Karen Michelle Nutt (16 page)

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Authors: A Twist of Fate

BOOK: Karen Michelle Nutt
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She saw the flash of indecision on his face. She couldn’t blame him for his mistrust. He told her she’d thrown their love away. She couldn’t remember doing it. She couldn’t remember her life before the bump on her head and maybe it was a blessing in disguise. She was able to see him clearly now without the prejudices, which must have forged her decision to cast him aside. She cared and respected this man. It didn’t matter he was a pirate. She didn’t believe the rumors about the Scotsman. There was more to the story and she would find the underlying cause of him venturing out to sea.
What she couldn’t ignore was her heart. She was in love with him. She knew they belonged together and he was here before her. Not all could be lost.
She took a step closer, until she rested her head against the corded muscles of his chest. She breathed in the spicy masculine scent of him as she wrapped her arms around him, praying he wouldn’t push her away.
Keldon could barely breathe. Such pleading, such heartfelt sincerity he had seen in her luminous blue eyes. Keldon wanted to believe her, but he couldn’t brush aside years of hurt with a few idle promises.
He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping to rid himself of his desire for her, but it was of no use. He could feel the swooping pull at his innards, his heart’s erratic pounding.
His arms encircled around her, feeling her body melt against his. He could smell the flowery scent of her hair and the softness of her warm body. She lifted her head to look into his eyes and her rosy full lips parted in invitation. He told himself he would only kiss her once, and it would end his tormented desire.
He had already gone down this road before and it had cost him dearly and yet he didn’t heed his own warning as passion overrode caution. His mouth all but consumed hers in a rush of frantic kisses. His hands locked against her spine, molding her to the contours of his body. She trembled and clung to him. He was like a man who’d gone without water too long. He needed more of her. He parted her lips, touching his tongue to hers, losing himself in the silky warmth of her mouth while waves of pleasure poured through him quenching his thirst.
His heart pounded against his chest, a beat strong, thick and unrelenting. His breath caught as desire so intense it felt like pain engulfed him. He dragged his mouth from hers, inhaling deeply. He gazed into her eyes recognizing the passion mirrored there. Fresh urgency plowed through him, forcing him to take this moment for all it was worth—before the binding thread of yearning disappeared. They needed to go back to the house… Now. It nearly killed him to break their embrace.
"Don't go," she said, not hiding the desperation in her plea.
In one forward motion, he drew her to him, showering her with reassuring kisses. "I was only goin’ to retrieve the horses.” His deep voice was raw with emotion.
He cupped her face and looked down at her. “I thought—”
"Here, in the open with all of nature around us, just you and me, no past to harbor our intentions."
He gave her a quick nod, knowing exactly how she felt. They wove a spell around them and to go back to the house threatened the enchantment. He stepped away from her, only to remove his coat and lay it on the ground.
She sat down on her knees and looked up at him. With her outstretched hand, she beckoned him to join her. He took her invitation and knelt down in front of her. This was all so new to him and he was afraid to proceed. Never had Annabelle displayed any interest in him touching her. From the beginning, she cringed at the thought of their coupling.
Her brow furrowed and she licked her lips nervously. She truly didn’t understand his hesitation, the look of uncertainty, he was sure, lurked in his gaze. She rested her hand on his arm—a gentle touch—an invitation that sent the blood surging down to his groin. He looked into her eyes, recognizing the same smoldering desire.
“Touch me Keldon.” She moved closer, running her hands over his broad chest before she unbuttoned her nightgown and slipped it over her head.
He drank in her beauty as his hands traced a path over her skin, exploring her waist, her hips. A shiver of anticipation ran down his spine.
"I want you," she told him, her voice thick with emotion.
He never dreamed he’d hear her say those words. He wanted to take things slow, savor every moment, but he feared the heat between his legs threatened to take over. Trembling, he touched her breast, his fingers massaging until her nipple puckered. He lowered his mouth, tasting her sweet scented flesh.
She slid her fingers through his hair, urging him to continue.
He moved to her other breast and gave it equal consideration, his wet mouth closing over the peak. He lowered her to the ground. He cradled her in his right arm, while he gently ran his other hand down the length of her slim body. He lingered on the soft curls that kept her womanhood from view. He parted her legs, but she put her hand on his to stop him. He looked at her and saw tears pooling in her eyes. He didn’t understand what he’d done. “Do ye want me to stop?” He held his breath, fearing her response.
She shook her head and inhaled deeply trying to compose herself. “No… No, I… I’m scared.” Her gaze touched his. “I’m afraid, I’ll disappoint you. I don’t remember how we were together.”
Keldon swallowed the lump in his throat and caressed her cheek. “Ye need no’ worry,” he assured her. Then he convinced her with his burning kisses. Soon he felt her fears ebb away as she relaxed, leaving only craving hunger. “Let me love ye.” His fingers feathered down her stomach, waiting for her to give him permission.
She nodded against his chest, this time letting him touch the tender flesh. He held her as his fingertips drove her to new heights of passion. He could feel her heart pounding as she clutched his arm, her body readying to receive him.
She reached up and her lips flickered over his, encouraging him. He removed his garments and took her in his arms again, flesh to flesh. He breathed warm soothing kisses down her neck. “Ye are all I have ever wanted.” He lifted his head to look at her. “I have waited so long to be with ye in this way.” Her brow furrowed with confusion and he knew she didn’t remember how they had been together. How she recoiled from his touch. He prayed she never would again. “Doonae fret, we are startin’ over this night.” He kissed every inch of her, biding his time until he could fill her completely.
Arianna didn’t know how much longer she could wait to make their union complete. Everywhere he touched her felt like an electrical current racing through her skin. His tongue tantalized her until she thought she’d die from his caress. She needed him to satisfy the hunger growing deep inside her. She slid the palms of her hands up the side of his chest, as she rubbed her hips suggestively against him. “Please,” was all she was capable of saying, but Keldon knew what she wanted; he wanted it as much as she did. He lifted her hips and she clasped her legs around his waist as he plunged into her depths. A bolt of fire lanced through her, but his mouth covered hers, drowning out her gasp. As quickly as the sharp pain had hit her, it was gone. She relaxed surrendering completely, eagerly meeting each of his intimate embraces. His emotions ran free, as her passion equaled his own. He took all she had to give and silently demanded she give more. Struggling for breath, a slow throb pulsed through her body.
"Arianna!" Keldon cried out as the tremors moved along his manhood in tiny convulsive jerks. She held on tight to him as her body followed suit.
She pressed a kiss at the pulse of his neck and he pulled her toward him so she lay tucked against his side. She shifted in his arms and looked up at him seeing the future so clearly. She was truly his. “Keldon, do you realize you called me Arianna.”
“Aye.” The tenderness in his gaze shattered them both. He leaned over and crushed his mouth to hers. She felt him harden against her and she nudged her hips forward.
This time they took their time to explore, to arouse and give each other pleasure.
Later, they watched the sunrise over the horizon as a new day was born. For the first time, Arianna felt she actually belonged.
Keldon led Arianna's horse by the reins so she could ride with him. They both craved the closeness they’d shared last night.
When they reached the stables, Keldon dismounted first to help Arianna down. He held onto her longer than deemed necessary, but she didn't seem to mind the intimacy. He traced her face with his finger, memorizing every detail of her features. Then he leaned down and kissed her.
He’d been married to her for five years and yet last night he felt like it was the first time. As he deepened the caress, he remembered the way he made love to her, the way she responded to his every touch. She had given herself to him without reserve and he hoped she would let what was simmering between them grow into something more. Just thinking about how she felt in his arms made the stirrings of want begin again. However, he had pressing business he needed to take care of today. He affectionately kissed the tip of Arianna’s nose before he let her go.
He pulled his coat closer around her. "Ye head up to the house and get yerself dressed. I'll be there soon to join ye for breakfast."
She gave him a tentative smile and nodded.
At the door, Arianna turned and looked at the man she’d fallen in love with and maybe it was for the very first time. He sensed her lingering and he turned his head, giving her a lopsided grin. She smiled and blew him a kiss before heading out to face the day.
Arianna passed a scowling Leighton on her way up to the house. "Good morning, Leighton," she greeted cheerfully. She didn't wait for his reply but kept going. She could feel his heated gaze following her, but she didn’t care. Nothing could ruin her day when her heart was full of joy.
Leighton’s brow creased as he walked over to the stables. He could hear Keldon whistling that damn tune of his. “There’d be too much happiness aboot this mornin’,” Leighton grumbled. When he entered the stable, Keldon turned to greet him before he continued his whistling.
"I passed by Annabelle on my way here. She was up and aboot in her nightclothes." Leighton waited for Keldon to explain the rest.
"Aye," was his only reply. He then continued his whistling, as he rubbed down the horses.
"Ye seen her then?” Leighton frown deepened.
Keldon stopped whistling just long enough to answer. "Aye.”
Leighton cleared his throat with harrumphed. "Will ye stop that infernal racket?"
Keldon looked up. "What the devil is the matter with ye?”
"With me? I was wonderin' where ye've been, but now I ken verra weel. Ye've been cavortin' with that woman." Leighton pointed behind him.
Keldon stopped what he was doing and walked over to Leighton. "That woman as ye have referred to, happens to be my wife."
"Defendin' her now. Are ye? Has the woman bewitched ye?"
"I believe it's none of yer business.” He purposely turned his back on him and continued with his task.
"Weel ye answered the question sure enough.” Leighton moved beside him with determination. He wouldn’t be put off. "Annabelle isnae good. Ye ken this as much as I do."
"Arianna has changed," Keldon snapped back.
"Arianna, is it now. Ye best stop thinkin' with, yer lower extremities and think with yer head. She be a verra bonny lass, but she has nay heart. How quickly ye be forgettin' this, when she offers ye her favors.”
"That's enough.” Keldon's eyes blazed with anger. "You doonae understand."
"Aye. That be true enough, but I do know that I love ye like a son. I say these things to protect ye. She doesnae care for anyone, but herself."
"I thank ye for you concern, but I ken verra weel what I'm doin’. Is there anythin’ else you’d be wishin’ to speak to me aboot?”
Leighton still fumed, but he was wise enough to bite his tongue on the matter. "Vincent Aubrey will be by this mornin’?"
"I’m aware," Keldon answered stiffly.
"He may have some information aboot Nicholas Sherborn’s story. If his information proves to be true, we set sail within the week. I’ll head back to the house."
“Ye do that.”
After Leighton left, Keldon went back to the horses, still miffed over the confrontation. Leighton had a valid point, but the man hadn’t witnessed what he had. Annabelle had changed. Last night, he had seen her soul mirrored in her eyes. She was
with a kind and compassionate heart. Maeve told him she was different from the start and now, he believed it, too. He loved the new woman she’d become. “Arianna.” The name rolled off his tongue and he smiled.


Vincent Aubrey arrived early and waited in the foyer until Arianna came downstairs to greet him. She assured him Keldon would be in shortly and invited him in for breakfast. How could he refuse a beautiful woman’s invitation? She wore a cream colored dress with burgundy roses and her hair wrapped in a braided twist—simple, but fetching.

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