Authors: Kathy Clark

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Jenny stood in the opening, silhouetted by the hall lights.  She paused, her hand still on the doorknob, waiting to see if I responded.

I sat up in bed. I always slept in the nude, so I couldn’t exactly jump up and go to her.  Besides, the sight of her, dressed only in the t-shirt and panties had sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself by letting her see how quickly she turned me on.

“You couldn’t sleep either?” I asked.

She shook her head.  “I’m exhausted, but my brain won’t shut down.  Can we talk?”

Frankly, that was the last thing I wanted to do, but I was so glad she was
here, I would have sung
Mary Had a Little Lamb
if it would keep her in the room.

I scooted over and patted the empty spot on the bed next to me.  She
stepped in and closed the door.  With the light source cut off, I couldn’t see her, but I could hear her shuffling across the floor, following by a muttered, “Ouch” when her toes hit the leg of the bed.  A second later, I felt her slight weight on the mattress.

“I hope you don’t mind me bothering you,” she said.

“Are you kidding?  I almost knocked on your door earlier.”

She reached out and caressed my cheek.  “
I wanted to thank you again for finding Angie.  You risked your life for us.”

“It was an adventure,” I said, trying to dismiss the risk.  “From the first minute I met you, I knew I had to do whatever it took to help you.”  My eyes were adjusting to the darkness, and I could see her staring down at me. 

“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m glad I came to Scandals that day.  And even more glad that the person I met first was you.”  Her voice was soft and a little breathless.  She leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine.

Was she here to have sex with me out of gratitude?  Did she think that was the best way to show her appreciation for my help?  I should have been insulted.  I should have pushed her away and assured her that it was all in a day’s work.  I should have been a gentleman.

But hell, I was a man first, and this was Jenny…the woman I had been horny for since the moment I met her.  I pulled the sheet back and she slipped in next to me without breaking the kiss.  I rolled over so I was partially on top of her.  She buried her fingers in my hair and pulled my head closer as if she couldn’t get enough of me.  Which was exactly how I was feeling about her.

She tasted as good as I remembered.  No…even better.  This time there was no alcohol involved, and no guy on the porch. 
Just Jenny and me, letting go of the instincts and impulses that had been boiling inside us.  I slid my hand under her t-shirt and was pleased to discover she wasn’t wearing a bra.  I cupped one of her full, firm breasts in my hand and rubbed my thumb over her nipple.  It responded instantly, hardening under my caress.  When I couldn’t wait any longer, I pulled away long enough to pull her t-shirt over her head and tossed it aside.  Jenny laid back and thrust her chest toward me, anxious for my mouth to replace my fingers.  I eagerly complied, running my tongue around the velvet soft skin of her areola before taking her nipple into my mouth and suckling it. 

Jenny moaned and writhed beneath me as I stroked my hand down her stomach
and slipped it inside her panties.  If I thought I was at full erection before, I was surprised to feel myself swell even more when I felt the tender center of her womanhood, wet and ready for me.

My lips moved to her other nipple while my finger slid inside her.  When her hand
moved between us and her fingers wrapped around my penis, I kind of lost what little sanity and self-restraint I still had.  As she gently moved her hand in a slow squeeze up the length of my shaft, it felt so good that I thought my bones were melting.  Before I did something embarrassing in her hand, I rose above her and pulled her panties off, a little more roughly than I had planned, but the thought of burying myself inside her was blocking out all other logical thoughts.

I moved over her until my tip was centered
between her legs.  I could feel her warm moist flesh closing around me as I eased inside her.  She was tight and hot and…

I jerked back and stared down at her.  “Good God, you’re a virgin!”

“Don’t make it sound like a disease,” she retorted defensively.

“I thought that was an urban myth…like unicorns or Ninja Turtles.”

“It’s not a big deal.  Just do it.”  Her fingernails sunk into my ass cheeks and she pulled me toward her.

Okay, I didn’t go around de
-flowering virgins.  In fact, I had never even been with a virgin.  I thought that was something girls had to give up before they got their high school diplomas.  But knowing that no other man had been inside her was intoxicating.  I was her first and maybe her last.  That was the sexiest thing any woman had ever done for me.

I stopped overthinking this and pushed through the film of resistance.  Jenny flinched, but kept pulling me toward her.  I tried to be gentle, but all the blood had
left my brain and my penis had taken over.   I buried myself deep inside her and savored the pure pleasure for a few seconds before picking up the pace.  She moved with me in the natural rhythm of love.  I could feel her tense, then she cried out as the muscles inside her contracted and rippled along the length of my penis.  That was all it took to send me over the edge, too, and I joined her in a mind-exploding freefall of sensation that quivered through my entire body.

I collapsed next to her, but pulled her with me so I was still inside her.  I never wanted to break that connection.  Forget the rest of the world.  I was going to stay right here, sharing her warmth and breathing in her sweet scent and the hot fragrance of sex.
  She wrapped her legs around mine and snuggled closer, not wanting to move away yet either.  She burrowed her face against my shoulder, where her breath was like a feathery caress on my skin.

rubbed my cheek over the softness of her hair.  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.

“I didn’t want it to matter.”

“You had other boyfriends?”

She kissed the sensitive spot where my neck met my shoulder.  “It wasn’t the right time.”

“And tonight was?”

“It was the perfect time,” she whispered, continuing to plant warm kisses on my skin.  I felt myself stirring inside her, swelling again.  She leaned back and smiled at me. “I think I need another round.  I won’t know how really good it was until I have something to compare it to.”

With a growl, I pulled her on top of me.  I didn’t even want to consider the possibility of someone else making love to her.  I had to prove to her that this was the best sex she would ever have…and it could only be had with me.



When I awoke I felt a moment of confusion.
Without a window, the room was still dark, so I wasn’t sure if it was morning yet or not.  As the memories of the night before came flooding back, I realized I was alone.  At some point while I was asleep Jenny had left.  I stroked the empty sheet where she had been laying.  It felt cool beneath my fingers, and if her fresh fragrance hadn’t lingered on my pillow, I would have doubted she’d ever been there.

Except of course, I couldn’t have imagined the great sex we had had.  Twice before we had dozed off in each other’s arms and again sometime in the middle of the night when I had awakened to the touch of her fingers stroking my chest.  When they slid lower, over my stomach, my cock had aw
akened to full alert.  Our lovemaking had been slow, gentle and deeply satisfying, very different from our earlier almost frantic couplings.

making…I realized I didn’t view what we had done as fucking.  It hadn’t been merely sexual; it had been emotional and gratifying on a whole different level. 

God, I’d fallen
in love with Jenny!

It frightened me at first.  I didn’t know how to love anyone.  This would be all new territory for me.  But she came from a strong family background where everyone cared about each other.  And she was a teacher.  I knew she would be patient and gentle with me because I had a long way to go.

A sharp knock on my door, followed by a shouted, “
Get up sleepyhead.  Breakfast is here
,” told me that it was, indeed, morning and time to head back to Austin.  I climbed out of bed, yawned and stretched.  My body ached in places I didn’t even know I had.  Even my penis was sore…oh wait, that was a good thing, a very good thing.  I dressed, made a quick stop at the bathroom and joined everyone else in the conference room where a full breakfast buffet had been set up.  They sure did know how to treat people here.  Although I guessed most people didn’t receive the same amenities as were provided to us.

looked at me almost shyly and smiled, and I gave her a sexy wink.  I filled my plate and slid into the chair next to her.  Under the table she rubbed her leg against mine, confirming that last night hadn’t been an illusion.

Everyone was in a jovial mood this morning as we speculated on how upset Christopher was going to be with all the damage we had caused.  Hopefully, he would weigh the success of the outcome over the sketchy and
destructive means it had taken to accomplish.

We were almost finished after helping ourselves to seconds when the outer door clicked and swung open.  A young Hispanic man stepped into the room, followed by Oates and a couple other people in uniforms that I didn’t recognize.

“Miguel!”  Angie dropped her fork, jumped up and rushed over to him.  Although he was wearing a shirt, it was easy to see his chest was bandaged all the way up to his neck, and his right arm was in a sling.  She started to fling her arms around him, but he stepped back.

“Go easy, Angie.  I don’t want to bust my stitches,” he said, but he found a way to wrap his good arm around her neck and pull her close enough for an embarrassingly long kiss.

“I can’t believe you’re here.  Why did they let you out of the hospital?” she asked.

“They thought it would be safer for me to get away from there.”

She gently touched his bruised and swollen face.  A wide, white strip of bandage held his nose in place.  “Oh, your beautiful face.”  She stood on tiptoes and gently kissed his booboos.  “Does it hurt?”

“Like hell,” he said, but he was smiling.  Obviously, she was the best medicine.  “But better now that I’ve seen you.” 
He smiled at us.  “Ah, my guardian angels…hello.”  He was pale and appeared to be very weak, but he looked a heck of a lot better than he had the last time we had seen him.

We got up and rushed over to meet the infamous Miguel that all of us had sort of met, but never heard speak.  In a rush, we filled him in on what had happened, including Orlando’s
part in Angie’s survival and our escape.

“I can’t believe I missed all that,” he moaned.  “There I was just lying in bed while you guys were out having fun.”

“I’m just so glad you’re okay.”  Angie couldn’t let go of his hand.

“Hey, I’m sorry I bled all over your porch,” he said to Jenny.

“How did you know where I lived?” she asked.

Miguel and Angie exchanged uncomfortable looks.  “Uh…I’d been there a few times,” he admitted.

Jenny gasped.  “While I was at work?”  She glared at Angie.  “I thought you were doing homework.”

“Miguel helped me.  He’s really smart.  He just graduated with honors.”

Jenny started to respond, then relaxed.  “You could have told me.  You treat me like I was Mom.”

“Yeah, well, sometimes you act like it,” Angie laughed. 
“And not always in a good way.”

The two strangers stepped forward.  I noticed they were wearing U.S. M
arshal uniforms and badges.  The female stepped forward.  “I hate to break this up, but we’re on a schedule.”

Oates looked at
her.  “I haven’t had a chance to tell them yet.”

“Tell us what?” I asked.

He looked at Angie and Miguel.  “It’s highly recommended that you go into the WITSEC program.  About two dozen Veracruz men were killed in the compound, but there are about a hundred left, all of whom are determined to find you both and get revenge.”

Angie and Miguel instinctively stepped closer together. 
“Witness Protection?  Are you sure there’s no other solution?”

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