Kaleidoscope Eyes (28 page)

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Authors: Karen Ball

BOOK: Kaleidoscope Eyes
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“Help yourself. It’s in the kitchen.”

He did so, grateful for a reason to grab some alone time. All
this togetherness was starting to get on his nerves. Not because it wasn’t real, but because it was.

And he didn’t entirely understand it.

He lifted the cup to his lips, wandering into the living room, then stopped.

Flowers. Vase after vase of them. Perched all around the room. Well now, that was interesting. Annie kept his flowers.

“Are you hiding in here?”

He turned. Annie stood behind the couch, watching him. He indicated the roses with his coffee mug. “Did you grow all these?”

She chuckled. “Nope. Someone sent them to me.”

He let a tinge of jealousy show. Not a lot, just enough to get the point across. “From anyone I should know about?”

“They’re not even from someone I should know about.”


“They’re from some guy from a reality TV show” She came around the couch, the ever-present Kodi on her heels, and sat down. Jed sank onto the cushion beside her as Kodi circled and settled at Annie’s feet with a deep doggy sigh. Jed couldn’t help but smile. He understood that sigh. Kodi was content so long as she was with Annie.

Jed understood that as well.

Stop it! That’s not the way to focus on the plan, you twit.

“The man’s name was J T, or J P, or E T … ” Her shoulders lifted, eloquent in their dismissal. “Whatever. He wanted Kodi and me to be on his show.”

“Sounds exciting.”

“Not to me.”

Spoken with such conviction. That was not a good sign. “So you weren’t interested? At all?”

She leaned back. “I do what I do with search and rescue because it’s what God calls me to, not because I want recognition. Or to be on TV Besides, I can’t have some stranger following me around and getting in my way while I’m trying to work.” She laid
a hand on Kodi’s head. “And with my luck, Kodi wouldn’t like him. She’d end up snapping at him; he’d probably be a city boy so he’d overreact and say she bit him, and I’d get sued.” She shook her head. “No thanks.”

Annie folded her knees under her, and Jed tilted his head, taking in the picture she made.

Did she know how striking she was? Not just because she was petite and beautiful, or because of those clear eyes that seemed to see right to your soul, but because of the air of inner strength that rested on her.

You were right, Andy. The camera will love this woman.

The camera? Who cared about the camera?

“Hey, you two. I thought you were getting us dessert.”

They both jumped, and Jed wanted to run over and kiss Shelby for interrupting them. For stopping his Benedict Arnold of a mind before it could say those words.

He stood, pulled Annie to her feet, and plastering his best “let’s be social” smile on his face, held out his arm. “Our public awaits, my queen. Shall we retire to the royal gardens for tea and crumpets?”

Annie laid her hand along his arm. “The royal gardens, you say? Indeed, milord, I fear what awaits us is far more the royal pains.”

“Royal pains? I resemble that remark.”

Annie stuck her tongue out at Dan. “And so you should after all you’ve put Jed through tonight.”

Cleary unrepentant, her brother grinned at Jed. “Did I put you through a lot tonight?”

Annie felt Jed’s voice growl deep in his chest. “Heckfire, nothin’ ah couldn’t handle, Shuruff.”

She fought back a laugh, knowing what Dan’s reaction would be. Three … two … one …

“I’m not a sheriff.”

Bingo. Okay, time to get this train on a new track. “What say we go into the kitchen for cake?”

“Finally!” Jayce licked his lips. “And hot chocolate.”

Jed’s hand engulfed hers as they walked, sending warmth up her arm, filling her head to toe.

He leaned his head close. “You have those little marshmallows?”

“Of course.”

He tugged at her hand, and the pressure of his hand on hers both soothed her and made her heart trip just a little. “Well then, dear lady, ‘now go we in content.’”

“You’re in for a treat, Jed.” Jayce was already in the kitchen, pulling mugs from the cupboard and setting them on the center island. “Nobody makes better hot chocolate than Auntie A.”

As they made their way to the kitchen, Annie couldn’t help noticing that, for once, Kodi wasn’t beside her.

Rather, the dog was walking beside Jed.

It was clear: Kodi adored this man. Annie had to admit she wasn’t far behind her dog. For all of her protestations to Kyla about dating, she’d never had much time for relationships with men. But Jed … he was different. Special.

He stepped aside, letting Annie enter the kitchen in front of him. Kodi bumped into Annie trying to get into the room in front of her.

“You big moose!” But she wasn’t really mad. How could she be when Kodi was the one who’d brought her and Jed together?

Kodi sat near the counter, sniffing the floor just in case someone had been thoughtful enough to drop something for her. Annie went to lift the lid on the doggy cookie jar. Kodi started dancing around the kitchen.


“Hang on, you crazy beast.” She drew out a handful of cookies.

body must have been good.” Jayce’s eyes were round. “Look at all those treats.”

Annie took the cookies, doing her best not to trip on the dancing Kodi, and set them on the dog’s cedar bed in the corner of the kitchen. Kodi hopped on the bed and dug in.

Jayce leaned against the wall. “So what’d she do to deserve all that?”

Annie brushed the crumbs off her hands. “That, dear boy, is between me and my dog.”

“Yeah, well it must have been something pretty great.”

Annie found Jed watching her and a smile filled her features as fully as joy filled her heart. “Oh believe me, it was.”


“Art attracts us only by what
it reveals of our most secret self ”


“For we are God’s masterpiece.
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so that we can do the good things
he planned for us long ago.”


nnie hesitated, fingers curled on the large silver door handle. Oh, how she’d been dreading this. But she’d avoided it long enough. Time to buckle down and face the music.

She opened the door and walked inside, immediately taken as always by the elegant ambiance that was Expressions. Killian’s gallery wasn’t just a place where artists showed their work; it was a place where art dwelled. Where it breathed and lived and touched anyone who entered.

It still amazed her to see her own works displayed here, in an alcove with her name over the entrance. Whatever hassles she had to endure from Killian, she needed to remember how much she owed him.

“Well, to what do I owe this surprise?”

She drew in a deep breath, then turned to face her less-than-pleased friend. “Hey, Killie.”

“Keep your heys to yourself. Where’s my window?”

She bit back the sharp response.
window is in my studio. I’m working on it.”

“Oh? You mean you’ve actually carved out time in between jaunts to the mountains and trysts with the new man in your life?”

“Killian, be fair.”

Ryan came up from behind them, stepping past Killian to put his arms out and give Annie a warm hug. When he turned back to Killian, he kept one arm around Annie. “You know you don’t mean the awful things you say to Annie, so why on earth do you even say them?”

Killian’s features darkened for a moment, and Annie thought he’d surely blow a gasket. Then as suddenly as they appeared, the dark clouds dissipated from his features. He waved his hands in the air. “Oh, fine! You’re right, Ryan. Of course, you’re right.” He brushed Ryan aside and drew Annie into a tight hug.

She wasn’t sure if she should be relieved or just a bit frightened by the sudden change. Then Killian took hold of her shoulders and set her at arm’s length.

“I’m sorry, Annie. I’ve been a real jerk about this. I just … ” He dropped his hands. “I don’t know. I guess I was jealous.”

Surprise struck her mute for a moment. “Jealous? Killie, of what?”

“I think I can answer that.” Ryan put a hand on his boss’s shoulder. “Killian has considered himself your primary support and encouragement for a lot of years, Annie.”

She gave a slow nod. “Because he has been.”

“Right. But with someone new in your life now, someone with a romantic connection, that’s going to change.”

She stared at Ryan, then at Killian. “What? Why? Surely you don’t think our friendship will change just because I fall in … in … ”

The expression on Killian’s face said it all. He did think that. And if she was honest with herself, she’d admit he was right. For all of Killian’s persnickety ways, she’d leaned on him for years. But now it wasn’t Killian she wanted to talk with when she was troubled or happy or even just thoughtful.

It was Jed.

She went forward to take her friend’s hands in her own. “Oh, Killie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think … ”

He looked down at their joined hands, then back up at her. “I know, Annie.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything.” He squeezed her hands, then let her go. “I understand. Completely But understanding doesn’t make it any easier to accept.” As though unable to endure the tenor of their conversation another moment, Killian spun on his heel and headed toward the back of the gallery. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must get back to unpacking the shipment that came in today.”

Annie barely got a good-bye out before he vanished into the back rooms. She stood there, staring after her friend, as miserable as she could remember being in a long time.

A hand on her shoulder told her Ryan was still there.

“He’ll be okay, Annie. He still has your art. And no one can replace him in that.”

“No. He can’t.”

Ryan nodded. “Right. Everything will work out if you just give him time.”

“Ryan, get in here! I can’t do this by myself, you know!”

At the bellow from the back room, Ryan’s smile turned a shade longsuffering. “The master calls, and I must answer.”

“How do you stand it, Ryan? I mean, I love the man. But he can be a total pain sometimes.”

Ryan crossed his arms. “Killian’s a genius at what he does, and I need to learn from him. I can put with up a lot from geniuses.”

“I’m glad someone can.”

He started toward the back rooms. “Give us a call when you’re done with our window, Annie.”


Apparently, Annie thought as she turned to leave the gallery, Ryan was already learning way too much.


“Do not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there.”


“You will have courage because you will have hope.
You will be protected and will rest in safety.”



1:30 p.m.

“ ’Nother story, Mommy”

Amberly’s request was delivered by way of a huge yawn, and Brianna stroked her little girls hair back as they lay together in the chaise lounge chair. It was a beautiful autumn day. The sky was clear, and the sun was just warm enough to make them drowsy.

She fought not to echo her little girl’s yawn. “Are you sure, sweetie? Wouldn’t you rather take a nap? You seem awful sleepy.”

Amberly forced her heavy eyelids open. “No, I’m not. Please?”

“Okay Do you want to hear about another angel, or shall I tell you about some of the animals in the woods around us?”

“Angel.” Amberly snuggled up against Bree, her eyelids drifting shut. “I love stories ’bout angels.” Her eyes flew open. “Oh! I know! Tell me ’bout Noah’s angel.”

Noah’s angel? “I’m not sure I know about that one, honey.”

Amberly sat up. “Sure you do, Mommy. You told me all ’bout him. Michael, the ark angel.”

Bree clamped down the giggle trying to escape. “Oh,
ark angel.” She’d correct her daughter later. What mattered most right now wasn’t correct pronunciation, but this precious time they had together. “Michael was the strongest, most courageous of all angels … ”

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