Kallos (Kallos Series) (2 page)

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Authors: Khelsey Jackson

BOOK: Kallos (Kallos Series)
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He just smiles and says, “Don’t worry about it.” Ian says as he rubs his head lightly while wincing at the bruise that is surely forming.

Kallos bends down and starts to gather all of his books and stands up. She hands him his books, but keeps her eyes away from his crystal blue eyes. “Well, I’m sorry I ran into you.” She says quickly and turns to walk away not before she hears him say, “See you later, Kallos.”


Ian watches Kallos walk away. He cannot believe that Kallos is so beautiful; he can get lost in her deep crystal blue eyes. When he looked into them he could swear he saw her soul staring back at him. He has seen many pictures of her, but seeing her in person, he almost lost it. He wasn’t paying attention, and he ran right into her, knocking his own books to the ground; he shakes his head at his own stupidity. Ian already found out that she is in his homeroom and hopes he will get to sit next to her. When he was touching her, he could feel the sparks and the prickling in his birthmark. It felt like he shoved his hand into an electrical current. He smiles to himself. This is going to be a great day.

“What has you smiling?” Ian's smile doesn't fade when he hears his brother’s voice it just grows wider.

“I just met Kallos.” He turns around to look at Sean and starts to laugh. Sean doesn't look too happy that he didn't get to meet her first.

“What! I was supposed to meet her first! I’m still the oldest!” Sean yells at Ian. Ian just puts his hand on his shoulder in a condescending reassurance.

“Will you keep it down?” Ian says quietly, and Sean narrows his dark turning eyes.

“I thought you’re with Nikki,” Sean says, and smiles at Ian.

Ian rolls his eyes. “That's old news. Besides Kallos is the one; I can feel it.” Their parents have told them that Kallos was their soul mate, but to only one of them. They have kept a watchful eye on Kallos as she grew up, hoping that one day she would be the one to fall in love with one of them. They have waited sixteen years for her to grow up. Now she is here among them.

“Well you might want to forget her now. You know girls always choose me over you.” Sean smirks then winks at Ian and walks away. Ian knows that Sean will be meeting Kallos really soon. He is a little nervous for her to meet his cocky player of a brother.

Ian laughs as his brother walks away. He really hates how sure Sean is. He knows there is something there with Kallos; he felt his heart speed up when he saw her and when he touched her his heart nearly stopped. He kind of feels sorry for his brother because Kallos is his soul mate, not Sean’s. He heads in the same direction as Kallos just walked, hopefully to the same classroom.


As Kallos walks briskly, watching only for people in her path and numbers on doors, she knows that she is still blushing and doesn't know why. When she finally finds her homeroom, she only has two minutes to spare before the bell rings disrupting her train of thought. She looks around and finds an empty seat in the middle of the room. The girl seated in the small wooden desk to Kallos' right smiles at her, and Kallos returns her smile as she introduces herself. “Hello, I’m Kallos.”

“Hi, I’m Karissa.” She notices Karissa's long, dark blonde hair is wavy and her eyes are a beautiful shade of green. Suddenly, the room gets quiet. As Kallos looks up, she sees Ian walk in the door. Her heart flutters and the butterflies threaten to overtake her breath again; she realizes that there is only one seat left and it is next to her. He walks over and smiles at Kallos as he sits down. Lucky for her it’s right next to her.

He smiles and says, “I told you I’d see you later, Kallos.” He shifts his gaze to Karissa and says, “Hey Kris, how are you?”

Karissa smiles, “I’m great! How about you?”

He stares into Kallos’ eyes as he says, “Great.”

Kallos averts her eyes as the teacher, Mrs. Kendall, walks in and quiets the class. “This class is to study and for your class meetings; for today, you guys can talk. But don’t get used to it. It’s the first day and I have a lot to get ready for the year.” Suddenly, she feels Ian’s eyes still on her. She doesn't have the guts to actually look at him.

Karissa turns toward Kallos and smiles as she pushes her hair behind her ears. “So, I heard your dad is the new principal.” Kallos was hoping people didn’t already know, but apparently it was false hope. She nods. “That’s nice. I also hear he’s a hottie.” Kallos just shakes her head. She is used to her friends telling her that her dad looks like Brad Pitt with black hair, but she can’t believe this stranger is telling her this. As if jolted with a bolt of electricity, she jumps when she feels someone touch her shoulder. She has a strange warming sensation coming from deep in her body, as she jerks away from Ian's touch. He laughs in response.

“So what do you hide behind those goddess like eyes?” Ian reminds Kallos of a movie star. She was staring again and mentally shook her head to remember the question he just asked.

“What do you mean?” She could see him smile from out of the corner of her eye.

“Have you ever been to a party?” She hadn't. It isn’t easy being the daughter of parents who had to know where she was every second of everyday she was gone. She hadn't even been on a date.

Kallos blushes, “Sure I have.” She lies because she doesn't want to feel like a loser, not in front of him. He gives her an “eat your heart out” grin.

“Well, there’s a party this Friday; I would love it if we can hang out.” Kallos tries to hide her giggle at his heart-melting smile. She fails as she smiles back at him.

“Okay, that sounds good.” He reaches for her hand and she lets him hold it.

He takes his warm hand away from her. “Good, I was hoping you would say that.” He writes seven digits on a piece of paper. “Here is my number; you can call anytime and I’ll pick you up.” She takes out her cell phone and adds his number. Then, he lifts her hand and kisses her knuckles. Chivalry is obviously not dead with Ian as her blush darkens as he stares into her eyes. “Please, stay safe, Kallos.”

The shrill bell rings before she can ask what he means by his cryptic statement. Ian stares at her for what seems like forever and her mind takes her back to his last statement,
‘Please, stay safe Kallos,’
is echoed in her head over and over. He lets go of Kallos' hand so she can grab her backpack. She watches him walk away before she realizes that she didn’t give him her number. Kallos sees Karissa walking out of the door with another girl. Kallos smiles in her direction. “Hey, what class do you have next?” Karissa shouts from the doorway.

Kallos glances at her schedule. “Mr. Nelson.”

“We do too! Oh, this is Kellee. Kel, this is Kallos.”

They smile at each other and Kallos notices Kellee's short, reddish blonde hair and green eyes as we head toward our next class. She looks down at her phone and opens a new text message.

Now you have my number, Kallos
She grins as she presses send. She quickly ran to her locker to put her phone away, she doesn’t want to get in trouble on the first day of school.

Throughout the morning no one really tried to talk to her; she heard some whispers that she was under Ian’s wing. Kallos turns the knob around as she puts in her combination to opens her locker she finds her cell phone, and is disappointed when she finds there is nothing new on it. No new text messages. Kallos puts her books in and puts her phone in her back pocket. Entering the lunchroom she looks at the walks and a bright yellow fills her vision. More of the posters cover the wall about the Homecoming Dance, and to join different clubs. Kallos quickly finds Ian sitting at a huge table. However he has two girls on either side of him. The one to his right is Cali girl; the typical short shorts, perfect makeup and even in the harshest of artificial lights her skin still glows. She has to be breaking the dress codes.

She is wearing a skin-tight white sweater that showed off her ample bosom. It makes Kallos wish that she had more to show off. Her jeans are so low you could almost see her butt crack. The one on his left has short black hair cut into a bob. She has on all black, but the outfit is just as skimpy as the blonde’s. The V-neck of her shirt goes past her black lace bra. She can't really see her black skirt, but she is guessing it was really short. They both looked at Kallos as she comes closer. That’s when she sees their eyes. The blonde has hazel eyes, and the other one has deep green eyes. They are glaring at Kallos, as she almost comes to a standstill.

Ian must have noticed something because he looks up and mouths “Sorry” to her. There’s no place to sit next to him so she sits five people away, but she can still hear them. Someone taps her on the arm and in her clouded thoughts she just now realizes she is actually sitting beside Kellee. She smiles and Kallos returns the smile. At least she was making some girl friends here. She has a feeling that the two girls sitting next to Ian wouldn’t be her best friends. She looks over at Ian and notices that he is gazing at her. She looks down at the table to hide her smile.

“So Ian, we heard about your party. Are you going to invite us?” The blonde asks as the black haired girl glares at Kallos.

“Of course you’re invited, Nikki, and so are you, Vicky.” They both lit up and beam at Ian. “I always invite everybody.” Kallos wonders if Ian is just being nice to the new girl, or maybe trying to get in good with the principal’s daughter. She knew that it was too good to be true. Why would someone that is so popular want her? She looks up at him, and he is looking at her. He grins at her, but this time she doesn’t smile back, averting her eyes as he furrows his brow in wonder at her sudden aversions.

“Kallos how’s your day so far?” Kellee asks. Kallos looks away from Ian and at Kellee.

“It’s going good.” This is a lie. Everyone knows who her dad is and most of them aren’t too excited. No one has been totally mean to her, not really, not yet anyways. Now, she looks around and can see that everyone is talking to someone. She is an outsider. She pushes up her sleeves because she is getting hot.

“Oh my gosh, is that a tattoo?” Kellee asks as she points to her left arm. Kallos blushes and pushes her sleeve back down. Forgetting the mark on her wrist was so dark that people always ask questions about it.

“No it’s a birthmark.” She says, sounding very uncomfortable.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It looks like a perfect outline of a dove.” Kallos just smiles at her. She is used to people saying that. She senses a mysterious feeling come over her like something pulling on her body. She looks up expecting to see Ian, but she sees a blonde haired, gray-eyed guy sit across from her.

He grins at her, and just that slight gesture is enough to make her body tingle in a weird reaction. It’s almost the same feeling she has with Ian. She stares at him and can feel this invisible pull growing stronger.

“Hello, I am Sean.” He says with a smile. She just stares as he holds out his hand for her to shake.

“Oh… Hi, I’m Kallos.” She glances down at his hand and places hers in his; she just hopes her hand isn’t as sweaty as she thinks it is. She looks up to smile at him, but she sees his gray eyes flicker to pitch black. She gasps and pulls her hand back as if her hand were in a fire; his smile quickly fades. She glances down to where Ian was sitting and can see him glaring at Sean. She has no clue what is going on, but she doesn't like it. She turns her attention back to Sean. Maybe she was imagining Sean’s eyes changing. No one has blue-gray eyes one minute and black eyes the next.

“Kallos, did you hear anything I just said?” She looks over to Kellee. She hadn’t heard anything. She was wondering about Ian and Sean. There is something going on, and she doesn't know what.

“I'm sorry I didn't. But…I need to go!” Kallos quickly gets up and heads out of the lunchroom. She thinks she might be going crazy.


Sean watches her walk away. He can't blame her for leaving. He can’t believe how right his brother was. Kallos is so beautiful; she will make Aphrodite proud. When they touched, his mark felt like it was on fire. He can't believe that he let his eyes change. He is normally more careful than that. He can usually keep that part of himself under control, but for some reason he can’t around her. She seems to excite his other half, and that has never happened before. Maybe his brother was wrong. Maybe she is for him. He looks over at Ian and knows that he isn't happy with him. He doesn't know about this other half; he hasn't been through this yet.

“Sean! What did you do to scare away Kallos?” Kellee asks him. He looks at her and wonders if they have ever spoken.

He gives her his best suave smile. “Me? All I said to her was ‘Hi.’” He wonders if she saw his eyes change. Hopefully she didn’t.

“You did something. I just don't know what.” He looks back at his brother. Ian is sitting with Nikki and Vicky. Those two girls are so mean, and he has never seen why Ian is so nice to them. He saw the evil looks they gave to Kallos and it made him want to rip their heads off.

“I didn't do anything. You know I'm not a bad guy, unlike what you heard about me.” He hates that people always think the worst of him, and always expect him to screw up. He broke Karissa’s heart, he doesn’t deny that. There have been a few other girls, but he was always up front about his feelings, he wasn’t going to fall in love with them. He wants to be the better man for Kallos, and prays to his god she is his.

He gets up, glances over at Ian, and winks. He is going to make sure Kallos is okay.


Kallos runs into the closest restroom and quickly gets her bearing to her of her surroundings. The scarred powder blue stalls seem to be out of place in the girl’s bathroom but something dripping keeps catching her attention. The four blue sinks with smoky mirrors above them seem to have an issue with water leaking. She rushes to the first leaky sink and turns on the cold water. She starts to splash water on her face and looks at her reflection in the mirror. Was she the only one who saw his eyes change or is she losing her mind? She has so many questions in her head. She tells herself to calm down. She started to count to ten, and when that doesn’t work, she continues on to twenty. Sighing she gives up and turns around to leave, just as the door bursts open and Sean walks in. He is truly beautiful, from head to toe. He has on a dark pair of jeans with holes above his knees. His gray shirt matches his eyes almost perfectly; he was staring at her as if he could see right through to her very soul.

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