Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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Chapter 16


“Lauren?” I hear Natasha’s voice from a distance.

“Is she ok?” Says a voice I don’t recognize.

“I don’t know.” Natasha panics. “Lauren!”  My eyes open with a struggle and I go to sit up. “Don’t get up, stay lying down.” Natasha orders.

That’s fine by me, everything on my body hurts. I feel like I’ve been ran over by a truck!

“Are you ok?” I look around and see the new girl looking over at me.

“You’re talking.” I point out and she smiles.

“Yeah, I kind of figured that I owe you that much.” She wraps her arms around herself and my heart drops for her.

“You’re British.” I point out and she nods.

“Never mind where she’s from.” Natasha jumps in. “How are you? What happened?”

I look around the room, confused because the last time I was awake I was with Bomber and his dad, Horny Bill. At the thought of his name I laugh a little and Natasha shakes her head.

“I don’t see what’s funny here.” She doesn’t look happy.

“I know.” I slowly sit up to face them both and give them a shortened description on what I’ve been through. Natasha stays quiet but the new girl keeps gasping every time I mention something.

She begins to cry. “Oh my god,” She sobs. “This is my fault. I should have just gone with him. Look at what they have done to you.”

“I’m fine.” I try to reassure her. “I did it for you, it’s about time I started thinking of other people besides myself.”

“Trying to make up for your past is fine Lauren, but don’t risk yourself like that again. It’s stupid.” Natasha scolds me.

“Have you seen her, Tash?” I ask. “I couldn’t just stand by.”

“No she’s right.” New girl adds. “Please don’t do that to yourself again. If something bad happened, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”

Just then, the door opens and Bomber sneaks in. He’s holding sandwiches in his hands and passes one to each of us. “Make sure you eat them all, I don’t want them finding you with these.” He then hands me a small chocolate bar. “My dad told me to give you these for your sugar levels.”

“Thank you.” I whisper, I haven’t received an act of kindness in a long time.

“Why are you helping us?” Natasha asks him, not touching her sandwich.

“Because I’m not like all those fuck ups, and I’m working on helping you.” He turns to the new girl. “Hold on, Elise.”

He quickly leaves the room and I look at the new girl in confusion. “Elise?” I ask, nibbling on my chocolate.

“Yes,” She nods. “That’s my name and I’m here because of my father.”

“He sold you?” Natasha asks, finally starting on her sandwich.

“No, my father is the best man I know. I’m here because Demon hates him. He found me and took me as blackmail.” She begins to cry again. “I hope he will find me again.”

“He will.” I tell her. “He won’t stop until he finds you.”

I may be giving her false hope, but I don’t like to see her so sad. I want her to have hope. If you lose hope in this place, that’s when it will get you down.

“Why does Demon hate your dad?” Natasha asks.

“My dad is a member of the Kings’ of Rebellion.” She says it like it explains everything. “You don’t know them?”

“I didn’t know anything about this life until I was sold into it.” I respond.

Elise frowns. “My uncles club isn’t anything like this. He’s the president of the Kings, his son is the VP and my dad is their head of security. Which is fucked up seeing as I’m here? The Devils hate the Kings, because they don’t have to do shit like this to make money. I came out here with my dad from one of the English charters, and that’s how I’m here.”

“How did Bomber know you?” Natasha asks.

“I’ve met him a few times, but I didn’t know he was a Devil. Otherwise I wouldn’t have spoken to him.” She sounds pissed and I wonder if something’s happened between them.

We go through everything for her, just like how Natasha did for me when I arrived. We exchange stories to get to know her better and if it wasn’t for the whole naked and captive part, this would have been a good girl’s chat.

Chapter 17


Elise has been here for about a week now and thankfully she hasn’t been taken out the room, nor have I, but that’s only because of my injuries. I’m covered in different shades from my bruises and I have no doubt I will have some lasting scars. Unfortunately, Natasha has taken up the slack and I feel bad. She has mostly been out the room and it’s had an effect on her. She’s more quiet than usual and sleeps most of the time when she’s back here in the room with us.

That’s where Natasha is now. Curled up in her corner and getting as much sleep as she can. Elise is quiet too. I’m worried about her as well. She talks like she’s tough but I have no doubt she’s had a sheltered and cared for life with her family. She hasn’t had to struggle like myself and Natasha.

“Where in the UK are you from?” Elise whispers over to me.

“I’m originally from London, but I’ve lived in America for about five years now.” I answer. “What about you?”

“Wow. I live not far from London. It’s a quiet place but not abandoned quiet, just not as crazy as London.” She giggles.

Just like Natasha, Elise is becoming a good friend in this hell. Even more reason for us to get out of here.

The clicking of the lock puts an end to our good moods. Demon walks in this time and smiles at us all. Natasha has managed to wake up and Demon gives her a wider smile, glad that his efforts have tired her out.

“So girls, how are you getting on with Baby?” He asks, looking down at Elise.

He’s called her Baby? That’s just sick! She’s too fucking young to be here and he’s making a joke out of it and branding her.

Demon comes to crouch in front of me, three of his men standing by the door. “Are you going to give me more trouble, Raven?” He asks, stroking my hair. “You know I didn’t like what I had to do, but it had to be done.” He kisses me on the forehead and I fight not to cringe away from him.

He slowly makes his way to Elise who has her knees bent up with her arms wrapped around them, almost hiding herself. “Look how pretty you are, Baby.” He praises her. “Why don’t we have a little chat?”

He holds out his hand and Elise looks over to me. Almost immediately Demon’s guards come and stand in front of me, blocking me from Demon and Elise. She has no choice but to stand, Andrew gets to work and relieves her of her chains. I cry as I watch her go, and hear Natasha doing the same. I can’t handle the thought of her tiny body being abused by him. How can she handle that? Will he pass her around, introduce her to everyone?

“She’s going to be ok.” Natasha reassures me.

“You really believe that?” I snap and she doesn’t answer.

Elise doesn’t come back, and my fear doubles the longer she is gone. I can’t sleep without her here. I have to be awake to see how she is when she returns. I don’t think I could get any sleep even if I tried.

Chapter 18


Eventually Bomber carries Elise back, and she looks in a really bad way. I go to ask what happened but he shakes his head at me and I drop it.

“Elise?” I ask as Bomber leaves, but she doesn’t answer me. She doesn’t acknowledge me at all, or even cry! Elise sits and stares into silence, when I ask again I get the same response. Nothing.

I continue to watch her as she suffers in silence. I don’t know what to do, Natasha is the smart one but she’s not here. While we were waiting for Elise to return, Natasha was taken out by another club member. So I’m here alone because Elise obviously isn’t in the same room as me mentally, she’s somewhere else entirely.

My chain link is quite close to Elise’s, so I’m able to go over to her if needed. As I continue to watch her I decide I can’t see her like this. I don’t really know her that well, but I know enough to know that outside this cell, she’s a very happy girl and right now she’s cracking. I crawl over to her, careful not to hurt my existing injuries. I reach out to her hand and wrap it in mine, letting her know that I am here and she’s not alone.

Around roughly ten minutes later, I feel her hand squeeze mine. “Elise?”

She blinks and I make out a couple of tears dripping down her cheeks. She takes a huge intake of air and then turns to face me.

“Lauren.” She cries, as if she didn’t know I was already here.

“I’m here.” I tell her, letting her crumble in my arms.


Chopper takes away our lunch trays, locking the door behind him. God I hate the sound of that fucking lock.

“Tell me about your sister?” Elise asks.

“Maisy?” I ask and she nods. “Well, she’s for sure the best sister to have.”

“Why is that?” She asks.

“Because, she has put up with my shit for so long. She deserves an award for not sending me here herself.” I laugh.

“Don’t be silly.” Elise scolds. “From what you have told me, that was a different girl.”

I told Elise everything about my life, apart from the fact that my sister is with a world famous rock star. I won’t even tell Natasha, because I will protect my sister first, before anyone else. Better late than never I suppose. I’m scared that if anyone discovers who my sister is and who she is with, then they will use me to blackmail her. That’s the last thing I want.

“I don’t know about that.” I answer her.

“I do.” She quickly responds. “When you tell me about your past and what got you here, it sounds like a completely different person.”

“Yeah well, just make sure you keep your distance when we’re out of here and your boyfriend too.” I laugh again but nobody else joins in.

“That’s fucked up.” Natasha adds. “So, what’s your club like, Elise?”

“A lot better than this one,” She snaps. “The Devil’s give bikers a bad name.”

“So, your dad’s club is squeaky clean?” Natasha enquires.

“I wouldn’t say clean.” Elise admits. “But they do what they have to do, but they would never do this. The Kings’ respect women, in fact some members love them a little too much.”

“Sounds like my kind of club.” I joke.

“When my dad finds me, I will make sure they save you two as well.” She promises and as lovely as it is, I fear that I will never get out of here.

I manage to get back to sleep. Apart from being abused, sleeping is the only other thing to do here. Elise noticed that I was struggling with my injuries and told me to rest my head on her lap. She started to play with my hair, and like a baby I was out.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” I hear Demon snicker.

I sit up and find Demon and Strike in the room with us.

“If I knew you liked Raven that much, I would have paired you two up.” Strike teases Elise.

“I was helping her sleep.” Elise argues and I squeeze on her hand to warn her.

“Watch who you’re fucking talking to!” Strike screams back.

“Anyway,” Demon interrupts. “You girls need to take a visit to Tracy. We need you for the party tonight.”

Other members walk inside and help set us loose. Elise looks a little confused and I remember she hasn’t attended a party yet. I’ve only experienced three since my stay here and I feel that’s three too many. I struggle with some of the men, so I dread to think of Elise in that environment.

We have our showers and I try to enjoy mine as much as possible. We don’t get enough showers around here so I take advantage and wash my hair as much as possible.

“Not looking too good there, Raven.” Demon stands beside me. “Are you going to be ok for the party?”

“I’ll be fine.” I answer, even though every movement hurts some part of my body.

Demon slowly slides a finger around my wet nipple and grins. “That’s my brave girl.”

When he returns to his corner, watching over us I try my best to give Elise as much information as possible, along with Natasha. When we’re getting made over by Tracy, I see that the quiet girl they call Chatter is wearing a very sore looking black eye. I’m curious as to how she got that because my mouth usually lands me in trouble and as far as I know, she doesn’t talk.

“Wow.” Elise laughs. “You two look a lot different.”

I smile at Natasha, we’re all done and waiting for Demon to come and collect us.

“You look amazing.” I compliment her.

Tonight, we’re weirdly wearing different outfits. No longer are we wearing the skimpy black bra and tiny skirt. We all have on matching skin tight short black mini dresses. This is the most skin I have had covered in a long while and it feels amazing. We’re all wearing black heels, and any other time we would look like we’re getting ready for a regular girls night, however that’s not true.

“Don’t you three look amazing?” Demon boasts from the doorway. “I think you three will be the talk of the party tonight.”

He gestures for us to walk in front, Natasha and Elise walk ahead of me and as I walk past Demon he grabs onto my hair, pulling my head painfully back. “Don’t bother looking for anyone else tonight Raven, because tonight you’re in my bed and on my cock.”

Demon then lets go of my hair and I have no choice but to walk in front of him to join the party..

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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