Keeper of the Peace (Graveyard Guardians #2)

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Authors: Jennifer Malone Wright

Tags: #romance, #love, #ghosts, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #family, #new adult

BOOK: Keeper of the Peace (Graveyard Guardians #2)
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Book 2




Jennifer Malone





Copyright 2015 Jennifer Malone Wright

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Visit the website of Jennifer Malone Wright







I would like to thank my good friends Rose
and my sister Mary for helping with every step during the process
of bringing this story into the world.

A big, huge thank you to Regina Wamba of Mae
I Design and Photography for the amazing cover.

Thank you to my editor at Ink Slasher

Cheree, my PA, you are awesome and I couldn’t
have gotten through some of the issues this year without you.

Finally, thank you to my husband, for his
continued support and encouragement of my writing. Thank you,
Honey. I love you.

Other Books by Jennifer
Malone Wright

Savior (A Higher Collective Novel)

Once Upon a Zombie Apocalypse – Jade
Always free

Once Upon a Zombie Apocalypse: Episode 2

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter Part 1
Always free

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter: Part 2

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter Part 3

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter: Part 4

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter: Part 5

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter: Part 6

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter: The Complete

(All six parts a total of 72,000 words)

The Arcadia Falls Chronicles is The Vampire
Hunter’s Daughter story continued

Love & War (The Arcadia Falls Chronicles

Taking Talon (The Arcadia Falls Chronicles

Vampire Apocalypse (The Arcadia Falls
Chronicles 3)

Blood Warrior (The Arcadia Falls Chronicles

Winds of Fire (The Arcadia Falls Chronicles

Beary Tales (Co written with Willow Cross
and KB Miller)

Keeper vs. Reaper (Graveyard Guardians


Star Wars

Jedi Knight

Kia Rio



ZZ Ward




Country Homes



Chapter 1-

Chapter 2 –

Chapter 3 –

Chapter 4 –

Chapter 5 –

Chapter 6 –

Chapter 7 –

Chapter 8 –

Chapter 9 –

Chapter 10 –

Chapter 11 –

Chapter 12 –

Chapter 13 –

Chapter 14 –

Chapter 15 –

Chapter 16 –

Chapter 17 –

Chapter 18 –

Chapter 19 –

Chapter 20 –

Chapter 21 –

Chapter 22 –

Chapter 23 –

Chapter 24 –

Chapter 25 –

Chapter 26 –

Chapter 27 –

Chapter 28 –

Chapter 29 –

About the

Other Books By
Jennifer Malone Wright















Hannah reached up and pulled her dark red
hair back into a loose bun. She couldn’t have her hair hanging in
her face at work, but she didn’t like it tied back too tightly. Her
sister, Liv, wore her hair like that all the time because she
worked with food, but also because she liked it that way.

Getting ready for work was never a big event
considering she just had to shower and put on a pair of scrubs. Not
that it bothered her any. She rather preferred not having to worry
about what she was going to wear every day.

Turning away from the mirror above the
bathroom sink, she strode into the bedroom and opened one of the
large drawers of her dresser. There, she had several sets of scrubs
to choose from. She picked one with plain black pants and a top
that had a repeated image of the words
Star Wars
across the garment.

After the pants were on, she slid the top on
over her crisp, white tank, and then searched the floor of her room
for her shoes. She spotted them over by the side of her bed where
she had kicked them off before collapsing after work the night
before. The damn shoes were probably the most expensive pair she
owned and they were ugly as sin, but she had to wear comfortable
shoes since she was on her feet on the hard floors all day.

Before she slipped the shoes on, she leaned
over and opened her night stand drawer. Her hand fell upon the two
knives she always kept with her. The six-inch blades were still
safely secured in their sheaths where they remained most of the

She lifted her foot up onto the edge of her
bed and pulled her pant leg up enough to expose her calf. She
strapped the first knife onto the right leg and then switched legs,
attaching the other knife to the left. She let her pant leg fall
back down after both weapons were snug against the side of her calf

After clipping her badge onto her shirt, she
was finally ready for the day ahead. “All right, time to go,” she
told the empty room. She grabbed her purse, first making sure her
car keys were inside, and headed out the door making sure to lock
it behind her.

Hannah didn’t really care all that much for
her little house, but it was hers, and that mattered. She chose to
live in Summer Hollow, instead of Santa Rosa where the hospital
was, because it was close to the family. She had found the one
bedroom home for sale when she was still in medical school and
decided to buy it, instead of renting a place. It had a cute fenced
yard with a few large pine trees in the center, providing adequate
shade against the heat of the California sun. The yard was what she
fell in love with, not the house itself, which had needed a crap
ton of repairs before she could even move in.

Now, it was livable, but she didn’t spend
much time there. All her time was spent at work or over at the
family home. Things had been pretty busy since they found out that
Lucy, her sister, was the Chosen One.

She let out a long sigh as the thought of
the prophecy and the Reapers crossed her mind. She opened the door
of her Kia Rio and slid behind the wheel, setting her purse on the
passenger seat. She knew they were far from safe when it came to
the Reapers. A couple of weeks prior, there had been a huge
showdown at the compound of the Reaper Empress. Lucy had been
kidnapped and they were forced to seek help from the Reaper Prince

That was really another story entirely, but
she had come to trust Jack as much as any member of her family. She
had seen him renounce his family and his heritage and choose her
sister over all of them. Jack, although a Reaper, was fiercely
protective of Lucy and most people were lucky if they didn’t get
their ass kicked just for looking at her wrong.

Those two still had a lot of issues they
were working out along the way, since they barely knew each other
when they got together. Hannah, on the other hand, didn’t have any
time for men. The only guys she got to spend any quality time with
were dead ones.

She hit Summer Hollow’s main street, which
was where the highway made its way through the one stoplight town.
People often joked that if you blinked you would miss it, which was
only a slight exaggeration.

The town had one gas station, one small
grocery store and one school where the elementary, middle school,
and the high school students all shared a campus. Summer Hollow was
your typical small town where everyone knew everyone, and it was
the main reason that Hannah loved the place so much.

Sure, it was her hometown and growing up she
had sworn up and down that someday she would get out of this hick
town and do something great with her life, just like pretty much
every teenager does. But, she was a Keeper and Keepers had a
destiny they simply couldn’t run from.

She turned the corner by the rodeo grounds
where they held the Summer Hollow festival every year. She passed
by the large dirt areas, which were fenced in with wood that was
older than she was. The community center was on the same property
as the rodeo grounds, she had Mrs. Bradley’s Mac n Cheese dish
sitting in the back seat since after the funeral and wanted to
return it to her.

It was senior bingo day at the community
center, so Hannah knew that she would find Mrs. Bradley inside with
at least four cards in front of her.

She pulled the car in next to an old station
wagon and stepped out of the car. A strong wind gusted by, causing
some of the fallen leaves and pine needles scattered upon the dirt
parking lot to dance along the ground. She smoothed her hair down
and glanced up at the sky. It looked like a storm was coming. The
sky had been a lovely brilliant blue, but now large, angry gray
clouds were rolling in.

Better hurry,
she thought as she
opened the door to the back seat and grabbed up the dish. Lifting
it into her arms, she hurried up the ramp into the building.

“B 17,” a male voice called out as she let
the door close behind her.

“What was that, Jim?” Delores Engle shouted
from the tables.

Mrs. Avery turned to Mrs. Engle and shouted,
“He said, G 17!”

Jim, a younger guy who volunteered to host
Bingo for the seniors, shook his head and rubbed his forehead,
pushing back his sandy blond hair in the process. “No, Mrs. Avery,
I said B, not G. It’s B like in boy. B 17.”

“Oh.” Obviously embarrassed, Mrs. Avery
focused her eyes back onto her bingo card.

Mrs. Engle enthusiastically stabbed the
bingo card with her giant marker. “Got it! Thanks Jimmy.”

Jim glanced up and caught sight of Hannah
waiting in the doorway. “Hey Hannah, can I help you with

“I came to return this to Mrs. Bradley.” She
lifted the dish into the air for emphasis.

Mrs. Bradley stood up. She was near the back
of the room on the far side. She had a couple of crystals, a troll
doll and a rabbit’s foot sitting around her bingo cards. The
variety of items were the elderly woman’s good luck charms. Anytime
Hannah had ever seen Mrs. Bradley play bingo she had them arranged
in some strategic way around her cards. “Just leave it on that
table over there, honey.” Mrs. Bradley waved her hand in the
direction of a card table by the door. “Thank you for bringing it
to me and I hope you enjoyed the Mac n Cheese.” she paused for
dramatics, “it’s my special recipe.”

Most of the seniors groaned.

“All right,” Hannah set the dish on the
table. “Sorry to interrupt your game.”

There was a chorus of “don’t worry about it”
and “no problems” and then Hannah turned to go.

“Later Hannah,” Jim called out as she opened
the door and stepped out.

She offered him a wave and her own goodbye
and then hurried out the door. As soon as she came out from
underneath the overhang and onto the ramp, she felt a few sprinkles
fall from the sky.

“Oh man.” She tilted her face up to check
out the clouds. They had darkened from gray to almost black and
formed a cover which blocked out the entire sky above. A long bolt
of lightning flashed in the distance, immediately followed by crack
of thunder so loud it caused her to flinch.

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