Keata's Promise [Brac Pack 7]

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Authors: Lynn Hagen

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Brac Pack 7

Keata’s Promise

Young, naïve Keata Kia was kidnapped from Japan along with his cousin and three other young men. Struggling to make a home in America, he discovers the men who took him in are wolf shifters—

and one of them is his mate. Unfortunately, Keata’s mate has refused to claim him.

If the human remains unclaimed, there is no shortage of eager wolves ready to step in to teach the beautiful and innocent Keata a thing or two about making love.

When Keata is kidnapped and it’s discovered the prince of vampires has him, Keata’s wolf goes crazy, ready to kill every vampire in the area. But the wolf's plans change when it’s discovered Keata has a little secret that now has everyone scrambling to protect his life.

Each book in Lynn Hagen's Brac Pack collection features a different romantic couple. Each title stands alone and can be read in any order. However, we recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

26,917 words


Brac Pack 7

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove KEATA’S PROMISE

Copyright © 2011 by Lynn Hagen

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-320-4

First E-book Publication: April 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Keata’s Promise
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


To my children who are grown now but still love to play pranks on each other.


Brac Pack 7


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

Keata and Johnny raced through the halls, Micah hot on their heels.

They rounded the corner and flew through Keata’s bedroom door, slamming it shut and locking it.

“That was funny.” Johnny fell on the floor laughing.

Keata giggled right along with him. “You see face?”

“Priceless. I can’t help it he doesn’t find it funny to have mayonnaise on his pie instead of whipped cream.” He laughed louder.

“It was good prank,” Keata agreed. “Hey, who took book?”

“What book?” Johnny pushed up from the floor.

Keata tried to remember where he put his book. It wasn’t by his bed where he remembered leaving it. “My book I leave by bed.”

“I’ll help you look for it.”

They searched the whole room, but it was nowhere to be found.

Maybe he took it downstairs to the den.

“I leave right there.” Keata pointed to his nightstand.

“Did you let someone borrow it?” Johnny asked as he searched under the bed.

Keata plopped on the floor and threw his hands into the air. “Who can read?”

Keata’s Promise


“Good point.”

Just because he didn’t remember taking it out of the room didn’t mean he hadn’t. Keata often did things without thought only to think about it later—sometimes too late when his butt was already in trouble.

He opened the dresser drawers and tossed his clothes around, some landing on the floor as he looked for the precious books Oliver had given him. Scratching his head, Keata spun around looking at the mess on the floor, hoping he had overlooked it.

“I’m not cleaning that up.” Johnny pointed to the mess.

There was nothing but jeans and underwear thrown about.

He got on all fours as he looked under nightstand. No dang book!

Keata was getting frustrated the longer he had to look.

“My stupid luck, I not find book,” he said to Johnny as he huffed.

His thoughts wandered to Japan and his life there as they searched his closet, tossing everything off of the shelves.

His cousin Kyoshi had rescued him more times than he could count. He had always trusted what people told him and blindly followed. Nine times out of ten he ended up regretting it. Keata couldn’t help it. People should be honest like him. Maybe because he had desperately wanted friends he jumped in feetfirst before really thinking it through. The people back home in Japan never really wanted to be his friend. They wanted to pick on the naïve Keata, the trusting Keata, and the girly looking Keata.

Keata knew this, yet he still trusted people, hoping that one of those bullies would want to be friends. He wished that one of them would feel bad for what they did and see Keata as more than an easy target.

Not a one did. They all treated him like a guy they could push around. They would laugh and taunt him. Some even threw him to the ground. This angered Keata. Just because they said he was different didn’t give them a right to treat him that way.

“We could look downstairs,” Johnny suggested.


Lynn Hagen

“Hope Micah gone.” Keata cracked the door open and peeked out.

The hall was clear, so he and Johnny left the room.

Keata held the banister as he walked down the winding staircase, thinking of the new friends he had. He could trust them. They made him feel like he belonged. His favorite friend was Johnny, of course.

They thought alike, simply. Johnny was a human mated to a wolf warrior named Hawk. Now, Hawk was one scary man. He looked like he could break your bones just with one stare, and that’s why Keata liked him.

“You see my book?” he asked Blair who was walking toward the den.

“Sorry, buddy.”

Keata and Johnny veered toward the den with Blair. He started thinking about Kysohi.

Keata remembered how he and his cousin, Kyoshi, had been taken from the streets of Japan and stuffed in a box. Kyoshi had called it a cargo box. It sailed across the ocean and brought them to America where big ugly Americans tried to steal them.

Kyoshi escaped with Keata, and they ended up here. He had been homesick for awhile. Everything was so strange and different from where he grew up. He still struggled to communicate with the people who lived in this big house.

“All people stop.” Keata put up his hands. Drew, Blair, Oliver, and Cecil froze, not one finger moved.

Keata rolled his eyes, the small men here always joked.

“I need to find book.”

“Is it due back at the library?” Cecil chuckled.

“No, but someone take from me.” Keata narrowed his eyes at the troublemaker of the group.

“Fine.” Cecil threw his hands up, and they all began to search the den.

“Hey, I found some gum.” Drew held the pack up.

“I found a quarter and…
.” Blair dropped whatever it was, and
Keata’s Promise


it hit the floor.

Keata wrinkled his nose. It was hairy and black. Yuck.

When the search yielded no results—besides coins and candy—

Keata balled his fists up in frustration.

The other men left, but Keata kept searching, his thoughts getting lost again.

One of the mates, Oliver, had suggested that Kyoshi teach them all Japanese. It helped a lot, but he still had trouble at times understanding them.

Keata was so absorbed in his thoughts, he hadn’t even seen his friend Tank shooting pool with a wolf named Murdock. Keata thought a lot of them had funny names. He knew all the big men were wolves, the smaller ones their mates. He really didn’t understand what a mate was.

Kyoshi tried over and over again to explain it to him. He knew it meant the people who were mates were boyfriends. No one else could have them. Keata also knew it meant that they kissed a lot and touched each other. That was about as much as he knew on the subject of mates.

“Hey, buddy. What’s up?”

Keata smiled at Tank.

“I lost my book.” Keata searched the couches and behind the bar again. The den was set up nicely. There were two suede sofas, a large screen television, a pool table, full bar, a dart board, a poker table and Cecil’s video game.

“Will you help me?”

“Anything for you, Keata.”

Tank helped him search, but they came up empty-handed, just like the first time. Where could he have put it? He racked his brain, trying to remember the last place he had it. The mate, Oliver, had bought him mangas written in Japanese. He would be devastated if he couldn’t find it.

He kicked the couch in anger.


Lynn Hagen

“Better watch it. It kicks back.” Tank chuckled Keata blew a raspberry at Tank and plopped down on the couch, crossing his arms over his chest.

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