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Authors: L J Dee

King (13 page)

BOOK: King
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have a lot of reservations about introducing you to this lifestyle Charlotte”
and his voice was low and firm as I turned to face him, stunned by the level of
genuine honesty and openness etched across his dark, handsome features. “I’ve
only done it once before and it didn’t end well” he said, deep blue pools
burning into mine as I looked at him puzzled. “Why?”

He gazed at me for a long time before
addressing me again. “I can’t go into
not my confidence to share. I promised myself that I’d never, ever do it again,
but the thought of you at a party with someone else...” He couldn’t finish the
sentence and my heart flipped as I swallowed hard. I didn’t know the details
but I knew he was torn and I saw my chance. I was desperate not to be
humiliated again, but I craved the feelings he gave me more than I valued my
pride right now.

Something about the look in his eyes betrayed
a deep hurt. He wasn’t being King, arrogant and cocksure, and I knew in that
instant he needed this as much as I
only neither
of us could say it albeit for different reasons.
I asked simply, a thousand questions encompassed in one simple word as I held
his gaze. The conflict and tension etched across his brow was palpable.
“Fucking Hell Charlotte I swore I would never...” and that was as far as he got
before he was across the car, his mouth possessing me aggressively, pulling
away from me just long enough to growl “home” into the speaker system and we
were lost, kissing fiercely, limbs entwined and he didn’t release me until the
car stopped. He helped me out, guiding me, his strong firm hand on the small of
my back as we ascended the familiar brown stone steps of his elegant Victorian
town house.


more friendly
than the last time you were
here” he grinned as I followed him into the front room giggling. “I wanted to
tie you up on that couch, gag your smart mouth and fuck you into submission for
your attitude” he smiled wickedly as I gasped, gazing up at him, slightly
shocked but undeniably turned on. “Maybe I’ll do it tonight” he winked, licking
his lips as I followed the trace of his tongue across his soft full mouth “but
first we need to talk. If we are going to do this, we are doing it right
Charlotte”. I nodded, hoping we could make the chat part quick.

haven’t done this before so I presume you don’t really know what you’re into
yet” he said firmly as I shook my head, gazing at him wide eyed. “Have you done
any research Charlotte?” he said eyeing me intently. “A little” I admitted as
he nodded. “Good. Is there anything that you’ve seen that you definitely don’t
want to try, a hard limit?” he said and his tone was so serious I was finding
it hard not to giggle.

“Nothing that draws blood, and I’m not
sure about whips and canes”.
He wasn’t laughing, just gazing at me and taking it all on board and my stomach
flipped, exploding with a thousand butterflies as it suddenly dawned on me that
we were actually going to do this.
Me and King.
“Anything else?” he smiled encouraging me to continue. “Yes those rubber masks
that cover the whole face with the zips. I’m way too claustrophobic for those”
I whispered, which raised a smile. “You’re far too beautiful to be covered with
a mask Sweetheart” he laughed gently. “I think that’s it then. Everything else
I’m willing to try. I guess I’ll just have to suck it and see” I smiled, his
eyes burning into mine. “What a delightful thought” he grinned broadly.

whole thing is based on trust Charlotte and I will push you and test your
limits and you are new to this. You have to communicate your feelings with me
and I promise I will look after you and take it slowly, OK?” I nodded,
desperate to be in his arms again and see just how good Jason King could be. If
past experience was anything to go by, I would not be disappointed, the man was
an expert at doling out pleasure.

The hardest thing would be to suspend my
preconceived beliefs enough to dive in, and trust that he knew what he was

need to pick a safe word, something to use that will make me stop if it goes
too far, something you wouldn’t use during sex” he smiled as I smiled back.
“Mercedes” I grinned as he quirked an eyebrow at me. “You got the pitch?” he
laughed, genuinely delighted as I nodded happily. “Good girl” he whispered,
tracing his finger under the hem of my skirt and over the tops of my stockings
as I gasped audibly, parting my legs to allow him access and raising my mouth
to his. “Maybe that deserves a treat” he grinned, sliding his hand further up
my thighs as I opened myself to him, moaning as his fingers explored me, his
mouth possessing mine, before he pulled away leaving me gasping and panting for

first I’ve got to deal with your rude behaviour. Stand up” he ordered as I
swallowed hard. “The last time you were here Charlotte, your behaviour was
unacceptable” he said sternly, his eyes burning so deeply into me, I felt it in
my core, shuddering deliciously under the intensity. “Tonight you will make up
for it. Take off your clothes”. I stood, part of me wondering what the hell I
was doing, the other part desperate to please the beautiful alpha male who was
radiating sexual intensity from every pore and towering over me.

Normally I would come back with an icy retort,
but I had agreed to leave ‘Smith’ at the door in this whole thing and
concentrated every effort I had to blank out our past, and my attitude, and
submit to his demands the best I could. I hoped it would be worth it.

undid the buttons one by one, slowly and provocatively, following the trail of
his tongue across his bottom lip as he watched me closely. His stance had
shifted and I had never seen him look so brooding, so magnificent. He was
different to the Jason of our first encounter that had seen us lustful and
frenzied, and much less tender than the Jason I had witnessed in the creative
space. He was controlled, powerful and utterly dominant and I had never been so
turned on.

stood there silently as my dress fell to the floor and he walked around me
slowly, assessing me carefully, my skin igniting under his intense gaze as he
studied every inch of me, eyes dark and his lips curved slightly in
appreciation as he ran his finger gently over the curves of my breasts and I
was desperate for him. In his office, I had yanked him to me by his tie, but
today was different.

was in control, he was making the decisions and as my shallow breathing got
slowly louder, I knew I had to wait, to be patient and follow his lead. The
feeling of submission was unique and slightly intoxicating, in such contrast to
my everyday life, and if the deep arousal between my thighs was anything to go
by, I was already enjoying the hell out of it.

moved behind me slowly, unclipping my bra and sliding it off me, reaching
around to cup my breasts omitting a low moan of desire, and I gasped as he
grazed his expert fingers over my nipples and pinched them hard, nuzzling into
the side of my neck and kissing my throat. It was slow, considered and
deliberate and the pulsing between my legs was extreme as he caressed and
pinched my tender breasts mercilessly.

“When you were last here, you walked out,
didn’t you Charlotte?” and I nodded, moaning under the intensity of his
delicious attention to my hard nipples, pleasure tinged with pain, igniting me
like nothing I had known before.

time I’m going to make sure you can’t run away”. I gasped as his scooped me up,
carrying me in my panties, stockings and heels up the stairs to his stunning
bedroom and laying me down as I gazed up at him, panting and needy and
desperate for his touch to ease the intense arousal that burned deep inside me.
“Arms up” he said simply as I obeyed without question, pulling a tie from his
pocket and securing my hands together swiftly and deftly over my head, his lip
curved in his trademark smirk as he looked down at my almost naked form,
running his hands softly over my ankles.

wanted to run my hands up your legs last time Charlotte, all the way over your
thighs and ending here” he said firmly as I gasped and moaned, revelling in the
feel of his fingers stroking my pussy through the damp silk and he studied my
face. I arched my body towards him, my very desperation making him stop and
move back as I groaned, pleading for him to continue with my body, not my
words. “Is that what you wanted?” the smooth seductive voice rolling over me,
and I had. I had wondered what it would be like for his hands to travel further
and I nodded. “Yes” I breathed, flushing at the admission as he slipped his
hand inside my panties, ripping them off, circling my clit with his thumb and
plunging his fingers deep inside me, groaning in appreciation as I panted
breathlessly beneath him.

was already on the edge, flushed, intoxicated, drinking in his scent and dizzy
with anticipation to feel his hard cock again as he continued his relentless
stroking of my pussy. I was laid out for him, almost completely naked and
exposed while he was still fully clothed and the sensation was utterly erotic,
familiar waves of pleasure finding me quickly, and as he continued with the
delicious perfect pressure, I came apart, totally consumed by the orgasm that
swept through me, shuddering violently on the bed beneath him as he kissed me
hard and deep through my ecstatic moans.

was panting as I watched him finally undress, desperate to run my tied hands
over the hard cut muscles of his abdomen as I licked my lips, dazed and
euphoric and desperate for more. I had never seen him totally naked and gasped
in wonder as he revealed his hard thighs, muscular and powerful, finally
removing his designer shorts and unleashing his giant, magnificent cock as I
stared, lips parted and needing him more than I had ever needed anyone. “I’m
going to fuck you hard Charlotte” he growled deliciously as I nodded my
approval, squirming on the bed, wanting him inside me. The small smirk played
sexily at the side of his mouth and more than anything I wanted to kiss it, to
feel those soft full lips possessing my mouth while his beautiful cock claimed
my body.

rolled on a condom and in seconds his weight was on top of me, smooth taut skin
stretched over muscles that felt like he’d been carved from stone, the epitome
of alpha male perfection as he thrust inside me, groaning at the contact and I
was lost. He was huge and hitting my limits, my pussy aching to accept him,
expanding to accommodate the sheer size of his cock and he pushed through the
resistance with unrelenting force, powering into me with a strength that took
my breath away.

I was lost as he grabbed my hair roughly,
forcing me towards him, claiming my mouth in a dominant show of possession. I
lifted my tied arms, needing to feel him as he grabbed them, almost throwing
them back over my head and increasing the pressure of his thrusts if that were
even possible, and I cried out, lost and dazed, every nerve screaming and on
fire for Jason. I wrapped my legs around him, heels digging into firm muscle as
he groaned his approval, and it was the only encouragement my body needed,
exploding in wave after wave of ecstatic pleasure as he shuddered above me,
cursing and calling my name.

lay on top of me, our breathing ragged as we both came back to earth,
eventually pulling out gently, removing the condom and laying a trail of kisses
from my throat to my mouth, moving to untie my hands as I held him properly for
the first time and my stomach flipped. He felt delectable and I smiled as he
gazed into my eyes pulling the trademark smirk. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“You know Jason, I used to find that little smirk incredibly irritating” I
smiled, sapphire eyes blazing back into mine as he pulled his mouth into a firm
line frowning down at me and my breath hitched, thinking I had said something
wrong. His face was scowling but his eyes were twinkling. “This one?” he said,
curving one side of his lip, his beauty overwhelming me as I gazed up
adoringly, nodding and smiling. “I know. It always gets your attention”.

My heart skipped a beat, my stomach somersaulting
at the admission that he had used it to get my attention, even if its primary
purpose had been to irritate me at the time. “It used to annoy me” I giggled
“but not now”. He looked at me intently. “No?” he said, questioning me. “No” I
bit my lip “Now it just turns me on” I grinned as he held my gaze. “It always
did, you just didn’t know it” he winked, displaying his arrogance that right
now, made me just want to feel him inside me again. Maybe he was right.

think I’ll use it when you’re down on your knees sucking my cock”, and the
thought was enough to almost drive my libido over the edge as I gasped up at
him, the shrill ring of his phone, dragging me from my aroused euphoria and as
he reached to answer it, I couldn’t believe we were here again, but I was
damned if I was running this time.

was silent for a while, listening intently, turning to look at me, frowning,
before he spoke. “Where’s the shoot? I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together.
Sit tight, we’ll sort it out. I’ll be 45 minutes
My face blazed in barely controlled anger as I swallowed hard. This was the
second time this had happened and my heart sank.
Lloyd, supermodel.
Jason King, at her beck and fucking call.
Technically, I was
not his girlfriend but his secret submissive sex toy. I’d agreed to that so I
didn’t really have a leg to stand on. I tried a different tact.

BOOK: King
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