Keep Her (44 page)

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Authors: Faith Andrews

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Keep Her
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I’d like to do this without adding a hundred more pages to the back of this book, so I won’t drone on and on. But every single mention included here is because you helped this story come to fruition in some way or another. Gratitude like that cannot go unmentioned. So even if I don’t spell it out with some long winded ‘thank you,’ I can’t express how much it means to me that you’ve been a part of all this craziness.

First and foremost,
Keep Her
would never have made it to the page had it not been for three of the most incredible betas on the planet. Ruthie, Tracey, and Trish; I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting
hearts, brains, tears, guts, emotions (you name it) into this story. Your opinions matter to me, especially when it comes to my characters, but even in my personal life. This baby is as much yours as it is mine—you breathed it for the eight weeks it took me to create it and I thank you for spending so much time with me to get it right. You each connected with Riley, Beck, Griffin, Marissa and especially
throughout this process and I can’t thank you enough for all of your eagerness, devotion, and hard work.

To my husband and my kids. Without going in depth, I couldn’t have done this without you. A lot—and I mean A LOT—has changed in our lives, but one thing remains; the three of you (okay, Rocco counts too… so the four of you) are my heart and soul, always and forever. Don’t ever forget it. You will never stop being my #1 priority, I love you.

To all my friends and family for your unending support. Thank you for being proud of me, for understanding a missed playdate or birthday party, but mostly for being a part of my life. There are too many of you to name, but you know who you are—parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, in-laws, childhood friends, high school and college friends, new friends, Mommy friends, Facebook friends, author friends, blogger friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. I love you all.

To my indie chicks group—especially Elisabeth Grace, Livia Jamerlan, Celeste Grande, Ruthie Henrick, BA Wolfe, Eleanor Green, Niecey Roy, Gia Riley, Riley J. Ford, RE Hunter, Corinne Michaels, Ana Zaun, Mia Kayla, Michelle Lynn—girls, I have no words, and words are our lives. I don’t know what I would do without you.
of you. You are incredible friends, even though I’ve never actually met some of you, but our bond, connection, sisterhood is just untouchable. And the talent—I can’t even go there. You all inspire me in different ways and I am ridiculously proud to be a fraction of our whole of strong, independent, kick-ass women! FYW! Indie Chicks Rock!

To all the blogs who have helped me make my name. You’re all so selflessly incredible and if it weren’t for your pimping, your encouragement, your willingness to help us indies out—we’d be unknowns, lost in a huge sea of amazing authors. I hope I name you all but in case I slip up and forget, please don’t take it personally—I love you all, big and small,
especially Schmexy Girl Book Blog, True Story Book Blog, A Book Whore’s Obsession, K&T Book Reviews, Three Girls and A Book Obsession, Three Chicks and Their Books, BestSellers & BestStellars of Romance, Carver’s Book Cravings, Panty Dropping Book Blog, Totally Booked, The SUBClubbooks, Lives & Breathes Book Blog, The Book Bellas, Read and Share Book Reviews, Devoured Words, The Book Vamps, For the Love of Books by Jaime, Sassy Savvy Fabulous, and many more.

To a few people that I want to single out—for good reason. Jen, I freaking love you too much for words. Tracey, hello friend, my days would be boring without you and our all day PM bitching fests. You are a true gem of a friend, I trust you with my life and I love that I have you in my life. Amy, I hate that you had to move even FURTHER, but I am so happy for all the good things that have happened for you this year and I love your face. Jennifer S, thank you for being so kind and easy to talk to. I am blessed to have met you. Lisa of Truly Schmexy Promotions for being the best at this gig. I love our chats and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me. Christina Hernandez (Christina Leigh Designs)—you are a trip, girl, and a talented one at that. I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work on the branding. Have I told you lately how much I love it? Angela Smith, I still think you’re actually God. Thank you for too many things to list, but mostly for taking a chance on me. The future holds many long convos and a girls’ weekend in NYC—promise!

To my dream team of amazingness; Regina Wamba of Mae I Designs & Photography for getting it (and me)—again, Angela McLaurin of Fictional Formats for the beautiful and clean fonts and squiggles you’re looking at right now, Nichole of Perfectly Publishable for your spot-on, time-crunch of an incredible and professional proofread, and last but not least to my editor extraordinaire, Brenda Letendre, for taking time away from
love of writing to make mine better.

As always, I don’t even know how to thank you, the readers, for taking this chance on my work. It touches my heart and brings a smile to my face every time I hear from one of you. I don’t know if and when I’ll ever consider myself a real author, but knowing that people are enjoying what I have to say and connecting with my stories—God, there is no way to describe that insane feeling. Okay, maybe there is—it’s called happiness. Thank you for making me happy.




Faith Andrews lives in New York with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and a furry Yorkie son, Rocco. If she isn’t listening to Mumford & Sons or busy being a Dance Mom, her nose is in a book or her laptop. She’s a sucker for a happily ever after and believes her characters are out there living one somewhere…


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“If you don’t find a man soon, you’re going to die a born-again virgin.”

I directed an exasperated sigh at my best friend Jackie. “Well, It’s a good thing I’m feeling adventurous then. Maybe we should find someone for me to flirt with tonight.”

I set my half-empty martini down on the expensive chrome-and-glass VIP table I’d been able to secure at On The Rocks, New York City’s newest high-end celebrity hangout. Tonight we were hear to celebrate Jackie’s upcoming nuptials. Glancing around, I took in the carrera marble floors, black fabric-draped walls, and large circular banquettes running along the perimeter of the room. I was a long way from small-town Bar Harbor, Maine.

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