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In all her years on television, Kate has rarely shown herself to be a pleasant person to be around. She has usually been seen barking orders, or yelling at someone, or hitting someone, or criticizing someone, or making fun of someone, or making snide remarks about someone, or being negative, or complaining about how put upon she is, or whining about how awful her children and husband are and how difficult her life is. But as she began her descent into obscurity, something miraculous happened. The Kate Gosselin from TV suddenly transformed from a shrew into little Suzie Sunshine. Or at least her tweets would have us believe that miracle occurred. Here are eight of Kate’s remarkably positive tweets:


I don’t have X 4 people who hate others 4 working hard,staying pos,&trying 2 make a diff! Do you?


@Kateplusmy8  Loved seeing you on Dr. Drew! Wish you had another show.. Any chance? xoxo


that would be great! I never rule out any chances of greatness in my life… You shouldn’t either! :)


GN all! It is time to ‘get flat’ I’ve been told…. So catch u when Mr Sun comes up again… Another day2make a + difference in our world!


GM! Today I’m reminding myself that only thing that matters are the 8 people that call me mom! Don’t care how it LOOKS, we know what’s REAL!


Night night! Have pleasant dreams all! I dream of peace and harmony,hard work, honesty,kindness&positivity for all


GM all… Failure is NOT an option; it’s a cop out! Remind yourselves of that (as I am) as often as is necessary! Keep on keeping on….o


I prefer positivity over negativity…helps motivate me 2keep going! I c the glass half full Bc that’s better than empty,right!:)


GM all!Remember this:Don’t focus on negativity,find the positive in every situation…It’s always there,u just have 2 look harder someXs!:)





Kate is forever going on and on about how making elaborate homemade meals, her fantastic baking accomplishments, and all the chores she does. She makes doing normal, everyday household chores sound like Herculean tasks. She then brags about how her children gush over her meals and praise her and thank her incessantly. No normal child does this unless they feel forced to do so in some way. If what she says is true, they have clearly learned the art of self-preservation by heaping praise upon her. The following tweets document some of Kate’s great homemaking accomplishments.


@Kateplusmy8 what did you guys have for dinner tonight?


funny u ask..I made chicken pot pie soup&home made bread that took until 6:30 2 bake! I made amaz ham/Swiss paninis from it!Yum!


Back from church,fed lunch,cleaned up & about 2 attack the spring clothing switch overX8…Yikes! It’s a huge job! Not so sure I’m ready!


I made meatloaf and invented a sweet/sour BBQ sauce2serve over it! Mash pot, steamed carrots &spinach!


Since you asked- baking egg custard pies (big surprise!), lemon squares, nest cookies and angel food cake. Then on to cooking…


Ha ha ha… Multi tasking..conditioning hair treatment while baking! My kids got quite a laugh! http://t.co/W5B1EFbS


GM all... Getting up to feed my little army breakfast...followed by laundry and all that other stuff.. Have a good day...





It seems that Kate’s idea of being a good mother is to send out massive numbers of tweets about how wonderful she is, and include staged photos of her children or blab about what they are doing.


Go to
To read my newest posting ‘Love Is…’

Check it out! Lotsa heart pictures included! :)


This next tweet contained a link to a photo of five of the sextuplets sitting on the sofa holding up their books, in exactly the same way. This photo couldn’t look more staged, and I found out later that it, in fact, was:


A doctors office waiting room? I think not…

Just lotsa kids waiting in a room for dinner.. I found them this way.


This tweet includes another totally staged photo to prove to complete strangers that she is a good mother with happy children:


I just can’t get enough of this…it is SO cute! They are reading Joel’s book ‘Zombie in Love’—such a cute book!


This is a photo of the kids dancing in the living room. It should have remained a private moment for the kids:


…dancing to Madonna during halftime show… Making Super Bowl memories..even if we have no clue about football..lol


It’s late again! Just helped 11ur olds finish video 4 sch project and now X2 sleep! GN all my tweetie friends! I’m so thankful for ea of u!


I’m measuring eggs with rulers and discussing exclamatory versus interrogative sentences… How can you tell I’m doing homework??;)


…laying in my bed…doing mad lib book with Cara and Mady… Ahh life is good! :) I love this kinda good ole fashion fun! :)


Kate can’t even spend a few minutes of quiet time with her daughters without exploiting it for all to see. This is her way of proving to strangers that she really is a good mother:


Line from mad libs: ‘then have a cup of delicious hot spit w/ a spoonful of liverwurst in it & you are all ready to go off 2 school!’ LOL!


…now they are double teaming me… Hurling out the parts of speech requests so fast, I can’t think straight! oh my!


I DID hav a great day. Got 8/8 perfectly amaz sch reports!Kids r in top of classes-Must b doing sumthing right!;)





It’s hard to imagine how a person who has no job and 9 hours of alone time every day can be so exhausted. But Kate sure wants you to believe her life is a struggle.


My motto today:’I will make it thru this day…’ (repeat often) A determined attitude helps remind me that I CAN DO ANYTHING…u can too!:)


@Kateplusmy8 MSD to Kate, come in!


oh msdtake me away… I need a vacation!


This was tweeted while the kids were home for Spring Break. Poor Katie Irene was forced to be with her children for a few days…with babysitters.


xxxxx @Kateplusmy
you’re a MACHINE! Where do you get your drive?


I force myself-theres just no option for me!:(


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Remember when they were little and the bus didn’t take them – you were exhausted by dinnertime. I don’t know how you did it.


I’m still exhausted by dinner time but don’t feel so stifled.. Those days were SO hard!


Just finished working. Non stop day. When do my days slow down???


I just finished working and now I’m tired… Am comes too fast here… Gotta sleep!


I had to stop running to enjoy this amazing blue sky and white puffy clouds..1 of my favorite things in life
! http://t.co/V3TEpFaq


This was taken in the middle of a work/school day while most moms were hard at work at their full-time jobs. Kate can’t seem to get it through her head that it’s not a good idea to tweet things like this telling the world how exhausted you are from all of the work you do all day long while you’re home alone for 9 hours.


What a day! PT conferences, 5.3 mi run, shopping w my tweenies..they out shopped me FOR SURE! I’m very tired!:( How are u all?


GN all. I just finished up what I needed2get done today&I’m really tired! Thanks2each of my steadfast tweety supporters&friends! XO to u!


xxxxx @Kateplusmy
seriously you are a machine!! I don't know how you do it!


I'm a machine because I have to be! Who else will keep up if I don't?? ;) yes, moms ARE machines! :)


…there are no words to describe my pace 2day…the amount I accomplished is mind boggling…great to be feeling better! How’s everybody?


And so now that I’ve finally stopped moving, I’ve noticed that I’m tired…Catch u tomorrow between the fast moving madness around here!GN!


I think I need a break…. :) someXs I wish I could beam me2the sand &sun..4just a few hrs (oh & w a Lites out man)


GN tweeties.A crazy busy insanely impossibly logistical wk coming up!Hoping 2 get a run or 2 in 2… Yikes.Sleep is an impossible dream..


Did Kate copy and paste the beginning of this tweet from the preceding one, or was this her talking point for the day?


So we survived r crazy busy insanely impossibly logistical day&although I didn’t accomplish EVERYTHING,I did fit an 8.5 mi run in+all good!GN!


The great thing about Katie Irene is that in the middle of telling everyone how exhausted she is and how hard her life is (for someone home alone for 9 hours every day), she’ll mix in a tweet like this:


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 That’s the spirit!! Any fun plans 4 2day??


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