Read Kellen's Tempting Mate Online

Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #alphas shifter, #Werewolves, #BBW romance, #anthology, #romance, #horror comedy romantic comedy werewolves shifters witches wizards fatasy vampires demons angels psyc

Kellen's Tempting Mate (23 page)

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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When the first snake shot out like a missile, he caught it in one of his fists, and ripped it in two. Nigel used the snakes like a gun, throwing them in rapid fire, too many for Kellen to rip apart before they were sinking their fangs into his flesh.

He roared in anger and agony. Deciding to end the man, he launched himself across the space, taking Nigel by surprise, uncaring that the serpents continued to attack him. Slamming his fist into the chest, sinking his iron claws past skin and bones, intent on one thing. He could hear the pounding of the man’s heart. Ignoring the bites sinking into him, his hand latched onto the organ while his other hand held the back of Nigel’s head, keeping the man from sinking his teeth into his jugular.

“You can’t defeat me,” Nigel shouted.

Kellen stared down, pulling his fist back. “The fuck if I can’t,” he snarled as he jerked the last inch out of the chest cavity, the black blood oozing around the heart, Kellen tossed Nigel away from him.

Damien and Lucas came toward him, the snakes falling off as their master fell to the ground.

“Here, let me dispose of that,” Damien offered.

He let the Cordell twin take the thing from him, a feeling of lightheadedness swamped him. His knees buckled, making him hit the ground.

“Well, damn, boy.” Damikan came over and squatted in front of him. “This might hurt a little.”

Blood clouded his vision. He wasn’t sure what the hell the vampire king was talking about. Hell, at that moment he wanted to lie down, only thoughts of reaching out to Laikyn one last time before he faded away kept him from doing so. Yeah, he knew he was dying, and damn if he wasn’t pissed. However, he knew he’d done what was right. They’d destroyed the vampires, and his people were safe.

“Goddess save me from the mumbling of fools,” Damikan said.

Kellen raised his middle finger, not realizing he’d been mumbling out loud. “

White hot heat bathed him. Searing pain followed, making him wish for his favorite bottle of hard liquor or two. He tried to raise his fists. Tried to push the men away from him. The absolute lack of power had him fighting the invisible bonds that held him. A growl unlike any he’d ever unleashed shook him to the core, then he was standing. The Cordell twins along with their father stood several feet away along with the contingent of vampires they’d brought with.

“What the hell just happened?” He asked between his teeth, not recognizing his own voice.

Damikan gave a careless shrug. “I healed you. We are even.”

He blinked, expecting to feel blood again. “What exactly are we even for?”

“You saved my son. I saved you. We are even.” Damikan stared at him, dark eyes identical to his sons waited for Kellen.

Kellen held out his hand, then stared at the iron claws. He forced his body to shift back to human. “Thank you,” Kellen said, glad his voice was back to normal. He didn’t want to face Laikyn looking like a monster. Only a few of his pack had seen his other form, and wasn’t sure how she’d react if she’d seen it.

“See, that is how a real leader reacts.” Damikan took Kellen’s hand. I have a feeling we will be seeing each other again. Until next time, wolf.”

In a blink his lot was empty save for Damian and Lucas. The carnage left behind would take a miracle to clean and get rid of. He wasn’t sure how they’d explain it to the humans let alone where they’d dispose of it all.

“Alright, let’s get this done,” Lucas clapped.

Had Kellen not seen the man near death only hours before, he’d not believe there was ever anything wrong with him. With a nod, Kellen went to get a few of his men, when Damien put his hand on his shoulder.

“We got this,” Damien said.

Magic exploded, taking the mess that was their parking lot and returning it to what it was before.

“Damn, do you do windows too?” Kellen joked, looking around.

Lucas laughed. “Nah, we leave that up to the ladies.”

He said goodbye to the Cordells then headed to the entrance, unsure what he’d find inside. He hadn’t felt Laikyn in his mind since the battle had begun. His body felt strung as tight as a bow string.

When he opened the door, she threw herself at him, kissing him with a need he met.

“Don’t you ever try to shut me out. Ever again,” she said between kisses.

He lifted her by the ass, her long legs wrapping around his hips. The members of his pack stood behind her, silently witnessing their leader being chastised by his mate, and he truly gave no fucks. Later, he’d remind her who was in charge. But, in that moment he wanted to get lost in her taste.

A loud cough had him tugging Laikyn’s head away from his mouth. He nipped her lower lip, soothing the little ache. “When I get you home, I’m not letting you out of my sight or bed for twenty-four hours or more.”

“Good,” she agreed.

“Who’s on clean up, boss?” Bodhi asked.

“The Cordells took care of it.”

Syn sauntered up to him. “I’m glad you’re safe. You know I’d kick your ass if you got hurt, and then I’d have to be all grown up and shit. I’m not ready for all that yet.”

“Love you, too.” Kellen pulled his sister in for a side hug.

“Do you realize you still have Laikyn in your arms?” Syn asked.

“Yep, not letting her go till I get her home.” Kellen kept one firm hand on his mate’s ass.

Laikyn tapped him on the shoulder. “How you gonna drive with me like this?”

He let his sister go, then tugged on Laikyn’s hair. He truly did enjoy pulling the heavy mass. “I’ll manage. Don’t you worry your pretty little head.”

His mate sighed, her breathy moan had his cock jerking in his jeans.

He barked orders to the members of his pack who were staying there, knowing Coti and Wyck planned to make sure everything ran smoothly. Xan and Breezy eyed him from the corner along with Rowan and Lyric. He watched his sister leave with two of her girlfriends, wishing Bodhi would get his head out of his ass.

“Rowan, I’ll have a couple pack members take your two babies back to you tomorrow. Thanks for letting us use them to get Lucas out.”

The big ex-SEAL tilted his head. “No problem. That’s what pack does.”

“I’m out. You guys hanging around or leaving?”

“Nope, Lyric has decided the practice is over. It’s time to start making babies,” Rowan rumbled.

Lyric punched her mate in the arm, then jumped into his arms as he led the way out the door, waving at the room at large as she yelled, “I’m going home to make babies.”

“How about you, Xan?”

“We’re still practicing. Often.” Xan winked.

Kellen shook his head. “I swear, you boys are fucked in the head. I know how to make babies. I also know how to keep from making them until my mate and I are ready.”

Laikyn licked the shell of his ear. “I’m ready to go home and fuck whenever you are, Sir.”

Like a switch to a trigger, his body went from relaxed to eager. “We’re out.”

He left, tossing his hand up in a farewell to the rest of his pack. His mate buried her face in his neck, licking at the mating mark she’d made there.

At his XV, he stopped next to the driver’s door, making a quick decision. “Pants. Off.”

Green eyes glowed. “What?”

“Now, Laikyn.” He reached behind him and unlocked her ankles.

Standing, his mate shimmied out of her pants and undies, standing in her shirt and bra, he nodded. He unfastened his buckle, then the snap and zipper.

Her eyes widened at his rock hard erection standing at attention. “Climb on, baby.”

“Is this safe?”

He gave her his most dominating look, holding out his hand. She bent and tossed her clothing into the passenger seat, then with the eagerness of an aroused woman, hopped into his arms. He held her easily, the smell of her sweet cream the best thing he’d ever tasted.

Again, he anchored her to him with one arm on her ass, the other he fisted in her hair. “You ready for the ride of your life?”

“I’m ready for anything and everything with you.”

Wetness coated the head of his dick as he eased her onto his cock. Slowly he entered her in increments, while he kissed a path across her jaw, down her neck to the mating mark. As he bit down, he felt her pussy clench easing his entry.

Climbing behind the wheel, with Laikyn on his lap, he hit the control to give them more room. Shutting the door, the blacked out windows kept the world at bay while he had his mate right where he wanted her. “Show me your nipples. Are they hard?”

She nodded.

“Take your shirt off.” He held her hips, guiding her in a slow up and down motion.

Laikyn looked around, but pulled the top off, leaving her in a lacy demi-bra. Without him having to tell her, she reached behind and unsnapped the latch, tossing it onto her pile of clothing.

“Fucking perfect.” And she was. Too damn perfect.

He took her right nipple into his mouth, suckling, biting on the hardened tip. Her moan was music to his ears. His fingers bit into her hips, lifting her faster, bringing their bodies together harder. The sound of flesh hitting, combined with their breathing, the only noise in the vehicle.

“Kellen. I’m going to come. Please. Let me come,” she pleaded, head thrown back against the steering wheel.

He moved his lips to the left breast, wanting to put his marks all over her body. “Come for me, baby.”

She screamed. The muscles of her pussy clamping down on his cock had his eyes crossing, but he kept from coming. When she settled down, he looked into his mate’s eyes. “I’ll never stop needing to feel you surrounding me. Not my heart, or my body.”

“You didn’t come.” A worried frown on her face.

“No. I will when I get you home. I just needed to feel you. Every second of every day I want you. I have to stop my beast from making you beg for us. He wants you breathless.” Kellen lifted her easily off him.

“Only your wolf?” She asked as he placed her in the passenger seat.

He stopped her before she put her top back on, taking his own off. “Here, you can put this on, but leave yours off. I want my scent surrounding you.”

“I love how bossy you are.”

He couldn’t dispute the fact he was bossy in all things. It was his way. Once she was buckled up, he tucked his dick into his jeans, then started his vehicle. They drove home, their hands entwined.

In his garage, she sat waiting for him to come around. A more perfect woman couldn’t have been created for him. “Leave your things. I’ll get them later.” Kellen gathered her into his arms, carrying her through the silent house, into the master suite.

“You know when I was in college all the girls would wish for prince charming or something like that. I would snort and tell them to forget about him. I wanted the wolf. I would get looks, but then after I explained how he could see you better, smell you better, and eat you out so much better, they’d laugh. They had no clue I was speaking with knowledge. Of course at the time it wasn’t experience, but hopefulness.”

“Oh, I definitely plan to make you my meals.” He licked his lips. “You’re the most delectable thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting.”

“I’ve craved you. Not just your kisses, but you since I was old enough to know what it meant to be mated was.” Laikyn squeezed her arms around his neck.

He placed her on the ground next to his bed. She truly was a work of art. Her pulse beat at the base of her neck. He bent and licked a line from her collarbone up to her ear. “I craved you long before I should have. My desires were so dark, I thought I would scare you away.”

She traced his nipple with her nail. “Silly, alpha.”

“Are you ready to make love, or get spanked, my mate?”

“How about whatever you decide?” Her incredibly long lashes shielded her eyes from him.

Oh, he really did love how his mate’s mind worked. He ripped his shirt from her body, loving the fact she had nothing on beneath. A tremor moved through him at the sight of his marks on her neck and breasts from earlier. They’d be gone by morning, but he loved seeing them.

He lowered his head, licking and sucking one nipple, then the other, savoring her like the sweet treat she was. Laikyn arched, writhing against him, her scent telling him she craved his mouth elsewhere. The bond opened, and he could feel, hear and see exactly what she wanted and needed. Who was he to deny them both what they wanted and needed.

Chapter Sixteen

aikyn’s entire body was desperate for release even though she’d already came once in the rig. Her skin was too tight, overly sensitized, yet she didn’t want to make him rush. She knew if she did, he’d make her wait just to punish her. Of course, Kellen’s brand of punishment would be a pleasure in itself. A shudder wracked her as he moved her onto the big bed.

“Kellen,” she moaned on a breathless whisper.

His hands brushed her arms above her head, but he didn’t tie her to the posts this time. The rough pads of his fingertips had goose bumps raising on her flesh up and down her entire body. Then he was kneeling over her. Moisture gleamed on the head of his dick making her mouth water for a taste of him. She wanted to drink him in.

His gaze stared down at her, and she knew what he saw. What he wanted. Her complete surrender. Her face flushed, her body ached. The tips of her nipples rose up begging for his attention. Her pussy open for him to fill.

“I’m yours. Whatever, whenever, however you want me.”

Her words released him from an invisible tether. He grabbed her knees, and spread her thighs, making a place for his big body.

His breath hissed out of him and then he leaned down, face next to hers. “You are mine. Always have been, always will be.”

“Yes, yes.” There were no other words to say. She was and would always be his.

At first she thought he’d stare at her forever, then he merely nodded, then began kissing away her tears. Laikyn hadn’t realized she’d shed any. The man stripped her bare, laying her soul wide open, defenseless. Yet she never felt more protected as she was with him.

“You will always be safe with me,” he murmured between kisses. When his mouth finally poised over her mound, she raised up to look at his dark head. Glowing blue eyes stared at her as his tongue flicked out, sweet torment had her shivering.

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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