Keeping You: KJ Elite Inc. (19 page)

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So Noah wasn’t good with words either, but that sultry silky voice entranced me.

I just nodded and let him take my lips in a tender kiss.

Someone banged on the door and startled me causing me to leap further into his arms. His warm, muscular, tattooed, naked chest and arms.

“Double Yum.” I whispered.

He chuckled then kissed my head before setting me back on the bed. When he headed for the closet I asked him if he was going to be out in the July Tennessee sun in jeans or swim trunks.

“I won’t be swimming today, obviously.”

“What will you do then?” I couldn’t hide the disappointment in my voice. I really loved to swim. Running and swimming were great sources of physical training for a fit and toned body plus a phenomenal stress reliever. I wanted to play and swim with Noah.

“I will be manning the grill today. Any special requests?”

His eyebrow kicked up and a stupid grin lit up his face when I automatically answered, “You” without thinking.

“That can most certainly be arranged, sugar.”

He stripped his pajama pants in the closet where I could quite obviously see him before tossing on a pair of distressed blue jeans.

It surprised me he would be so open with me after having been truly worried about my opinion on his injury. I refused to call it a disability which made him grunt. When he caught me staring, which I’m pretty sure he intended, he winked at me and strutted back over to me.

“Wanna help me put my shirt on?” He batted his eyelashes at me making me laugh.

“I’d rather not.” I grumbled, taking the shirt from his hands.

“We’ll have tonight, sugar. And as many nights as you’ll have me.”

His hooded declaration sent my heart to the races, beating erratically, and my panties moisten.

Clearly he knew what effect he had on me. I felt his thumb rub over the center of my flimsy shorts when I lifted the shirt over his head.

If he kept up then his mother was going to come in here and find us in a very compromising situation.

“Behave, please.” I warned him. Okay, I warned us both.

“But that’s no fun.” He retorted running his other hand up to my breast. As soon as he cupped it, I jumped up and crossed to the other side of the bed. Noah’s chuckle touched my soul. He finished pulling his tight white t-shirt over his arms and tossed on some grey and obnoxiously bright yellow tennis shoes. His playful attitude set me off.

“Come here, I haven’t had my sugar yet today.”

That was my cue. Run or be held hostage in the most delicious way. I hightailed it around the bed and down the stairs faster than I remember knowing how to move, laughing harder than I have in a very long time. Matt was at the base of the stairs with his back to me so I just randomly dove forward and latched myself to his back giggling like a school girl. He must have heard Noah making his way down the stairs hastily and took off, looping his arms around my knees to hold me up.

These were the kind of things I never had a chance to do as a child, or ever for that matter. In this little world on the Kane-Jameson property I felt free and alive. It took a while to come back out of my deep, dark cave but I am determined to keep moving forward. Noah hasn’t just been filling the empty holes in my soul from this recent…experience, for lack of a better word, but he is completely mending me mind, heart, body and soul.

Do I love him? I still don’t know for sure but I do know that if he was to leave my life in the foreseeable future, I would fall back into the depths of my cave, and never find my way out again.

Everyone seemed to be all packed up as we made our way outside, Noah giving chase. I hadn’t done a whole lot of research yet but he was pretty darn agile for missing half of a leg. It goes to show that my ignorance stems from my total lack of presence in my life that have any sort of prosthetic or injury to Noah’s extent.

I am going to learn though.

Laughter rent the hot, sticky air from the front porch where everyone was spilling out to follow our game. I turned back to see Noah gaining on us. I howled with laughter urging Matt to move faster who in turn barked out laughter.

“Woman, do you know when I last ran?”

“Surrender now, Carver. I just want my woman!” Noah called, an obvious grin on his face.

Since they brought me home over a month ago I’ve gained some weight back but I’m still way too small for anyone’s liking, my own included. There’s no way I am weighing Matt down so I have to believe that while he’s giving me my fun and cooperating, he is going to sell me out and acquiesce me to the “enemy”.

We’re circling back around the front of this house as I pretend to have a pain in my neck so Matt stopped immediately and let me down. If you got it, use it!

Just as Noah rounds the corner I shoot up the stairs and use his mother as cover.

They’re both laughing and enjoying our childish game but keep me safe from his pawing me. For a minute.

“Alright, alright. Let’s take this to the lake now, my sweethearts.” His mother chides, good naturedly.

Noah reaches between Mrs. Cynde and Mrs. Victoria to pull me into his chest.

“Cheap shot there, James.” Matt shoots me his best stink eye. He needs to work on it so I just smile sweetly back at him.

“Ugh, I can’t stay made at you.” He winks and turns to head for the truck.

Tommy throws Taylor over his shoulder before smacking her rear and jumps down the stairs headed to their four wheeler.

I hear Taylor start threatening Tommy with bodily harm and or death if he crashes them again. He just laughs and mimics her mouth running with his hand. Out of her view of course.

Then he answers, “It was one time!”

Noah laces our fingers together and we head to his truck with Mrs. Cynde and Mrs. Vic walking beside us.

“So, I hear someone has a birthday coming up this week?” Mrs. Victoria fished.

“Really?” I played along.

Now, I don’t hate many things in this world, in fact, I try not to hate anything. With a past like mine, despite my faith, I struggle with that. But, I hate my birthday.

Let me be clear, it’s not birthdays that I hate, it’s

I’ve had one really good one, and none have surpassed it since. Of course, my one really good one is sad in some people’s eyes but it was perfect for/to me.

“I don’t think Jamie wants to talk about it, Aunt V.” Noah says assertively.

“Oh, but why not? Everyone loves to celebrate their birthday! There’s cake and friends and family and presents. ” Victoria moved from sulking to excited. Parties and events were clearly her thing. But when she said friends and family, I cringed.

Unfortunately, I didn’t want to get into it; not after the fantastic start to a beautiful day. The weather was absolutely perfect, I laughed more this morning than I have in a year and I can’t take this stupid smile off my face. Bringing it all up would just suck the happiness out of me.

“Excuse us.” He said to his mother and Mrs. Victoria.

Noah opened the front passenger door and lifted me up into it buckling me before closing the door and turning on the women.

I couldn’t hear what he said but he was kind and soft with them. A light sparked in their eyes before they nodded and he helped them into the back of the pickup.

The grill was already strapped in the back and food was all stored in coolers split between Matt’s truck and ours.

“Where’s your father? Will he be joining us out at the lake today?”

“No, he offered to hold the fort down so Luke could come and have a little fun at the lake with us.” He reached over and slid me into the center of the bench seat before taking hold of my hand.

“And Peyton and Candace?”

“Mission.” His answer is simple – don’t ask.

Baby and Louisa were in the truck ahead with Matt, Luke and Diesel while Tommy and Taylor were on their yellow 4 wheeler. The rest of the KJ Elite guys were driving out with each other or their families. Charlie was meeting us there after he finished something up over at the station, or so I heard. It’s a miracle he can get away to enjoy the holiday what with it being such a dangerous day of the year. Go figure – you celebrate independence and people are locked up because they’re just too stupid to handle a firework.

The thought makes me giggle which makes Noah turn to survey me with his signature Kane grin.

“What’s so funny over there, sugar?”

“Huh? Me? Oh, nothing.” I shook my head keeping my smile.

Honestly, I have no idea what it is or why I feel this way but I am euphoric today. It feels like the sun is shining
my heart and my face is frozen on smiling.

The lake came up into view, surrounded by friends and neighbors of the family; residents of Devine only. Sun rising in the morning sky reflecting off the deep lake, not a cloud in the sky in any direction as far as the eye can see – it was bound to be a perfect day.

Noah stuck to the grill as he said he would and worked his magic. The water was amazing at just the right temperature to cool you off but not freeze you out. Shocking even myself, I have to realize the company was the best part; if you are the company you keep then either I was going to send them all to Hell, or they were helping to pick back up the pieces of my broken self. For the spirit of the day, I let myself be free and played to my heart’s content; running around with the children and splashing with the family. It helped that they all kept a safe distance and treated me like anyone else.

Though, I am a tiny bit on edge considering how I finally met Baby’s daughter. Louisa was just as beautiful as her mother but with jet black hair and steel grey eyes…just like the man who adores her and dotes on her. Seeing her up close in his arms put an arrow through my heart. He never even saw the hesitancy and question in my eye as he spoke animatedly with her. Eventually she ran off to play tag with Taylor and Tommy and left me with a completely blank mind. How would I even handle asking that question? Surely he would have told me?


Many hours later, I was standing in the water, knee deep, tossing a nerf football back and forth with Noah at the grill when some crazy old lady came waddling over to me with her phone out. I heard Noah give a soft curse and send Matt over to help me. Tommy also approached with Taylor not far behind. Their reactions had me very nervous so I pulled into Matt’s side when he draped an arm around my shoulder.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Wilmington. How are you today?” Tommy greeted. He was the perfect gentleman even though I could see the clench of his jaw.

“Tommy, Taylor. I am quite well today.” It was her only acknowledgement of them before turning a broad smile on me.

The woman was short and stocky with tired red hair and a bathing suit a few sizes too small that must have come with her from the 1920’s. While it covered her, there was still more of her than there was material. She was bubbling with excitement and kept clicking pictures with her cell phone. That was what had me on edge more than her approach. Giving a quick peek around I realize we are flanked by KJ Elite guys (and girls). They sure know how to make a girl feel safe.

“Hello, dear!” She shrieked in excitement. “Not every day we get us a big name celebrity here in little ole’ Devine.”

I cringed for my best friend because Taylor was born and raised here and made quite a name for herself. Matt made sure she nearly made as much money as I did, if not more. She was a big name celebrity and this woman just put her down; I wouldn’t stand for that.

Hello, Mrs. Wilmington, meet Ice Queen.

I didn’t smile - she got my runway pout. It’s that look that says, “I’m starved and bored are we done yet?”

“Have you not met Taylor Kane?” I straightened my posture and turned to more fully face her while keeping close to Matt.

“Oh but of course, darling. But she’s no model, now is she?” Mrs. Wilmington flipped her hair back dramatically.

“Actually, she’s done some work. Maybe you should do some research.”

Ouch. I didn’t like this persona, but she did me well.

Mrs. Wilmington only blanched slightly before hedging closer.

“Can I take a photo with you for our little paper, darling?”

Ugh, she’s using darling as if that speaks to my model and worst yet, she has horrible grammar.

“I don’t know,
she?” I asked, hitching a perfectly manicured brow at Matt.

Taylor smirked knowingly. Noah chuckled from far too far away to have heard.

“Actually, ma’am.” He steps before me and holds a hand out. “Matt Carver, Ms. Wright’s agent. I don’t believe we’ve met.”

She reaches out, mesmerized by his beauty, giving him a weak little shake. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us, crazy lady.

“I’m going to have to ask that you do not take any photos of my client as you do not have her written permission and I’ll need to delete any photos already in your possession. If need be, we can consult our team of lawyers in the event some photos have been leaked already.”

He was so good. I peeked over at Taylor who was grinning like the Cheshire cat and Tommy who was fighting a bout of laughter.

“Well…” She fought to regain control of the situation. “Surely you’ll come visit our little coffee shop down on Main before you leave?”

It was a well formed question that would tell her if I was planning on leaving sometime soon, where I might be headed, and if she could arrange some “accidental” influx of customers in her shop– if I answered the way she expected.

Fortunately, a commotion caught our attention and I was pulled away from Mrs. Wilmington’s prying eyes and ears.

Matt reached for her cell phone which then “accidentally” dropped into the water. You know, slippery hands from the sunscreen and all. He muttered a half-butted apology and steered me towards Noah.

” I said, oozing the vowels in darling and giving a chilly wave, no smile.

“Watch what you say for about a mile. That old witch has the ears of a freakin’ bat.”

I choked on a laugh and put the Ice Queen away.

Luke was whisper shouting with Noah who was cleaning the grill, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

“What’s going on?” Tommy asked.

Mrs. Cynde and Mrs. Victoria were packing up so I moved to help but Noah gripped my arm holding me in place beside him.

“There’s a commotion at home, we’re going back.”

I wasn’t too disappointed; we had been here for most of the day and the sun would begin getting low enough for a breeze to sweep through soon. Mostly, I’m nervous because he is on edge. Not that he’d admit it but I’ve been studying Noah since meeting him and his not letting me stand more than a foot away is a big tip off.

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