Keeping My Pack (24 page)

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Authors: Lane Whitt

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Keeping My Pack
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After a while, Kitten gets squirmy, and I open my eyes to look down at her. “Were you working in here? Did I interrupt you?” She asks, biting her lip.

I chuckle at her. “Yes, I was just finalizing a few things before the move in a few days, but you’re welcome to interrupt like that any time you wish,” I tell her with a satisfied smirk.

She blushes and giggles. “Okay, I’ll remember you said that. Can I help you with anything, Remy? It looks like you’ve got a lot of stuff here.” Kitten says as she turns to look around the room.

Hmm… Maybe. If you don’t mind a bit of writing, you could copy this letter of rejection to these people here.” I tell her as I reach back to the shelf behind us and slide a small stack of papers in front of her. “I don’t mind if they are exactly the same or not. It could be done by email, but I’ve always preferred the more personal form of communication, such as letters.”

Yay!” Kitten squeals as she bounces up and down on my lap. A growl starts low in my throat, my cock finding new strength.

Kitten turns her head to look back at me. “Remy?” She questions softly.

It’s nothing, Love. You’re just giving a certain part of me a beautiful ride.” I smirk at her innocent blushing. I’ll never tire of her reactions to me.

I pat her thigh, telling her that I’d love to have her help after she’s showered and redressed, although I do momentarily entertain the thought of keeping her in here naked with me. Ultimately it’s a selfish thought, and someone is bound to come looking for her at some point.

It turns out Kitten is quite nice to have around in the office. She had written out the rejection letters, sealed them in envelopes and stacked them neatly in a pile for me. Her eyes had quickly sought out praise from me, and it took a decent amount of my control not to growl excitedly at yet another show of her submission.

She seemed eager to be put to task, so after I had rewarded her with a searing kiss that left us both wanting more, I set her about loading files into pre-marked boxes to get ready for the move. Now, almost two hours later, I’m putting finishing notes on the blueprints for a contractor in Florida. I glance at Kitten and notice she’s waning in energy now. I observe her for a few more moments and note that she’s pausing every few seconds to catch her breath.

Come to me, Love,” I call to her, holding a hand out to help her up. She places her small hand in mine and allows he to help her to her feet. I press a kiss to the top of her head, her arms going around me in a hug. “You’ve done an excellent job, thank you for helping me today. I think it’s time for you to go check on the boy, yeah?”

She rests her head on my chest and speaks through a yawn. “Yeah, probably.” She yawns again, giving me one last squeeze before pulling back. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me today; I feel so sleepy.” She says before smiling up at me.

I grin back at her. “Well, you have been quite the busy woman as of late, and I’m certain the late nights aren’t helping any.”

She smacks my arm playfully. “Maybe I should stop with certain activities altogether then?” She asks in a mock-innocent tone.

growl at her in answer, making her laugh. I send her on her way, returning to my work, though it proves a bit difficult when all I can picture is Kitten laid out on my desk. I’ll probably always think of her in that moment every time I look at the piece of furniture. Maybe I didn’t think that one through. Then again, it’s not as if I would take it back.



ikey settled in quite nicely. It was like he had always been there after a few days. He mostly liked to hang out with Jace, having made him his role model from the start a while ago. Ash had gone to Wolly’s on his own the first day and returned with a brand new bike for him. Complete with helmet, knee and elbow pads and a reflective vest, in case he wanted to ride it at night I guess. Earning hero status in the young boy’s eyes. Remy offered to help teach him to ride it, seeing as he’d never had one before and if Ash saw him crash on it, he probably would have ripped it apart and banned them from the house.

Logan had taken him clothes shopping yesterday, and the poor guy returned home looking exhausted and maybe even a little horrified, which the other guys found hilarious. Tristan was quick to cheer him up with chocolate ice cream cones though, and I think the intense shopping trip was easily forgotten after that.

Grandfather and Albert left for the pack house this morning with goodbyes and see you soon’s from all of us and a hug from Mikey. The older man seems to have hit it off with him and Mikey even calls him Grampa, stating that saying Grandfather makes him sound like one of those spoiled rich kids on the television shows he watches. Maksim was okay with the new term, and Uncle Albert followed shortly. Albert was a little wary of allowing him to call him that, telling Mikey that he has no blood ties to the royal family, but Mikey had just made a face and asked how you would go about tying blood, so we had shrugged the episode off entirely. In my opinion, if Mikey wants to go around and start claiming family members, then he can have as many as he wants.



I collapse to the ground, panting in the early morning air after my yoba session with Reed. He breaks his pose to laugh at me, falling gracefully into a push-up position.

You’re done already? That was only your second pose, Babe.” He points out.

I shrug my shoulders. “Oh well, my favorite part is watching you anyway.”

I thought you liked doing yoga with me? You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” He tells me before pushing up into a handstand. “It was supposed to help you clear your mind and deal with your panic attacks.”

It does, and I do like it most of the time. There’s no clearing my head today anyway; there’s too much going on.”

Reed sighs, giving up his exercising to wrap me up in his arms. We watch the sunrise instead. “I know, Babe. The moving guys will be out of here soon, though. We’re not taking too many big things with us.”

It’s not really the moving guys; it’s about what happens when we step off the plane tomorrow. How much will things have to change with me being a Princess and you guys some form of Kings there?” I ask worriedly.

Nothing between the nine of us has to change at all, and that’s what’s most important. In front of others, well, I guess we’ll have to sometimes be different versions of ourselves. Not different people entirely, or fake, but a little more closed off is all.” He explains.

I lean back against him, now squinting at the bright sunlight as I look to the sky. “What if they don’t like me?”

Reed laughs happily behind me. “Kitten, you have one of those personalities where people either worship you or dislike you entirely. The people who worship you will go to battle for you in a heartbeat, and the ones who dislike you will on the opposite of that battle. You never need to worry about the latter, those in your corner won’t let them get near you. And I have a feeling that most, if not all of our new pack will love you to the moon and back.”

I smile up at the sky, feeling relieved and happy. “You’re an artist even with your words, you know that?” I turn my head to kiss him, his dazzling hazel eyes taking my breath away.



I shower quickly, mostly because Logan stayed in the bathroom and rushed me, before he starts on my hair. He twists it up tightly and pins it to my head before adding a light spritz of hairspray. After applying what he called eyeliner to make my eyes stand out, he urges me into the bedroom where a beautiful light blue dress hangs on the back of the door. My mouth falls open, and I slowly step towards it.

Nope! Not yet. It’s yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt for you, Girly. At least until we’re ready to touch down, then you can wear the dress.” Logan chirps.

I shake my head at him take the clothes I’m allowed to wear, slipping them on easily.

Outside waits a long car that Remy ordered so we could all ride together to the airport. I slide in next to Kellan and his arm automatically goes around my shoulders. I smile up at him, and he smiles back. Everyone finds a seat on the long bench seat and even though I feel like I’m not ready, the car starts driving away from the only home I have ever known.

Wait!” I tell then, thinking over my mental checklist again.

Babygirl, I promise that we got everything we’ll need. If we missed something, we could always come back to get it.” Ash assures me.

Right.” I huff. “Are you sure you got AJ, Noah, and the rest of the stuffed pack? And Big Jace too?”

Yes.” He replies gently.

And Mikey’s things were packed away, too? And his bike?”

I’m sure of it.” He confirms.

And Reed sent all of the paintings and my flag, and…”

Kitten, Love, we got everything, did everything, you’re worrying over nothing.” Remy takes my shoulders in his hands and looks directly down at me.

Okay.” I agree.

I can’t believe I’m going to fly in a plane!” Mikey bounces in his seat next to me.

Yeah, it should be a lot of fun. And Finn got us a movie to watch on it too; I think it’s called Home. One of those Disney Pixar movies. I watched one before and it was really good, they’re funny.” I tell him.

Yeah, I know. I’ve seen lots of them. I really wanna see The Good Dinosaur next.”

Well, Christmas is only a day away, we’ll see,” I tell him, feeling better about my gift for him now.

The guys talk amongst themselves and Mikey, but I choose to stay out of it. My heart hurts at leaving behind so many great memories, or at least the place where they happened.

Try not to look so sad, Kitten. We’ll make our new house our home in no time.” Kellan tries to cheer me up.

I bite my lip and give him a nod. “Right. I know.”

I’ve been meaning to speak with you about something, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He starts.

About what?” I ask curiously.

Kellan takes a deep breath and shifts around so he can face me. “I realize that you are all about letting the past go and looking to the future, but you’ve changed a lot since you’ve been back and I have to wonder if what happened to you affects you more than you let on to the rest of us.”

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