Katie's Choice (39 page)

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Authors: Amy Lillard

Tags: #Christian Fiction

BOOK: Katie's Choice
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“You heard me.”

“What does Monica have to do with anything?”

“You’re very distracted and about to go on what could be the most dangerous assignment of your career.” She paused. “I know she gave you back your ring.”

Zane sat up a little straighter in his seat. “How do you know that?”

“A good reporter never reveals her sources. Are you sure you’re up for this?”

“Yes, yes. Monica and I parted on good terms. It’s not like I’m heartbroken. I’m fine.”

Despite his reassurances, she continued to study him.

“What?” His voice sounded more defensive than he would have preferred.

“If you’re not upset about Monica, why do you still look like a lovesick teenager?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“This month’s
had an article about how to tell if your man is in love, and you, my friend, are showing all of the signs.”

“Oh, not you too.”

She pinned him with a glare. “What do you mean by that?”

Zane shifted uncomfortably. “Monica said almost the same thing. She has this cockamamie idea that I’m in love with—never mind.”

“In love with whom?”

Zane laughed and waved a dismissive hand. “It’s not important.”

“My top reporter comes back from an assignment staring off into space and using words like ‘cockamamie.’ I’d say that’s important.”

He sighed. They just had to go down that road. Better to get it over with so they could continue their briefing, otherwise he might not ever get out of Jo’s office. She was a bulldog once she set her mind to something. True or not. “I met an incredible woman while I was in Oklahoma. She’s kind and gentle and beautiful. She takes care of her brother’s children and teaches school, and does the laundry for the bishop, and . . .”

“And you love her.”

Zane scoffed. “That’s impossible. I didn’t even kiss her.”

“Do you believe
has anything to do with love?”

“Of course. What am I saying? Do you even believe in love?”

He was surprised by the dreamy look that overtook Jo’s usual mask of hard-nosed reporter. Her expression held a faraway quality while her hazel eyes filled with regret. “I loved a boy once.” She shook her head. “I won’t bore you with all the details. But I loved him with all my heart and soul. Still do.”

“What happened to him?”

“Last time I heard he was happily married, living in Michigan with his stay-at-home wife and four great kids. See, I chose my career over him, and he went on without me.”

“She’s going to marry Samuel Beachy.”

“And you’re just going to let her?”

“I told you, I never even kissed her.”

“That should tell you something, Zane.”

He shook his head.

Jo walked around her desk and picked up the phone.

“What are you doing?”

“Changing your flight. Mandy, get American Airlines on the phone. I need you to change Zane Carson’s ticket. He’s going back to Oklahoma.”

His heart lurched, thumping hard in his chest. Just the thought of seeing Katie Rose again made his mouth dry, his hands tremble. Was this love?

Jo smiled as she hung up the phone.

“You’re slipping, Jo. Your romantic side is showing.”

“It’s too late for me, Zane, but not for you. Go kiss your girl. Mexico can wait another week.”

“And if . . . and if I . . .” he tried to say “stay,” but the word wouldn’t form. “If I don’t come back?”

“Then I’ll give the assignment to Talbert. He’s been itching to stretch his legs a little.”

Zane nodded. The thought of the assignment going to his number-one competitor should have had him packing his bags for Mexico. But all he could think about was the sweet face of Katie Rose Fisher.

Jo’s smile was gentle. “Life’s too short not to grab all the love you can.”

And that’s just what he planned to do. He just hoped he wasn’t too late.

Valentine’s Day was always fun for the children. It gave them something to look forward to during the cold winter months when farming had slowed and it was too cold to stay outside for long. The best part was that all the scholars could take place in the exchange. There were so few projects that the entire school could do together.

Katie Rose pulled a stack of red construction paper from the supply cabinet. “Matthew, can you hand everyone a sheet of this, please?”

Her nephew stood without question and walked to the front of the classroom to retrieve the paper.

Katie Rose found the stash of pink paper. “Jodie, will you hand this out for me, too?”

“Yes, Katie Rose.” The young girl stood and came to the front as well.

As the older scholars walked around handing out the paper, Katie Rose continued to dig in the cabinet retrieving more items for them to use: glue, lace, and beads. She wanted this to be fun for all the children. Once they all completed their Valentines, she would let them go out and play while they dried. It was so hard on them to be cooped up all day, especially with a couple of inches of new snow on the ground. Fortunately, no ice was involved, and the roads were clear. Though Katie Rose suspected she’d have to break up a snowball fight or two.

Adding safety scissors to the pile of accessories on her desk, Katie Rose turned and faced the children. “Now, scholars. This is a free project. There will be no grade. You may make a Valentine for one person or as many people as you like
, within the time we have.
Now you have forty-five minutes. Ready, go.”

As the children worked not-so quietly, Katie Rose graded papers. She’d already made a Valentine for each of her students and dropped them in the box by the door, ensuring that everyone received at least one note of love. Everyone deserved a Valentine.

“How come you’re not makin’ a heart, Katie Rose?”

“Cuz, she’s already got a Valentine, silly.”

says now that Samuel Beachy’s back, we’ll have a weddin’ to go to out of season.”

,” the students chorused.

She opened her mouth to protest.

“Is that true?”

Katie Rose swung around at the sound of his voice. It was no trick of her hearing. There he stood in the flesh looking so much like he had the first time she’d ever seen him.

“Zane Carson!” The children didn’t ask for permission, getting up from their seats and clambering around him.

“Children. Children!” She banged her hand against the solid wood of her desk. It hurt like all get-out, but at least she had their attention back. “Kindly return to your seats, and allow Zane Carson a chance to breathe.”

In truth, she was the one who needed air. Just one sight of him and all the oxygen left her lungs. He looked even better than she remembered. He’d shaved his beard, and there were dark circles under his eyes, but he was still the most handsome man she had ever seen.

She wanted to run to him, throw herself at his feet, and beg to know why he had returned. But as his eyes scraped over her, she maintained control.

“Is it true?” he asked again.

She lost her concentration as soon as she looked into those chocolate-brown eyes. “What?”

“That you already have a Valentine?”

.” She could only whisper the word.

Zane shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. He looked so out of place, standing there in his
clothes. He took a deep breath and let it out noisily, running his fingers through his hair as if he desperately needed something to do with his hands. “I see,” he finally said. “I guess I’m too late, then.”

“Too late for what?” she asked, so aware that the children had completely stopped making their Valentines and instead were watching them like a fox watches a hare.

One of the girls giggled.

Zane glanced toward the class as if only then he remembered that they had a captive audience. “Can I, uh, talk to you alone?”

“After school?”

He shook his head. “Outside.”

Katie Rose stood and rushed to the door, only slowing down as she neared the threshold. “Children, continue to work on your projects, I expect to see lots accomplished when I return.”

Without bothering to get her coat, she followed Zane out into the school yard. They walked across the playground, and Zane looked as if he were gathering his thoughts. Katie Rose remained silent, allowing him time to say his piece.

When they reached the big oak, he stopped and turned to face her.

Katie Rose shivered in anticipation. Or perhaps it was the north wind cutting through her dress like a knife.

“You’re cold.”

Before she could answer, he had slipped out of his wool coat and wrapped it around her. It smelled like Zane, but different. Zane and store-bought aftershave. She inhaled deeply, loving the scent and the warmth of him wrapped around her as it was.

“I think I might be in love with you.”

Katie Rose blinked. “You don’t know?”

“I’m confused. See, I’ve never been in love before.”

“What about your intended?”

He shook his head. “I never loved Monica. At least not romantic love. I only thought I did.”


“She gave me back my ring. We’ve parted as friends.”

Katie Rose swallowed hard. Best not to let her hopes rise. He thought he was in love with the pretty
brunette, but it wasn’t true. Now he was saying that he might love her . . .

“She thinks I’m in love with you, but then—it doesn’t matter. Never mind. You’re marrying Samuel. I should have never come here.” He started to turn and walk away, but Katie Rose put a hand on his arm to stop him.

“Why did you come?”

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his dungarees as if he didn’t have anything better to do with them. Then he shrugged, as the wind ruffled his wheat-colored hair. “It’s silly,” he said with a shake of his head.

“Tell me.”

“I came to kiss you.”

Katie Rose couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her. His words were like something out of the romantic movies she had watched during her
. At the time, she had thought they were nothing but made-up stories. After all, she had been in love with Samuel Beachy, and he had never treated her like the men in the movies treated their women. But now Zane Carson had travelled hundreds of miles just to kiss her.

She took a steadying breath. She couldn’t lose her head. Not with her heart already on the line. “And what happens after that?”

He shrugged again. “I don’t know. If it is . . . love, then I suppose I should go talk to the bishop about staying. If not, then I walk away and never bother you again.”

The thought of never seeing him again hurt her heart.

“Okay,” she said, expelling a heavy sigh.

How could she not say yes? She had been wondering the same thing. When Samuel had kissed her the few times they had found themselves alone since his return, Katie Rose had to remind herself that it was what she wanted. Samuel had always been what she wanted. To be married. Have children.

“I’ve never asked to kiss a girl before.”

Katie Rose waited patiently as he took a step closer, and braced his booted feet farther apart. He seemed even more nervous than she. He took a breath, then placed his hands on either side of her face and tilted her mouth up to meet his.

The touch of his lips was like everything beautiful and perfect rolled into one. Sunshine and green grass, freshly fallen snow, and the smell of wood burning in the wintertime. Katie Rose had never felt love like this, had never felt so
like this.

His lips clung to hers, warming her against the cold. She wrapped her arms around his neck, knowing full well that the children were most probably pressed against the windows of the schoolhouse watching with wide eyes. She couldn’t help herself. She had waited so long.

When Samuel left she had been waiting, waiting for the man God had set aside for her. Waiting for Zane.

He pulled his mouth from hers, his thumbs brushing her cheeks. She said a little prayer that he felt the same about her. If not, she was certain her heart would never heal.

“Please don’t marry Samuel Beachy.” His voice was thick with emotion.

She wanted to be coy like the actress in the movie and say something pithy, but all she could do was pull his lips back to hers.

,” she said so many minutes later. “I’ll not be marryin’ Samuel Beachy. You see, I never told him yes.”

Relief took hold and spread across Zane’s handsome face. “And me? Will you marry me?”

“What about the bishop?”

“I don’t want to marry him.”

Katie Rose laughed, then immediately sobered. “What if he denies your petition to join the church?”

“Then I’ll stay in town. I’ll buy a house. I’ll show him how much you and the community mean to me. This is where I’m supposed to be. God led me here, to you, and I’m not going anywhere.” With God on their side how could they lose? “Somehow, we’ll find a way.”

,” Katie Rose said, holding him tight. She laid her head on his chest, the steady thump of his heart easing her uncertainties. “True love always does.”

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