Kimber (29 page)

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Authors: Sarah Denier

BOOK: Kimber
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            “We have to
get to the compound. You have to remember where it is.” As I try to find the
next step for us to take I’m strained by exhaustion. 

tried. I’ve walked around the city asking. I would have walked through the
desert if I thought I could make it.”

we start again. Repeat every move. We’ll get a driver or someone to take us out
of the city.” I grab my purse and on wobbly legs, I trudge towards the door.

takes me by the back of my arm. “You’re weak. You need to rest.”

I rub my eyes. “We can’t wait. I’ll grab an energy drink or something. I’ll be

but there’s something I have to tell you.” 

but can we walk and talk.” I ask impatiently motioning towards the door. 

listen. Being something other than what Leo is, isn’t something he would want.”

are you talking about? Turning?”

shoulders rise and fall dramatically. “Exactly.”

it’s not going to happen. I won’t let it.”

rather die.” She emphasizes the statement like it’s a fact and suddenly I know
what she’s really telling me.

Turning bad doesn’t mean it’s the end.”

him it does.”

take a step towards her. “What he wants doesn’t matter. I won’t watch him die!” 

and exhaustion have me turned upside down because I do the one thing I know
better than to do. I spin on my heel, reach for the doorknob and yank it open.

collide immediately against another body before tumbling to the ground. I hurry
to push myself up and search my chest with frantic hands. I sigh in relief that
I’m ok.

the hell! Ever hear of knocking or are you just some creep hanging out side our
door?” I gripe.

Lena asks coming out into the hallway.

fricken way
! It’s too coincidental even for coincidence standards.

brush myself off as Lena helps the eccentric old man up off the floor. I stay
back, leery of Alexandria’s father. There’s something not right about him. Or
maybe I’m just mentally insensitive. I can’t think straight or stop yawning.

green and white Baja hoodie is as filthy as the man wearing it. His pants look
as though they might have been kaki before a role in the mud. His open toed
sandals are worn and torn by miles of walking. He’s old by gray hair standards.

guides Akil into the room and pours him a glass of water. He holds it between
two shaky hands and gulps it down. Lena quickly refills his glass.  

what’s happened?” She asks.

dry accent peaks between syllables. “They burned the compound down. They took
those who did not die. You must help me find her.”

Alexandria? She’s missing?”

Leo must help me find her.”

looks from me to Akil. “We can’t find Leo, Akil, he’s gone missing too.”

you find us?” I ask. Something with this situation doesn’t fit.

studies my face, either unaware of who I am or maybe I still have blood under
my nose.

dead deserve to be buried. Once it was finished, I came to the city looking for
Leo. Once I located the right hotel, I waited. I thought it might be a trap. I
don’t know what they were after.”

longer I stand here the more aware I am of precious seconds passing by. Seconds
of agonizing torment for Leo. Balanced delicately between who he is and

attacked accomplished what they wanted. Our focus is Leo not Alexandria.”

Lena scolds in a harsh tone. “Forgive my niece. We’re all a little on edge. All
we know is that Leo is underground. Chances are Alexandria is with him.”

tunnels under the city are endless. They were used by Pharaohs to enslaved
prisoners. Most have fallen in but one comes to mind. There is a family of
Nephilims, the Rameses. They have threatened to attack us for months. If they
are responsible, We’ll find Alexandria and Leo in the Sacred Temples, ten miles
east of here.”

Chapter Twenty Six



HEAD TOWARDS the unknown with eager attitudes and foolish hopes. There is no
backup plan. All we have is what are blood is made of and Lena’s visions, which
happened to be on the fritz. I know in my mind that, realistically, I don’t
stand a chance against pure and half blooded Nephs, who oppose Leo’s ethical

look defeated. It’s not over yet.” Lena whispers next to me in the back seat.

you sure?” I know she can’t answer the question, not honestly. “I’m trying so
hard to find strength.” I look back out the window so I won’t see her wavering

            The driver
stops the taxi in the middle of what looks like an abandoned town. I step out
of the car and as I turn to my left, I see it. A pyramid both beautiful and
frightening. I imagine the history it holds, events that have played out within
its walls and how after today no one will know we were ever here.

            Akil leads
us towards the temple.

            The sun
scolds us from above and cooks us in a wave of fiery heat. I wish I had water
and sun screen instead of the generic energy drink I bought in the hotel gift
shop. It didn’t cure my exhaustion but at least I’m able to keep my eyes open
and my mind running.

we reach the pyramid that incases the temple, it’s unworldly. It’s mind
boggling how such large stones where carved with makeshift tools and the blood,
sweat and tears involved in that process.

glide my fingers across hieroglyphics etched into the bottom of the stones.
With no visible entrance, we follow Akil. We walk a hundred yards, give or
take, behind the pyramid when Akil turns to face us.

wrong?” I ask.

are here.” Akil responds.

There’s nothing here.” I look from Akil to Lena.

you. A secret entrance.”

look down to my feet and shuffle the sand around with my Converse. I assume I
should be looking for a latch of some sort. On the other hand, a large green
neon arrow reading,
Secret layer this way,
would be helpful. I do a
three sixty and turn back to Akil, tossing my hands up in aggravation. If he
knows about a secret entrance why hasn’t he found it? He meets my gaze with
cold dark eyes and a sardonic smile. Dread rips my chest open, stealing my breath.

day of your death is at hand.”

words are like sharp arrows causing a laborious attempt at every breath I can’t
seem to draw in.

could I have been so naive?

in befuddlement I imagine Lena’s silence speaks for her.

he draws his attention behind me I know it isn’t just a threat. I turn to see
the inevitable manpower he’s brought. Even though the sight of these men cannot
trump the realization that I won’t find Leo in time.

I turn I hear the pumping of a gun. Suddenly the left side of my ribs screams
with pain. I barely register the first blow before I hear the chamber reloaded
and cocked. The impact of the second shot violates my left leg and I go down
like a Floridian trying to ice skate. Sand erupts around me. Pain explodes
within me. I can’t feel the blood but as the gun is cocked again I fear I will
die here in this desert. The shot rings out and Lena’s body falls beside me
like a limp leaf.

annihilates my breath forcing the pain to grow. Darkness swells around me. I
feel the touch of a hand on my shoulder and everything disappears.


My ears ring. My head
swims in confusion. A raw ache of pain flows through the left side of my body.
My eyes, blurred by the throbbing behind them, adjust to the dim light provided
by torches mounted on the rock wall.

            I can’t
shake the ceremonious feel given by the two carved entryways before me. I’d
imagine the darkness they hold is a bad thing. I know I’m somewhere under the
tunnel, maybe in a tomb. I know diddly crap about tombs except there’s usually
one dedicated to sacrifices.

Aw hell!

feel a hard board against my back. I try sliding off the board but something is
wrong. I’m strapped in! I try to wiggle but then I realize, I can’t feel or
move any part of me. It can’t be! There has to be an explanation. I can’t be…

I holler into the dark. My voice echoes back to me.

was right. If this was to be the hour of my death there wouldn’t be a single
damn thing I could do about it.  This would be how it all ends. Leo would not
be saved. Lena, if still alive, would be tortured and used against her will for
her visions. And I…I have no value.

had it come to this? Everything I have been through should have hardened me.
Molded me into a logical, self-preserving, badass, but it didn’t.

          As enraged as
I am, fear muffles my screams as dark figures shuffle through the arched
entryways before me. There are four of them all dressed in black hooded cloaks.
One after another they bring in two limp bodies.

            The first
body is dragged off to the right of me. To my over whelming relief, its Lena.
They tie her at the ankles and wrists to a chair. Her body is limp, possibly
paralyzed like me and she seems to be unconscious. I look to my centered left
where the other body is placed in a chair. I suck back a sob as I realize it’s
Leo. The enigmatic reason why they do not bind him to the chair like Lena
quickly answers itself. It’s too late. I’m too late. 

seeing Leo and Lena in their condition wasn’t a sure staple in killing me than
the sight of Alexandria and her father Akil as they enter the room finishes the

wouldn’t have pegged her as the mastermind but her air of confidence says it
all. I doubt my death would be a victory for her but just because it’ll be easy
doesn’t’ mean I won’t fight like a junk yard dog.

bean bags pack one hell of a punch, huh?” She circles me. “How are you
feeling?” Alexandria asks lacking genuine concern.

me loose and we’ll find out.” I hiss through clenched teeth. Antagonizing her
might not be my best idea, paralyzed and all.

laughs in my face. “Cute. Even at your best my grandmother could take you.” 

such a bitch.”

that meant to hurt my feelings?” She huffs. “Have you forgotten who I am?”

I haven’t. You’re the bitch no one will give the time of day to. Your whole
family is crazy and pathetic and if you were half a women you’d face me like

eyes grow two sizes too big, angered by what I’ve declared as the truth. I
steal a glance at Leo. He’s disheveled and spaced out.

never cared about face time with the Chamber’s council. It was never about

course it wasn’t. I don’t need the council. I need one of their own.”


I will avenge my heritage by resurrecting it. There aren’t enough of us left.
Not as powerful as Leo and I.” She moves to my left, stands behind Leo and
caresses his cheek with the back her hand. I’d give anything to smack her away.
“It’ll be quick and painless, I promise.” She whispers in his ear before
kissing it softly.  

that’s the method of your madness? You’ll turn Leo for an advantage?”

            “It’s not
madness, it’s genius!” She steps out from behind Leo, dramatically marching
over to me. I don’t care, at least she isn’t touching him anymore. “Who will
they send, tainted Half bloods?” She laughs in a twisted psychotic way. “When
we’re finished, I’ll dance in their blood.”

hear her erratic breathing before I see Lena awake. Her face is a collage of
bruises. Her long brown hair matted with dirt and sweat. Her eyes scream at me
since her gagged mouth cannot. Her frightened face sinks my heart. I know it
shows weakness but I don’t care. I can’t stop the tears from rolling down my

do the only thing I’m capable of doing for her, I plead for my aunt’s life.
“Please, let her go. Do what you want with me. Just please let Lena go!”

this remind you of anything?” Lena turns away from her hand as Alexandria grabs
a handful of her hair. “Perhaps, the death of your mom?” A deviant smile
stretches across her face.

months ago, that would have torn me apart but I’ve felt worse. Been through
worse. Thought worse of myself. It’s nothing but a low blow at this point.

it bother you that he told me, when we were alone? Dating the man who murdered
your mother, you can’t write that kind of idiotism.”

it doesn’t bother me, it crushes me. I can’t believe Leo would tell her such
private things. I’d spit on her if I thought she was close enough.

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