Kingdom Come (16 page)

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Authors: Michelle Smith

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #Supernatural, #Fantasy, #Young Adult

BOOK: Kingdom Come
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My eyes flickered over to Danny, who was already staring at me. “Now what?” I mouthed. All he offered was a shake of his head.

My door opened, and I froze. Panic coursed through me as I held Danny’s gaze, silently begging him to think of something. To please
something, because I was at a complete loss and terrified out of my mind. If he treated people like . . . like
, what the hell else was Bennett capable of?

“Out,” Adrian barked. He latched onto my arm and started to pull, but before Danny had a chance to do anything, his own door was yanked open.

“Please,” I said as I stumbled out of the car. “Please, don’t do this. Don’t make me go in there. Please.”

I knew I sounded desperate, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to go, to run far away from this place. Guilt flickered across his face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. He reached around and slammed the door closed, shoving me forward. A single sob escaped me, but I managed to suppress the rest. Adrian kept one hand wrapped firmly around my forearm and started for the house. Danny, limping all the while, didn’t even put up a fight. That was probably for the best, but I wished he’d pull some sort of move and get us out of there. Of course, I had no idea where we would—
—go. Bennett had eyes everywhere.

When we reached the steps, Aaron was already pushing Ethan into the house. I wanted to run to him, to hold him, to feel the assurance that always came with his presence. I stumbled a little on the steep bricks, and Adrian swore under his breath and gripped my arm tighter.

“Sorry,” I muttered, regaining my balance. “Don’t mean to be such an inconvenience.”

Much to my surprise, he cleared his throat and replied, “No inconvenience, dear girl. Simply don’t want you to get anymore bruises. You look as if you’ve seen better days.”

He sounded so much like Dr. Fowler that grief overwhelmed me, forcing me to a stop just outside the doorway. I could’ve used the doctor’s guidance right then. The driver inhaled deeply and nudged me forward. His grip, however, loosened. I relished in the clean, crisp air one final second before stepping inside.

My tattered sneakers squeaked on the marble floor as I entered the house, the sound echoing throughout the room. I stared at the massive space in amazement—the room itself was bigger than my entire house in Pennsylvania. Winding staircases commanded each side of the room, both leading to a balcony that overlooked where we stood. Though the room was awe-inspiring, it didn’t hold a candle to what, or
, waited directly in front of us.

According to Susan, I’d been sent away from the Andreas family when I was just a few years old. But even though I hadn’t seen him since I was a toddler, I would’ve known Bennett Andreas anywhere. He stood before me, with a guard on each side and another trio behind him. He looked more like a mob boss than a guy in his early twenties. With his dark hair slicked back and a suit my dad never would have been able to afford, his very presence demanded attention. Respect.

Respect, my ass.
He was lucky he was surrounded by his little team of puppets.

Ethan stumbled to a stop in front of him, while Aaron kept his hands pinned behind his back. Ethan straightened quickly, though, and I was pushed forward yet again. Once Bennett’s eyes locked with mine, I held his gaze with as much defiance as I could muster. He wanted me here? Fine. But he’d be damn sorry I was.

I stood to Ethan’s left, and Danny stopped on his right. Joseph, Aaron, Adrian, and Simon all stayed behind us, probably so we wouldn’t try and make a run for it. I wasn’t sure where they thought we’d go. Knowing the sadistic jerk in front of us, he probably had the place booby trapped. I glanced up at Ethan, and immediately wished I hadn’t. His cheek was bruised and his lip split, with a trickle of blood trailing down his chin. My lip quivered, but he stood strong, without a hint of emotion on his face. I wanted to grab his hand, to hold him close, to tell him how sorry I was he and Danny had been dragged into this. All because of me.

Anger and bitterness surged through me as my gaze shifted back to Bennett, who was watching me with clear blue eyes so much like my own. Susan was right—there was no mistaking our relation. That only increased the rage burning in my churning stomach. I wanted to claw those eyes out.

The longer he stared at me, the faster my pulse raced. Brother or not, this guy was evil personified. Yet for some reason . . . I felt drawn to him. Like in the grand scheme of things, I was meant to be right here, right now. Disgusted, I shoved the thought from my mind.
Screw that.

He studied my face for what seemed like ages. He stood about a head taller than me, and I had to look up to meet his eyes. Tears stung my own, but they weren’t tears of sadness, or fear—I was pissed. Livid. And I wanted to make him pay for all the damage, all the hurt he’d caused me and those I’d become so close with over the past few weeks.
people were family, not the scumbag standing in front of me with a smile on his face.

He placed a hand on each of my shoulders, and took a deep breath as his smile grew wider. “Sister.”

Chills shot through me. His voice was filled with something I couldn’t quite place—awe, maybe? “It’s been such a long time,” he continued. “I’ve been so worried, so stressed, with you out there in all . . . this.” He waved a hand dismissively toward the door. “I sent for you before it all began, you see, but the idiots I dispatched obviously couldn’t handle a simple task.”

All I could do was stare back at him in amazement. Really?
? My heart beat so fast I thought it might burst through my chest.

He cocked his head to the side, his eyes narrowing. “Callia? Do you have anything to say? To ask? I’m an open book, sister.”

Say? No. I spat in his face.

The guards lunged forward, but Bennett swiftly raised a hand, and they froze. He took a step back and wiped the wetness from his face with disgust.

“Kerrigan,” I said. “I’ve already had this conversation with one of your lackeys. My name is Kerrigan.”

“Not my lackeys.

“Yeah, well, I’m not interested.”

His guards looked on with wide eyes, but Bennett didn’t seem deterred in the slightest. Instead of responding, he backed away until he was able to see Ethan and Danny more clearly. He clapped his hands together, his smile returning.

“Ah, where are my manners?” he asked, his booming voice echoing. “Welcome to the Andreas estate, gentlemen. Though, I must say, you’re not exactly in line with the dress code.” His guards chuckled along with him, and the sound of their laughter made my stomach churn more.

“It’s called survival,” I snapped. “We’ve been living on the road for two weeks, you ass. Who are you to—”

Ethan cleared his throat, and I glanced up in time to see the subtle shake of his head.

 Bennett looked from him, to me, then back to Ethan with a knowing grin. “As I was saying,” he continued. “Welcome. Now, the two of you should know I really have no use for either of you. Unless you’re interested in joining our ranks.” He gestured to the guards behind him. “In which case, I’d be more than happy to make accommodations. Of course, as with any agreement, there will be rules to abide by.”

“Count me in.”

My blood ran cold. I turned my head just as Danny stepped forward, but his gaze remained fixed on Bennett. After all we’d been through together, and after everything this guy had done . . .

“Wonderful!” Bennett exclaimed. His eyes brightened as he took a step back and clapped one of the guardsmen on the shoulder. “Ralph, we should pair this recruit with our newest soldier.” Ralph nodded and started speaking into a tiny microphone that was attached to his earpiece, and Bennett looked back to Danny. “I believe you’ll catch on quite quickly under his training. He’s proving to be a true asset to our team.”

Seconds later, a door at the back of the room swung open. “Oh my God,” I whispered.

Chapter 16


 “Nate.” It was the first time Ethan spoke in the time we’d been there. “What’re you doing, man?”

Nate was a far cry from the guy in the woods. He’d bathed, for one thing, which put him leaps and bounds ahead of us. His dark blonde hair was hidden beneath a cap, and he wore a uniform that matched the other guardsmen. This had to be a dream.

Nate stared back at Ethan with a look of such hatred, anyone else would have cowered. “I’m saving myself,” he said in a voice that matched the coldness in his eyes. “Remember?”

“Show our new recruit to the guards’ quarters,” Bennett said. “Also, have our physician check out that knee. We need him at full strength.”

Nate nodded once and, with Danny limping by his side, headed back to the door through which he’d come. I feared that was the last time I’d ever see Danny. Judging from the sneaky smile on Bennett’s face, there was something more to the “rules” than he’d let on. “And you?” he asked Ethan.

Ethan scoffed. “I’ll join you when hell freezes over.”

Bennett chuckled, but the sound was chilling. Menacing. “Ah, that may happen sooner than you think.” He snapped his fingers. “Take him to a holding cell. Now that I think about it, I may have some use for him, after all.” He eyed me with a smirk. “Maybe that’ll put your stubborn streak to rest.”

“No!” I screamed, lunging forward. Bennett caught me by the waist and held me in place while Aaron and another guard dragged Ethan across the room. Hopelessness consumed me—my mind, my heart, my veins. Tears I didn’t even know were there poured down my cheeks as Ethan stumbled across the room, nearly falling to his knees. He was so broken, so helpless, and he wasn’t even trying
anymore. Couldn’t he just

“Ethan!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, fighting Bennett’s hold with all the strength I could muster. “Ethan!”
Fight them, damn it!

It was only then that Ethan started to struggle, but it wasn’t to get out of their grips—he was trying to turn to me. Aaron and the other guard held him firmly, shoving him to the door that Nate and Danny disappeared through. Ethan couldn’t leave me here with Bennett. He just couldn’t. I couldn’t do this without him. Sobs racked my body, but I kicked and clawed at Bennett.

“Let him go!” I shrieked. “

 Bennett cackled. “Ah, let the boy say good-bye,” he called to the guards in a sing-song voice. “I’d hate for my little sister to be heart-broken her first day here.”

They stopped, and I found a split second to take a shuddering breath as Ethan met my gaze from across the room. “I’m with you,” he said. “Everywhere you go. Remember that. Don’t give up.”

I struggled to speak, but the words caught in my throat. Ethan’s eyes were pained as the guards yanked him back, forcing him through the door and letting it slam shut behind them. Just like that, he was gone.

And I was alone.

Bennett released his hold on me, allowing my feet to fall back to the floor. I stared back at him, dazed, as he spoke. “And now, we have my dear baby sister. The last one standing. What shall we do with you?”

He stepped toward me, but I pushed his chest with all my might. “Get the hell away from me, you sick bastard.”

He grabbed my wrist, his grip making me wince. I saw the delicate bracelet still hanging there, and Ethan’s words from that night around the campfire came rushing back.
“As long as you have this, you have me.”
God, I wanted him to be right, but I’d never felt more alone.

“Watch yourself,” Bennett warned, though his face remained calm. “We may be family, but I won’t hesitate to snap this pretty wrist in half. Understand?”

He released my arm, and I held it to my chest, rubbing the aching area. “You’re despicable.”

“We share the same blood. What does that say about you?”

“I’m a product of my parents, not your deranged family. Blood doesn’t make a difference.”

deranged family. Blood runs thicker than water, Cal—”

“Kerrigan. Get it right. I swear to God, if you call me that again, I’ll smack the damn smirk off your face.”

His smile only grew. “You are most definitely my sister.” He turned toward one of the staircases. “Come. I’ll show you to your room.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Joseph shoved me forward, and I would have fallen if I hadn’t caught myself. Bennett’s expression turned to undeniable rage as he stormed toward us, and grabbed Joseph by the throat. Joseph’s face turned red as he struggled for air, for any sort of reprieve, but found none.

So, this was my long-lost brother. A man who wouldn’t hesitate to kill one of his own followers. Charming.

“Be careful with her,” Bennett snapped. “I will not have anyone rough-handling her, do you hear me?”

Yet seconds ago, you were threatening to snap my wrist.

Once Joseph nodded, Bennett took a deep breath before releasing him and straightening his own suit jacket. “As I was saying. Come on,




The house—mansion, palace, whatever—was a maze of hallways and doors. As much as I despised his presence, I stayed right behind Bennett because I did
want to get lost. Everything about the place creeped me out, right down to the family portraits lining the walls. It was like the eyes of those in the portraits were following me. Watching me. I shuddered.

Too busy staring, I didn’t even realize Bennett had stopped until I ran right into his back. He turned around as I took a swift step back, refusing to have any unnecessary contact with him. If “sadistic jerkoff” was contagious, I didn’t want to risk catching it. He and I glared at one another, challenging the other to speak first. Looking into his eyes was like looking into a mirror. Totally disturbing. He was the epitome of wealth, of arrogance, and now, of power. He was my complete opposite. So why did I feel such a connection to him?

“I feel it too,” he said. For once, there wasn’t a trace of sarcasm or insult in his voice. His expression was solemn.

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