Keeping You: KJ Elite Inc. (10 page)

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I nodded and lowered my head again. Arguing would get me nowhere right now. Instead, I block out the rest of what he has to say and continue planning the different ways I’ll make him suffer before I slit his throat.

“Let’s get moving, girl.” The white man said, grabbing my upper arm and yanking me to the door.

“Yes, sir.”

The sperm donor releases my hair and clears his throat.

“Forgetting something?”

“Oh, yeah. How much, again?”

“I’ll cut you a deal. 12 hours for only $200.”

That’s how much I meant to this waste of space. Two hundred dollars to have God knows what done to me for half a day. I died a little more on the inside and swallowed back the tears.

We walked out the door after the white man paid him the money. He loosened his grip on my hand and stopped when we left the building.

“What’s your name, baby?” I hear something new in his voice; something deep and rugged, but twangy.

“I already told you – whatever you…” He holds his hand up to stop me then proceeds to light up a Marlboro.

“Your real name.”

I don’t know what it was, but something about him made me feel safe. For some people they might struggle to place the emotion when drowning in toxic waste like I was, but since I had never felt safe, I knew exactly what it was.

He raised his hand again and I fought the urge to pull back.

Instead of touching me, he ran it through his chestnut colored hair that was peppered with black and white.


“That’s what I wa
.” A brilliant smile lit his face while deep dimples graced his cheeks.

“My name is Nolan. Folks call me No for short. I’ve earned the nickname in more ways than one, baby.”

“Why - why are you telling me this?” I asked hesitantly.

“I’m here looking for you, little one. You’re safe, now. I swear to you, from this day on, no one will hurt you again. Not if I have anything to say about it. No more grabbing or kicking or hitting. You’re going to get the life a girl as perfect as you deserves.”

You’re safe, now.

Those words didn’t really sink in, not until the squad of men ran past us; up, into the building, decked out in military protective gear, a long line of military men climbed the stairs silently.

First it was the bangs, then it was the screams and gunfire that made me turn away with a wicked smile on my face; I hoped they all died painfully.


I awoke from my half-asleep, partial dream. It was one of my strongest memories that usually only came when I let my defenses down enough to sleep. A warm hand was on my shoulder, shaking me.

“You alright, sugar?”

I smiled, cheered up by the memory.


“Good. It seemed like a big one so I wanted to wake you in case it was bad.”

It was big alright but it wasn’t bad. No, it wasn’t bad at all.

“I was remembering the night I was visited by an angel.”

His eyebrow lifted in curiosity but he bit his tongue.

I looked him up and down, taking in his baggy grey sweat pants and fitted white tee. The sweats hung low on his hips while the t-shirt hugged every delicious curve of his upper body.

That was the only dream or memory that ever put me in a good mood – giddy even.

As morbid as it was, it was the night my… it was the night they died.

“I…” Should I tell him? The only person who knew it all was Nolan. My guardian who swooped in, took me away and lived only long enough to see me run to safety. That was the only part of the whole event that broke me down.

“It’s okay. I don’t have to know.” Noah held his hands up in surrender. He had retreated to the far corner of the room where Matt had sat earlier.

“I was remembering my twelfth birthday.”

Noah’s face pinched like he knew something.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? It was the best birthday I ever had. Even now.”

“That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. And I’m sorry for your loss.”

I took a deep breath and situated myself into a more comfortable position, laying on my left side.

“Thank you?”

We both knew it wasn’t a question but how do you reply to that?

“Try and get some more sleep. I’ll be here.”

Diesel was lying on the bed beside the chair and snored loudly.

“So you’ve read the file, then?”

Of course he had – Luke was his brother and these guys ran a very high class, higher rated business.

He just nodded.

I patted the bed beside me and pulled the covers back.

“Can you come sit with me? The dream typically puts me in a fantastic mood, but it also has me weary. The ending, you know.”

He hesitated for quite some time before gliding slowly over to the bedside and sitting; his back to me, breathing ragged.

“Have you been running?” I asked, nervous.

“Are you sure I won’t spook you? I have to know.”

“I’m sure.” I was feeling very bold.

Lying beside him earlier was very relaxing and even lit a fire I never knew sat in my loins.

With his house shoes still on, he pulled the blankets back up and laid on top of them.

“Won’t you get cold?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Are you upset with me?”

Damnit, I never should have kissed him. Now he probably, definitely thinks I’m insane and will never look at me again.

Noah clenched and unclenched is teeth.

“I’m sorry.” I spat, shaking my head.

“Don’t ever apologize to me, Jamie.”

“Well, what else am I supposed to do?”

“Let me hold you?”

The nervousness, the pleading in his question simply melted me. Good thing I was under the covers or he would surely see what he was doing to my body as I clenched my thighs together.

“Okay.” I stuttered a bit but only because I had never cuddled with anyone.

Noah rolled to face me and then rolled me over before spooning into my backside.


The man had an anaconda in his pants and it was pushed right up against my butt.

My body took over as if it knew what to do and wiggled against his firmness.

“Shit, sugar. Stop moving or I’ll soak the blanket.”

He wasn’t the only one. I was practically dripping down below.

Thank God for Cosmo asking me to pose on the cover; I had subscribed and have never missed an issue. I might not be having sex, but I sure knew all about it. Or mostly.

I knew enough to know that the baseball bat rubbing up against me was all for me.

After everything I’ve gone through, this should scare the living crap out of me. Why did this not scare the living crap out of me?

I wiggled again, completely on purpose this time, stifling a giggle.

“Jamie.” He reprimanded, tightening his hold on my waist.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“You know what you’re doing, sugar and if you keep pushing I can’t promise I’ll stop once we’ve started.”

It was a flat out, up front, totally honest warning.

Those were the kind my terrible curiosity ignored.

What was the phrase?

Oh yes, “Ruh roh Raggy.”

I rolled over onto my back; I’ve got to see the storm building in his eyes.

There it was. The midnight blue swirling and churning into a deadly storm that was going to swallow me whole. I welcomed it.

Reaching out to caress his cheek, I closed them just as I brushed my lips against his, savoring the feel of being wrapped up in his body.

“Sugar, you’re playing with fire.”

“Let’s see how hot it burns.”

Horny was apparently very good on me.

Our lips moved against one another before he slammed his mouth down onto mine, tangling one hand into my hair, pulling me atop him.

I moaned into his mouth, leaving an entrance for his tongue to slip right in. He stroked my tongue with his. The swirling and the heat; the spearmint and tobacco mixed with my toothpaste fogging my mind. I inhaled his scent, swallowed it and craved more; craved it all.

Noah used his free hand to palm my ass, grinding me against him, eliciting a loud gasp from my mouth.

“Do you see what you do to me?” He panted before taking my mouth again.

There were no words forming for me to respond.

Noah flipped us over so he was hovering above me, supporting his weight so he didn’t crush me.

I slipped my hands under his t-shirt to trace the lines of muscles, memorizing every single mouth-watering inch. This was quickly turning into a memory I could use to combat all the wretched ones that made me wake up sweaty, high-tailing it to the bathroom before getting sick. Yes, Noah was having a major impact on my state of mind. So far, it was welcome – at least, on my end it was.

As my hands roamed higher, he ground his pelvis against mine again, making me move a hand to his ass. I pushed him into me again, needing the contact like a junkie looking for their next fix.

Noah groaned, palming my breasts, peppering kisses on my face, neck, and chest. He nibbled my earlobe and licked down my neck, cool air on my skin.

Noah’s phone rang, jolting him.

The sudden absence made me feel completely empty and raw.

It was just a message.

He cursed harshly and took another step back.

“Sleep.” Noah’s tone was clipped.

“Oh. Okay.” I had nothing else to say so I lifted the blanket, rolled over giving him my back and maybe on purpose, a great view of my butt with next to nothing on.

He was either praying or cursing the heavens before he climbed into the bed - under the blankets - and pulled me into him once more.

“Sweet dreams, Noah.”

“You, too, Sugar.” He kissed the back of my head before I drifted off in total peace.



























Chapter 6


Something hot was pinning me down and my heart made its departure from my chest to the ceiling. Taking several deep breath to assess the situation without giving anything away, I realized whatever it was, smelt like Heaven.


I remembered the minutes before his phone call and opened my eyes to look around.

He stayed all night and for another first in my whole life, I didn’t have one single nightmare at all. I actually had a very naughty dream starring a very sexy cowboy.

There is absolutely no way for me to move without waking him so I just lay still, basking in his warmth trying not to lick or bite him. I have this intense need to feel him, to kiss him, to taste him. Something deep inside me moved me without rhyme or reason.

With the tiniest amount of movement, I turn my head to the side to place a chaste kiss on his
muscular bicep. Deep in my bones, it felt like my life depended on kissing him, connecting with him physically.

“Sugar, I’ve got something for you to kiss and it ain’t my arm.” His gruff, sleep heavy voice vibrated against my back, tickling me down to my toes.

My face heated at being caught.

He ran his lips from my shoulder blade up my neck to kiss behind my earlobe.

I let out a soft breathy sound and he groaned; pressing his hardened length against my rear making me push back into him involuntarily.

A knock sounded at the door causing Noah to growl. Well, that or my sudden need to climb him like a tree.

“Holy fuck. Now I know why Tommy does it.” He murmured before releasing me and rolling awkwardly off the bed.

Someone knocked again before Noah made it to the door.

“Jesus, come in already.”

Matt swung the door open and Luke followed him in, sauntering over to the corner chair like he owned the place.

“Let’s do this somewhere else.” Noah commanded softly.

“No. She deserves to know. Jamie always likes to be in the know and this is no different. It’s her life.” Matt answered, coming to stand beside me in support.

I sat up in the bed, clutching the sheet to my chest. He winked at me then turned back to the

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Luke peered up at Noah and shrugged his shoulders apologetically. “Sorry man, he’s right.”

Noah paced by the bedroom door wearing a scowl, keeping his eyes on mine.

“Sweetheart that email was sent by someone who knew what they were doing. There is literally no trace of the sender or location. Eventually Luke will figure it out but it’s going to take a long time and in my experience, time is never on the good guys’ side.” Matt said.

“How do you even know it was for me?”

Enter face palm here.

I knew it was, without a doubt but I couldn’t help asking. Asking stupid questions was like an automatic defense – ask ludicrous question, pray the answer has mysteriously changed.

All three men shared a look of discomfort before Noah faced me and said, “He sent another email last night.”

I meant to ask what it said but Luke answered first.

“It was for us. Basically, they said they know who we are, what we do and where we are.” He hesitated but steeled his spine and finished. “They also said they thought they were going to come and take you back where you belonged.”

I could see the pain and ferocious anger churning on his face, in his stance and the way his muscles rippled.

A single tear slipped out of the corner of my eye; the only tear to fall that I would allow.

I was a fighter… now.

Matt’s fingertip caught the tear, startling me.

Yep, I was an O.G. alright.

“Sorry, sweetheart.” He took a step away but stayed fairly close.

It amazed me that he was even out of bed, let alone staying off the narcotics after being shot twice. He was moving around like nothing happened at all. Except for the shift in his facial features as he moved; if you didn’t pay real close attention to him, you wouldn’t notice.

I knew Matt, or so I would like to believe. There was a time I hoped he would be my knight in shining armor. Turns out he was just my idiot in tin foil. The Matt we knew, Taylor and me, was just a façade; a part he played after running from who he really was.

He wasn’t so bad though. I have a feeling the good lord put him in my path for a reason.

“James?” Matt called to me.

“Sorry.” I blinked a few times, surveying them. “Wait, you said they wrote of how they
they were going to come and get me?”

Matt got a twinkle in his eyes that was mirrored by Luke when he grinned and answered. “Yeah, they
they can come and get you. It ain’t gonna happen of course. You’re ours, a part of this family and we don’t just let go.”

And just as quickly as he answered me, he turned back to the other two. Maybe he wasn’t much of a sharer with the feel goods.

Having not taken his eyes off of me yet, I practically felt his every emotion being shoved through our connection into me.

“With Tommy gone, we are going to have to double down. He’s part of our muscle but his absence isn’t such a detriment that we are sitting ducks. You and I’ll stick around here if that makes you more comfortable since Matt is holed up here.” He paused making me wonder what the other option was.

Staying at his mother’s house? The thought almost made me giggle.

“Or?” I pushed.

Noah let out a sigh and Luke stood.

“Or you can come over to our humble abode.” He smiled from ear to ear, throwing an arm over Noah’s shoulders.

“It’s my house, asshole, you’re just sleeping in it.” Noah warned, throwing his arm off.

“So touchy.” Luke flicked his wrist at his brother, adding a lisp to his speech.

I couldn’t help the laugh that leapt out of my throat. I needed more laughs and between the two of them, I really hoped I could put my mind off of what’s happened and is yet to come.

Matt’s always so broody and dark. A man so sexy should always be grinning and petting puppies. Not that I was such a bright ray of sunshine either – that was Taylor in our group of misfits which was odd seeing as how she really wasn’t a misfit at all. But back to the issue at hand, Luke had just suggested I sleep over at Noah’s house.

The house. Where Noah lived. And slept. Does he sleep naked, normally?
Whoa – that was out of left field. What was this man doing to me?

“Well, I don’t want to impose.”

Yes, I do. That answer was usually enough to guilt a man into anything.

“What do you think, Noah?”

He looked me in the eyes, his gaze so hard it felt like he was penetrating my soul, unlocking all the secrets barricaded into the blackest depths of my brain.

Then he nodded.


This one needed a tow chain attached to his tongue. How was I suddenly the one with more to say?

“Okay, we’ll go play house at Noah’s then.”

I clasped my hands together on my lap and smiled around the room; this was a signature move for business meetings that was sure to signal the end of any discussion. My decision had been made and was not to be questioned.

“Are you sure, sweetheart? I could come, too. Just for the familiarity or another body to keep you company.” Matt winked at me, playing his hand at flirty. Well, where has this Matt been? This Matt, I could handle. This Matt, I knew. He was the first man that I ever flirted with, liked or voluntarily talked to for no reason other than being friendly.

Until now.

“I could always use another body to keep me company, boo.” I winked back.

This was our little game for the past four years, since we met. Since before all this hell was set loose upon Taylor’s and my world.

Noah tensed up and all but threw Matt out of the room in a series of expertly executed glares.

You know how nations have their own version of sign language? I was fairly certain men also had their own version. It was like sports sort of, a lot of grunting, grabbing themselves and flinging their arms around.

“I’ll be seeing you, sweetheart.”

I blew him a kiss that he mimed plucking out of the air, putting in his pocket and patting it. Noah slammed the door in his face. From the other side of the door I heard Matt’s hearty chuckle.

“Diesel, closer.” Noah said, staring me down.

“Brace.” His jaw clenched and he leaned down, putting a hand on Diesel’s back.

Luke walked over to him and put a hand on Noah’s shoulder.

“Are you alright?” I jumped out of the bed and ran to stand before him.

His mouth was still clamped shut, his teeth grinding.

“Oh yeah, his back is just a little sensitive. Sometimes he needs a good cracking when he sleeps the wrong way or pushes himself too hard when he works out. Funny things, backs.”

I didn’t believe a word he said but when Noah practically pleaded with me to go get him a hot pack from downstairs, I ran without question.

“Matt, where’s the heat pack?” I called out from the stairs.

“What heat pack?” He popped his head around the wall down at the foot of the stairs, spooking me.

I yelped and he laughed.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but your face!” He doubled over and I was tempted to kick him while he was down.

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