Read Kade (NSC Industries) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Kade (NSC Industries) (11 page)

BOOK: Kade (NSC Industries)
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“Come here” he whispered softly as he held out a hand to
me. He could read me, could see the apprehension I had but his gentle tone
flowed through me like an internal caress, easing my muscles and nerves

I placed my hand hesitantly in his and let him pull me up
his body until I was lazily laid out on top of him, both of our bodies fitting
against the others perfectly. He cupped my chin and tilted my face until I was
looking into his bright blue eyes, “One thing.”

I didn’t speak as I let my gaze roam over his handsome face,
fighting with myself over whether I could do this. Whether I could pleasure him
like I wanted to but I eventually gave him a small nod.

“I let you do this; then tomorrow it’s my turn to take
you how

I frowned, not entirely understanding his statement but
his eyes held onto me, demanding my yield and sanction, yet the way he looked
at me gave me the trust I needed from him, “Okay but…”

He tipped his head at the hesitation in my voice, “Go

“Well, what… I just don’t understand the relationship we
have here.”

He quirked a brow and smiled at me. “We don’t have a
relationship, Beaumont. We’re just having sex.”

Right, okay that settled the nerves in my stomach. I
could do just sex, in fact I was happier with just sex. I didn’t particularly
like him but even I conceded that he had just given me the best fuck of my life
and I nodded as I relinquished my worry and just let myself go with it, “Okay
then. I want to do this.”


“Sit up.” His order came suddenly and I blinked at him, “Sit
up and cross your legs like you’re meditating.”

I shuffled into position, cringing slightly as the pose
put my pussy on display openly but the hunger in Kade’s eyes as he studied me,
the appreciation as well as arousal in his eyes as he explored me with his
gaze, fired a need between my legs and in my blood stream. “Do you even realise
how fucking beautiful you are?”

I squirmed with his compliment and my face flushed vibrantly
but he didn’t comment as he crawled over to me, his thick cock straining upwards
towards his belly and I swallowed the whimper before my lips released it.

I gasped when he straddled himself over my bent legs, his
knees locking beside my hips as his cock slipped against my pussy. This time
the whimper did escape but Kade just took hold of my hand and brought it to his
mouth. He singled out my middle finger and slid it between his lips, sucking it
into his mouth as he twirled his tongue around it.

My breathing was becoming ragged as I watched him taste
and devour my finger, his eyes secured on mine as he worked me into a state of
high arousal. “Let’s see if you’re ready.”

He took my finger, lowered it between us and finding my
entrance dripping, he slid it inside me and I arched my back as the pleasure
rode my veins. “Oh yeah, you’re definitely ready. You’re hotter than Hades and
fucking drenched.”

I groaned when he swirled my finger around inside me then
removed it, pulling my hand away from myself as I scowled at him. “Are you wet
for me, Grace? Is that all for me; is that what I do to you?”

I nodded as he slid my hand behind him and positioned my wet
finger against his anus. I looked at him nervously as he gave me a slight nod,
“Do it! Take me. I want you to make me come hard, Grace.”

I pushed against him, slowly and gently entering his
tightness, my own arousal on my finger making the journey slick and generally
easy but I paused when his face darkened and his jaw clenched, making him pull
air noisily through his teeth, “Am I hurting you?”

He snorted and shook his head, “No sweetheart, far from
it. Keep going.”

I ventured deeper and he shivered against me as his hands
rose and he cupped my breasts, lowering his mouth and trapping my nipple
between his lips so he could suckle me as I fucked him. “Harder, don’t worry
about hurting me. I’m quite experienced at this.” He wasn’t mocking me, just
telling me he could handle it as I pulled out and pushed back in, starting up a
regular rhythm as I drove the pleasure on his face higher and higher.

He reached around me, taking the hand that I was resting
on the floor and wrapped it around his dick, curling my fingers around his
thick shaft as he peered up at me from my chest. I held him tight as I began to
stroke him, pulling his foreskin back as my finger in his backside pulled out.

We were soon working a pace and I nearly cried in relief when
he slid his fingers inside me and started to match my pattern, simultaneously
driving into my pussy with his fingers as mine drove into his ass hard, two
fingers now giving him the pleasure I could read in him. My other hand worked
his cock relentlessly, driving him harder and nearer to his release until he started
to drive his arse harder onto my hand and take bites into my breast harshly.

“Come for me, Kade. Please.”

He groaned deeply and the shiver that racked his body
brought my own climax as his spunk shot across my belly in arcs of thick heavy
spurts, the sticky cream making patterns across my pale skin as it pumped over me.

Ahh shit
,” he growled as he took a clump of my
hair and forced my head to one side so he could latch his teeth into my neck
and bite his way through his intense orgasm. I didn’t let on I enjoyed the
pain. There was something slightly shaming in it but he must have known when
another tidal wave of bliss tore through my body and took me mercilessly with
its intensity until I screamed his name and juddered violently.

His head flopped onto my shoulder and I eased my fingers
out of him, tentatively placing them around his back as I enclosed him within
me and held him.

I wasn’t sure why it seemed important to hold him, I was
just aware that I needed to and I sensed that he wanted it too.


We stayed motionless and quiet, clinging to each other
tightly as the only sound in the room was our heavy breathing but something in
me needed to fuck up as usual. There had always been something in me that had
fought to find the hard way. I could never take the easy route through life; I
had to hunt out the difficult and most troublesome way to live my life and I
could feel it rise in me, but I couldn’t stop it as it flowed from me in the
need to obliterate any peace I found.

“How long have you been in love with Ava?”

I almost slapped myself when it fluently spewed from my
mouth and he stiffened, his whole body going taut and the wrath that flooded
the room made me shudder.

“I’m sorry” I whispered but it was too late.  He pulled
off and stood up as he refused to even look at me.

“You know…” I wasn’t sure he was going to finish as he
clenched his fist and looked at the wall. “It’s actually none of your fucking
business. I honestly didn’t realise how much of a bitch you actually are, until
now.” His eyes finally lowered to me and I grimaced at the hatred in them, “You
know nothing Beaumont, fuck all, and until you do, don’t fucking judge me.”

With that he turned and slowly left the room, leaving me
with all his hatred as well as my own, the enormity of it nearly choking me.


Chapter Eleven

I could hear voices in the kitchen before I entered and I
pulled in a heavy breath as I tapped my fingers on my thigh. I was nervous about
facing Beaumont. I had called her a bitch. Absolutely despicable and way too
melodramatic, after all, all she had asked was a simple question and the hurt
look she displayed when I tore into her had refused me any sleep the previous

 I walked in; silencing the room immediately as Beaumont
glanced at me then quickly diverted her eyes. Mona stood regarding me curiously
but she wasn’t my concern.

“Can I have a word?”

“Yeah,” She smiled at me so I was hopeful but as we
walked out of the room I could sense her hesitancy. “Listen, Kade I’m sorry for…”

I shook my head at her and took hold of her hand, linking
her long fingers through mine when her guilt stuttered in her voice. “No, I am.
I shouldn’t have said what I said and there’s no excuse for it, you just caught
me off guard and I… well, I didn’t have time to react appropriately.”

She nodded and exhaled heavily. “Well, I needed to talk
to you anyway. I, uhh, well we need to back off. I shouldn’t have slept with
you, you’re my detail and Mason’s my client and I um, I apologise for over
stepping the line.”

I stared at her. Was she fucking serious?

“You’re sorry for over stepping the line?” I scoffed
angrily, “Jesus Christ Beaumont, you didn’t force me to fuck you.”

She recoiled slightly and I cursed inwardly at my lack of
sensitivity, “Shit, I didn’t mean it to sound that harsh.”

“No.” She swallowed and pulled her shoulders back as she
shook her head sternly, “It’s just that, I can’t do… that anymore. I have a job
to do and if I’m… with you then I’m putting you at risk as I compromise your
protection. I can’t do that Kade, I
do that!”

“Is this you talking or the job?”

She frowned but I noticed the flash of something in her
eyes, denial maybe but she turned away, “Both.”

I scoffed and shook my head, grabbing hold of her wrist
before she could walk away any further. “Bullshit. I know you felt it. You
me, just like I
you. We connected, Grace Beaumont. We fit together
damn fucking well. Your sweet little pussy was moulded for my dick, so don’t
tell me you’re walking away from this because of something personal cos’ that’s

She spun round to face me, her face tight with ire and
passion and fuck, if my dick didn’t harden with the fire that took over her.
The fight in her eyes heated my blood and I braced myself for what was to come.
“We fucked, Kade. We didn’t
anything, apart from sex.”

I nodded slowly and pursed my lips, stepping into her but
she stood her ground and looked slightly up at me, her own height putting her
just a few inches under me. “Let me just explain something about me, Beaumont.
I don’t do relationships, neither do I do romance or hearts and flowers. What I
do, do is fuck; hard, avidly and fucking
as you so delicately
put it. I fuck women, I fuck men and now and then I fuck them both together and
yesterday I fucked you. So yes, I agree, we
just fucked
but don’t deny
that we fucked
cos’ that’s utter shit, sweetheart and you
know it.”

I watched the bob in her throat as she gulped profoundly.
“Then let’s leave it at phenomenal before the spark dies out and we’re left
with marginally great.”

I barked out a sarcastic laugh when she pulled away as
Mona walked into the hall with Grace’s phone. She held it up and from the look
in her eye I could tell it wasn’t just a regular call. Grace shook her head
rapidly but Mona shrugged, “He knows you’re here. He heard the two of you
arguing.” She grimaced awkwardly as she disclosed that she had heard everything
between us and I glanced at Grace, frowning at how pale she had become.

“Hey, you okay?”

She blinked hard and nodded, “Yes.”

“Are you sure?” I asked slowly as I noticed the brace her
body had taken on. She was rigid with tension and I could physically feel her

“Yes!” She barked as she stormed across the room, whipped
the phone out of Mona’s hand and disappeared into a room under the staircase.


“What’s in there?” I asked Mona as we both watched the
door close with a slam.


She didn’t offer anything more and I rolled my eyes at
her furtiveness. “And…”

Her brow creased and she looked at me in confusion as I
released a huff of frustration. “Is everybody here in a conspiracy? Who was on
the phone?”

I watched as her eyes scanned me slowly, her head tipped
to the side slightly as she exhibited a look of contempt and disapproval. Her lip
sneered with obvious disgust and I quirked a brow at her, “I am quite positive
that whoever is on the phone wanted Grace, not you. So therefore, that’s
Grace’s business, not yours Mr Hamilton.”

I squinted at her but she held my gaze with quite a
frosty one of her own. “I’m sure you liked me when I arrived.”

She scoffed loudly and then turned back towards the
kitchen. “I did, Mr Hamilton. Then you got too forward with Grace and way to
nosey for your own good,” she stated as she continued on her way and





God, I was bored stiff. Being trapped in a house, fair
dos an extra-large one, wasn’t as much fun as it sounded, even if I was trapped
in alongside a body made for sex.

Every time I looked at Grace I wanted to rip off her
clothes, part her legs and sink deep inside her. It was like she was taunting
me every time she walked past, each time her face lit with her laughter at
something Mona or I had said or the way her beauty amplified when her stunning smile
appeared. Her unique scent of something floral and something muskily sexy was
driving me crazy, the aroma billowing around her and filling the air with a
reminder of how amazing her soft skin tasted.


I sat at the kitchen table watching her move around the
room. She seemed to glide. She didn’t walk, she floated.

I rolled my eyes at my thoughts, I was becoming a pussy
as far as Grace was concerned and I tutted too loudly, making the women turn to
look at me. “You okay?” Grace asked and I shrugged.


She nodded and then screwed up her eyes as if debating
something. “You fancy coming to pick a tree?”

Both Mona and I were out of our seats like kids on
Christmas morning, both of us nodding excitedly as Grace laughed happily. “I’ll
take that as a yes.”

We both nodded eagerly but she turned to me with quite a
serious expression. “You stay by my side and promise me, if anything kicks off
you’ll do as you’re told.”

BOOK: Kade (NSC Industries)
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