Karen Michelle Nutt (29 page)

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Authors: A Twist of Fate

BOOK: Karen Michelle Nutt
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After dealing with the bothersome Rafferty, Keldon had been in a sour mood, but when he heard Arianna’s lilting voice, the tension seemed to melt away. She sang his favorite song. At first, he wondered how she came to know it, but now it seemed the melody had always been a part of her... a part of them. He stepped in the drawing room and his deep voice joined hers.
No one missed the devotion in their eyes as they sang the unforgettable melody in perfect harmony.
The song ended and Vincent and Bernadette clapped their hands.
"That was superb!” Vincent bowed to Sally Mae. "You my dear are most talented.”
Sally Mae giggled and put her hand over her mouth.
Vincent looked at his two friends. "You two make beautiful music together. It is as though your voices were meant to blend into one.”
Sally Mae stood and excused herself to find out if dinner was almost ready.
Keldon kept his attention on his wife, but he directed his question to Vincent. "Is everything taken care of at
Willow Bend
“The deliveries went without a hitch. Though, we all had to put up with Leighton’s bad temper."
Keldon nodded. "Aye. He’s been in a sour mood of late. Maybe I should put in a word?”
“Leighton is Leighton. We kept clear of him while he was sober. I tell you, the men were trying to force grog down him every night.” Vincent chuckled.
“And what of the other matter?" Keldon asked.
"The frigate was stripped and being careened as we speak. When we’re finished with her, no one will ever know she belonged to the Spanish.”
"Dinner is served," Maeve announced at the door.
"Thank you, Maeve," Arianna replied.
"Oni made your favorite dish," she added, smiling.
Arianna clasped her hands in girlish delight. "She made the trout fillet coated in milk and fried with butter?"
"Did she add the almonds?"
"She did jest dat."
"My mouth is already watering.” Vincent chuckled.
"You'll have to be excusin’ my wife,” Keldon said. “She thinks of nothin’ but the next meal. I doonae ken how she's still so thin."
Arianna nudged Keldon. "Don't tease me.” She looked down at her disappearing waistline.
"I wouldnae think of it. Come on, dear. Let us proceed to the dinning room before ye have Vincent drooling at the mouth.
The dinner Oni prepared was indeed wonderful. Arianna savored every buttery mouthful.
Vincent entertained them with old family stories of what they were in store for when their child was born. He had them laughing so hard that there were tears in their eyes.
"Where do your sisters live?" Arianna asked.
"Four still live in France. I don't see them much, but we do write, or rather they write me. I am terrible about correspondence; however, my family is always in my thoughts. My sister, Chantal and her husband Gerard live near New Orleans. Chantal had her first baby last spring. She’s a beautiful little girl with the rosiest cheeks. Chantal just wrote me saying Gerard’s mother was planning to visit and I should make a special effort to join them, a family reunion of sorts. I’ll have to see what I can do."
"You sound close to your family.” Arianna leaned forward enjoying the stories Vincent told.
"Oui, I am. They mean everything to me."
"Then why is it that you have not settled down yourself?” The minute she said this, she wished she could have bitten her tongue off for being so insensitive. Poor Bernadette looked like she wanted to cry.
"Ah, but it is not so simple.” He tried to make light of her question. “The woman who would meet my every need is already married to my best friend, unless he wishes to part with her.” Vincent looked questionably at Keldon.
"Watch it my friend or ye may verra weel be sorry," he warned good-heartily.
Vincent sighed and looked at Arianna once again. "So you see, I must pine away for you then."
"Vincent you are incorrigible. Has anyone ever told you this before?"
"Most often, merci.”
Arianna wasn’t immune to Bernadette’s feelings and her heart went out to her when she saw how Vincent’s casual words had wounded her. Obviously, nothing had changed between her two friends. She had hoped that Vincent's attention toward Bernadette meant he had decided to court her. Didn’t the man realize the torture he bestowed on the poor woman?
Bernadette was pretty, with her wavy light brown hair and light golden brown eyes, but she dressed as though she was ready to hoist a long boat into the water and sail away. This had to change. Bernadette needed a makeover. She needed a woman’s wardrobe to show off her slim figure and a hairdo to flatter her petite features.
A slow smile spread across her face. Vincent was attracted to the street urchin, transforming her into a lady would cause him to lose what little self-control he still possessed. They wouldn’t be playing fair, but if this was the only way to make Vincent lower his guard, then so be it.
Vincent and Bernadette would be their guests for only another day. They’d have to work fast if they were going to shake Vincent up a bit. Maeve volunteered to help with the process. They ushered Bernadette into Arianna's old room and locked the door behind them.
"I not know this good idea," Bernadette kept saying, but Arianna was determined.
"Trust me. Men are sometimes very slow to realize what is good for them. All we have to do is make Vincent notice you in a different light."
"He sees me. No?"
Maeve led Bernadette to the chair as she spoke. "He sees you as someone he needs ter protect. You need ter let him see you as a woman dat knows whut she wants.” Maeve pointed to her outfit.
Bernadette blushed. "I no have purdy dresses."
"But I do,” Arianna offered. "I want you to feel free to use any of them until we have a chance to have your own gowns made."
Bernadette didn't know what to say. She never had so many people fuss over her. Bernadette wanted Vincent to look upon her with devotion, but doubted the possibility. He cared for her, but he kept his affection restrained, leaving her frustrated and lonely. She had tried everything short of throwing herself at his feet. She looked at Arianna. Could she really make her wish come true. Tears stung her eyes and she brushed them away.
Arianna misunderstood Bernadette's mood. She quickly tried to make her feel better. "Please don't cry. I didn't mean to offend—"
Bernadette placed her small hand on hers, halting her apology. "I accept your help. But you are very, very tall. No? I don’t think your dress fit."
Arianna frowned. “You’re right. I hadn’t thought of that.”
Maeve came to the rescue. “I kin make it fit, ef it be all rights with you, Miss Arianna.”
“You go right ahead and I’ll start with Bernadette’s hair.” Arianna pointed to the chair and Bernadette gratefully sat down, willing to do anything to make Vincent a permanent part of her life.
After all day of prepping, bathing, dress altering and arranging her hair, Bernadette was ready. Arianna went downstairs first to greet the men. She wanted Bernadette to make a grand entrance.
Keldon waited at the bottom of the staircase for her. He hadn’t seen Arianna all day and if the pout was any indication, he missed her. She gave him a quick kiss winning her a smile.
"Where's Bernadette?" Keldon asked, as he wrapped Arianna's arm around his.
"She'll be down shortly.” She smiled impishly.
Keldon leaned near to whisper in her ear. "What are ye up to, lass?"
"Nothing," she answered, innocently. She slipped her arm free from Keldon’s and went to greet Vincent.
"You are looking as charming as ever," Vincent commented as he took her hand. He leaned down to bestow a kiss and stopped midway. His mouth dropped open as his gaze riveted to the top of the stairs. His gaze all but gobbled up Bernadette.
Vincent closed his mouth the moment he realized it was agape. Dear Lord in heaven, his little bear had gathered her wavy light brown hair away from her face, revealing her high cheekbones. The dark blue dress she wore flattered her olive skin and exaggerated her tiny waist. “An angel,” he whispered. He swallowed the lump that had formed in the back of his throat. Common sense skittered into the shadows as her gaze held his. He moved around Arianna and waited at the bottom of the steps.
Finally, she was in reach. He had a tangible urge to touch her and make sure she was real.
Bernadette smiled. "You like?”
There was no denying his little waif was a beautiful, attractive woman. Vincent’s mouth curved into a smile. "I like very much, my little bear.” He offered his arm.
Bernadette glanced hesitantly to Arianna, who nodded for her to accept. Bernadette then looked at Vincent and gave him a dazzling smile as she slipped her hand through the crook of his arm.
Keldon moved beside Arianna. "Yer doin’ no doubt."
"Isn't she beautiful?"
"Aye that she is, but no’ as beautiful as ye.”
“Shush.” Arianna nudged him playfully.


Bernadette and Vincent stayed late into the evening. Arianna enjoyed their company, immensely, but she was exhausted. Keldon walked her to their bedroom. When he didn’t follow her in, she turned toward him expectantly. "Aren’t you coming to bed?”
"No my sweet, but ye go. I know ye are tired from all yer matchmakin’.”
"It went well, don’t you think.” She walked over to him and he opened his arms to her.
"Aye, verra weel. Vincent could barely follow the conversation all evening, for he couldnae tear his gaze away from Bernadette.” Keldon kissed the tip of Arianna's nose.
"You must be tired, too.” She looked up at him with her blue eyes, her gaze focusing on his lips.
"Aye, but no’ enough,” he growled. “If I followed ye into our bed chamber just now, I would want my way with ye."
She put her arms around his neck. "I wouldn't mind.” She yawned and they both laughed. "Maybe you are right. I am a little tired."
"I willnae be long. I want to have a smoke."
"I wish you wouldn't smoke that pipe. It's not good for your health."
"Doonae worry so much. A little tobacco dinnae hurt my Grandda and he lived for a verra long time.” He gave her a quick hug as he kissed away her frown. "Now off to bed with ye."
Keldon took a leisurely walk out to the stables. He lit his pipe and drew in the tobacco in small puffs. He thought of how contented he was with his life. He was married to a woman he adored and she was going to have his baby. He couldn't have been happier.


After leaving the Buchanan’s, Vincent drove the carriage at a slow pace, wanting to be with Bernadette as long as possible. He glanced at her sitting next to him. She was sitting up straight with her gloved hands folded on her lap. Her serene face held a trace of a smile. She was beautiful and it wasn’t because of her new clothes she wore, or the way she had cleverly arranged her hair. He thought she was lovely before Arianna and Maeve dressed her in finery. He had refused to acknowledge the fact before tonight because he knew he would never be able to let her go. He silently cursed Arianna for meddling with his life, though only half-heartily.
He would think of a way to change his life so he could ask Bernadette to marry him without giving her reason to regret it.
Bernadette felt his intense gaze upon her and she glanced up at him. She trembled, though it wasn’t from being chilled. It was because of the way he stared with such longing in his eyes.
“Are you cold, Little Bear?” Vincent asked. He didn’t wait for her to answer. “Come closer and I will warm you.” He patted the space that separated them. Bernadette only thought about his offer for half a second before she accepted it. She moved close and he slipped his right hand around her shoulders, while keeping his other hand securely on the reins. “Is that better?”
“Oui. Much, much better.” Bernadette closed her eyes and relished in the pleasure of having the man she loved so close to her.
Leighton purposely stayed out late because he knew there would be a full house tonight. He couldn't sit and be cordial for one more evening with Annabelle looking so blissfully full of herself. The lying deceitful woman was breeding on top of it all. As soon as he cornered Keldon alone, he’d knock some sense into him and he’d see Annabelle left
Blue Run
with her bastard child in tow.
As Leighton neared the stables, he saw Keldon there, leaning against the wall smoking his pipe. Leighton couldn’t believe his good fortune, alone at last and at his mercy to hear him out. He dismounted, leading his horse behind him.

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