Read Kade (NSC Industries) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Kade (NSC Industries) (21 page)

BOOK: Kade (NSC Industries)
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I lifted my bottom towards him when he cupped it in his
hands and kissed over the rise of each cheek. “You have the most amazing arse
I’ve ever seen.”

To be honest, I didn’t care, I just needed something –
anything from him and I pushed upwards and peered down at him, “Take it.”

I didn’t miss the smile that lifted his lips but he
unexpectedly pushed against me and lifted my backside high in the air.

The long groan I released was feral when he licked at my
anus and I shivered when he wet his tongue further and continued to moisten me
in readiness. I whimpered when he moved but then flinched in surprise when his
lips wrapped around my clit and he started to suck gently. He slid a finger
inside me and started to smear my juices around and up to my bottom as he began
to flick relentlessly at my nub.

My body was juddering forcefully with each brush of his
tongue and I lowered my face into the mattress as I just let him carry me
towards the edge. “Ahh fuck!” I growled when he slid his little finger in my
anus and another finger in my pussy.

“Oh yeah. So tight, Grace.”

He started to work me harder, both fingers pushing and
pulling harder and faster until I could see the horizon start to form behind my
eyes and my muscles tightened in preparation for the tremor that would soon
take over.

And then he pulled out completely.


“What the fuck!” I gasped as my lower lip trembled and my
body screamed in agony.

“On your knees.”

I stared at him as I tried to distinguish between what he
had asked and why he would just leave me on the edge. “What?”

“On – your – knees, sweetheart.”

My mouth was opening and closing like a damn guppy’s but
I started to shift myself until I was knelt on the mattress before him. He
remained still as he just gazed at me and took his erection in his hand. “Do
you want my cock, Grace?”

What sort of bloody question was that?

He leaned further towards me when I didn’t answer him and
took my chin in his grasp, tilting my head harshly backwards until I was locked
onto his eyes. “You want my cock, then you work for it.  I told you, patience
is a virtue, Grace. Learn some and you will be rewarded.”

I licked at my lips when the scent of his cock filtered
through my senses and made my pussy weep with want.


He placed a finger at my lips to silence me, “I told you
before, I command mercilessly. You want to feel good, you want to hit the
heavens with pleasure then I will give you that but only when I say so and only
if you deserve it.”

I nodded in answer as my body surged in lust and dark carnal
thoughts. I wanted to be good but I also wanted to be bad to see what my
punishment would be. I needed him desperately and I clenched my thighs to
provide the slightest stimulation to my clit.

“Yes.” I would say yes to anything right now as his cock
rested inches from my mouth and his hand worked his foreskin slowly up and


He made me watch him for a while as he masturbated in
front of me, causing my arousal to start dripping down the inside of my thighs.
I had never been so damn horny in my life and I swore if he sunk inside me
right then, I’d have come on the spot.

The flare in his eyes alerted me that he was ready and I
kept my eyes trained on him as I dropped my jaw and opened my mouth for him.

He hissed between his teeth when he plunged straight to
the back of my throat and I wrapped my lips around him. His hands came to my
head and he fisted my hair as I started to goad him with my tongue, teasing his
shaft with light little touches but nothing more.

He pulled out completely and as I inclined forward to keep
him there he shook his head, “Play nice.”

I smiled wickedly at him and he brought his crown across
my lips, smearing me with a copious amount of pre-cum. “Taste me, sweetheart.”

I put my tongue out and he flicked his cock up and over
it, treating me to his delicious flavour without allowing me too much due to my
teasing. “Are you going to behave now?”

“Yes sir.”

He smirked and chuckled but then bit his lower lip as he
drove inside my mouth once more. This time I sucked him like he deserved; my
plunges deep and firm but then relaxing as I withdrew. I took his balls in my
hand and tickled them with my nails as I cupped and massaged them. His head
tilted back as he started to drive harder into me, his hips rocking hard and
when I slipped a finger across his perineum, he shifted his legs further apart,
inviting me to play with his ass.

“Fuck” he snarled when I started to entertain his tight
hole with my finger, teasing it and softly rubbing against it.

“I want to fuck you” I told him as I looked up at him
with pleading eyes.

He cupped my cheek and smiled lazily, “Soon, but right
now I’m going to fuck
.” He bent towards me and took the lobe of my
ear between his teeth, “Hard, until you forget who you are and beg me to scream
your name.”

I nearly passed out.


“Lie on your stomach and put a pillow under you to
protect your ribs.”

I did as he asked, pulling the pillow from the top of the
bed and bringing it under me for protection. I had a feeling I was going to
need it.

I shivered with expectancy as I heard him rip open a
condom packet and then settle above me. “I’m going to take you hard, Grace.
Perhaps we will need that safeword after all.”

“Nah, just fuck me.”

He snorted then lifted my bottom high again and slammed
home. His long, wide cock filled me completely but I was so wet he slid inside
me easily and we both groaned simultaneously when the joining brought a wave of
bliss coursing through us.

“Fuck sweetheart, you’re burning.”

“That’s cos I’m hot.” I winked at him over my shoulder
but gasped when he slid out and smashed back in, his pelvis hitting my clit
head on and firing a shot of ecstasy through my system.

“Shit!” I pushed back as he retreated slowly, my body
involuntary begging for more when he took away my pleasure.

His hands grasped my hips and held me still, “Patience,

I rolled my eyes but groaned deeply when he rammed back
in and ground his hips against me, his cock then stretching my pussy
deliciously, “Oh God, yes, again.” I begged, unashamed of my pleas as my
arousal dominated all my inhibitions and let me take everything.

He pulled out so slowly my arse followed him as I tried
to keep his cock inside me for as long as possible but he manipulated all of my
movements when he pushed me flat into the mattress. “Are you ready for it

“Yes!” I virtually screamed at him. My senses were
becoming overloaded as my brain frazzled under the deluge of pheromones
coursing through my blood. Every single hair on my body was stood on end as
they anticipated the energy to fire around my body and my pussy clenched around
his cock ready for his onslaught to begin.


He started to move, rhythmically but slowly at first, and
then he increased both the pressure and the pace until he was fucking me so
hard my whole body was shifting up the mattress with each of his hard thrusts.

He gripped my hair and pulled my head back until his
mouth was on my neck, “Hard enough?”

“No!” I shouted. “You know how I like it. Give it me.”

My wrist and ribs were screaming at me but not as loudly
as my need for release and I bucked back against him, “Harder Kade, make me

All I could hear was his laboured breathing as he grabbed
my hands and forced me to hold onto the headboard before he brought his whole
body above me and mounted me completely. “You asked for it, Grace, so you’re
gonna get it.”

“YES!” I screamed as he drove into me so hard, the pain
from the force of him erupted with tiny lights behind my eyes and I yelped in
surprise, “God yes! More!”

He was grunting and moaning hard and as he enclosed my
hands with his own, the position drove him so deep I choked on the groan that
was being forced from my throat with every thrust.

His cock pounded at me fiercely as we both let go and
became almost feral. He bit me as I moved my hands over his, digging my nails
into the back of them and closed my teeth on the flesh of his forearm. He
shifted his hands to the middle of the headboard for protection when my head
started to bounce off it and I surprised myself when I started to growl

“Come on baby, let me feel your cum.”

I didn’t think it would be possible for him to thrust any
harder but he did and on his deepest push I exploded wildly under him.

“Oh Fuck… Oh yeah…” he cried out as I felt him jerk
inside me and we came hard together, both our bodies shaking and juddering

“Grace… Fuck, Grace…” he snarled as he continued to
climax brutally whilst my orgasm gripped me aggressively and I let out a silent
scream, my whole body constricting cruelly.


“Grace, Grace, Grace…” He breathed into my ear as his
body came down from the high. He manoeuvred me until I was curled into his side
and he wrapped my tightly in his arms, “Fuck, I love you.”

I chuckled at his harsh tone but then placed a kiss to
his chest, “Shit, I love you more.”

He laughed but brought his mouth to my forehead and held
his lips softly against me. “Impossible,” he whispered seriously.


Chapter Twenty Five

I watched her whilst she slept, the rise and fall of her
chest mesmerising my eyes as her tranquil state made her beauty all the more
effortless. Her long blond hair curled around her elegant neck and her eyes
flicked back and forth behind her lids as she dreamt beside me.

She moaned faintly and her brow creased as something her
imagination was expressing disturbed her but she settled down quickly and let
out a deep sigh.

I shifted from under her, laying her back down on the bed
gently so not to disturb her and pulled on my jeans. I glanced back as I opened
the door and my body involuntary relaxed when my eyes feasted on her.


She had told me she loved me. She had said the words I
had never ever expected to hear from her. Grace was very much the independent, self-reliant
woman and I had feared she wouldn’t let that side of her free, but damn when
she had, the whole of my body had exploded in a shiver so extreme my heart
actually stuttered inside my chest and my soul seemed to electrify inside me.


I couldn’t seem to get a handle on why this… why Grace,
felt different to Ava. Yes, they were both beautiful women but with Grace there
was something that seemed to… God, I couldn’t explain it, nor could I
understand it but it was hugely distinct and like nothing I’d felt before. It
was like my soul
her, like the inside of me connected with her; as
though she had been created specifically for me, just for me.

She was mine.


I wandered around the dark of the large house as I tried
to find the kitchen but my ears pricked when I heard a familiar voice.

“Are you sure?”


Mason was smiling at Ava when I entered the room and they
both turned to look at me, “Everything okay?” Ava asked as she stood up and
started to fill the kettle.

“Yeah,” I returned her smile and turned to Mason. “What
are you doing here?”

He inhaled heavily and rubbed his fingers across his
forehead as he pursed his lips, “Marcus has gone missing.”


He shrugged and took the cup Ava offered him as I took
mine and smiled gratefully. “Grant phoned me. He didn’t want to handle Grace on
his own when she found out.”

I scoffed and nodded but then grimaced, “Fuck. She’ll
blame me for this.”

“Why?” Ava asked as she sat opposite me and looked at me
with a slight sadness.

“Because I told her he’d be fine whilst I…” It felt wrong
to tell them and I halted mid-sentence with a grimace but Ava smiled and
reached across the table and covered my hand with hers.

“Kade, I’m… we’re happy for you. I know you love her and
I…” She sighed heavily then gave me a soft smile, “I hurt you so much, Kade, I know
I did and you have no idea how much that pains me, even now.”

“No, Ava…”

She held up her hand to silence me before she carried on,
“I took from you without thinking of how our relationship would hurt many
people. I am lucky, so bloody lucky that Mason forgave me for what I did but
you, I need you to forgive me now, Kade. But most of all, you need to forgive
yourself and take what Grace can give you.”

The pain in her face was torturing and I nodded as I took
her hand and gave it a small squeeze, “Ava, you know I will always love you…”

Can someone please tell me why life always decides to
throw you to the dogs when everything finally seems to be going okay?


Mason coughed and as I lifted my eyes I saw Grace stood
in the doorway chewing on her lip rapidly as she watched me. I knew the action
was to stop her tears when she had heard what I had said to Ava.

“Please finish, don’t let me stop you.” Her voice was
raspy and choked and I stood up quickly.

“Grace, that wasn’t…”

She laughed bitterly, “No, it never is.”

“No,” I said more sternly as I moved towards her. “It
really wasn’t. You didn’t let me finish that sentence.”

She smirked but it was full of agony and I reached
towards her but she flinched and moved back, “Don’t. And you don’t need to now
change the ending to that sentence. Please, continue. I’ll leave you to it.”

She turned and walked off but as I tried to follow, Mason
grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. “Leave her for a while until she’s calmed
down. She won’t listen to you until her anger has subsided.”


“Mason’s right, Kade. Let her head tell her what she
properly heard before her imagination blows it out of proportion.”

BOOK: Kade (NSC Industries)
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