Keeping My Pack (11 page)

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Authors: Lane Whitt

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Keeping My Pack
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At a loss for what to do and how to help her, my brothers and I kept ourselves busy as well. There was a lot to be done after having been gone for so long. The entire house needed a good dusting, groceries needed to be thrown out and new ones purchased, mail needed to be sorted, things of that nature. There were also our professions to be dealt with, but no one wanted to leave the house for any length of time, so we left our businesses and practices in the capable hands our employees.

I sit up in bed with a sigh. It hurt my heart that someone I care about is suffering, and there’s no medicine or medical procedure to cure her of her pain. I slip on a pair of my favorite faded jeans and a white undershirt, determined that today will be the day that I get through to Kitten. I pass Tristan on my way to the kitchen, looking forward to my first cup of coffee of the day.

Is that for her?” I ask, indicating the plate of scrambled eggs and toast he’s carrying.

Yeah, she still won’t reach for the food herself. I’ve tried leaving her alone with her meals, but she never touches it, and I usually find her crying afterward. Even with me feeding her, she’s not eating enough. A few bites here and there aren’t enough to keep her healthy.” He says, frowning at the plate like it’s the eggs fault.

I know.” I sigh. “Maybe it’s a good thing that Maksim is coming back with Remington today. She might end up needing more of his blood.”

Yeah, I don’t know man. Something tells me having him around isn’t going to be good for her.”

I shrug a shoulder, not knowing what to say when I don’t have a clue what would be good for her.

Hey, guys!” Kitten chirps from the end of the hall. We both turn towards her to see her waving happily as she approaches.

Good morning, Kitten. Sleep well?” I ask, smiling back at her. Her smile falters momentarily, but she regains it quickly.

Sure.” She shrugs. “I was thinking that I’d go into work today. I can have my lessons with Finn when I get back and do yoba with Reed this evening.”

I share a look with Tristan. This seems like a bad idea. “I don’t know, Kitten. Leaving the house might not be a good idea. You don’t have to worry about money or anything.” I trail off as her face falls. I don’t like telling her no. Luckily for me, there’s someone I know who won’t it a bit.

I’ll tell you what. You convince Ash it’s a good idea, and the three of us will go together, deal?”





No,” Ash grumbles before I even stop speaking.

But I want to,” I demand.

No, not happening.” He persists, throwing on his black long-sleeved t-shirt and getting ready like he’s not in the middle of a discussion.

Well, I’m going anyway. With or without you. I want to check in with Miss Annie and Mikey should be there today.” I turn on my heel and stomp from the room. Big, moody man is not going to tell me what I can do.

This is about the little boy?” Ash asks from right behind me. Apparently my angry strides are no challenge for his longer legs. Stupid tall people.

I huff in annoyance. “Yes, sort of. I just want to go back to being me Ash. The me that went to work, the me that tried to help others, and the me that didn’t want to cry all the time.”

So the you, you were before you met us?” He crosses his arms, and his face darkens menacingly.

Yes…no. I don’t know.” I shake my head and bite my lip. I really don’t know. “I just feel like I need to get back to the real world for a moment.”

His face softens, and he opens his arms to me for a hug. They’ve seemed to notice that I need it to be a choice. I walk into his waiting arms instantly, inhaling his distinct Ash smell gratefully. I rub my face against his chest, feeling instantly calm and protected, if only for a moment. “I’ll take you there, but you’re not working. We’ll just hang around for a while.”

I can live with that,” I tell him gratefully with a smile up at his gorgeous face. All hard angles and dramatic swooshes of his eyebrows. My scary man and protective shadow is beautiful in his intensity. “Kellan wants to come too,” I tell him.



Walking into the building that holds the ice rink was surreal. It feels like I’ve been gone for years and years, not just a couple months. It took me a few moments to realize that the rink was exactly the same, it was me who did the changing. So much has happened since I last walked through those doors, and I somehow knew that this would be the last time I’d ever come here. I’m not the same girl; this isn’t my life anymore.

Well look what the cat done drugged in.” Miss Annie’s southern drawl and too loud voice were as welcoming as ever. She was simply one of the most interesting people I’ve ever known.

Hi, Miss Annie,” I tell her as she squeezes me in a tight hug.

Been ages since I seen yur purdy face ‘round here. And I see’s you gots yourself ‘nother one of tem fellas. Though those other one were a might purdyer ta look at and weren’t so….big.” She tells me as she studies Ash up and down.

I giggle at her assessment and Ash’s responding tilt of his head and frowning face. “She means Logan and Jace,” I tell him. Ash rolls his eyes and nods his head. I know Ash isn’t offended by Miss Annie’s statement, he doesn’t try to be a pretty boy like Jace and Logan do.

So are the rec kids here today then? I figured the days stayed the same.” I ask the short and round woman who I’ve thought as a grandmother ever since I met her.

Those young’uns will be here shortly, they got the fundin’ they needed for a ‘nother hockey team, did ya hear?” She tells me happily.

I look to Ash, and he nods his head slightly. I beam at him, happy tears threatening to come to my eyes. So even with all that’s gone on, Jace found the time to keep his word.

Mikey must be thrilled,” I say to Miss Annie.

She purses her lips and rocks her head back and forth. “Shame what happened ta that boy. His Daddy done tore him up good this time. Put him in the hospital he did, and bless his no good heart, I hope he rot away in that cell for what he did ta that poor child.”

They let Mikey go back to his father? Why?” I ask no one in particular.

They’d sure did.” Miss Annie answers.

What hospital is he at?” Kellan asks firmly, not too happy about this news either.

He over at St. Joseph’s, last I heard. Those cute girls from the rec center had me sign a card to take to the poor thing.” She shakes her head again.

Thank you for telling us, Miss Annie,” I tell her, offering another hug because she looks likes she needs it now. I glance at Ash and Kellan, silently telling them I need a minute alone. They step away from us, but I’m sure they can still hear me.

I take the older woman’s hands in my own and meet her pretty brown eyes. “Miss Annie, I probably won’t be coming back anymore, but I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done for me over the years. I don’t know if I would’ve made it without you and this place. I don’t know if I can ever express what it meant to me to come here.”

Awe, Sug,' no need ta go thankin’ me. I coulda done more for ya, and I shoulda, but I was afraid of runnin’ ya off, and I liked having ya ‘round here. ‘Twon’t be the same without ya, but I’m glad ta see ya findin’ a place in this here world. Those boys treatin’ ya good then?” She asks seriously.

I smile shyly at her. “They treat me very well, Miss Annie. They’re my family and are very courteous and respectful to me. I wouldn’t be here if it weren't for them.” I tell her, glancing over my shoulder to look at the guys. At that moment, I realize that I’ve been unfair to them. They’ve given me so much, and all I do lately is pull away from them.

You’ll always be one of mines, far as I’m concerned. You go getting’ married ta one of dem boys, and I’ll be ‘spectin’ an invitation in the post, ya hear?” She says as she cups my cheek in her warm hand.

Of course, Miss Annie,” I tell her with a giggle. Do wolves even get married? Do I want to marry just one of them?

We finish our goodbyes, and each of the guys gets pulled into one of Miss Annie’s famous hugs before we exit the building and walk to the car. To all our surprise and my delight, Remy is waiting for us when we make it there. He looks annoyed, or angry, but I smile at him anyway and start to run over to him. I slow as I recognize the two men standing next to him and my smile turns into a frown.

Maksim and Albert wear matching pleasant grins as they spot me, and Albert takes a step forward to bow in greeting. “Nice to see you again, my Princess.”

I hold a hand up to wave at the both of them but quickly turn my attention back to Remy. “I missed you. What are you doing here?” I ask as I hug him around his waist.

I believe the question is, what are
doing here?” He asks, but when I look up at him, I realize his question is directed at Ash and Kellan.

Oh, I asked them to bring me. Demanded it really.” I quickly defend the guys.

Well, now I’m demanding that we return you home.” He says stiffly.

I pull away from him and sigh deeply. “No can do, Rem. We have to go to the hospital now.”

What? What’s wrong now? And why the hospital, I can heal you myself.” Maksim speaks quickly, his lips pursed as he looks me over.

It’s not me, Mikey is there, and he got hurt really bad,” I speak to Remy instead, owing no explanation to Maksim.

The small child that you are fond of?” Remy asks, looking to the others for confirmation. I simply nod at him.

If this concerns a human child, then he is fine with the doctors. I don’t see why your presence is required.” Maksim states.

I place my hands on my hips and stare him down. “He is my favorite
human child
and I
to go see him. You know…to make sure that he’s okay and to offer any assistance that I can, even if it’s just holding his hand and being there for him. Oh right, you
know about that.” I sneer at him before heading to the car and getting in the back seat.

I glare at the guys until they get in the car too. The silence makes for a long and awkward ride to the hospital. Kellan takes my hand and places it in the crook of his arm as we approach the sliding doors. To my discomfort, it seems Maksim and Albert have decided to tag along, but they hang back behind the rest of us. The lady at the information desk is friendly and kindly asks us if she can help us. I tell her I’m here to see Mikey, and when she asks who I am, I tell her I’m his sister. She eyes me warily as she looks at her screen, but shows me the room number and says only I will be allowed in to see him. Ash grunts, but no one disagrees with her.

We take the elevator to the third floor and walk quietly to the children’s wing. We stop at another desk, and the male nurse behind the counter tells us he was informed of my arrival and points out the room for me. Everyone except Remy finds seats in the small waiting area, but he continues to follow me.

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