Kayla's Gift: Powertools, Book 3

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Kayla’s Gift


Jayne Rylon

One blizzard, two days, three men to keep her warm.


Powertools, Book 3

Naked is Kayla’s style. She’s exposed to bare skin more than the average person—like when she’s up to her elbows in massage oil, soothing the tired muscles of the construction crew building her new spa, a barter to offset some of the cost. Once it’s finished, she plans to open a private retreat for fellow naturists.

It should be a routine service. Yet for some reason, caressing the man on her table is blurring her normally crystal-clear distinction between nudity and sexuality. And stirring up kinky fantasies involving the rest of the crew.

intended to share details about her lifestyle-slash-business plan, not even with the open-minded, sexy crew. But when a faulty truck engine and one hell of a snowstorm trap the three men at her cabin, heat sears away her cover story—and her inhibitions.

Cocooned in blissful isolation, Dave, Neil and James show her that passion knows no barrier, with or without clothing. Leaving Kayla wondering if two days of mutual satisfaction will ever be enough…

Warning: This book features a m/m/m/f ménage hot enough to melt an entire blizzard’s worth of snow and ice.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201



Copyright © 2011 by

ISBN: 978-1-60928-447-3

Edited by Bethany Morgan

Cover by Angela Waters


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


t Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: May 2011





To Angela Waters, cover artist extraordinaire, for bringing the crew to life in all of the fabulous Powertools covers. Thank you!


Chapter One

“Oh God, that’s good.”

“Harder?” Kayla intensified her motion when the man beneath her groaned.

“Yeah. Right there. Don’t stop, baby.”

“No worries, I’ll take care of you.”

“Always do.” Dave sighed. “I look forward to coming inside all damn day. It’s tough to concentrate when your gifted hands are waiting for me.”

“But if you weren’t aggravating this strained muscle by building my spa, you wouldn’t need my fabulous massages.”

“Is it any wonder I love my job?”

Kayla’s fingers drifted from Dave’s sculpted shoulders to tug the silky hair feathering over the nape of his neck. As if she minded his near-constant teasing.

Her work rocked pretty solid too—at least when it involved touching prime specimens of masculinity like Dave. While she lingered, she rubbed along his spine, eliciting another deep purr. The rumble curled her bare toes in the plush area rug.

“And here I thought the highlight of your career was your kick-ass partners.” A gruff rebuke from the general direction of the entrance startled Kayla.

Dave’s gorgeous body had consumed her focus. Bold ridges of sinew tempted her fingers to explore beyond the requirements of his treatment. She’d never seen anatomy so fine outside of her textbooks. Lying on his toned abdomen, the bull of a man threatened to destroy her portable table with his defined bulk.

She couldn’t wait for the permanent equipment she’d ordered to arrive. Furnishing her new facility would be the final step in bringing her vision to life.

“You guys aren’t bad, either.” Dave angled his head to face Mike, the construction crew’s foreman, who leaned his hip on the doorjamb. Her patient didn’t scramble for a towel to cover his smoking-hot ass or flinch in the slightest. The muscles she’d worked so hard to relax stayed pliant. “What’s up, boss?”

“There’s a hell of a storm brewing outside. The snow’s started, and the sky is black as shit. Joe and I are heading back to town. Our girls are worried. Kate’s called twice. Morgan texted enough times to overflow the screen of Joe’s phone. Neither one of them are naggers by nature. The unpaved section of the road turns into a skating rink when all those puddles freeze over. Too much longer and we’ll all be stuck.”

“They’re forecasting what, a foot and a half, now?”



Kayla attacked the tension invading Dave.

“Nah, they upped the projection again. More like two to three.” Mike shook his head. “Plus, the wind is kicking in. Froze my balls off on the roof, but we finished shingling in time.”

She raised an eyebrow in his direction without faltering in her caresses.

“Crap, sorry. Anyway, James and Neil are making one last round, lashing tarps over our supplies and Kayla’s firewood while you pamper that knot in your shoulder. Pussy.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Dave’s broad back flexed beneath her fingers. “Jealous?”

“Hardly. No offense, Kayla.”

“None taken.”

“My Kate is the only woman who can heal me with her touch.”

Kayla sighed. “Someday I’ll meet a man who adores
, right?”

“Hell-ooo. Last time I checked, I was a dude.” Dave squinted at her. “Didn’t I tell you how much I love you less than two minutes ago?”

He had. Damn if the lame joke hadn’t wreaked havoc on her hormones too. She knew better than to imagine his constant flirtations were more than habit. The guys in the crew had “player” stamped all over their hard bodies in between their bold tattoos. She traced an organic swirl of red ink around Dave’s shoulder.

“Okay, kids. Before you become bicker buddies again, I’m heading out.” Mike’s grin slipped a fraction of an inch. “Are you sure you have everything you need, Kayla? It could be a while before we can make it back. I don’t like the thought of you up here. Alone. My offer stands. Stay with Kate and me.

You’d be friends inside a minute, I bet. The two of you could stir up a world of trouble together. Throw Morgan in the mix and…”

“God help us.” Dave grunted when she pressed her elbow into the base of his spine.

“Thanks, but no thanks. Kate and Morgan sound like a riot though.” Their respective fiancé and boyfriend talked about the women pretty near constantly.

“Come home with us and hang out.” Dave tried again. “It’ll be fun, not to mention safe.”

“No different than here. James and Neil brought a mountain of groceries this morning. You checked the generator at least a thousand times.” Kayla’s lips curved as she contemplated the high potential for peaceful solitude. Her and a world blanketed in white. An occasional deer for company. “Really. I’m fine.

Thank you.”

“All righty then.” Mike crossed to her and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

She took advantage of the distraction to adjust her sweater away from her beading nipples, hoping the men couldn’t detect the small hoops in them. An irregular beat of her heart fluttered her chest.

When any member of the crew stood so near, denying their potent charm became impossible. Wedged between two of the studs, she could hardly breathe. Every one of the guys rocketed straight off her hotness



chart, each with his unique twist. Mike’s fraternal care warmed her despite the chill creeping through the giant plate-glass window, which overlooked the mountainside and the lake in the distance. The flash of heat he inspired, though brilliant, was like a match compared to the bonfire Dave’s searing sexuality lit inside her.

“Stay safe. I’m gone. Dave, you and the dynamic duo better hit the road as soon as they’re finished.”

Mike slapped her patient on the ass and called over his retreating shoulder, “Five minutes or less. Start packing this away.”

Kayla wondered at the easy confidence the crew possessed around each other.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” She grimaced when the thought flew off her lips. Great, now she’d introduce awkwardness to their light friendship.


She continued to work on Dave, gathering her courage while she kneaded the flushed red handprint Mike had left on Dave’s right cheek. Her fingers trailed to the backs of his powerful thighs before she continued. “Most of my clients freak at the idea of someone spying their naughty bits, especially if my treatment… arouses them.”

Neither she nor Dave could deny the solid erection he sported every time she touched him. Hiding his impressive equipment would have been near impossible even if he’d bothered to try. The guys who’d helped her bring her dream to life—by constructing a quaint log cabin to house her future lakeside retreat—

never once hesitated to drop trou or practiced the floor-tile-meet-laser-beam-stare, which she’d witnessed from others when she offered to rub them down in the presence of their crewmates.


“You guys don’t worry about stuff like that. If things get too intimate for one of you, you simply roll over, gather your clothes and put your—”


“Yeah.” They’d tuck their junk into their ripped, paint-stained jeans. She shivered. “You zip up with no apologies. No false denials. No shame. More like a polite kiss on the cheek and a thank you.”

“Why should we be ashamed? You’re sexy as sin and fan-fucking-tastic with your hands.” He grinned up at her. “Does it bother you to know you turn us on?”

“Hell no! When people act like a natural reaction is some giant secret, they sometimes make me feel like I’ve done something dirty.” The crew’s lack of inhibitions refreshed her, gave her hope her crazy venture could work. “Your honesty is nice. Uncommon.”

“You could say a lot of our relationship is unique. Me and the rest of the guys in the crew are close.

We don’t hide stuff from each other. We share everything without assuming attraction has to lead to action.

I’m not gonna lie, though. It’s great when it does.”

If she hadn’t been so lost in thought, she might have probed for more info.



They had no idea she planned more than an ordinary sanctuary surrounded by the wilderness outside.

Not yet, anyway. She’d considered sharing her dream once she discovered how open-minded they were, but the opportunity hadn’t arisen during the lunch breaks she shared with them or the massage sessions she supplied to discount her bill. They were usually too busy—pulling pranks, telling her wild stories or raising hell—to sit and chat.

She loved every minute of their company. Still, she’d fork over her autographed copy of Walt Whitman’s
A Sun-Bath—Nakedness
, or at least grant a peek at the rare document, for a sounding board.

Kayla intended to open a nudist getaway. A spa where people could roam free of clothes and recriminating glares. Naked was her style. After her impulsive purchase of the acreage surrounding them, she’d spent loads of time on the mountain by herself. She’d indulged in both the luxury and the wildness of shucking her trappings plenty before hiring the five sexy men who comprised the crew to bring her vision to reality.

Her family and friends had called the venture everything from ridiculous to a poor manifestation of her free spirit. The team of professionals—two lawyers, a doctor and an accountant—her parents had bred couldn’t comprehend the whims of their odd little sister.

“Hey, you okay?”

She blinked. When had Dave moved? He dragged faded denim over his lean hips. Damn it. She licked her lips as he tugged on a thin gray T-shirt, which obscured his firm pecs, then his six-pack and finally the ridge caused by his inguinal ligament—her absolute favorite spot on a man’s body. She could lick the crest it created from his hip straight to his…

“Kayla?” Dave rested his broad hand on her elbow, shaking her from the daydream.

For a woman considering founding a naturist haven, she certainly had a hard time separating this man’s form from his radiant attractiveness. A problem she’d never had before.

“Change your mind about staying? You can bunk with me if you’re not interested in plugging your ears to block out the soundtrack accompanying all the sex rocking Mike and Kate’s apartment.”

She laughed. “Nah, I’m good. Ready for a couple quiet days, that’s all.”

“You’re not sleeping enough.”

No kidding. If she didn’t order supplies, build a website, draft design concepts and secure the funding remaining to fill the gap after her sibling’s generous contributions, who would?

“Yes, Dad.”

“Fuck. Sorry. It’s none of my business—”

“If her
can’t tell it like it is, who can?” Another heckler waltzed in on their conversation.

“James.” She hugged Dave in a quick, silent apology as the slighter man neared. “You’re right. Both of you. I promise to take a little time off to enjoy the season. You know, frolic in the snow and crap.”



“Damn straight you will.” Neil joined them in the suddenly cramped area. How had it seemed spacious to her before? “Not much else you’ll be able to accomplish anyway. It’s turning nasty.”

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