arms caught beneath him. If he hadn’t been incapacitated, she was certain he would have taken advantage, but one of the side effects of the toxin was partial paralysis for several minutes. He would be aware of everything that happened, but he wouldn’t be able to move.

She leaned up on her elbows, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Blade glared up at her. He looked like there were a dozen things he wanted to say to her right now. It was probably for the best that he couldn’t speak for a little while.

“This is your own fault,” she said, sitting up and straddling him. Her eyes widened. It seemed there was one other part of his body that was currently paralyzed too.

Clearing her throat, she climbed off the bed and brushed her skirts down. “You won’t be able to move for ten minutes or so. Then you’ll recover completely. You might feel a touch light-headed or nauseous, but that should pass.”


“There’s no point trying to speak,” she said nervously. “I didn’t mean to do this.” A slight frown. “Well, I did at first, but it was an accident how it occurred. Honestly, it was the last thing I was thinking of at the time…” With his hands and mouth doing wicked things to her body, it was amazing that she’d had any rational thoughts at all.

Blade was motionless, but his eyes tracked her. Honoria snatched a pillow from the bed and tucked it beneath his head.

“Don’t give me that look. I’ve not injured you in the least. I simply want my diaries back.”

His eyes were eloquent enough. When he could move—when he got his hands on her—there was going to be trouble. Far better for her not to be here when the paralysis wore off.

Honoria looked around. His armoire hung open, revealing his clothes. She rifled through them, disturbing an array of velvets and leathers. His tastes truly ran to the gaudy. Everything was almost…touchable. She couldn’t help rubbing her fingers down the butter-soft leather of a pair of breeches. Imagine if he were wearing them.

She jerked her hand away, heat spearing through her cheeks. That was enough of that. She’d given him his kiss. There was nothing owed between them. Nothing except the consequences of this new set of actions.

The thought spurred her to haste. He’d been down for almost two minutes. The toxin’s effects depended on a lot of things: the victim’s body weight, how long since he’d drunk blood, his CV count, and myriad other factors. But in general it would knock a blue blood out for almost ten minutes. No time to spare.

She started hunting furiously for the diaries. Through his drawers, under discarded clothes, behind the curtains. Even in the bathroom, with the events of last night running fresh through her mind. The blackguard. Brushing her hair. Stroking the silk of her robe. Pretending he had nothing more on his mind than seduction. Probably plotting to steal her diaries the whole time.

She tugged a drawer open and frowned. It was full of little packets. Though they looked nothing like a diary, she couldn’t stop herself from reaching for one curiously. But when she opened it, she almost dropped it. French letters. Dozens of them. Just how many bloody thralls did he take to his bed anyway? He must think her a fool.

Slamming the drawer shut, she stalked back out into the bedroom. Blade watched her, his eyes shouting their accusation.

“I know they’re here somewhere.” There were more drawers near the bed. She tugged one open and paused. A set of steel manacles gleamed within, with padded cuffs. “Really?” She dangled the cuff off her finger and shot him a look. “Only two thralls whom you take to bed? I think not. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

A growl sounded.

Honoria jumped, but Blade was still motionless. She discarded the manacles and reached for a leather roll. Slinging it open on top of the chest revealed a half dozen fléchettes. What he would use on her when he deemed her well enough to donate.

She was running out of places to look. Pausing, she closed her eyes and thought furiously. If she were a devious blue blood, where would she hide something?

A strangled sound came from the bed. He was starting to move. It shouldn’t be possible. He’d barely been down for five minutes.

Blade managed to roll onto his side, glaring at her. Retribution gleamed in his green eyes. Oh God. If she wasn’t gone by the time he recovered, she was going to have to pay the devil his dues. Unless…Honoria’s gaze lit on the manacles.

His gaze locked on them at the same time with an expression like murder.

“Just until you catch your temper,” she said nervously, scooping them up and crossing toward him.

His shoulders heaved. He was struggling to sit up. Honoria planted the palm of her hand against his chest and shoved. He tumbled back onto the bed, a warning growl erupting from his throat. Her mouth went dry. This was insane. Not only had she entered the ring with the bull, but now she was deliberately waving the red flag in his face.

“This is your fault,” she told him, closing one steel cuff over his wrist. “You don’t understand. I need those diaries. I nearly put myself into
hands for those diaries.” The second cuff locked tight. The veins in Blade’s wrists distended, his hands clenching. “Where are they?”

,” he said.

Her face paled. “Aye. I suppose I will. But if you just tell me where they are, I’ll go away for the day and…and come back tonight. I’m certain we can come to some sort of agreement about my punishment.” Her voice trailed off. “I could kiss you again.”

Blade gave her a withering glance.

“Maybe…maybe more?”

He wrapped his fists around the chain, still ignoring her. Honoria licked her lips. “Don’t hurt yourself. You won’t be able to break them.”

He gave a sudden wrench on the steel loops. Honoria squealed and grabbed for his hands. “You shouldn’t exert yourself so soon! The toxin takes awhile to wear off!”

Another wrench. One of the steel chains looked almost as though it had stretched a little. Honoria scrambled off the bed. Damn him! Where were the diaries? She checked under the bed, even running her hand beneath the mattress. With 170 pounds of enraged, half-naked male atop it. If she didn’t get out of here soon…

“Not even you can break steel links,” she blurted, scurrying about.

Blade shuffled his grip on the chain, watching as she tossed clothes and furniture aside. She could feel his gaze on her back like a hot pinpoint of fury.


Honoria stopped dead in her tracks. Her gaze shot to the timber slats she had linked the chain through. He hadn’t been planning on breaking the cuffs at all. “Oh.”

As she watched, he gave one final wrench. The slats splintered and the cuffs came free, though they were still around his wrists, thank heavens.

Blade rolled into a sitting position, slinging his legs off the bed. He swayed and caught himself.

Honoria took a step back. Then another. “Don’t stand. You won’t be able to control your body for…for a little while.” How had he shaken off the toxin so swiftly?

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