Kallos (Kallos Series) (13 page)

Read Kallos (Kallos Series) Online

Authors: Khelsey Jackson

BOOK: Kallos (Kallos Series)
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“Sorry, but they don’t look anything like that. Most of them are really good looking. Our mother is a Fates Demon; she can alter people’s destinies. Our dad is human so we are only half demons”, Sean says, and that explains a lot.

“Is that why your eyes change to black?” Kallos asks, even though she already knows the answer. Sean gives her a slight nod, and she turns towards Ian. “What about you?”

Ian looks away, and she can tell he doesn't want to talk about this. “Sean is older than me, and he got more of the demon blood. My eyes don’t change, and I don’t give off evil vibes. Our parents found out that we’re reincarnated Ares and Apollo,” Ian adds with a quirky smile, not the one that she loves, though. It doesn’t light up his face. Kallos knows she has seen his eye change.

“Okay, so you two are part demon. What about some other people?” She turns to look at Sean. “What about the one girl we saw outside the garden; the girl with short black hair who’s really tall? Something seems different about her,” Kallos thinks she saw that her eyes were all black. Kallos’ mark was burning the whole time they were looking at each other.

“She is a full demon. She is a Succubus. Camilla hasn’t come into her full powers yet, and trusts me, we aren’t looking forward to the day when she does. Sean and I could alter people’s destinies, but it would cost us. Well, I’m not even sure if we could, since we are only half demons. Our mother can if she wants too.”

So, Camilla is a succubus; Sean and Ian are half fates demons; and she is Aphrodite, well, sort of. Kallos’ world has just gotten much more confusing. She doesn’t know where her world starts and where the real world ends.

“Okay, this is too much to take in at once,” Kallos says and starts walking in the direction of home. There has been something really bugging her about her soul-mates thing, and she needs to know the answer, now. “I have another question to ask you guys.” Out of the corner of her eyes she sees both of them glance at her and then quickly look forward. She knows they can feel her discomfort, so she goes right for it. “How do you guys feel about being a part of me forever?” She really needs to know, but is terrified of finding out what they might say. They are both standing about five feet behind her and staring at her. Ian was the first to open his mouth.

“Our parents told us about you, but we didn’t know that we were soul mates until a few days ago. We knew you were Aphrodite and it was your destiny to be with one of us; it’s part of the story. Both of us being your soul mate wasn’t part of the plan, but we will deal with it,” Sean smiles at her. It’s crazy to think that their parents knew about her when she just found out a few days ago. They seem to move in unison to her, and both of their arms encircle her. It's all too much to take in. She wanted to know everything, but she should have taken some time to get used to everything first. Kallos is still stunned about having two soul mates, but seeing how happy that made Ares makes her a little happy.

“I remember the first time our mother showed us a picture of you. You were about eight or so. You looked so cute in your red, puffy dress and a big red bow in your hair,” Ian laughs. She knows what dress he is talking about. It was for her Christmas program, and she had her first solo. “I swear that bow was bigger than your head. When I saw you, Kallos, I gave you a piece of my heart. I know you know that I’ve been with other girls, but they didn’t mean anything to me. It has always been you.” She can feel her heart melting.

“We should start heading home; your dad is going to send a search party for us. He’ll probably send some hounds to hunt us down.” This time when Ian smiles, it lights up his beautiful face, and his gray eyes seem to sparkle with little silver specks even more pronounced by the sun shining on us.

Kallos just shakes her head and starts to walk home. She loves how both of them can turn a tense moment into a fun moment. The thing that scares her the most is that she knows that she is falling in love with both of them. Or, maybe she already did love them. After that thought, she really doesn’t want to talk about anything else. Kallos doesn’t know if they know exactly what she is feeling, but it doesn’t matter. Her dad’s car is already in the driveway, and her mom is waiting for them in the doorway. Kallos knows it’s taken them an extra ten minutes to get home, and she really hopes that won't cause any problems.

This is only the second night for Sean and Ian here, and she doesn’t want to start a fight. Her mom’s face doesn’t show anger; it looks like it always does. She looks loving and happy. Maybe this is a good sign, and the plus is that Kallos doesn’t see her dad anywhere. The boys are walking behind Kallos, as she gives her mom a hug and a kiss. Her mom gives the boys a big smile that reaches her eyes.

“Hello boys. How was your day?” Kallos knows that her mom is asking all of them. It makes her feel good that her mom is including Ian and Sean. They walk in and Kallos can see her dad in the kitchen; he looks right past her and glares at Ian and Sean.

“Oh James, you need to stop. It’s not like they all did the nasty on the way home.”

“Mom!” Kallos screams and the boys start coughing while trying not to laugh. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. She looks at her dad, and he is now standing with his face as red as hers. She doesn't think he’s blushing.

“Oh, it was a joke! James, you need to relax and sit down,” her mom lectures him. To Kallos' amazement, her dad sits down. Slowly, she can see his color come back to normal. Kallos releases the breath she’s been holding, and she hears Sean and Ian do the same. “Well kids, how was your day?” Kallos smiles at her mom. She is so happy her mom is back to her loving self.

“It was great, Mom,” Kallos says with a smile.

“It was good, Mrs. Dean,” Ian says, starting to breathe normally again.

“The same, Mrs. Dean,” Sean says as Kallos' mom gives them a smile and shakes her head.

“I think my daughter’s soul mates can call me by my first name, Brooke,” she chuckles. Ian and Sean just nod to her.

“I’ll be right back; I want to put my stuff away,” Kallos starts to walk to the stairs. As she gets to the top of the stairs, her heart feels like it is going to pound through her chest. She holds on to the railing for support and knows that Sean and Ian will be there. She just hopes that they make it before she falls down the stairs. She tries to take a deep breath, but that makes her chest hurt worse. She tells herself to slow her breathing down.

Kallos’ head just starts to pound, and she is starting to see dark spots in her vision. She knows that she is going to pass out and they still aren’t there to help her. She turns her head, looking for them. There is no one behind her. She opens her mouth to scream, but that is when her eyesight and body give out on her. Kallos can feel herself falling, and she knows that falling down the stairs could kill her. All of a sudden, she feels arms around her waist pulling her into a strong warm body. She doesn’t know who it is, but it really doesn’t matter.


Kallos doesn’t wake up, well not really. She is lying on the grass in the
arden, and she can see three people standing about ten feet from her. Two of them she knows, Ares and Aphrodite, but the other one she hasn't seen before. She can’t see him clearly, but she has a strong feeling he is Apollo. Kallos slowly sits up, and she can still feel a little pain in her head. She must have made a noise because all three of them turn to look at her.

Aphrodite is the only one that walks to Kallos; Ares and Apollo remain where they are. Aphrodite seems to be floating on air; Kallos can see her feet weren’t moving. Aphrodite's holds her hand in front of Kallos' face to help her up; Kallos slowly grabs Aphrodite’s hand. Aphrodite may look small and fragile, but she isn’t when she pulls Kallos up in one strong pull. Now, they are inches away from each other. Aphrodite is taller than Kallos. She looks down at Kallos and smiles warmly at her. Her smile seems to dull the pain in Kallos' head.

“Is that better my dear?” Aphrodite asks, and Kallos has a feeling that she knows it is.

“Yes, but I thought you said that only my soul mate could do that.” Aphrodite grins and lets go of Kallos' hand. That’s when Kallos notices that Ares and Apollo have moved up to them. They are standing right behind Aphrodite; this is the first time Kallos gets a really good look at Apollo.

He has long black hair that is pulled back from his face. His eyes are a striking blue, just like Ian’s. Just then she realizes he is shirtless, nothing more than a loincloth is covering his chiseled chest and abdomen. Kallos forces her eyes to look away from his drool-worthy body to look him in is light blue eyes before she embarrasses herself any further. “So, I hear both of the soul necklaces changed.” Her brain is acting funny, and she has to replay the question he just asked.

“Yes, they put them on at the same time, and they both almost passed out. Then, they both had silver necklaces,” Aphrodite states before Kallos can answer Apollo. Looking back to when Sean and Ian put the necklaces on, Kallos remembers they stopped breathing. She remembers that Aphrodite didn't tell her what would happen, or what would happen if they took off their necklaces.

“Aphrodite, why didn’t you tell me about the necklaces? How it would kill them if they removed it? And why didn’t you tell me that when they took my pain, they would feel it too?” Ares starts to chuckle and Apollo stares at her in astonishment.

“Well, I couldn’t have known that they both would have been your soul mates. Would you have let them take your pain if you have known that it would hurt them too?” Kallos doesn’t say anything because they all know the answer. “That’s what I thought. Do you understand that the change can kill you? It has killed the others, and if you make it, you will be the first one since me. It does help that you have them to help you with the pain. I know that Sean told you that you will still feel the pain and you will. It won’t be like it would have been though. I am sorry I didn’t tell you more about the necklaces, but once again you wouldn’t have given it to them.” Aphrodite is right. Kallos wouldn't have wanted to risk their pain for hers. She feels that since Sean and Ian have met her she has been just taking from them, and they aren’t getting much in return.

“What else don’t I know?” Aphrodite smiles at her and takes Kallos' hand in hers.

“Ares told you that we have waited a long time for all of our souls to be connected. Kallos, it has finally happened. I love Ares and Apollo. I know you have the feelings for Ian and Sean. Learn from me: if you decide to choose one, it won’t be an easy choice. You all will always be connected to both of them no matter what happens. The boys will always feel what you are feeling.” That isn't what Kallos wanted to hear.

She will always be connected to them, and they will always feel what she is feeling. “I want to know what they are feeling too,” Kallos didn’t realize that she said it out loud until she saw the humor on Aphrodite's face.

“That will only happen if you are mated with that person,” Aphrodite responds. Apollo and Ares are smiling at Kallos like they know something.

“How do I mate with them?” Kallos asks. Aphrodite smiles at her and Ares turns around to hide his big smile.

“You must be in love with them and then make love to them.” Just the thought of being in love and making love makes Kallos blush. Her whole body heats up to its peak. “But don’t worry that won’t happen for some time. You have to get through the change before any of that can happen.”

“Is the change going to happen soon?” Kallos asks and looks down. She is frightened about the change. She knows that she will be beating the odds if she lives through it. Kallos looks up as Aphrodite starts to speak.

“Yes, I can feel it beginning now as we speak. This is the easy part of the change; it’s the end that will be very painful.” Kallos is shocked that she is already going through the change. Maybe that’s why she has been having more attacks. “I think you should keep the boys close to you. In a matter of days you will go through your full change.” Then it's a good thing that Sean and Ian just moved in. In a matter of days, Kallos could die. She knows that Aphrodite doesn’t believe she will, but there is still a chance.

“This time will be different. I feel something altered in you this time,” Ares adds confidently.

“Kallos, you need to get back to your body. You're being gone is making everyone nervous,” Aphrodite kisses her cheek. Ares and Apollo smile and wink at her and vanish. She is getting used to them vanishing on her.

Kallos closes her eyes and thinks about home. She thinks of Ian and Sean. Then of her parents and how worried they all are. She can feel herself being pulled to her body. Kallos opens her eyes and is gasping for air. When they hear her gasping, their heads shoot up. Her parents are at the foot of her bed, and she can see the worry on their faces and the tears in their eyes.

“Are you okay?” Sean asks, and Kallos just nods. She doesn’t think she can speak. She really takes a look at them, and doesn't like what she is seeing. Sean looks pale, and he is trembling. Ian doesn’t look any better. She knows that they are taking her pain when she is gone and it makes her feel horrid.

Kallos closes her eyes tightly; she doesn’t want them in pain because of her. Her mom is moving closer to her. Brooke goes around Ian so she is next to Kallos, and Kallos’ dad does the same on the other side. They don't move the boys; Kallos thinks everyone is scared too.

“Sweetie, you need to stop giving me a heart attack. I can only take so much,” her mom says, and Kallos can tell her mom has been crying. Brooke is strong; she doesn’t cry much, so it is heart breaking to see that Kallos has made her cry. Kallos doesn’t want to let go of Ian, so she pushes her face into her mom’s hands.

“KD, are you sure you are all right?” Her dad asks, and she gently turns to look at him. She could never read anything on his face, but at this moment, he is an open book. Kallos can see bags under his eyes, and the concern on his face. Her dad has always been a closet worrier, and her mom always shows you when she is worried.

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