Justice for Boone: Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes, Book 6 (15 page)

BOOK: Justice for Boone: Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes, Book 6
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ayden tried
to calm her nerves as Boone pulled down the long driveway at Hatcher Farms. They’d had a fantastic night. Boone had made reservations at Aldo’s Ristorante Italiano…one of the best, and most romantic, restaurants in San Antonio. The meal was fantastic, and they’d talked easily about everything under the sun.

Somehow Boone had made her comfortable enough to open up about how it felt growing up always trying to make her dad proud of her, even though she was female. Boone talked about his parents and how the farm and the business had been their dream, and while he knew his dad had hoped he’d want to take it on someday, he hadn’t pressed.

Boone talked more about his cattle business. The pedigree of the bulls was amazing, almost as amazing as how Boone
the pedigree of every bull and cow on his property. He reassured her that his cattle weren’t raised for beef, but admitted that when they were sold, he had no control over what other farmers did with them.

Hayden was sad at that, but Boone quickly changed the subject and let her talk about her job. And for once, with someone who wasn’t already affiliated with law enforcement, Boone seemed genuinely interested in her stories, and not just to hear the gory details.

After they’d eaten, Boone had led her back to the truck and driven off, once again not telling her where they were going. They’d ended up at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, where the San Antonio Symphony was hosting a concert. Hayden hadn’t expected it, and she was ashamed of herself for pigeonholing Boone. The symphony wasn’t exactly Hayden’s first choice of entertainment, but it went well with her mood for the night. She was dressed up, Boone was dressed up, it seemed right to be attending the symphony together.

They’d sat next to each other and listened to the hauntingly beautiful music, but Hayden was hyperaware of Boone every second. He’d started out with one arm around her shoulders and had played with her hair. Eventually he’d moved his arm and put his hand on her leg just above her knee. His thumb rubbed back and forth and Hayden tried not to squirm in her chair.

Slowly, his fingers moved until they were resting on her upper inner thigh. Not high enough to be inappropriate, but high enough that Hayden’s breathing increased and she could feel her nipples grow taut.

Over the last month and a half, they’d made out several times. Boone’s hands had wandered under her clothes more than once. She’d felt his erection against her core, and once they’d even brought each other to climax over the phone while they were both lying in their own beds. She’d never thought Boone would be into phone sex, hell, hadn’t thought
would be into it, but in the end, it was amazing.

But there was something extremely intimate about Boone’s hand resting on her almost bare leg, in public, when Hayden knew darn well what she hoped they’d be doing later that night.

Boone hadn’t said a word, but the small smile on his face as he’d pretended to concentrate on the musicians gave him away.

He’d asked when they were back in the truck if she wanted to go to his place, and Hayden had agreed. She didn’t have any clothes, or any toiletries, but Boone reassured her he had something she could sleep in if she wanted, and an extra toothbrush. Hayden decided having to wear her black dress home the next day would be the best “walk of shame” she’d ever do if it meant she’d spent the night in Boone’s bed.

Boone pulled into his garage and cut off the engine and turned to her. He’d been quiet on the way back to his place, and he made Hayden nervous. “Stay put. I’ll come around.”

Hayden nodded and watched as he stepped out and shut his door. She kept her eyes on him as he strode around the front of the vehicle with a single-minded purpose. He opened her door and instead of giving her his hand to help her out, he stepped into the space between the seat and the door.



“Turn toward me.”

Hayden did. Boone stepped back just enough for her right leg to get by him, then he stepped forward again, into her space, so her legs were now spread around his body. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her to the edge of the seat. Her skirt slid up but she ignored it, concentrating instead on the feel of Boone between her thighs. Hayden’s hands rested on his shoulders. They were almost eye to eye; with her sitting in the high cab of the truck and him standing, they were a perfect height.

Boone leaned down and buried his face in the side of her neck and Hayden tilted her head to the side to give him room.

“God, you smell magnificent, Hay. You have no idea how hard it was for me to be a gentleman all night. I wanted to drag you under that pretty white tablecloth in the restaurant and flip your skirt up and take you from behind. And at the symphony? I had to physically restrain myself from pushing my hand under your dress and fingering you until you came apart.”

He lifted his head and ran one hand over her head. “You’re beautiful, and I’m thankful as fuck you’re here with me. I want you. Will you let me make you feel good tonight? Let me show you how beautiful and womanly you are.”

Hayden gave him a small nod. “I want that. And I had some fantasies of my own tonight as well.”

Boone smiled widely at her. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I thought about how that table in the restaurant was perfect for me slipping under and going down on you right there. I haven’t really wanted to do that before, but with you…I have a feeling it’d be a completely different experience. The long tablecloth would’ve hidden what I was doing, and we were tucked back into that corner…”

“Jesus.” Boone’s voice was guttural. His hands eased down her body, coming to rest on her thighs, which were spread wide around his body. Without a word, he kept eye contact but eased his hands up and under her skirt, stopping only when he encountered the tops of her hose. He played with the elastic there for a moment before holding his hands still and taking a deep breath.

“Come to bed with me?”

Hayden had no idea why his words sounded unsure. She hastened to reassure him. “Yes, Boone. Hell yes.” She thought he’d step back and give her room, but instead he put his hands at the small of her back and pulled her even closer. Her skirt now barely covering her, Hayden grabbed onto his shoulders and tried not to blush.

“Hold on, Hay.”

She wasn’t ready when he hefted her and turned away from the seat. She quickly linked her ankles together behind his back and circled his neck with her arms. She felt him move one arm below her ass to hold her more securely against him. He used the other arm to grab her purse, then shut the door of the truck. He easily carried her through the garage and into his house. Without stopping, he went straight for his room. Every step jostled them, and pushed Hayden deeper into Boone.

By the time he got to the master bedroom, Hayden felt ready to explode. Boone eased her down his body until she was standing once again. He ran his hands down her sides once more, pushing her dress back down over her thighs. “Go do what you have to in the bathroom, but don’t take off even one piece of clothing. I want you back out here exactly as you are right now. Okay?”

Hayden nodded enthusiastically. She might be unsure about how good she was at the whole sex thing, but she wanted this. Badly. She hurried into the bathroom and did her thing. Before going back out into Boone’s bedroom, she looked in the mirror, almost not recognizing herself.

Her face was flushed with excitement and her hair was hanging wildly around her shoulders. Hayden could see her chest moving up and down with her increased breaths and her cleavage, made possible by the magic bra, made her look at least a size and a half bigger. She was ready, more than ready for Boone.

She opened the bathroom door and had only taken one step back into his room when she stopped dead.

Boone was standing by his bed waiting for her…wearing nothing but a pair of dark gray boxer briefs.


h my God

Boone smirked, but didn’t move except to hold out his hand. “Come here, Hay.”

Hayden was frozen to the spot. Boone was absolutely gorgeous. She’d known he would be, but the reality was so much better than what she’d imagined. She wasn’t a prude. She’d seen more than her fair share of naked bodies—it was hard not to when you worked in law enforcement—but Boone’s body was perfection.

Okay, it wasn’t perfect. He was forty, not twenty, but it was obvious he took care of himself.

His legs were long and his thighs were thick and muscular. He had slight love handles, very slight, but it didn’t take away from his Greek God looks. He had a light smattering of hair on his chest and she could see the muscles in his upper abdomen clench as he waited for her.

He had well-formed pectoral muscles, no man boobs there, that was for sure. His biceps were large, like his thighs. Probably from wrestling steers and calves all day. Finishing her perusal of his body in general, Hayden’s eyes dropped back to his groin.

Dear God in heaven. He was excited, she could clearly see that. The tip of his cock was peeking out over the waistband of his boxers. The briefs left nothing to her imagination and she could even see his balls outlined in the dark material.

“Hayden.” Her name was said in a short and amused tone. He repeated, his hand still stretched out toward her. “Come. Here.”

Hoping she wouldn’t fall on her face, Hayden took a step toward him. Then another, then another. Feeling steadier, she finally looked at Boone’s face. His lips were curled into a small smile and she swore if eyes could actually twinkle, that’s what his were doing.

A small, wide step stool was sitting on the floor next to the bed, and she took a moment to wonder why, the mattress was tall, but Boone was too. There was no way he needed the extra inches to be able to get into bed.

Her thoughts about the stool disappeared as she stopped in front of Boone and stood still, waiting. Waiting for him to do…something. She felt a bit weird being fully dressed while he was mostly…not.

His hand came up and rested on the side of her neck and Hayden tilted her head almost without thought, trapping his hand against her.

“Remember what I said earlier tonight?”

“You said a lot of things, Boone. What specifically am I remembering?”

He smiled at her snarkiness and his other hand came up and brushed over her hair, as it seemed he loved to do. “When I told you I wanted to take you in this dress.”

Hayden nodded, her mouth suddenly dry.

“I know I also told you the first time we’d make love, I’d take my time and learn your body inch by inch, but I’ve changed my mind. You’re too fucking beautiful for me to be able to go slow the first time and I’ve been fantasizing about taking you in this dress all night. But I swear to you, sweetheart, this isn’t like those other assholes you’ve dated. You’re gonna come too. This’ll be pleasurable for you. This isn’t me rutting against you as if I’m a bull in heat. Do you trust me?”

That was easy. Hayden nodded. She totally trusted Boone.

He stepped out of the way of the mattress and gestured to it. “Face the bed.”

Hayden did as he asked without a word. She stepped around him and faced the monstrous mattress. She waited for his instructions.

Boone ran a hand down her back to her ass, then it wrapped around her waist and pulled her to him. He held her against him as his other hand roamed. First it went up to her chest and he squeezed and rubbed her left breast. He moved his hand to the V of the dress, and without warning, reached inside to her right breast and slid his fingers under her bra.

“God, your tits are amazing,” he breathed, his warm breath brushing over her neck sending shivers down her spine. She could feel herself get wet with excitement.

“They’re small.”

He didn’t argue with her. “Yeah, but they’re so responsive. That beats size in my book any day.” Boone’s words were said against her ear, tickling as his fingers plucked at her nipple.

“See? All it takes is one touch, one pinch from me, and your nipple is standing up, ready to be sucked…to be played with.” Boone tucked his chin into her shoulder and looked over it so he could see what he was doing. He flexed his wrist so it held the material of her dress out of the way. “Look, Hay. Watch.”

Hayden looked down and saw, as well as felt, his fingers plucking at her nipple. She groaned at the sight.

“Yeah, beautiful.” Boone pushed himself into her backside and Hayden felt his length against her. She pushed back, wrapped a hand around his hip, and smiled when he moaned in her ear.

His hand left her breast and Hayden barely suppressed a whimper. His hand on her stomach hadn’t moved, it stayed put, locking her to him. The other moved down to her hip and she felt him slowly gathering the material of her dress as he spoke.

“I’ve wondered all night what color panties you’re wearing. As I fantasized about fingering you right there in the theater seats, I thought about the next time I take you out. If I told you to leave off your panties…I could run my hand up your leg and you’d have no barrier to my touch. I’d bury my fingers inside you and watch you squirm.”

Hayden did just that in his arms. “Boone…”

“Yeah, and you’d say my name just like that as I rubbed your clit and spread your juices over your folds.”

Hayden could feel the coolness of the room against her legs, and knew Boone had gathered her skirt up until it no longer covered her. He shifted his other hand and took the material in it, leaving his left hand free. She saw him look down over her shoulder again.

“Black lace. Jesus, Hayden, you’re killing me. I’m imagining you wearing this pair of undies under your uniform. Straight-laced, hard-assed cop, wearing feminine fuck-me panties.”

He didn’t ask and didn’t hesitate. Boone’s fingers plunged under the front panel of her new expensive underwear and explored her soaked folds.

“Ummmm, wet. Wet for me.”

Hayden didn’t bother agreeing. They both knew it. Her other hand went behind her to clutch at Boone’s other hip and she dug her fingers into his skin as he played with her.

Boone ran his fingers through the wetness between her legs and up to her clit. He stroked it once and Hayden bucked hard in his arms. If a man could purr, Hayden would swear that was the sound that escaped his throat.

“In just a second I’m going to bend you over this bed, flip up your skirt and taste you.”

When Hayden made a sound of protest, Boone flicked his fingers over the small bundle of nerves again, holding her steady when he thrust his hips into her, hard.

“I know you said you didn’t enjoy it, but let me try. Please?”

“It’s gross, Boone.” Hayden didn’t like saying no to him, but she wanted him to understand.

Instead of answering her, Boone brought his hand out of her panties and up to his mouth. Hayden turned her head and watched as he put the fingers that had just been caressing her intimately, into his mouth. He licked up and down each one, making sure to get all of her juices that clung to his skin. Then without a word, he put his hand on the side of her head and brought her lips to his own.

Hayden could taste herself on his lips and tongue. It was tangy and musky, but not entirely unpleasant…at least not in tandem with Boone’s unique taste.

He lifted his head and looked her in the eyes, not moving his hand. “It’s not gross. It’s fucking awesome. Hayden, some men don’t enjoy it. I freely admit that, but I’m not one of those men. You taste divine. I’m dying to experience it all. Your smell, your taste, and to feel your tremors as you come apart under my mouth. I promise, if you hate it, if what I’m doing makes you too uncomfortable, I’ll stop.” He held her eyes, and whispered, “Okay?”

Hayden found herself nodding. God, when he looked at her that way and spoke to her in that low voice of his, she couldn’t say no.

Boone continued describing what he was going to do to her as if she hadn’t interrupted him with her uneasiness. His hand went back down the front of her body and under her waistband and again he slicked his fingers through her folds as he spoke.

“I’m going to lick and suck you until you explode. Then when you’re still shaking and coming, I’ll take you. Slow at first, letting you feel how well I fill you up. Then when you beg me to go faster, I’ll speed up. You’ll feel so full in this position and I’ll use my fingers to make sure you come again before I take my pleasure. Seeing your ass shake as I pound into you will make me shoot off quicker than I ever have before. You ready for that?”

Hayden could only nod. Her mouth was so dry she couldn’t have said a word if her life depended on it. She hadn’t ever done it doggy style, the position feeling too impersonal, but there was nothing impersonal about what Boone had just described. His hands were suddenly gone and she swayed.

He reached a hand out and moved the step stool she’d noticed earlier closer to where she was standing. “Step up here and bend over, hands on the mattress, Hay.”

She did as he asked, because if she didn’t, Hayden knew she’d fall over and embarrass herself. The reason for the stool was obvious; it raised her body to just the right height to be able to take him and allowed her to brace herself on the mattress at the same time.

She might’ve been offended, wondering just how many women he’d done this exact same thing with, but as if he could read her mind, Boone murmured as she got into place, “I wasn’t sure it’d work. Thank fuck it does. It’s perfect.”

She held her breath, waiting for Boone to start. When nothing happened, Hayden looked over her shoulder.

Boone stood tall and proud, as if he’d been waiting for her to look at him. He put his thumbs in the elastic at his waist and pushed. His boxer briefs slid down his legs and he stood there completely nude.

Hayden gulped.

Boone took a step to the side and came up behind her. Hayden shifted until she could see him.

“God, Boone. Are you sure that thing’ll fit?”

Boone threw back his head and laughed, squeezing her sides as he did. “It’ll fit, Hay. Promise. I’m a big man. I have big…equipment.”

“I’ll say,” Hayden breathed, looking forward to this, to him, in spite of her trepidation.

“Relax. You’re gonna be so wet by the time I get inside that you won’t care how big I am. I’ll slide right in as though I was born to be there.”

“Oh my God.” Hayden closed her eyes and rested her forehead on the mattress. She was so excited, she was almost embarrassed. She felt Boone grab the sides of her underwear and ease them over her hips. She shifted her legs together so they could slide all the way down, then kicked them off one foot, then the other.

Boone’s hands wrapped around her ankles and he slowly ran them up her calves, then her knees, then her thighs. He stopped once again at the elastic bands holding up her thigh-high hose. She felt him move closer and kiss the back of each thigh. He flipped up her skirt, and Hayden could feel it resting on the small of her back. She blushed, knowing she was fully exposed to him now.

“Freckles,” Boone breathed. “I wondered if you had them all over.”

“The bane of my childhood,” Hayden murmured, not raising her head.

“Fucking beautiful. Spread your legs a bit more.” Boone didn’t say anything else, but leaned in and nuzzled her inner thigh, encouraging her to widen her stance. When she did, his hands, which had been resting on her thighs, moved up. They squeezed her butt cheeks, and his thumbs spread her folds apart.

“Oh Jesus.”

Boone chuckled against her. “Nope, just me.” Without giving her any more time to stress about what he was doing, Boone licked from the top of her folds to his thumbs, holding her steady as she jumped. Then he did it again, then again.

He gripped her ass tighter, and spread her pussy lips apart even more with his thumbs and buried his tongue in her as far as he could get it.


He didn’t answer, but continued learning every inch of her flesh. Hayden could feel the wetness seep from her core. When she felt a drop of liquid slide out of her and start to drip down her inner thigh, Boone was there. He lapped it up with his tongue as if it were an errant drip of ice cream escaping from a cone.

As Hayden moaned and squirmed under his expert attention, he moved one finger up to her clit and another eased inside her wet body.

“Boone…oh my God. That feels so good.”

Boone nuzzled against the flesh of her ass as he kept up the motion of his fingers. “No,
feel so good, Hay. Exactly like I dreamed. Relax and come for me. I want to feel it.”

Hayden had never orgasmed with a man before. None of the other men she’d slept with had bothered trying to make her come with them, and she hadn’t cared. But now, losing control with Boone at the wheel seemed incredibly intimate. What if she sounded weird? What if she made sounds that turned him off? She tensed.

“Shhhhh, relax, sweetheart. Don’t tense up. Just let it happen. I’m right here, I’ve got you. I can’t wait to get in here. You’re so hot and wet, I know you’ll grab hold of my dick and squeeze until I can’t move. I’ll feel you trying to hold on to me as I pull out, then we’ll both sigh in relief as I get back in there. That’s it. Push against me. God, that’s sexy as all fuck.”

Hayden couldn’t think any more. He’d added another finger inside her and he was caressing the walls of her sex as he pushed them in and out. But it was his other hand that was making her move against him. He’d pulled back the hood of her clit and was rubbing directly on the small bundle of nerves. It was as if he’d read her mind and knew just what would throw her over the cliff.

She threw back her head and came up on her hands. She pushed back into him, fucking his fingers for several moments, not caring what she might look like anymore. She could feel the orgasm rising from her depths and froze in place, needing more, but not able to move a muscle. Luckily, Boone took care of her, thrusting into her and rubbing her clit hard at the same time. Hayden squeezed her eyes shut and saw stars behind her eyelids. “Boone! I’m…yes…God.”

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