Karma Bites (7 page)

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Authors: Nyrae Dawn

BOOK: Karma Bites
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Tiffany’s arms magically drop away from me. Stacy and Tiffany both step away like they’re allergic to me.

“You said we wouldn’t get caught!” Tiffany cries.

Stacy looks pale, but still trying to act tough. “He’s lying.”

“Fuck you, Cavanaugh. I don’t give a shit if you believe me or not. Might be more fun if you don’t. Actually, it would be. I’d love to see you doing community service.”

Hate pulses off Stacy in waves. “Save your little vamp freak friend. See if I care.”

Caleb walks toward us. I’m still wondering the hell just happened. I go from my rite of passage fight to getting saved by Caleb. I try to step away from them, when I fly forward. Obviously Heather doesn’t care about getting caught as she shoves me in the back. My hands fly out, but one arms buckles and I hit the dirt, my head bouncing off something in the ground. Three years of anger fuels me, making me push to my feet and lunge.

Unfortunately, I don’t make it far. I’m dizzy. Head injuries are like that and suddenly the ground is flying at me. Caleb’s arms wrap around me, mid-fall. The LP run to Stacy’s car, mocking, before jumping inside and driving away.

And he smells good. I know now is not the time to think about that, but this is the first time I’ve been held by a boy. He’s a mixture of earth and guy. Now it’s him making me dizzy and not my head. I have the urge to curl into him and sigh. I know, I know, but I can’t help it.

“You okay?” Caleb’s voice is a little stiff.

“Um, yeah. I think I hit a rock or something, but I’m okay.” He feels so warm against me. The urge to nuzzle closer strikes.

“You sure? You’re bleeding and you keep sighing. Maybe you hit your head a little harder than you think.”

Oh. My. God.
I really sighed? I try to jerk away, but another wave of dizziness stops me.

“Chill out. You’re going to fall again.” His hold on me tightens.

My eyes start to sting. I almost got in a fight with three girls, Caleb had to play Disney movie hero and come to my rescue, I fall and then start swooning like a nutcase. Can things get any worse?

Oh, and if I go home like this? Mom will freak. “Can I use your bathroom real quick? I’m…” Embarrassed, “...feeling a little woozy and need to clean up.”
And maybe slip through your window before I make a bigger fool of myself.

This time, it’s Caleb who looks woozy. He bites his lip and I kind of want to nip it too.
I am such a perv! What

s wrong with me?
“It’s okay. You don’t have to let--”

“No, I... Shit.” He sighs. “I just can’t really risk getting in trouble right now.”

I don’t want him in any trouble over me. “Don’t worry about it. Thanks for...” I wave my hand, not even wanting to repeat the suckage that was this afternoon. Automatically, I start to pull away. Caleb’s grip stops me.

“No, it’s cool. Ignore me. You can come in.” The words sound almost painful for him. “Come on. Let’s get you inside.” Caleb keeps his arm tight around my waist and I take a step. I suck in a breath. “Did I hurt you?”

Stupid, overactive hormones.
I look at the ground rather than him. “No.” Okay, maybe not the ground, but his hand on my waist. My head is starting to clear a little and it’s becoming more obvious that I’m
in Caleb’s arms.
Yeah, I know most girls my age have experienced this, but I’m the vampire girl, remember?

I look at him. Caleb’s jaw tightens. Most people probably wouldn’t notice it’s so slight, but I’m thinking this might not happen very often so I’m engraving every detail in my head. “I’m not trying to put the moves on you or anything. Just figured I’d help so you didn’t take a header into the ground again.” Hello distance. Caleb’s put the wall back up. Or he wants to make sure I know he doesn’t want me. I’m pretty sure I could develop a gambling problem because my money is on option two.

“I know!” Gah. I’m yelling at him. “I mean, I know.” I fight to keep my voice steady and low. “I wouldn’t think you’d hit on me or anything.”

He looks at me like he’s studying me. Like I’m a puzzle he’s trying to figure out. I want to wish him good luck because I’m not sure what’s going on with me right now either. I look down at his hand on me again and damn it, my cheeks are on fire.

I hear him chuckle and it only makes me burn more.

“You ready?” he says and I feel a quick squeeze of his hand. Caleb walks me down his driveway. Trying not to make it obvious that I want it to take six months for us to reach his cabin, I walk slowly. A girl’s got to get her kicks somehow.

When we reach his rickety stairs he puts his other hand on the opposite side of my waist and leads me up. A little slam of guilt hits me because I’m not dizzy anymore. My legs don’t feel rubbery like I could fall, but still I let him hold me.

Caleb manages to hold me and unlock his door at the same time. A second later, we’re walking into the darkened cabin.

He turns on a light. All sorts of warmth and tingles dance around inside me when his arm stays in place. I can’t believe this is happening. Too good to be true usually means that -
Oh my God -
It probably isn’t true. I’m probably lying outside, bleeding to death from Heather’s death push and imagining this whole thing.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You look like you’re about to pass out on me.”

I decide then this can’t be a dream. If I were dying and creating this in my head, I wouldn’t do stupid things like looking like I’m going to pass out and the sighing earlier. “Yep!” Way too peppy for a dying girl.

“Sorry ‘bout the mess,” Caleb mumbles.

His cabin is even smaller on the inside than it looks from the outside. We’re standing in a small living room with a couch, chair and an old TV sitting on an even older wooden stand. In the corner is a black wood stove. Right across from the living room is a kitchen with a small, two person table that has definitely seen better days. The wood is weathered and faded. I don’t see the mess he’s talking about, though. His things are old, but not dirty. Everything is in place. “It’s not a mess. It looks great!”

“Yeah, real great,” Caleb grumbles.

Okay, maybe great wasn’t the best word. At least I’m again reassured I’m not dying unless you count from idiotism.

Caleb steps away, but still holds onto me with one arm. “Come on. Sit at the table and I’ll get a washcloth.”

Oh, I’m hurt. I almost forgot. Whoa, wait. Hold the phone; does he plan on cleaning me up?
Engage heart attack.

All thoughts of sneaking out his bathroom window are gone. A near fight with The LP is
worth this. With Caleb’s help, I sit down.

His eyes dart around the room like he’s looking for something, then he says, “I’ll be right back,” and stalks down the hallway.

My eyes trace the room. There are no pictures on the walls. No school shots of Caleb through the years. No family portraits. Nothing. Even though it’s just me and Mom, my house is full of pictures. Everywhere you look there’s some kind of family memorabilia. I never thought about how comforting it is until I saw Caleb’s empty walls. My heart starts to ache.

Caleb walks back in the room, not giving me a chance to think about it anymore. He’s carrying two washcloths, a bandage and a tube of ointment. He stops walking right in front of me and stares. I can’t help but stare back. It’s like he has some kind of magical hold on me. I can’t ever look away when Caleb is around.

When I look in his eyes, I don’t see the boy who gets into fights, who’s been suspended, who skips school. And it’s not even just good looks I see, I swear. He’s vulnerable.

When he drops to his knees in front of me, I smile. Nothing could hold my lips from it right now.

“Um, I’m just gonna wash your face off. That cool?”

Yes, please.
“You don’t have to. I can do it myself.” My voice shakes.

“Nah, I’ve cleaned up plenty of cuts and scrapes. No biggie.”

I try not and look at him while he wipes my face with one of the washcloths. He’s not touching my wound so I assume my forehead is dirty.
A bloody, dirty forehead. I love that look.

Caleb puts the rag on the table and uses the other one to clean my wound. It stings a little. Nothing bad, but for some reason the cabin feels thick with pain. I don’t really understand it myself, but it does.

Risking a glance at Caleb, I watch him wince as he takes care of me. After he cleans it, he puts the ointment on. Please don’t let him hear my heart beating like crazy.

“I washed my hands.” He continues to spread the ointment with his finger. It’s then I realize how much this boy I hardly know is taking care of me. Then I think about his dad and his reputation. I’ve never heard anything about his mom so I don’t know where she is. I remember his comment about all the wounds he’s cleaned. I can’t help but wonder whose they were. If they were his, I wonder why no one was there to take care of him.

It doesn’t take much time for him to bandage my forehead. He hasn’t spoken since he told me he washed his hands. Words won’t come out of my mouth, but I know I should say something.

Caleb stands. “I’m going to put this stuff up real quick.”

While he’s gone I try taking a couple deep, quick breaths to calm myself. It only makes my nerves worse. He glances around his cabin before saying, “I’ll walk you home.”

At the same time, I say, “Thanks.” I smile, he half smiles. “Thanks for the help. Not the walk home. I mean, I would say thanks for the walk, but you don’t have to walk me. I do it all the time.”

Like he doesn’t know that. Gah, what’s wrong with me? He sees me walking all the time.

Caleb moves toward the door. “Not anymore, Kitten. Cavanaugh’s going to be pissed.”

The tingling is back and my mind is fighting over which comment to dissect. The fact that he’s making it sound like he plans to walk me home all the time because he doesn’t want The LP to bother me or that he called me Kitten. I have no idea
he’d call me that, but it sounds cute and I like it.

Biting the inside of my cheeks, I try not to break into a cheesy smile. I walk out the door. On the way, I see a trashcan on his porch with a half-full pack of cigarettes inside.

Chapter Six

A girl can only have so much back luck, and if I didn’t know better I would think I finally reached my peak. I’m still in shock Caleb plans to walk me home today. Yes, Caleb freakin’ Evans is meeting me at the line of trees in about forty-five seconds if my calculation is correct.

The icing on my good luck cake? Stacy missed school again today. Which is weird. The queen bee doesn’t usually leave her hive unattended so often, but I’m sure she’s evilly plotting her revenge or something. That’s what mean girls do, right?

See? I totally have good luck. Two boys, absentee bullies and a new job. Of course, that’s forgetting the fact that not long ago I was circled by a gang of Lipstick Nazi’s, but still.

I push through the door and pretty much skip down the hill. Not literally because I’m not a complete idiot, but it’s hard to keep the bounce out of my step.

Quickly, I glance behind me to make sure no one is watching and then pick up my speed a little. Caleb steps out from behind a tree and my stupid heart gets all giddy and dance-y again. Which then makes my even stupider feet start moving
fast and, yep, you guessed it, they get tangled and pretty soon I’m taking my second Caleb-witnessed nose dive into the ground.

I’m calling it a bad luck flashback.

Ignoring the sinking feeling in my chest, I push to my feet.
Roll with it, Abbs. Act normal.
Not like I have much choice because Caleb’s eyes are firmly on me and that ex-sexy, now annoying half-smile is tilting his lips.

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