Kelly Jo (2 page)

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Authors: Linda Opdyke

BOOK: Kelly Jo
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"Too far?"  Jack asked.

Robert sighed, but this time it sounded like thunder.  "You didn't know, did you?"

Though he didn't want to, Jack asked, "Know what?"

"She steered your car off the road."


Chapter Three


Jack whirled on Kelly Jo.  Even though he knew it wasn't literal, steam shot from his ears, flames from his eyes. 
"You killed me?"

She pooh-poohed him.  "Don't be such a baby."

Flabbergasted, Jack walked to her and towered above her, then lowered his face to hers when she raised it.  Her expression was one of only mild interest.

he breathed harshly. 
he sputtered.

"What's the big deal?" she burst out. 

"What's the big deal?" Jack shouted in disbelief.  "You

"You already said that," she reminded him.  "Besides, the way you drive it was bound to happen sooner or later anyway.  I merely...helped it along."

Jack stared at her.  "You
helped it along

"A little," she admitted.

"By about fifty seven years," Robert added with a look of reproach to Kelly Jo.

Kelly Jo shrugged.  "But it would be in an automobile accident and it would be because once again you're beside yourself over hearing yourself sing, only this time it's on a moldy oldies station."  She shrugged again.  "Same conceited scenario...I just speeded it up a little."

you?" Jack shouted.

Something leaped into Kelly Jo's eyes then, sparks of battle, but tinged with something Jack couldn't identify.  "Go then, Jack," she said tersely.  "Go with Robert.  Into the Light.  Forget me."

Deeply angered, Jack wagged a finger back and forth in her face.  "Oh, no, you don't.  You're not laying a guilt trip on me. 
did this. Whatever trouble you're in is your own doing, and if you're waiting for me to say
hey, it's okay, no problem that you killed me...

Jack turned when Robert's golden glow intensified.  His emotions were a mixture of sadness and joy.  Deep sadness for the unfinished life he'd left behind, overwhelming joy for the everlasting life awaiting him.

Robert's hand reached for Jack's and Jack extended his to within an inch of the smooth  hand waiting to take him Home.  From behind came a soft, "I'm sorry, Jack.  I really am."

Jack stopped and slowly turned to Kelly Jo.  The remorse emanating from those beautiful blue eyes into his was genuine and despite his intent his heart melted in forgiveness.  He smiled, but couldn't quite bring himself to say, "It's okay," because if given the choice, he would choose to return to earth.

He raised his gaze to Robert.  "What's going to happen to Kelly Jo?  Honestly."

Robert's gaze held Kelly Jo's and Kelly Jo lifted her chin, but didn't look at Jack.

"She'll not be allowed again to return to earth.  She knew the rules, knew them well, and still made this choice.  You've paid the ultimate penalty for her selfishness.  My decision is irreversible."

Puzzled, Jack studied Robert.  "I don't get it.  Why can't you just return me to earth and undo what she did?"

Robert sighed.  "Part of what Kelly Jo told you is firm rule.  Those who've been chosen get a second chance at earthly life by helping an angel with an assignment."

"Oh, yeah," Jack said, shooting an unpleasant look at Kelly Jo.  "She made a pretty hard pitch for my help.  And I definitely get the part that she deserves to be punished for killing me..."  He ignored Kelly Jo's scowl and added, "So what's the problem?  Send me back.  If I can't remember...problem solved."

Kelly Jo stared at Jack.  "Are you dense?" she demanded.  "Are you not understanding that only those names on that..." she broke off and came back dripping sarcasm and making quote marks with her fingers, "
...are offered the second chance opportunity. 
aren't on it." 


"Unless..."  Kelly Jo began, turning a bright, impish smile to Jack.

Robert said immediately.

Suspicion flooded Jack and he narrowed his eyes at Kelly Jo.  He didn't know if she was insane or something close to it and he knew he didn't want to hear what she had to say.

Her smile faded and her gaze riveted to Jack's.  "You
return," she said quietly.  "There is a way."

Robert's voice boomed from all sides.  "I won't allow it."

Unsure, Jack looked from one to the other, but knew if there was a way to go back he'd jump at it.  Even if that way did include the lunatic with long golden curls and summer-sky blue eyes.  "What is it?"

Kelly Jo looked at Robert, her gaze defiant.  "I have the right to tell him.  You know that."

Though Robert's face became an angry mask, he remained silent and Kelly Jo turned to Jack.

"The Law says that if an angel accidentally causes death, the victim has two choices.  One, they can voluntarily enter a relationship with that angel.  If they succeed, on earth, with the angel's assignment, that person will be returned to their earthly life."

Jack waited, but Kelly Jo was silent.  "That's only one.  What's the other choice?"

"You can just follow Big Bob through the turnstile."

Jack brightened.  "The choice is mine?"  Maybe he could ditch Kelly Jo when they got to earth, one way or another, she'd find him.

"No," Robert interjected.  "The choice is technically

Jack turned to Kelly Jo.  "But you said..."

Robert shook his head and gave Kelly Jo a side look before turning to Jack.  "Kelly Jo has a way of twisting everything in her make it sound simple for you to just jump to her suggestions."  He shot another look at Kelly Jo.  "The choice normally would be yours, Jack, but not in this case.  Kelly Jo has ignored repeated warnings of her interference.  Unfortunately, this time, for you."

Jack couldn't take his gaze from Kelly Jo, from the free spirit he sensed lived beneath that tumble of golden hair and blue eyes.  Eyes that now filled with unhappiness and brimmed with unshed tears.

"Goodbye, Jack," she said softly and extended her hand to his.

"Goodbye, Kelly Jo," he answered gently, suddenly sorry that his death was her final downfall.  He reached for her hand.

"Don't take her hand!" Robert ordered.

Too late.  Jack's hand touched Kelly Jo's and in a flash they disappeared.

A second later, Jack found himself beneath a wide oak tree, dizzy and barely able to stand from the world spinning around him.  Kelly Jo put her arms around him and laid her head firmly on his chest.

"It's okay," she said gently.  "It'll pass in a minute."

Finally, everything stilled and Jack looked around.  He took a step back from Kelly Jo and studied her with strong suspicion.  "What did you do?  Where are we now?"

Her smile was soft, her eyes bright with happiness when they met his.  "Somewhere in the south, I think."

"In the south?  Are we back on earth?" Jack's heart raced and he closed his eyes in pure joy.  Robert had granted his heart's wish after all.

"Yes, but we need to get moving before they find us."

Jack's eyes flew open.  "What?"

Kelly Jo grabbed his hand and started walking, dragging him with her.  "We just ran away from Heaven.  And, oh, boy, are you in trouble!"


Chapter Four


Jack stopped dead, jerked on the hand Kelly Jo was pulling him with and yanked her straight into his chest.  Her wings, still askew, vibrated from the impact and her short gown shimmered in the light of the southern sun. 

Jack grabbed her upper arms and stared at her, his jaw agape.  "You kidnapped me from Heaven and  
 in big trouble?  You're joking, right?"

"Come on," she urged, pulling away from him and casting furtive glances all around.  She grabbed his hand again and started to run, once again trying to drag him along.  "If Big Bob catches us we don't stand a chance."

Jack dug in his heels and ripped his hand from hers.  "You're nuts," he informed her.  "I'm not in any trouble.  But I think it's safe to say you're about to have the wrath of Heaven crash down on you."

She sighed and rolled her eyes.  "Do you have to sound
?" she asked him, then shot him an annoyed look.  "And do you have to be so obviously pleased at the thought of me and Heaven's wrath?"

"Yes," he informed her flatly.  "To both."  He threw his head back and laughed, looked around, then asked her sweetly, "How loudly do I need to call Robert to be heard?  Or is he so used to your antics that he's attached a tracking device?"

She took a firm stance and folded her arms over her chest, and though her words were tense they rammed home.

"Jack, if you want a chance to regain your earthly life..."

"That you took," he reminded her.

"...then that chance is through going with me, not with Big Bob," she continued as though Jack hadn't interrupted.  "He'll have you in tow and raising your hand to say
to Peter's roll call at the Gates lickety-split.  Once Peter puts his black Sharpie check mark beside your name your opportunity to return is gone."

"Well, gee," Jack answered sarcastically and put a thoughtful finger to his chin.  "Which is better?  Running from an angel who will escort me to the Pearly Gates or running
the angel that killed me and is now attempting to coerce me into helping her do...I can't imagine what, but I'm guessing it isn't good." 

Kelly Jo glared at him.  "Big Bob warned you not to take my hand.  You did it anyway.  So you weren't kidnapped, you came willingly."

Jack threw his hands in the air.  "That's it," he informed her and stretched his long form out beneath the tree.  He squinted up, between the branches, into the sunlight dappling the deep green leaves.  "I'll wait right here.  Run if you want, to, but I'm not getting involved any further than you've already dragged me."

"Nobody dragged you," she said testily, kneeling in front of him.  "You took my hand because you felt sorry for me and you might as well admit it, Jack, you were torn between wanting to help me and going with Big Bob."

"No," Jack answered, looking up at her.  "I wasn't." 

Summer-sky blue eyes mocked hazel ones.  "Oh, you were.  Big Bob saw it too, and that's why he tried to hurry you away from me.  So you couldn't take my hand."

Exasperated, Jack rose to his feet and scanned the sky.  "Shouldn't Robert have found us already?"

Kelly Jo came to stand beside him.  "No.  He'll be looking for me in a small town many miles from here.  I have to find a way for us to get there without being seen."

"Don't tell me anymore," Jack warned.  "Just tell me how to call Robert."

"If I don't get where I need to be in time, Jack, to that little town…the consequences will be devastating. Someone will die that isn't supposed to die."

"They already did," he answered testily.  "

"I need to fix something, to undo what I caused and I can't do it alone."

"Yep," Jack said pleasantly, pointedly ignoring her and watching the sky for signs that Robert and or a posse had tracked them down.  "It's going to be a nice day."

Kelly Jo gasped, but Jack ignored her and kept his gaze on the sky.  She was not going to get to him.  His resolve was stone that he’d not allow her to wheedle her way into his sympathies again.  

"Oh, no," Kelly Jo cried in horror, and despite himself Jack turned.

Kelly Jo's wings were gone and her gown was nearly transparent.

Jack blinked twice.  "You're not wearing anything under that gown."

Kelly Jo shot him a look and crossed her arms over her chest, then ran for the cover of a grove of bushes almost fifty yards away.

Jack was hot on her heels, involuntarily checking his own clothes, doing the gentlemanly thing and not fastening his gaze on her very exposed, very curvy behind.  Everything about his own clothes seemed the same.

Just as her gown faded completely, Kelly Jo dove behind the bushes. 

Panting for breath from running, Jack demanded, "What's going on?  If Robert found us and is carting you back to...wherever we were...does this mean that I'm staying on earth, that you're the only one in trouble and I'm off the hook?  I'm alive again?"

Kelly Jo's head shot up above the bushes and though she carefully used her arms and long hair to cover her now completely naked body, her voice was curt.  "No, Jack, it doesn't.  What it does mean is that my power is dissolving."

"Oh, you mean like your clothes did?"

"Very funny," she shot at him. 

Jack laughed.  "You made it behind those bushes just in time."  He couldn't help it.  He snickered and added, "Well,
in time."

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