Just That Easy (23 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Moore

BOOK: Just That Easy
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“There’s two more where that came from. I want you to know,
to feel the fear of waiting for it.”

She held her breath, felt her muscles tighten, and her legs
quivered. Instead of the sting of whatever he had whipped her with, she felt
his hands slide over the back of her thighs. Warm and gentle, the thick,
calloused palms moving slowly, tenderly. He stroked her skin from her knees all
the way up under the edge of her lace panties. She let the feel of his hands
loosen her muscles, knowing it was in preparation for the next lash. She was
learning how this worked. Fast.
Followed quickly by the last
whoosh and a hard sting on the opposite cheek of her ass, which she knew was
sporting two new angry red marks. The pain spiked through her, then the heat.
She’d never understood what pain added to pleasure. Until now. His tongue
returned to her raw skin, licking first the tender welts, then covering the
entire expanse of her bare red ass with his tongue.

“Is that enough?”

“No.” She couldn’t believe the word made it across her lips.

“I didn’t think so.”

Again, a twinge of pain as the leather strap snapped over
her bare skin. Again, the warmth of him licking away the pain.

“Next one, just hold for a minute. Wait for it.”

He snapped her again hard. The sting. No welcome warmth of
him soothing it. Then a blossom of heat, the chemistry in her own body rushing
to send her into a better place. She felt the sweet warmth of wet flowing from
her, felt the heavy drumming of her body throbbing in need. Now she knew the
depth of pleasure pain could take you to.

His hands smoothed her skin again. His tongue moved over the
small of her back, dragged across the lace then beyond.

Pushing the thin strip of lace aside, he slipped his tongue
sharply between her cheeks, roughly running it up the tender flesh of her anus.
The wet shock of electricity made her cry out a little whimper, raising her
hips uncontrollably off the bed. The flood of wetness between her legs was

“You like that?”


“Good girl, you’re learning.” He returned his tongue to her
tensed bottom, licking slowly this time, flicking the tip gently over the
tightly puckered rim. “Relax.”

She tried, but it was too hard, the sensation too good,
something she never thought she’d be thinking. He parted her cheeks with his
thumbs, opening wide his access to her, and flicked his tongue over her again.
The moan she tried to stifle in the mattress was deep and long.

“It’s okay, baby, you can make all the noise you want, just
don’t talk unless I tell you to.”

She felt his thumbs apply more pressure, spreading her
wider. His tongue pushed directly against the center of the tight ring, the
tense muscles sliding slightly apart to let his tongue push within her.

The feel of his tongue sliding into her tight ass rocketed
through her and she writhed against him. The cords tightened on her wrists, the
blackness that engulfed her wasn’t only from the blindfold. His fingers slid
slowly up the wet slit of her pussy to her clit, and rubbed it gently. It
didn’t take much pressure to have her panting and wriggling her ass back into

“You like it dirty, don’t you?”

“Yes. Yes.” She caught herself before she went on.

“That’s it, surrender. You’re mine dammit, all mine. You
know that, right?”

“Yes.” This was a submission game, but she knew he meant
every word. She had no choice but to tell him the truth.

“I know you are. Now you know it too.”

Her haze of pleasure lifted a little, the ache of having given
herself to him, knowing it would cause greater pain later flooded her. He moved
over her, and she became aware of the sound of his breathing. It was getting to
him too. Another flood of liquid heat within her slit.

Suddenly, violently, he shoved her hips down onto the bed,
and she was crushed under his weight. She squirmed, hard.

The rope had only given her a little pleasurable fear, like
the anticipation of the first hill on a rollercoaster. The sensations after,
being whipped, him tonguing her ass, had been so intensely raw that the pain
and ecstasy were locked together. But this, being unable to move under him, she
couldn’t deal with it. She squirmed harder, a little cry coming from her.

“You don’t like to be overpowered?”

“No, let me go, please!”

“No.” He pinned her arms tighter against her. She could feel
the bare skin of his chest, warm and hard as iron against her. “Can you

“No! Let me go!”

“You can talk, so you can breathe. Shut the fuck up. I told
you not to talk unless I said so.” His hand smacked her hard on the ass this
time, and then his weight was back on her, his big arms crushing hers to her
back, her shoulders straining. She wriggled again, couldn’t help it, being
unable to move was quickly making her begin to panic. If he didn’t let her go
soon, she was going to scream. They hadn’t discussed what the limits were, how
he would know when it was too far. He’d know, wouldn’t he?

“Shh. Stop moving or I’ll hold you tighter. You know I’ll do
it, Teryn, don’t test me.”

She whimpered, close to tears. As powerful as he was, she
knew there was no way she could fight her way out of his hold. He locked her
legs under one of his big thighs. She realized her mind kept moving to mundane
things, like that he still had his Levi’s on. She couldn’t move anything except
her head, which she turned away from him. Even with her eyes covered she didn’t
want to face him, feel him breathing against her cheek. Her own breathing was
ragged, almost sobbing.

“I didn’t tell you to move,” he said as he wrapped one hand
in her hair, pulling it hard. That small move felt more cruel than any of his
spanking. He rolled slightly to the side, keeping his weight against her arms,
his foot forcing her thighs apart, then his thigh was back on hers, keeping
them spread open to him. She heard a wet sound, felt something light tossed
onto the bed, then a shock of cold and wet as a handful of what must be
lubricant slid between her ass cheeks, followed by one of his thick fingers.

“I told you I was going to do what I want, when I want, and
how I want, and you can’t do anything about it, can you?”

She shook her head slightly.

“Say it dammit, tell me you’re not the one in control.”

“No. I can’t do anything.”

The feel of his finger pressing into her ass almost
obliterated the fact that she was pinned motionless beneath him and ready to
completely slip into total terror. He pushed deeper, her hips strained against
his hand.

“That’s it, just let it happen. Learn to trust me, Teryn.
Give in and stop fighting me.”

His finger moved deeper, stroking the inner wall of muscle
in some spot she hadn’t believed existed that sent her into a frenzy of rocking
whimpers. Except she still couldn’t move. The panic of claustrophobia was
battling the raw impulses he was sending through her whole body with just one
finger. She let herself sink farther into the pleasure, pushing the fear from
her mind. He wasn’t hurting her, he wasn’t going to. This was about pushing
her, not killing her. She felt her muscles relax, except the ones straining to
push against his hand, the one that was driving her insane without much effort
at all.

Once she stopped fighting against his tight hold on her, she
realized that it wasn’t much different than when he held her close, this was
just slightly more intense. If she changed how she looked at it, it drove off
the idea that she was trapped, that she needed to fight. That, and that finger
was just pulling sensations out of her she didn’t think were possible. Of all
places. He pushed deeper. She arched her hips as much as she was able, wanting
more of it. The fear was gone, pleasure had conquered.

“Good, baby, that’s good. You did it.” He growled low in her
ear, and she could hear the voice that she was so used to. Not the hard,
controlling voice he’d been using all night, the husky, sex-driven voice that
meant he needed her, and soon. He loosened his hand from her hair and slid it
beneath her, cupping her breast in his warm palm. Hard fingers pulled the front
of the bra down over it and he pinched her bared nipple.

“Do you need me?”


“Do you trust me?”


“What if I told you I’m going to take my finger out of your
ass and I’m going to fuck you there. Hard. I’m going to bury my cock in your
ass, Teryn. Would you trust me, would you let me?”

She hesitated, afraid of the pain, even while a fresh burst
of desire crashed through her. He wasn’t exactly small on the endowment scale,
his cock was manageable, but only for places that were built for it, or used to
it. There was no way he could do that to her without really hurting her, even
if the wicked thought of him ramming deep into her ass made her want to try.
The fingers working her nipples pressed harder, pinching her gently.

He shifted, his hand moved away from that deep, tender spot
for a moment, and she heard the zipper of his jeans. A small bolt of terror ran
through her. His fingers returned, then softness, an incredible feeling of
electric velvet sliding between the sensitive cheeks of her ass, nudging at the
ring of muscle. Oh god he was pressing the tip of his cock into her, sliding it
back and forth gently. In one swift move, he shifted his hand forward around
her waist, and brought two thick fingers into her, instantly coated in her
wetness. She felt herself clench against him, and his thumb rested heavily against
the tight little bud of her clit. The move sent her rocketing into some dizzy
place that all but destroyed her sanity. The fingers buried in her pushed
deeper, his thumb moved in tantalizingly slow circles, his thick erection
pressed gently at her, and his other finger still stroked the tight nipples of
both breasts alternately. God how could one man ignite every single sensation
in her body at once? He pressed himself a little deeper, she swore the wet tip
of him was going to slip inside, just as his thumb did a slight flick against
her. She jumped, pushing herself farther back against him, crying out. The
shock of her sudden crashing orgasm ripped through her entire body and she
released more than just the sweet explosion of tension he’d built. She gave him
what he wanted. As the cries and whimpers of her release swept through her, so
did her submission.

“Yes! Yes, do whatever you want to me. I trust you. God
Grant I’ll give you anything you want.”

She expected him to say something, to tell her what he was
going to do next, but instead his weight lifted completely off her. It occurred
to her he hadn’t commanded, he’d just asked her for permission. And she’d given
it, willingly. Going back to her other senses, she tried to guess where he was,
what he was doing. She heard muffled movements. He was taking his jeans off.
Fear gripped her again. Mixed with agonizing desire, desire to have him possess
her in a way no man ever had, a way she thought no one ever would.

He slid in on top of her again, this time not crushing her
with his weight, and she felt the cord on her wrist fall away, he merely
touched it and it released. Figures. Man knew his damn knots. Completely naked
against her now, his skin was warm. It felt soft, as if all the hardness of
just a minute before was gone. He rubbed her wrists to bring the circulation
back, then slid his hands to her shoulders and rubbed them. She hadn’t realized
how tense they were, how much the strain had pulled at her. She relaxed into
his hands, not sure if they were past the point where he expected her
submission, but she didn’t want to do anything yet but lie here and let him
touch her.

“I’m leaving the blindfold. You learned fast, Teryn, you
haven’t moved or said a word yet. I’m not done, you know.”


“That’s my girl. Relax. Just feel me against you.”

How could she not, his monster of a stiff, hard cock was
pushing into the back of her thigh, reminding her of what he’d just told her he
was going to do to her.

“You’re trembling. Are you scared?”


“Don’t be, Teryn. I’m not going to do it. I couldn’t hurt
you like that.” He pulled her onto her back and his lips crushed hers, the need
in him was back, replacing the unflinching control he’d shown her for the last
hour. His tongue was probing, pushing and pulling hers along with it. He rolled
onto her, straddling her, his big thighs pinning her hips to the bed, but this
time she didn’t want him to move. His huge erection rested heavily against her
lower belly, the rough hair at the base tickling her. It was so much sweeter
feeling it, seeing it in her mind.

Starting at her bottom lip, he bit his way gently down over
her chin with his teeth, then licked over her throat, stopping at the hollow
where her pulse beat to suck gently on her skin. He raked his teeth lightly
over her shoulder and started downward. He pulled the lace of the bra down,
leaving both of her breasts exposed. He blew a warm breath over each of them.
Avoiding her aching nipples, he licked little circles all the way to her
bellybutton. His hands slid onto her hips, and then he just stopped.

She lay still, listening to him breathe, her nipples aching
for him to reach for them, her clit throbbing beneath his heavy torso, wishing
he would just do something, touch her, somewhere, anywhere.

He slid slowly back over her legs, his smooth, hard ass
coming to rest just above her knees, his throbbing dick settling down into the
space between them. She felt a warm and wet sensation on her belly, running
from her bellybutton to the top of her hair line, his tongue sliding beneath
the top of her lacy shorts. Then cool, as he blew air over the wet trail he’d
just made down her skin.

He moved, placing his knees between hers, sliding her thighs
apart to make room for him. The sheer width of his thick thighs between hers
spread her wide. She didn’t have to see his face to know he was looking at her
wide-open pink slit beneath those silky black panties, glistening wet,
throbbing to feel his touch. The image of what he was looking at in her head
made her wriggle a little, opening her hips wider. The smooth feel of the
sheets against her still raw ass cheeks made her remember the feel of his thick
finger pressed deep into her there, and she wriggled more.

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