Kate Sherwood - Dark Horse 02 - Out of the Darkness (11 page)

BOOK: Kate Sherwood - Dark Horse 02 - Out of the Darkness
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Chapter 7
they get to the farm, Evan drives right up to the main house. He pulls up near the front but a little off to the side and looks over at Dan.

“Okay, man, normally I’d say you could come in or you could wait in the car, but the Operational Parameters dictate that you come in.”

“The Operational Parameters…? Evan, are you playing soldier? First you’ve got your club house, and now you’re going on missions— aren’t you a bit young for a second childhood?”

Evan just grins at him. “Up and at ’em, recruit!”

By the time Dan’s got himself unbuckled and out of the car, Evan’s already bounded over to his side, and as Dan stands up, he finds himself eye to chin with a whole lot of Kaminski. He tilts his head back a little, and Evan’s still smiling at him, but the mood has changed a little. One of Evan’s hands goes to Dan’s neck, the other to his waist, and then Evan’s kissing him hard, pushing him back against the car with his body, pulling him forward with his hands. Dan starts to resist a little, more out of surprise than actual objection, but he remembers his new philosophy and makes himself relax, lets his body soften and mold to Evan’s.

Dan can feel Evan’s lips curl up in an appreciative smile, and then there’s no more room for expressions as Evan presses forward into Dan’s mouth, hard and aggressive and hot. Evan takes his hand from Dan’s neck, and without the support his head goes back a little, and Evan seems to approve, pushing forward until Dan’s head is bent back over the roof of the Cherokee, and only then does his mouth leave Dan’s, trailing down over his exposed neck. Dan feels Evan’s hands at his belt and lifts his head, only to have Evan’s mouth push it back down.

“Evan, fuck, we’re outside, anyone could….”

Evan pauses only long enough to say, “The trees block the view from the house. And it’s a security camera blind spot—trust me.” He sucks a little on Dan’s neck, hard enough to bring the blood to the surface but not enough to leave a mark.

“Jeff,” Dan manages to gasp.

Evan brings his mouth up to hover just over Dan’s. “It was his idea.” Then he runs his face down Dan’s body as his hands finish with Dan’s belt and easily work his button and fly open. Dan gasps a little as Evan eases his pants and underwear down, and the sound turns to a moan when Evan takes Dan’s cock in his mouth and goes to work. No teasing, no subtlety, just heat and wet and suction and crazy little tongue rolls that have Dan’s hips bucking forward within seconds. Evan brings an arm up to keep Dan still while the hand of the other arm is running all over Dan’s stomach and his chest and his ass and his thighs and his balls…. Dan has a feeling that this could be over embarrassingly quickly.

He starts trying his usual orgasm-delay techniques, but then he catches himself. He knows that Evan gets off on a little pain, and that Jeff gets ridiculously tender when he’s turned on… maybe it’s only fair that they find out that surprise outdoor blowjobs are Dan’s thing. Or at least
of his things….

He moans a little and brings a hand down to Evan’s head, nestling his fingers in his hair, trying not to grab on when Evan responds to the encouragement with even more enthusiasm. Dan lets his shoulders relax as he leans back over the roof of the car, and he looks up at the stars and wonders just what is going on in the universe to bring him to this place with this guy at this time… and then Evan tightens his lips just a little bit more, and Dan stops thinking about anything coherent. He brings his free hand down to Evan’s face, feels the stretch of his mouth, feels the tension in the muscles, feels his own cock pushing in past Evan’s hollowed cheeks… and then it’s just sensation, whiteness crowding out his vision as his orgasm surges through his whole body, and he throws his head back so hard it bounces a little off the roof, and he feels Evan swallowing around him, one of Evan’s arms looping around his ass and pulling him forward, pulling him even deeper into Evan’s warm, soft mouth….

Evan seems to know just when it’s over, when it’s too much for Dan to have any more stimulation, and he gently releases Dan’s cock and slides his body up next to Dan’s, so Dan is leaning with his back against the truck, and his side nestled in against Evan. When Dan opens his eyes, Evan is there, leaning his head on his hand, braced on one elbow against the roof of the car. He’s looking at Dan fondly. “Jeff was right, as usual.”

Dan can barely find the strength to respond. “About what?” he manages, and he brings his closest hand over to play a little bit against Evan’s chest.

Evan leans down and kisses him gently. “He said the Operation was a good idea, but that we’d probably need to do more than just hang out.” Another kiss. “He said you think too much, and we need to help you turn your brain off.” This kiss is a bit deeper, a bit wetter, and Dan can taste himself in Evan’s mouth and remembers that Evan hasn’t gotten off yet. “He said sex is always good for that.” Evan grins a little. “Of course, I already knew all that. But what he said that I needed to be reminded of was how fucking beautiful you are right after you come.” His hand smoothes over Dan’s face, gently tracing his features. “All that tension gone, no more frowning, no more worrying….” Evan grins again. “We should just Botox your entire face, man, and you could look like this always. But then I’d have to lock you up, keep anyone else from seeing you, ’cause this face… I like it being just for me and Jeff.”

Dan rolls himself over so that he’s leaning on his side, too, mirroring Evan’s posture with his head on his hand. “Yeah? Is there anything else you’d like to be for just you and Jeff? Anything I could do for just you right now?” He brings his free hand over to Evan’s chest, wraps his tie around his fist and pulls a little, and Evan comes willingly, his mouth hot and hard against Dan’s.

“Oh, yeah, man, there’s a lot you could do,” Evan murmurs between kisses. Then he reluctantly pulls away. “But we should get down to the guest house.” He grins. “Or base camp, maybe we can call it.” Dan just shakes his head a little. “We should be there when Jeff shows up.”

He reaches down and unwraps his tie, then bends over a little to find Dan’s pants and pull them back to a more dignified location. He only does the fly up halfway, though, and ignores the button altogether as he grabs Dan’s hand and pulls him along the walkway. They make their way to a set of French doors, and Evan enters his code into the keypad. The lights inside turn on automatically, a soft glow illuminating a masculine-looking bedroom. There’s nothing too outrageous, nothing to proclaim that this is the private lair of an incredibly wealthy man, but Dan notices that the bed is oversized, and looks… incredibly soft…. He frees himself from Evan’s hand and stumbles toward it, collapsing face down on the brown suede comforter. It puffs up around him as he sinks into it, and Evan’s laugh sounds like it comes from far away.

“Damn. I like the look of you in my bed.” He crosses over and puts one knee on the mattress beside Dan’s body, leaning over to run a loving hand from Dan’s head all the way to his feet. “Okay, I’m gonna make a brief exception to the Operational Guidelines. You can stay here while I put stuff together.” He bends over and kisses Dan’s temple, then whispers with his lips pressed against Dan’s skin. “No overthinking allowed in there, okay? Be cool.” He pulls himself up and starts moving around, collecting who-knows-what from who-knows-where. Dan hears Evan leave the room, and then it seems like no time has passed before warm lips are being pressed to his temple again.

“Dan, man, you need to wake up. You had a little nap, but Jeff’s almost to the guest house, so we should get going.”


Dan struggles back to consciousness. “I had a nap?”

Evan laughs softly. “About a half hour, maybe? I left you as long as I could. I called Jeff, and he was still at his place, so I got him to call here when he was leaving. That was about five minutes ago.”

Dan pushes himself up a little and notices that the comforter has been folded over to serve as a blanket for him. He’s usually a light sleeper. “Man, your bed….” He glances over at Evan. “Is there a carbon monoxide leak in here or something?”

Evan just laughs again. “I’ll have them check for it. But
not sleepy, so….”

Dan makes it to a sitting position. “You hypnotized me with the blowjob, and then you made my brain listen to you when you told it not to think.”

“Yeah, that’s the secret to my business successes too. Hypnotic blowjobs.” Evan reaches out a hand, and when Dan grabs it, he’s hauled to his feet. He’s still so sleepy that he stumbles a bit, but Evan catches him and gives him a second to steady himself. “Man. I
gonna get them to check for carbon monoxide. You were
.” He smiles happily. “You look just as sweet when you’re asleep as you do after you come. But you were talking a bit. Are you a sleep talker?”

Dan’s blush hits him like a fever. “No!” He looks down quickly, and then mutters, “Why? What did I say?”

Evan’s obviously delighted with the reaction. “Just a lot of stuff about my huge dick and how I’m the best you’ve ever had… you know, nothing I don’t hear all the time.” Dan punches him almost reflexively, and Evan yelps a little before admitting, “Nah, not much that I could understand. Something about rolling the windows up?”

Dan shakes his head. “Huh. Was it raining?”

“I didn’t even run any water. Come on, man, we’ll get you therapy later.” Evan pulls Dan out to the driveway and holds the passenger door open for him again.

“Evan, I’m not gonna bolt on the way to the guest house.”

“Dude, you cannot be trusted. Get in.” Dan thinks of the twig and climbs in, watches Evan carefully shut the door after him. There had better be more sex soon, or his peaceful philosophy is not going to last.

They drive quietly down to the guest house, and when they get there, Dan makes a point of getting out too quickly for Evan to come around and open the door for him. Evan just grins like Dan did a cute trick and grabs his hand again to lead him up the stairs to the porch. Evan’s got a gym bag slung over his shoulder, and for the first time Dan wonders what might be in it. He doesn’t really think they’re at the stage for toys, so he’s really just hoping for something to eat. And maybe lube.

He doesn’t find out right away, though, because they just have the door open when headlights shine against the house and a car pulls in beside Evan’s. Jeff looks a bit tired when he climbs out and maybe a bit worried, and Dan feels guilty, wondering how much of each of those is his fault. But he smiles when he sees them, and Dan thinks maybe he can take at least a little bit of the credit for that, so it helps.

Evan and Dan wait in the doorway, and when Jeff comes up to join them, they all cross the threshold together, and it’s a bit awkward, but it’s kind of nice too. Jeff hasn’t really touched either of them yet, which is unusual for him, and Dan decides that sometimes twigs at least roll a little in the water, and he reaches a hand out for Jeff’s face, moves forward and kisses him. It’s just a hello, nothing too steamy, but it’s Jeff, and Dan figures it’s just as well he that he already came earlier so that he has a prayer of lasting a while if they start up again. Which he very much hopes they do.

When Dan steps back, Evan takes his place, another kiss that’s warm rather than hot. Then Evan nods in the direction of the kitchen. “Drinks? Food?”

Dan’s stomach rumbles audibly in response, and the other two look a little startled. “Tat
you were getting skinny. You been starving yourself, man?” Evan smiles as he speaks, but his eyes rake down Dan’s body appraisingly.

“Dude, right now
the one who’s starving me. What’ve you got?”

Evan nods toward the kitchen, and when they follow him there he sets the bag on the counter and opens it up. He pulls out a bag of Cheetos and a bag of chips, a few paper-wrapped lumps that Dan suspects are cheese, and then a loaf of bakery bread and a box of assorted crackers. There’s also a bottle of wine and a bottle of Wild Turkey, which Evan waves at Dan. “Don’t say I don’t pay attention, man.” Then he gestures at the food. “We can make a list, figure out what else we need. This was just what I could find lying around.” He looks at Dan. “See anything you want?”

Dan smiles lazily. “I see lots of things I want, man, but let’s start with the food.” He leans over and unwraps one of the packages of cheese, and by the time he’s done, Jeff has found a knife to cut it with and Evan has opened the crackers.

“We could put some on the bread, melt it in the toaster oven.” Jeff suggests. Evan nods, but now that he’s got food in his sights, Dan isn’t sure he can wait that long. He wonders if he uses up all of his patience working with the horses so that he’s got none left for his personal life. Jeff starts cutting slices of cheese, and Dan reaches over and grabs a few. He’s hungry
, damn it.

Evan shakes his head and opens both bags of chips, and they’re enough to keep Dan away from Jeff’s work, at least.


As soon as his mouth isn’t full, Dan says, “Sorry I missed the end of your show, man. I looked for you to tell you I was going, but….”

Jeff just nods. “S’all right. I was surprised by how busy I was, really. And then my mom showed up….” He looks over at Evan. “You really didn’t know about that? Usually she tells you everything.”

Evan laughs. “Yeah, and then I forget that it’s a secret and tell you. After I wrecked Christmas last year, she swore she was never going to tell me anything again.”

Jeff nods. “I just didn’t think she’d be able to stick to it. She likes to share.”


Dan is a bit more concerned. “Dude, you wrecked

Evan shrugs. “‘Wrecked’ might be a little strong. Just… apparently some people like to be surprised by their presents, you know?”

“Anyway, no big deal.” Jeff smiles at Dan. “Sorry for abandoning you—it seemed like you were okay.”


“Yeah, dude, contrary to Evan’s insane plan, I am actually able to spend time on my own. I don’t need to be babysat.”


Evan shakes his head darkly. “No good comes of you being unsupervised.”


Dan doesn’t respond. He’ll fight it when he has to. For now, he just wants more cheese.

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